Bob Somrak
Bob Somrak
‎Apr 13, 2015
12:46 PM
This TEST would be a lot more plausible if you zoomed each photo to the SAME amount, preferably the top clips should be zoomed at 100% and the bottom at actual size showing the same area at the same pixel dimensions..
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‎Mar 08, 2015
02:37 PM
Which version of Lightroom are you using (2014 as you listed is NOT a version). There were LOTS of bugs in the crop tool in early versions of Lightroom 5 and this one sounds familiar. The latest version is 5.7.1. If you have the latest version than there are other things to try but there is no sense trying to debug an old version.
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‎Feb 25, 2015
06:50 AM
bitm07 wrote:
No public Beta bothers me as well, but it wouldn't surprise me.
The public beta didn't help much in Lr5. The last beta was pretty good but than Lr 5.0 thru a couple more updates had some severe bugs that were not in the beta. A beta would still be a good idea but the decision is probably with the bean counters at Adobe.
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‎Feb 25, 2015
06:45 AM
Lightroom 5.2 was the first dot release of Lightroom 5 as there was no 5.1 so it follows Goeff's premise of first dot release enhancements. The Lr Mobile support added in 5.4 and 5.5 is not useful except to Creative Cloud customers. The Apple Import in 5.7 is a plugin. I didn't know about the web support but it is probably Creative Cloud only too.
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‎Feb 16, 2015
08:46 AM
Thanks for the info.On my MAC it is ALWAYS a hand and not an arrow when I select the word "Filter". Glad you got it working anyway. BTW, great photos on your web site.
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‎Feb 16, 2015
08:30 AM
Thanks John, I do recall this working at one time on my MAC but it isn't now. I upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.2 (I was on Mountain Lion) so maybe it broke it as OS X upgrades seem to be breaking a lot of things lately. I'll "fiddle" with it a bit to see if I can make it work but I can't imagine why I would want to hide some of the filters
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‎Feb 16, 2015
08:02 AM
Can you drag the word filter with the hand as John suggests, It does't work like this on my MAC.
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‎Feb 16, 2015
08:00 AM
John I was wondering why the cursor changes to a HAND on the word filter but on OS X I can't drag it left and right using a click or right click. As soon as I click it just opens and closes. All the rest of the behavior is as you describe. It appears the OP is on Windows so maybe this works on windows and not on MAC. Are you on windows also?
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‎Feb 15, 2015
01:37 PM
Can you see the Color Labels in the upper filter bar as Shooitstbond007 shows in the screen clip? Not sure if the two are connected though I can get portions of the lower filter bar to hide but they ALL show back up when hitting the FILTER label. You can alway try deleting the Preferences file trick. I am amazed at what this one file will affect in lightroom and how it can get messed up and then mess up lightroom. Replacing the Lightroom Preference File | Lightroomers! https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom/kb/preference-file-locations-lightroom-41.html
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‎Feb 15, 2015
11:22 AM
Not sure which color labels you are talking about so here are two clips. Check if they are turned on with the filmstrip dropdown at the right end. If thats not what you want than click the word "Filter" and the filter bar will expand and contract.
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‎Feb 13, 2015
10:24 AM
1 Upvote
Probably because they want you to buy the rental version. I can't see any other logical conclusion. I don't question Adobe marketing. A quick google search of "buy lightroom 5" brings up all kind of vendors so buyers, even new users, shouldn't have a hard time finding it. Its even available off the shelf at the local Best Buy and Office Depot so it is not that hard to find.
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‎Feb 13, 2015
10:08 AM
Its just as easy to buy it from Amazon, B&H or a local vendor if you need it right away. I don't understand why people think they have to buy the standalone from Adobe.
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‎Feb 04, 2015
09:37 AM
1 Upvote
josephp87120098 wrote:
Is there any chance of adding a tool/paint brush that you could eliminate or enhance colors. A really good example of this would be nice to have a paintbrush that I could use on a face to be able to adjust the redness is someone face without effecting the reds in the rest of the image.
Sent from my iPhone
+1 on this. I think having the HSL panel sliders included in the Local Adjustment tools would a great addition. I could see this as a must upgrade feature for Lr6 although I will upgrade anyway no matter what they include or not.
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‎Feb 04, 2015
09:32 AM
getho wrote:
tool presets as in presets that not only specify the develop preset but which tool they apply to. I imagine a llittle pallette where you can drop a brush of a certain size that's set to a specific preset and set to auto mask.
You can do individual tool brush presets now although the size, flow and mask are not stored. I could see where if you had a toggle when saving the tool you could specify if you want the size, flow and mask settings also stored. These are easy to change and can be changed during use of the brush so I am not sure how handy this would be. As far as your adjusting the amount of ALL the sliders at once I gave you a workaround using the graduated filter and amount slider in my post #376. You could probably use a couple of the graduated filters in this way and do blending. I know its not blending layers in Photoshop but Lightroom was never intended to be Photoshop and I hope they keep Lightroom a lean and mean raw editor and leave this kind of stuff to Photoshop.
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‎Feb 03, 2015
07:55 PM
Thanks, I see what getho is talking about now. One problem is how do you account for applying a little bit less of split toning, graduated filters, post crop vignette, and all the lens corrections that may be included in the develop preset. for getho's case you could just apply a graduated filter over the WHOLE photo with the lines outside the photo so the graduated filter affects the whole photo and then use the "amount" slider for the graduated filter to do the "fade" effect you want. You could even create a preset with this graduated filter.
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‎Feb 03, 2015
07:12 PM
getho wrote:
1.5a) I'd like to be able to have tool presets - because I often want the same brush with each pick and the same grad but necessarily the same preset for brush AND grad
2)The fun one: I'd like to be able to apply 2 develop presets to an image. How many times have you applied a develop preset and thought - thats good but a theres just a bit too much of it. Easy to fix in photoshop - you just adjust the opacity of an effect (adjustment layer or group). It should be possible to do the same in LR without creating pixel outputs and adding over the top.
For 1.5a there are already tool presets. For 2 Create a virtual copy or two and apply different develop presets to them. You do know that if you hover over a develop preset the little navigator thumbnail changes to the preset so you can see what it will look like.
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‎Jan 31, 2015
03:09 PM
Adobe is already aware as of a Nov 10 from Post #6 in this thread from Julie Kmoch of ADOBE. I'm sure this is a hot item for the engineers. As was said in post #44, why does Camera Raw sliders work well but Lightroom Develop doesn't. Lightroom is probably doing more in the background but the basic RAW engine should be the same or similar.
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‎Jan 25, 2015
04:40 PM
Why should Lightroom that is still available emulate the design of a discontinued program.
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‎Nov 09, 2014
01:57 PM
Just for a test make the Lightroom window 1/4th of the size of your screen which will be about 2560X1440 pixels which is the display of the non-retina Imac. Lightroom will then have to calculate a lot less pixels. If it speeds up then it is a problem the high pixel count of the full screen. Hopefully Adobe is addressing performance when using high pixel screens for Lightroom 6.
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‎Nov 03, 2014
08:46 PM
1 Upvote
I see that. thanks. I like your idea of copy/paste from a web site.
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‎Nov 03, 2014
08:18 PM
On my windows laptop I had to hold the FN an ALT key and 0169 on the embeded numbers in the letter keys. Hope you get this solved.
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‎Nov 03, 2014
08:00 PM
1 Upvote
Doesn't your laptop have an embedded numric keypad like this. Mine does Alt Code symbols on Laptop keyboard - fsymbols
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‎Nov 03, 2014
05:39 PM
I just copied the instructions off a web search. Option+G works on my Mac.
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‎Nov 03, 2014
04:27 PM
‎Nov 02, 2014
01:52 PM
I would like to see a way to remove some of the DEFAULT develop presets and the containing folders. Most of them are probably worthless for most people. I know this has be requested in the Feedback forums and Adobes OFFICIAL reply is essentially "thats the way it is"
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‎Apr 17, 2014
01:56 PM
The video you linked correctly shows Lightroom doing keywords on multiple photos in Loupe view because he has "Auto Sync" turned on in the Lower Righthand Corner. Lightroom 5 works the same way as I just tried it.
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‎Apr 10, 2014
11:11 AM
The disadvantage to Photogene and Snapseed is that your edits will not sync up to the RAW files in Lightroom. That is the whole point of Lightroom Mobile. Its a Version 1.0 app so we will have to see what progress will be made. For me, if I want to edit on a small device in the field I will just get a Microsoft Surface Pro/clone or Macbook Air and put the full version of Lightroom on it. On my Ipad, the colors are a lot COOLER on the Ipad than the calibrated Imac. More info on Ipad colors here. http://regex.info/blog/2012-03-27/1964
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‎Apr 10, 2014
10:49 AM
I agree Photosmith is a slick app. The busy work of keywording, flagging, rating, etc can be done easily. You can also download RAWs directly from the camera in the field which gives you an automatic backup. When you get back to your PC you can just sync on fast local wireless. For now I can't see the advantage of editing on a non color calibrated device where all your colors are going to need to be redone in Lightroom. Final sharpening and noise reduction using the Smart Previews are not even recommended by Adobe, even in Lightroom, as stated here. http://blogs.adobe.com/jkost/2013/04/editing-off-line-files-in-the-lightroom-5-beta-using-smart-previews.html
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‎Mar 30, 2014
12:48 PM
This is off topic from the problem but I wonder why you don't have any colors in your sliders considering you are using Lr5.3. Your screen shot should look like DJ_Paige's screen shot. Is the Overlay showing as RED?
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‎Mar 30, 2014
12:29 PM
You STILL haven't said if you can see the adjustment brush OVERLAY by hitting O key while you are using the brush. Also, what is the EXACT Lightroom version and OS version you are using..
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