‎Feb 07, 2025
01:11 AM
Having the same problem and have rolled back to v26.0. My specific problem was, a layer with an image, above that a color fill layer, and above that another color fill layer. Both color fill layers set to "color", and both clipped to the image layer. I wanted to apply a gradient to the mask in the uppermost (orange) color fill layer. Version 26.0 allows me to do that, but version 26.1 and 26.2 come back with "can't complete because of a program error". However, 26.2 does allow me to apply a gradient to the mask in the lower (blue) color fill layer. Seems like the problem is something to do with more than one layer stacked on top of another.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
08:43 AM
Apologies, I'm not familiar with the forum. I took me a while to even find out how to post. I'll be more careful next time. Thanks.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
08:32 AM
I created some PSD images with gradient layers in Photoshop V26.0. When I opened these images in V26.1 in order to copy the gradient layers to a new image I noticed that the gradient anchors are not visible if the gradient layer has a clipping mask applied to it. This means that I can't edit the gradient unless I first release the clipping mask. This is also one of the reasons I stopped using Photoshop Beta. I have revereted to V26.0 until this problem has been fixed Richard.
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‎Apr 26, 2023
07:03 AM
I installed Photoshop Beta 24.5 on my Mac and migrated all of my presets, or so I thought. I have a number of custom Crop Presets which I can't seem to get into Beta from my previous version. Anyone else have this problem and managed to solve it? Many thanks.
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‎Dec 20, 2021
12:11 AM
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but I made the problem stop by quitting out of other programs while using Photoshop. Any browser (Safari, Chrome), any messaging service (Telegram), any musuc streaming. All switched off. They all use processing power, especially if you have anything running that is trying to show you adverts with video. Sometimes I'll also quit Lightroom, and even Mail. I'm able to work on files with many layers. Saving sometimes takes a while, but photoshop doesn't crash.
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‎Sep 01, 2021
03:50 AM
Thanks Ged, I'll take a look at that
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‎Sep 01, 2021
03:29 AM
Apoligies if this was osted in the wrong group originally. Anyone have a clue about whether my older versions of PS will be wiped if I try to revert to 22.4.3?
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‎Aug 30, 2021
09:08 AM
Hi, Like many others I've found that PS 22.5 in incredibly slow. Unworkable in fact. I want to revert to 22.4.3, but I also want to know whether I can do this without the process automatically removing the 2020 and 2019 versions that I still have on my iMac. Thanks in advance. Richard.
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‎Aug 23, 2020
07:49 AM
Hi there, i had the same problem, plus my "Preferences" was greyed out. I got on a web chat with Adobe, and it was only then that I realised that I hadn't updated the Creative Cloud App. It was asking for an update, but I had been ignoring it. The reason for this was that I've got older versions of Photoshop and Bridge installed because the latest versions were too buggy. When I saw "Update available" I thought it was going to update Photoshop and Bridge. Anyway, after updating the Creative Cloud App everything is back to normal. I can see my apps, the updates that are available, and the "Preferences" is not greyed out. Just for information, the latest version of the Creative Cloud App is Good luck and stay safe!
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‎Jul 07, 2020
02:06 AM
This worked for me, after a day of frustration. Maybe I missed something, but I think Adobe could have made it a little clearer how to delete files and get some storage back. Of course if I was synical I would say that they're hoping you would get so frustrated that you just buy extra storage... Maybe there's a youtube video of how to do it. I should have looked there first.
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‎Mar 12, 2020
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone, I've just come back to this thread after a month or so. Seems like all sorts of people are experiencing the problem. Those using Mac and Windows. Macu users who are running Catalina, and those running other OS. Those saving to internal drives, and those saving to external drives. So what is the common denominator in everyones problems?... Anyway, something that may help. I've already mentioned this, but here it is again. When you save your file take note of the blue progress bar at the bottom of the window. When it gets stuck at 99%, click on the little cross just to the right. For me, this closes the image and everything is saved OK. Please let everyone know if it works for you as well!
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‎Mar 02, 2020
10:46 AM
But the thing is, I’m not using Catalina. I’m still using Mojave. Sent from my iPhone
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‎Feb 08, 2020
04:47 AM
1 Upvote
And I don't want to keep repeating myself over and over. For me it's NOT CATALINA! I have deliberately not updated to Catalina because I wanted to wait until Adobe was working OK with it. Photoshop 2020 seemed to be working fine with Mojave until the last update, and then the problems started. For ten years I have been saving to external drives with no problems. Once again, I'm not using Catalina, so how can that be the problem? I think you are willfully misunderstanding because you think you know the answer. And by the way, what is an "Adobe Community Professional"? Do you work for Adobe, or is that some sort of rank you've been given for the number of times you post on here? No offence intended, just curious.
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‎Feb 08, 2020
04:32 AM
If actually read the whole conversation, all of the posts and comments you will see that it is NOT Catalina specific.
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‎Feb 07, 2020
09:07 AM
I want to repeat, that it's NOT CATALINA. I'm using Mojave. I've been using Photoshop for around 10 years now, and always saved to an external hard drive. This problem has only occured during the last week or so for me. What I have done is go back to version 20.0.8 and the problem is not recurring. Before I did that, and still on 2020, I would go Close Image, and get the "Do you want to Save before closing" Click yes then watch the blue progress bar at the bottom left of the image as it was saving, when it got stuck at 99% there was a little x at the right of the bar. If I clicked on that, which was presumably a "Cancel" button, the file would close, but was also saved OK.
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‎Feb 07, 2020
06:09 AM
No, it isn't Catalina specific. I'm still on Mojave and am having the same problem.
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‎Aug 08, 2019
02:04 PM
Yes, I used it today where I would normally use Mac Finder. Bridge can actually find files across all of my folders and a number of external drives more quickly than Mac Finder. I’m a convert now. It’s making my job a lot easier.
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‎Aug 08, 2019
05:11 AM
Like PECourtjoie says, the solution is to use Bridge instead of Finder. It's almost the same functionality, but you can see all thumbnail types, with the added bonus of seeing all information attached teach image.
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‎Aug 07, 2019
03:23 AM
Hi there, I think you're right. Although Bridge is something I've never used much before I'm going to add it to my workflow, as it gets around this problem. Thanks!
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‎Aug 06, 2019
01:17 AM
I've just had a live chat conversation with Adobe support. The Agent had a somewhat tetchy attitude, and there was a flat denial that this is an Adobe "issue".
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‎Aug 04, 2019
01:15 AM
I got the PSB Plugin. It seemed to work fine at first, but now is a bit random. One strange thing I've noticed is this. I use folders and subfolders. If I have a PSD file in a subfolder it sometimes appears with no thumbnail. If i drag it to the main folder it will appear with a preview thumbnail. Drag it back the the subfolder, and the preview disappears again. Weird. Any ideas what might be going on?
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‎Jan 04, 2018
09:34 AM
Thanks for that. It's never happened before, in the last nine years, but there's a first time for everything.
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‎Jan 04, 2018
09:10 AM
No that wouldn't work. In the end I found that the .lrcat file must have been corrupted somehow. I exported some Collections that I had been working on from the latest catalog, then restarted Lightroom with the previous caked up catalog. After that I imported the collections, "Import from other catalog" and they appeared. Just some of the bits and pieces I've been working on are missing, so I'm trying to sort that out now. Just shows the importance of backing up your catalog regularly.
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‎Jan 04, 2018
07:19 AM
Hi all, I have a strange problem. On of my hard drives is showing up with folders greyed out. If I right click on any of the folders I get the following message Database "/Volumes/My Book Thunderbolt Duo Raid 1/Lightroom/2016-07-1 1603/Lightroom Catalog-2.lrcat": UNIQUE constraint failed: AgLibraryFolder.rootFolder, AgLibraryFolder.pathFromRoot Statement: UPDATE AgLibraryFolder SET rootFolder = ?,pathFromRoot = ? WHERE id_local = ?; (error code 19) The puzzling thing is that all of the photos show if I look in "all photographs" at the top of the sidebar. I can also see all of the photos that I've put into collections. The drive itself is working fine, and I have another 3 drives which are still behaving themselves with Lightroom. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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‎Apr 08, 2015
06:01 AM
Herbert , above a size of 88 x 88px the Yosemite Finder is reverting back to a normal TIFF icon, then begins to regenerate thumbnails at its leisure. In other words very slowly. Too slowly for me as I am using this function all the time for my work.
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‎Apr 05, 2015
02:57 AM
John, thanks for the info. My tiff files are usually 56Mb at the smallest. Changing the size of the thumbnail in the finder does force it to display them. The most irksome change in Photoshop CC is that in all previous versions including CS6 tiffs exported from Lightroom had a thumbnail with a white border. After editing and saving tin Photoshop the white border disappeared and the thumbnail became slightly greeted out. This was very useful as you could see which images in a folder had been worked on. I've seen this mentioned by other people. As it stands I'm getting the thumbnails, and they show the changes after they've been edited. The trouble is that the thumbnails are so small I just can't tell without opening each one if changes have been made, as these are sometimes just removing dust spots etc.
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‎Apr 03, 2015
05:13 AM
I spoke to an Apple representative on the phone helpline about tiff thumbnails not showing up or showing up very slowly. We went through resetting the PRAM, removing the finder plist files etc. Nothing worked. Then he went away to investigate. Came back and said, lets try in safe mode, as this will disable third party software. In safe mode I looked at the tiffs created with Photoshop CC and the behaviour was still the same. Tiffs created with Photoshop CS6 showed up perfectly. After some discussion with someone else at this end and more investigation he said that it was a known problem that was with the Adobe software, and was being worked on from both ends. I had previously web chatted to an Adobe representative who said, Jayita Sen: It is a known issue Jayita Sen: The issue is not from our end Jayita Sen: It is an issue of the Finder in mac Jayita Sen: We are working with apple closely to fix it So each side is sort of laying the blame on the other, but both are working to fix it. Apparently..
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‎May 16, 2013
08:04 AM
That's a good idea. I'm using a mac and haven't had a problem since reverting to 13.0.1, but I'd be willing to send a description of the problem when it did happen to me. You're saying an Executive Email Carpet Bomb? How about posting the email addresses of the executive we should be getting in touch with? I haven't a clue where to start looking for these people, and I'm sure there are plenty of others like me. If the contacts were posted there would be more chance of a lot more people complaining.
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‎Mar 19, 2013
08:20 AM
I'm always learning, I learn something every day. Today I have learned that some things are more complicated than I thought. I know how to record actions, and I don't consider myself a complete beginner using Photoshop. It just seems to me that being able to set your zoom percentage to a default value should be an easy option to do. I'll do some reading about how to use the Print Size feature. I'm sure there will be an explanation out there somewhere simple enough for me to understand. Thank you again.
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‎Mar 19, 2013
06:42 AM
JJMack, Thanks for the reply, but that seems overly complicated to me. All I want to do is be able to set my zoom percentage to a particular value and save it as a default. At present Print Size zooms my 300dpi images to 24%, which is not "Actual Size" of my print. If there isn't a simple way of just setting a default zoom percentage value please tell me and I'll forget all about it. I'm not technical enough to start doing all the calculations you suggested, and I have no idea what Scrip Event Manager is. Nor do I want to know. Thanks again for your suggestion, it was just far too complicated for me to undersatand.
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