Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 20, 2025
07:45 PM
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‎Feb 20, 2025
06:32 AM
No, I didn't see that, and I really appreciate the tip. Thank you. But I still think it was faster before. Getting to something in the Essential Graphics in a millisecond is faster than clicking around to uncollapse panels. It's a small amount of time, but still an inconvenience. I will learn in the future how much time it will take me to uncollapse panels on all my future projects over the coming decades. I say it again. Adobe, please allow people to bring back the Essential Graphics Panel in their preferences. Or ask users about what they think. Because the comments I have seen online are not happy. I'm sure that Adobe could get rid of the Timeline too. Even if with one or two clicks you could get most of the features back... why? PS Adobe please don't get rid of the Timeline. : )
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:35 AM
1 Upvote
I agree with this. In the Essential Graphics Panel the alignment controls were at the top where you could reach them in an instant. In the Properties Panel all your users must scroll down. It's not just for text--it's for all objects and graphics too. This will add millions of hours to the Premiere community's workflow over time. Every single editing project done in Premiere from now on will take at least a few minutes longer. It would seem like an easy change that would please everybody. If that is impossible. please consider letting people choose in Preferences to bring back the Essential Graphics Panel.
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‎Jan 27, 2025
08:02 AM
Hi, Please consider bringing back the Essential Graphics Panel. You could make it an option in Preferences, and those who want it could have it back. The Properties Panel creates extra work for me and takes time in my workflow. If you look online, in YouTube comments and other places, you'll see that many other people feel the same way. It seems like the program is suddenly worse for no apparent reason. As The Properties Panel doesn't have all the needed features of Essential Graphics, you need to click on something and move to another panel. Two extra steps. And when you get to the other panel it’s different, and in my opinion, worse. For example, you have moved the alignment controls from the top to the bottom. As I use those two numbers constantly in my edits, I now have to scroll down every time. There are other things. Once I finish my current edit, I will go back to 2024. I hope it won’t have to be forever. That seems unfair to me because I appreciate all the new features you provide with updates—not to mention I'm paying for them through my Creative Cloud membership. Worse, maybe you’ll stop supporting 2024 someday. I do love Premiere Pro, and I have liked every improvement you have made. But please allow people with workflows like mine to choose what works best for them. This is a big deal for me, and that’s why I’m going back to 2024. Thank you for your consideration.
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