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‎May 05, 2021
03:32 PM
Has anyone else noticed that the newest version of PS is quite slow? I'm running mac os 10.15.7 on a 2019 mac pro with 192G ram and a 12 core processor. PS is just slow - zooming, using the levels or curves tool, switching between layer comps, etc. It takes PS two seconds to change the image after a curves adjustment, for instance I've called tech support a few times. They've suggested trashing the prefs, fiddling with the ram allocation (I raised it from 70 to 85%). These work for a few minutes, then PS is back to being slow again. And I mean slower than on my 2013 mac pro with 64g of ram.
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‎Mar 29, 2021
07:47 AM
I'm running PS 22 on Mac OS 15.7 and a Magic Mouse. The normal behavior of the mouse is to scroll with touch, like a trackpad on a laptop. I frequently accidently brush the top of the mouse with my hand, which results in the image being moved off the screen and is quite annoying. Is there a way to turn this behavior off ONLY in PS? Scrolling is useful in other apps, so I dont' want to disable completely. I can still scroll/pan with the hand tool if I need to. Thanks!
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‎Nov 18, 2020
06:31 AM
Hey, JSM - I'm using Macs, one running High Sierra with LR Classic 9.2.1 the other is running Catalina with LRC 10.0. Behavior for both systems is the same, and the same as you describe - in the center of the screen at the bottom. And as you describe, the alert only lasts for a second or so. I'd like to turn it off completely, though . Thanks for the reply
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‎Nov 10, 2020
06:02 AM
I don't know the term for it, but when I'm in loupe view and rate a photo using the number keys, a badge or alert shows up in the middle of the image. It's very distracting. Is there a way to turn off this behavior? I don't think there is, so this might be a feature request. Seems pretty simple to implement.
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‎Feb 11, 2020
05:56 AM
This is definitely a step in the right direction, but I see some problems. Primarily, files must be saved with "Maximize Compatibility" checked. I guess this creates a layer that LR can read and use as the thumbnail and as something to edit in the Develop module. HOWEVER, this adds quite a bit to the file size. I the case of my 100MP captures, it's 2GB per file. I currently have around 200 psb files. In order to use this feature, I have to add about 400G to my storage capacity. Not a huge amount, but significant. Worse, I have to go back and resave every file with max comp. I'd much prefer if there was a way to read existing files - wihout being able to develop them
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‎Dec 16, 2019
11:03 AM
Andrew! you're still around!! I'm glad - I read a lot of your stuff, like, a decade ago
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‎Dec 14, 2019
04:27 AM
Correct. LR does not read large document files. It should, though
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‎Dec 11, 2019
01:51 PM
Correction - this behavior also happens on my laptop (mac pro 15" 2017) in photoshop 20.0.5. Option clicking on a palette on the non-image display (on my laptop I use the 'main' display for palettes, on my desktop I use the 'main' display for images) causes a shift in full screen mode. Option-clicking on palattes in the 'main' display does not cause this behavior
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‎Dec 11, 2019
10:57 AM
Thanks, JJ. I wasn't refering to photoshop 'actions', ie prerecorded sets of commands. I was using the more general UX/UI term 'user action' - simply somethig a user does. In my case, it's just option-clicking on a palette that changes the view mode. This is very clearly a bug in Photoshop
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‎Dec 11, 2019
07:45 AM
When I'm in full screen mode (by pressing f twice so there is no menu bar), certain actions move PS out of full screen to full screen with menu bar. Pressing f three times moves it back to full screen. This happens when option-clicking on palettes on a secondary display. I noticed it when making clipping paths on adjustment layers, but option-clicking on any palette causes the behavior to occur. Command or control clicking has no effect. Not fatal, but quite annoying Also, only seems to happen with certain image files New issue with v.21 (didn't happen in earlier versions) Mac Pro 2013 running high sierra.
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‎Dec 10, 2019
12:17 PM
Higher resolution cameras are becoming more common. I layer my photographs from medium format cameras, resulting in files 4-17G. Lightroom's lack of support for large document format files means that I have to create complicated workarounds. Adding the ability to catalog the files would make my life much easier. Thanks!
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‎Oct 15, 2019
06:53 AM
I create a 'reference' jpeg and save in the same folder as the PSB. I then import the jpeg into LR. It's a bit clunky, but it works
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‎Oct 14, 2018
06:57 AM
I recently moved some files into new folders in the Finder - I'm changing my folder structure a bit, so I moved files from one large folder into a series of sub-folders. In the past, I would: 1. Select "Find Missing Photos" 2. Click on and find the first missing photo, then LR would find all the missing photos that were in the new location 3. Repeat for each file - as I would find one file in one folder, LR would find the remaining photos so I would only have to do this once for each new folder Now, sometimes it works, but I now have about a hundred missing photos, and when I find one, LR only sometimes finds the other missing files in that folder - sometimes all, but sometimes only one or two. I have clicked 'options' in hte find photos dialog, and the 'find missing photos' is checked. Any way to fix this? Thanks
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‎May 22, 2018
05:35 AM
I am running CC Classic 7.3.1. on a Mac Pro running OS 10.12.6 and have the same problem. When I try to create smart folders, the Collection Contains selector does not work as it shoud. When I put in a word, for instance 'Composites', that occurs in many collections, the smart folder selects some, but not nearly all, the photographs in those collections
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‎Apr 27, 2018
05:16 AM
Thanks, CP and DF. I think you are correct I did some looking, and here's what I found: I don't have access to cc 17 at the moment, so can't tell if this is something that existed before, but perhaps it did, and my adjustment layers weren't making such extreme adjustments and it was not noticable. It is certainly more noticeable when I create a gradient in layer masks gradients in pixel layers - I didn't know that masks were only 8 bit, so this makes sense. When I said other than 100% I was primarily talking about less than that. I work with large images, so to see them on the screen, they are often at less than 33%. I don't think it's a monitor issue - I have an NEC 90 series monitor that is said to be 12 bit, and I've calibrated it using spectraview hardware, and PS does support my GPU PS, I'd like to mark the answers above as correct, but the forum won't allow me
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