‎Aug 15, 2024
08:55 AM
Yes! 100% with all of these complaints. All of this worked before the last big update which seemed to mess up everything with sync. UGH... I use this with multiple clients every day. So frustrating. The lag to add to a collection or trying to create a collection is maddening. Come on Adobe... this is not helping your reputation. We rely on these tools working quickly. We'd gotten used to this all working correctly and its now broken.
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‎Aug 05, 2024
07:39 PM
This makes sense. From my view the names stayed in the same place in my list of collections but the files changed places... BUT since the collection list is alphabetized if the names were just switch, it would look exactly the same way and that makes much more sense than all the files trading places! Thanks!
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‎Aug 04, 2024
07:06 PM
This is a strange one and its happened twice to me. I have two collections that I've prepared to sync to the cloud and I click the icon beside their name to start syncing them both at the same time so they are uploading simultaneously. After they're done syncing the files have swapped collections. If the collections were named Group 1 and Group 2. The files that were originally in Group 1 are now in Group 2 and vice versa. It doesn't seem like this could be possible but its happened at least twice including just now.
The collections were created at import at different times today but NOT sync'd during import. Tonight I culled from the collection, marking with flags and then removed from the collections the files I didn't want to sync. With both collections ready, I clicked both icons and walked away while they uploaded. When I returned, evetything was sync'd but the files had chaged collections.
It was simple to just rename the collections but its really weird that its doing this. When I sync a single collection it works just fine. Its only strange when I sync two collections at the same time.
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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‎Jun 13, 2024
03:30 PM
Sadly this is NOT FIXED. Lightroom Classic does now turn on the yellow badge when a client clicks the "Heart" in a sync'd collection BUT the yellow badge DOES NOT GO AWAY if they then Unclick the same heart. So while its somewhat working, it doesn't work as a way for clients to narrow down their selections and send to us. The Badge turns on but doesn't turn off. Also, I'm finding a weird thing if I send a collection to someone for editing (as a catalog) and then they return it to me, when I import the catalog back into Lightroom Classic to see the edited photos, the pictures are removed from the sync'd collection. This never used to happen as this is the way that many editing companies pass edited files back and forth. Its not a huge deal but they shouldn't disappear from my sync'd collection when they're imported back into Lightroom Classic.
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‎Jun 02, 2024
01:07 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for this solution! They stll need to fix this but this is a work around for the moment!
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‎Jun 02, 2024
01:06 PM
Crazy thing is that this works in the cloud version of Lightroom. Not only does it still work but you can also sort separately by "Likes" and "Comments". This is brilliant. Can we please put this feature back into the version that Professionals Use and add the separate sorting? Why would you take this out of Classic yet leave it in the other version?
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‎May 22, 2024
01:17 PM
Very Simple Solution for Watermarking! I simply select all the photos and then add a Brush Adjustment X through the picture from opposite corners (using shift for a straight line) with a .3 brush size and Exposure all the way up. It creates a simple bright white X through the picture that's thin but I feel protects my pictures really well. By selecting all before doing this, it creates and copies the X onto all the photos and it can equally be removed by again selecting all and deleting the Brush adjustment from a single piture. Lightroom duplicates the Add and Remove to everything. Its SUPER EASY and I've never had a client complain. Added to everything in about 15 seconds. Removed in 5 seconds. I've attached my brush settings (which I've saved as a brush preset). This is so easy, there's honestly no need for a complicated Watermarking Feature... but I'd take it if they created it! Feel free to reach out to me if you need further explaination!
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‎May 22, 2024
01:07 PM
One of the most Amazing features of Sync'd Collections is allowing my clients to look through lots of pictures and select their favorites or leave comments. This has really improved my workflow with my clients BUT my clients have no way of knowing how many "Likes" they've selected at any point. I may share 200 pitures with a client with the request for them to choose 20 pictures. Currently there's no way for my client to know how many pictures they've selected without going through all 200 pictures and counting. Can we please have a Filter Feature on the Web Link end of Sync'd Public Collections allowing users to see only their Favorites or at a minimum have a running count of how many likes they've clicked. Almost every client I work with ends up txt'ing me and asking "How many have I chosen?". This seems an easy feature add and one that would be a huge benefit to everyone interacting with Adobe Lightroom! Thanks! Matt
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‎May 22, 2024
12:56 PM
Just got off a 1 hour call with tech support and they verified my bug on both mac & windows.
After the update 13.3 the yellow badge no longer shows up for "Likes" on either the individual photo or on the collection name for sync'd collections. If someone whos selecting pictures via the shared link to a sync'd collection clicked a heart on a picture, using the previous version, a small yellow badge would appear on the picture in Lightroom Classic as well as a badge would appear next to the collection name in the left hand column. This No Longer Works after the update for "Likes". It does still work for Comments though.
This is an issue because "Likes" allow us to sort by our clients selections in order to know which pictures they've chosen. Comments require typing something and clicking "Submit" which seems to work, but "Likes" only require clicking on the heart. Both actions used to cause the Yellow Badge to appear. Now it only appears for Comments.
This is super important to my workflow for allowing clients to select pictures and for me to quickly be able to know which files they selected by "Sorting by last comment".
The Adobe Tech Person was able to verify this on my computer and on his own computer in both Mac & Windows environments.
If I can throw out a related feature request. Almost every client I work with asks me if theres a way for them to sort their "Likes" on the Public Web Link. Sadly there is not so they are reliant on me telling them how many selections they've made. If we could have a Sort or even just a running total of Likes/Comments on the Web Link, that would be amazing! My Clients are either choosing a certain number of pitures from a large gallery or selecting the total number of pictures they are paying for and in both circumstances, knowing "How Many Likes" they've selected would be really beneficial.
Thanks for your attention to this Bug!
Blessings, Matt
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‎Aug 09, 2023
08:01 PM
I upgraded my Mac because Lightroom was "working natively" on the M2 Macs. This is true except for Tethering I guess. I know that Adobe is aware of this but the work around using Rosetta is super inconvenient in a Professional Protrait Studio because every time the cable wiggles and comes loose, tethering locks up and I must restart tethering. I've waited and waited and it still doesn't work natively. The D850 has been out for years and it works beautifully on my old macbook. Why can't this be fixed for all of us Portrait Photographers who shoot tethered all day long. I bought a brand new $4500 computer and I can't use it. UGH! Please fix this Adobe!!!!
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‎Apr 02, 2023
07:49 PM
I purchased some professionally created transitions for Premier Pro and some of them say that I need to use Graphics Acceleration in order for them to work. I'm editing on a brand new M2 Macbook Pro and I can't find the "Mercury Playback Engine" choice or any other mention of graphics acceleration in Premier Pro 23.2. It was obviously there in previous versions but how/where do I make that selection now or is this just not something I need to worry about with an M2 Mac? I'm editing 4k 60fps video but just a single timeline with some transitions & overlays and still getting some stuttering so I'm guessing I need to turn on all the crazy power of my Mac somehow?? Where do I find performance settings now?? Thanks, Matt
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‎Nov 17, 2021
11:15 AM
After upgrading to LR 11 I no longer have the little yellow icon on my filmstrip at the bottom showing me which pictures my clients have Favorited. I see the icon in the Collection Menu stating that there are Favs or Comments but I cannot tell visually which pictures have those comments. It still shows under comments and I can still sort by most recent comment but I cannot tell where the comments start and stop without flipping through them and watching the righthand box under comments. The little yellow icon was so helpful and immediately show'd me how many selections my clients had made. Is this gone or am I missing something? I've check all the "View" menus and tried checking everything. They are still sync'd and marked as Favs, its just the little, so useful, icon is gone! Thanks for any help! Matt
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‎Nov 17, 2021
11:07 AM
100% agree about the Invert check box with radial gradients. I finally found the "Reset Sliders Automatically" box and unchecked that so at least I can now do the same sort of edit to successive pictures but it is annoying that I have to click a box to invert the radial gradient every single picture. I wish that was tied to the "Reset Sliders" check box and thus stayed the way it was last set. Hopefully this will come in a bug fix! Seems simple.
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‎Aug 22, 2021
11:31 AM
That's Awesome! Worked Perfectly! Thanks!!! Matt
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‎Aug 22, 2021
10:59 AM
My copy of Photoshop upgraded automatically this week and since that happened I'm getting crazy weird graphical stuff outside my picture. As far as I can tell, everything else still works correctly but its crazy distracting. Anyone else having this? Solution??? Picture included but this is just one variation. I changes every time I choose a tool and draw/select etc outside the piture. Thanks in advance! Matt
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‎Nov 26, 2018
07:27 PM
Upgrading to a new Macbook Pro. I used Migration Assistant from a Time Machine Backup and it worked perfectly. So, now for Lightroom. My catalog and files are all good to go but I'm a Sync'd Collection power user. This is how I communicate with my clients and I currently have 40+ collections sync'd with about half of them holding selections & comments from clients. I know Lightroom Collections can only sync to a single computer so if I deactivate my old MacBook and sign into my new one (which is a perfect copy of my old MacBook), will I still have all my collections with Favorites & Comments from clients or will I lose all of that sync'd data?? I tried momentarily opening LR and it gave me a message about sync'ing 11,000+ files and so I shut it down! It would be huge to lose all of that info but at some point I have to switch it over. The longer I keep working on the Old Mac the longer I prolong the beauty of my upgrade. If I could sign out of the old and sign into the new and keep all the sync'd info that would be amazing? I just need to know if that Sync process will bring all the Favs & Comments into the new Computer or it it will erase all my sync'd files because it sees it as a new catalog? Anyone know what will happen??
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‎May 30, 2017
10:49 AM
Hello, I email this today to the address that came up when I generated the mobile version of the diagnostic. I think my issue is just with the computer as the ipad flags are all getting sync'd with my iphone version and the online version at Only issue is not all flags are getting sync'd back to my computer. If you want me to send the computer LR diagnostic to a different address, let me know. Thanks, Matt
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‎Feb 14, 2017
01:42 PM
Hello, We've been using our iPad for some time to do our culling via sync'd collections. We flag picks and deletes this way and love doing it because it usually syncs immediately right back to our LR catalog on the computer. Lately we're having an issue where LR on the computer is not receiving all of the Flagged Picks. For example, LR mobile (on both iPad and on my iPhone) both show that we've picked 119 pictures from a Session (which is correct) but on the computer only 104 of those flagged "Pick" actually show up. I can even go online to and it shows that there are 119 files Picked. Still only 104 in LR and I can't figure out anything to do to update my Computer to match what LR Mobile shows. Any thoughts?? Its maddening trying to figure out which files didn't sync. I've had success using the "Read Metadata from File" function from the Metadate menu. It seems to find the lost "flagged" files but I didn't know if this was also possibly doing anything else to cause trouble. Anyone else having this issue?? Something like flagging files you just want it to work perfectly every time. Its pretty important. Thanks in advance, Matthew Doudt
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‎Nov 05, 2016
07:51 AM
Hello, I was overseas and took a picture with the LR camera on my phone. Wifi was sketchy and now my desktop is stuck Sync'ing 1 Photo and won't update any of my LR mobile favorites etc. My ipad has updated favorited pictures just fine but desktop is locked up syncing the 1 photo and can't update anything else from LR Moblie. Looks like lots of people having this same issue. Hopefully its an easy fix. I use LR mobile for client selection and I can't see any of the last week's favorites on my desktop. Thanks!
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‎Feb 02, 2015
07:06 AM
Is everyone who's having this problem on a Mac? This works fine for me on my PC but having the same issue on my new MacBook. I've uninstalled and re-installed Photoshop and it didn't fix the problem. What I have found that works most times is restarting the computer. This usually allows the "open in Photoshop" feature to work for a bit but then it stops working again. Wondering if that's helpful to anyone. Seems like this would be an easy thing for Adobe to fix.
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