‎Oct 22, 2023
08:16 PM
Yes, of course ;), thank you! This is what I was looking for (and when the gradient overlaps the already present brush/selection elements it also doesn't interfere with them - perfect).
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‎Oct 22, 2023
01:22 PM
As shown in the original post the "Method" is already "classic". But I did try switching the "Gradient" box on the left to use "Classic Gradient" and this had the same effect: after changing to "Classic Gradient" and drawing the gradient on the filter mask the original elements of the mask disappear.
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‎Oct 22, 2023
09:10 AM
I'm having some trouble with adjusting a gradient on a smart filter mask. If I start with the following mask, where I have an existing gradient along with a single brush stroke as follows: If I then select the gradient tool I see this: And after selecting the gradient and making a further adjustment (e.g., selecting the top of the gradient and dragging it down) I then see this: the brush stroke element (and indeed any other painting on the mask that might exist) disappears: In case it's helpful here's how the gradient tool is configured (just defaults): Any thoughts on what's going on here? This is a test of something equivalent I'm trying to do with an image where I've applied a Gaussian blur. I then mask the subject in the smart object and paint this into the filter mask so the non-subject areas are blurred. I then want to further prevent the blur (simulating a depth of field adjustment) with a gradient in the mask. BTW, I've tried the depth of field blur (neural) here but this fails miserably with the image I'm working with. Thanks for any thoughts!
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‎Oct 04, 2023
04:54 PM
1 Upvote
"Is there a way to force a re-download of *just* these same files from LRM to LRC (desktop)?" You could download them manually to your local disk using the Lightroom cloud desktop app or the Lightroom web interface. Then import those into your catalog (keeping the original bad copies around for the time being). Good suggestion, this worked. I was able to download these from the Lightroom web interface and then re-import into LRC desktop. They now show up fine, with no reported errors in the Library module. I compared a couple of these (old vs. new) and they match exactly on disk. Not sure what's up with LRC and the originals. I'll delete the originals that LRC somehow has trouble with... Thx for your help!
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‎Oct 02, 2023
04:44 PM
Thx for reviewing this. I'm skeptical though - I just shot another test video with the same device. This immeidately imported into my LR Mobile and then was downloaded to my LRC desktop. This plays fine in LRC and Windows. Something about the previous import (download from LR Mobile) maybe failed? These same files play fine with LR Mobile on the original recording device... Is there a way to force a re-download of *just* these same files from LRM to LRC (desktop)?
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‎Oct 02, 2023
02:35 PM
Thanks yes. For the minimal video editing that I do in this context I generally use LR Mobile (Android) and not LRC (desktop), where you're right that there is no Develop video editing (and the quick develop editing is more limited than with LR Mobile).
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‎Oct 02, 2023
02:33 PM
Thanks for offering to help with this. Here's the link to one MP4 file that's unrecognizable to LRC (but fine with our viewers - e.g., Media Player). Test Video Error I've looked through many other folders in my library and it looks like the number of video files in error is actually small. They are all, however, of the same type (MP4) and many with the same recording device (in this case Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra) are fine while others are not.
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‎Oct 01, 2023
08:53 AM
1 Upvote
Haven't seen any posts on this for a while(*) and can't seem to find any chatter about this, which is for me new, recently. All my MP4 videos are [suddenly] unrecognizable to LRC (12.5 on Win10). Not exactly sure when this started happening but I've never had issues with MP4 files in LRC before; they've always seemed fine in both Library and Develop modules. All MP4 files show up as the following in the Library (grid) module: Showing the file in [Windows] Explorer (preview thumbnail shows correctly) and double clicking it there brings up the video in Media Player fine. What's going on with LRC? How do I get LRC to properly recognize these *without* having to do all the silly, completely reset preferences et al options I sometimes see suggested as workarounds when no root cause can be identified/remedied. Thx for any help here! * Lightroom Classic unable to read videos and show error: Error working with video [macOS]
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‎Feb 20, 2023
09:58 AM
Wondering how to diagnose/fix a single photo/file sync error that I'm seeing between Win10 LrC 12.2 and the cloud (Samsung Note 9/Android). The LrC "Lightroom Sync" tab shows this: This error has been present for a long while and after encountering this again (see issue reference below) I decided to follow-up here to ask whether someone has suggestions for how to get this fixed? This error is separate from the 12.2 sync stalling error(s) that have been reported (and that have been fixed server-side): https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-bugs/p-fails-to-sync-since-12-2-update-windows-only/idi-p/13587700
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‎Feb 20, 2023
09:49 AM
Will do, thx Rick 🙂
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‎Feb 20, 2023
08:10 AM
1 Upvote
Working for me now too - thank you! [I do still have one sync error reported - an upload - but this didn't latch the pending downloads. All non-Error syncs have completed. Anyone have any thoughts on how to diagnose/repair a persistent sync error on a single photo upload?]
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‎Feb 19, 2023
05:02 PM
Ditto here (both wrt this issue and wrt following up on the forum/with Adobe). Win10 w/LrC 12.2. Did a lot of searching/experimenting (everything you - @reidthaler28 - indicate in your list except downgrading to 12.1, which I'd prefer to not do) and my sync is still "stuck". In my case the cloud drop down in LrC indicates a "Syncing 1 photo" forever; the LrC "Lightroom Sync" tab shows one stuck "upload" and 120 downloading items - this latter quantity changes whenever I have new photos on my Samsung Note 9 phone, they are likely stuck behind the one that's stuck uploading(?)...). Hopefully this issues gets addressed asap.
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‎Nov 15, 2020
04:45 PM
In my case this was *not* a system requirements issue. Instead turning off "Use Graphics Processor" fixed this. Why this setting resuls in so many problematic behaviours (e.g., inability to *close the application*??) is a mystery. As I've mentioned in this thread https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/photoshop-2021-ver-22-0-0-crashes-right-after-opening/m-p/11597710#M484846 a real time suck figuring this out...
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‎Nov 15, 2020
04:40 PM
1 Upvote
...getting back to this. Running the FontTest script also did not turn up anything (all 900+ fonts check out fine). Everthing I tried seemed to be a dead end, *until* I found this post https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/m-program-error-while-opening-or-creating-new-document-after-photoshop-22-0-update/m-p/11521599?page=1#M474103 Indeed disabling the graphics processor in PS2021 did the trick! So what's new in 2021 that requires this be turned off? I won't comment further on how much of a time suck this was :(. This kind of UI behaviour is not only non-intuitive, to say the least, it's clearly a bug. Sad state to think that Adobe has received *so many* reports of this and done nothing in terms of turning around a fix (yeesh, even taking the existing behaviour and coding up a silent test for this would be better than an outright fix - at least the user could be directed to the 2sec settings change that's needed to get around this and continue "the real work")
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‎Nov 11, 2020
07:27 PM
1 Upvote
...and the font preview size of none suggestion does not work for me to prevent either the crash or the various "program error" esceptions.
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‎Nov 11, 2020
07:23 PM
Ditto for me - PS 2021 either crashes (e.g., with 'edit in PS' from LR10) or gives "program error" dialogs when opening files. Moreover, I get program error dialogs when attempting to *close* PS 2021 so I have to manually kill it (from task manager in Win10). PS 2020 works fine (always has) so I'm back to using it until PS 2021 becomes usuable. Unbelievable...
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‎Nov 11, 2020
07:07 PM
Yup, same here. The latest version is essentially unusable for me; 2020 works perfectly fine. I also see the PS 2021 crash when attempting to edit photos in PS from LR 10 (a crash report is generated each and every time); uninstalling 2021 and re-using PS 2020 for the 'edit in PS' from LR 10 works fine.' I've tried resetting preferences, uininstalling all previous versions, etc. and always the same error in PS 2021. I ended up going back to installing PS 2020 and will continue to use this until 2021 is fixed. Sigh...
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‎Apr 30, 2020
08:37 AM
Thx for trying this. [Item 1] Yes, I see the same thing. My point here is that this is differrent from Classic; Classic does not create the intermediate "book" (I'm not familiar with this term) in the TOC (all TOC entries get added directly into the TOC, i.e., up a level). See my next point. [Item 2] I don't know what these "books"(?) are. I'm just pointing out that things are different from Classic and the change is reduced functionality. Here's what the TOC looks like after importing in Classic: And here's what this looks like in New UI: As you might guess the resulting HTML5 output does not then include the Classic like hierarchy, which is: New UI is: [Item 3/5] Fair enough, but this obviously makes the New UI unusable in any real sense (for this particular workflow, which is a simple "import Word doc, generate HTML5 output" process and also one that works perfectly in Classic). [Item 4] OK, thx.
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‎Apr 29, 2020
02:38 PM
Thx Peter, I did have a read of that section at one point and didn't see anything obvious there that might explain the above items and/or that might explicitly indicate a different workflow/behaviour from what Classic essentially does. Maybe I'm missing something though that's meant to highlight something unique about the New UI Word importation process?
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‎Apr 29, 2020
01:43 PM
I gave the new UI a go when RH2019 first came out and very quickly moved back to Classic as I was having no end of problems (one of the original ones was that most of my imports would simply crash RH). My use case is to condition new projects by importing Word documents and then generating responsive HTML5 output (with little to no manual manipulation of the RH files after import). With the active updates to RH2019 (now at update 12) I thought I'd go back and give this another try. I don't seem to run into the crashes anymore but I see several immediate effects that I haven't been able to quickly resolve. I'm posting them here in case others might have suggestions on how to mitigate them. One reason I'd like to move to the new UI eventually is to leverage the added scripting capability (ideally I'd like to automate most of the import to HTML5 process since 99% of it is well-defined/repeatable). To start, I configure the import as follows: start new topics from Heading 1/2 styles, map all styles to imported style (in order to maintain exact style for the source document), add topics to TOC, *de-*select convert word lists to html lists. Here's what I'm seeing after import: New files and TOC appear under new folders in the 'Content' and 'Table of Contents' nodes with title of the basename of the Word document (Classic doesn't do this). Not a big deal but makes for additional manual steps after import. Resulting TOC does not maintain any hierarchy (unlike Classic). I'm familiar with the TOC hierarchy matching the TOC1-4 styles, and without this the resulting HTML 5 output lists all TOC entries at the same level. Moreover, attempting to "move" the TOC entries (up/down/left/right) doesn't do anything. Although all of my tables in the original Word document are seemingly formatted more or less identically I see variation in the resulting output (e.g., some table columns are sized inconsistently, some table column shading is incorrect). The "Classic" output is perfect in this regard (matching the Word tables exacty). I see several locations in the resulting output that contain background styles of "yellow" (I've seen these with several "Caption" styled elements). The "Classic" output doesn't show this. Weird, I know, but I've saved the Word document in HTML format to look for weird styling mark-up and none exists for the elements in question (indeed, again, the Classic handling these is fine - no phantom 'yellow' styling there). Cross-references aren't getting turned into hyperlinks (to reference other topics/sections in the document). These hyperlinks are generated correctly in "Classic" output (likely as part of the Classic import's "Convert References to hyperlinks" option?). BTW, if I don't *de-*select convert word lists to html lists I see all kinds of weirdness with the auto-numbering of the translated heading styles... These are initial observances, I haven't dived very deep into this yet.
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‎Apr 29, 2020
10:06 AM
Done https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/RH-7136
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‎Apr 29, 2020
09:22 AM
😉 Yes, this would work but it isn't a long term nor an efficient solution. I need to ensure the dozens of manuals that get processed by RH don't result in these kinds of hidden artifacts that end up resulting in presentation divergence between formats. I've never seen this before so I'll just keep poking around to see if I can find an underlying root cause...
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‎Apr 29, 2020
08:54 AM
Ya, weird, the resulting HTML page now has the 2nd h4 element with 'white' text color as well. Both 'b' and 'c' h4 elements are marked up as follows: <h4 style='margin-left:0cm;text-indent:14.45pt'><a name="_Toc38981596"><span
style='color:black;font-weight:normal'>b)<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>
</span></span><span style='color:white'>Double-Range</span></a></h4> Here's the page in a browser: So this isn't a RH issue (thx for helping to confirm that), but some weird artifact in the original Word file. No longer the domain of Adobe/RH but does anyone have any insight into this odd Word behaviour? I've look closely at the style and character charateristics of the heading text and nothing's surfaced...
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‎Apr 29, 2020
08:42 AM
Hi Peter, I think you have access to tracker, right? https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/RH-2813
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‎Apr 28, 2020
04:55 PM
In the Word document below I have the Heading 4 text of "Double Range" and "Comparison". The former is correctly styled during conversion but the latter is somehow styled with color "white", making it hidden (against white background) in the resulting output. Here's what the rendered HTML looks like in the RH2019 Classic topic pane: Here's what the HTML source looks like in the RH2019 Classic topic pane (first the former heading and then the latter): <h4 style="margin-left: 0cm; text-indent: 14.45pt;"><a name="b_Double_Range"
style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">b)<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';">  </span></span> <span
style="color: #000000;">Double-Range</span></a></h4> <h4 style="margin-left: 0cm;"><a name="c_Comparison" id="c_Comparison"><span
style="color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">c)<span style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';">  </span></span> <span
style="color: #ffffff;">Comparison</span></a></h4> And the final Response HTML 5 output: I've looked closely at the original Word document Heading styles and text and haven't been able to decipher where the colour white is coming from. Anyone have any ideas on how to dissect the conversion more closely? [Incidentally, a pandoc conversion to markdown for the original source Word document does not result in any differentiation in styling between these two headings...]
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‎Apr 28, 2020
04:42 PM
And this has started happening again... The originally submitted ticket (with example Word document), RH-2813 on tracker, should be re-opened (I've left an additional comment there). The same file results in the same Outlook compose email window appearing when imported into RH2019 Classic Update 12.
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‎Apr 27, 2020
10:51 AM
Switching to this thread (from this thread: ES Toolkit ) in order to add some additional comments. I also had difficulty figuring out where to set breakpoints and how to get debugging going w/scripts in the 2019 New UI. This is after revewing the scripting guide and also watching the previous TechComm events on scripting (from last fall). This is especially obscure when coming from the previous ES Toolkit-based scripting. It's also not clear that the old scripting infrastructure is still usable in RH2019 Classic and, by extension, that scripts for one (New UI vs. Classic) and not mutually transferable (scripts designed for New UI are not usable in Classic and vice versa). More documentation/info on all of this would be useful and would have saved a fair bit of time. I'm going to start a new thread on a query I have about how to automate a couple RH2019 (Classic and/or New UI) sequences that I need to do frequently.
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‎Apr 24, 2020
05:26 PM
😉 Right, thx, I've gone through that doc. Not much help at all - would rather see example scripts and then derive what I need from there. Here's what I'm looking to do: Clear all existing topics and TOC/index/browse sequence/map file for previously configured project. Initiate a Word file import (or generate topics/TOC/index from linked Word file). Establish the browse sequence (based on TOC). Build the map file (aith auto populate). Generate the Responsive HTML5 output. As it stands I have to run all of these steps repeatedly for every RH project associated with a Word file specific project and whenever the Word file (essentially a product manual) is released. Nothing new to configure or change after the import, just generate the output. Woudl *love* to have a script that I could just run to do all of this autmatically..
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‎Apr 24, 2020
10:20 AM
Thx, that helps. OK, so now I have to learn an entirely new infrastructure. I'm not complaining as I'm sure the new framework is much richer (including using React and Material UI as well as all the other 3rd party JS libraries available by default) and better supported. Without the information in your linked thread I never would have been able to figure this out on my own, at least not in any reasonable amount of time ;). I wonder if I'm missing where the key documentation is for all of this (i.e., Adobe product users that are familar with ES Toolkit and legacy scripting but have had no exposure to Chrome Devtools and the more modern node.js, React, Material-UI, et al framework(s)). Implied here as well is that the scripts that come with RH2019 *won't* work with RH2019 Classic (which was the reason I was seeing the error as I was running them from ES Toolkit, which is wanted to run RH2019 Classic). To put this another way RH2019 Classic scripts are not support in RH2019 New UI (and vice versa). Well, I know the latter to be true at least, not *exactly* sure about the former...
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