Mar 05, 2025
12:48 PM
1 Upvote
Yep - so many parameters to juggle In fact, I just realised I also omitted to mention that Windows 11 24H2 introduced yet another dimension of confusion which for some users (and gamers on Microsoft Community) messed up their graphics completely. This did affect H265 decoding for some users as well. Intel have since released more driver updates. I've not seen any new release notes on Win 11 24H2 addressing graphics fixes where iGPU is used. I have still stuck with Win 11 23H2 for now If we stick to H264 media performance comparisons for now - that narrows down the field as that is the media that has been affected by 25.1 re-work. It would seem the 25.1 change affects Intel users most using Processors with an 'on board iGPU'. The performance drop is not counteracted by a more powerful GPU. Even an NVidia 4080 Super doesn't do it for me when exporting a timeline with H264 media and encoding into a different codec. I still therefore cannot understand the claimed 'performance improvement for H264' on 25.1. Running say a 3960X and one dedicated GPU I assume you are unlikley to see much difference in H264 decoding running on Premiere 25.0 or 25.1 as there is no integrated GPU in the 3960X.
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Mar 05, 2025
11:00 AM
1 Upvote
@Fergus H @R Neil Haugen @jamieclarke @AndrewTheGreat Hi all, just got back from 17 days away and see my email has been doing overtime on this discussion thread !. Taking a step back and looking at all this it seems that many users who look at what their editing platforms are doing (more closely) have agreed 25.1 versus 25.0 and 24.6.3 performance seems to go backwards for them (including myself). What we lack here is a standardised tool for comparing apples with apples. The Premiere team say that they do not see a performance degradation versus 25.0 - but exactly HOW is this conclusion being derived?. It is opposite to what some users are seeing on this thread. The platforms we have are nothing too weird, in fact fairly standard type of build. What we need is a standardised Adobe Premiere tool that everyone runs. We have used Puget Benchmark Systems test - but from what I see this has not really revealed a true comparison on this discussion thread topic. A number of us used the 9 video matrix test which revealed many dropped frames on 25.1 versus 25.0. In fact my old i9900K machine out performed my current platform with an much inferior dGPU runnng 25.0 versus 25.1 on my current machine. This was a sobering revelation. At the moment we are not comparing Apples with Apples ...or even bananas with bananas.... For me selecting which GPU to use for decoding H264 or H265 is not the answer. Intel iGPU is still very good at that and I want my dGPU dedicated to other tasks for faster encoding. I know the team went away to look at this, but I feel we are still lacking a standardised way which helps define a finite performance measurement that aligns with what the dev/support teams are doing. We otherwise risk having an infinite discussion thread on this topic. Conclusion - 1) we don't have a solution yet to see 25.1 perform as good as 25.0 and 24.6.3 using iGPU/dGPU and 2) an 'agreed standardised way' to measure performance between future Premiere Pro releases in the future
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Feb 26, 2025
02:21 AM
If it's a brand new build have you done platform stress tests to ensure the pc is not crashing under load. Are you running default memory timing parameters in BIOS?. Ensure you have the latest bios for your motherboard.. For new builds I have used the third party utility OCCT to run stress tests in memory . This shows up any instability in your system before you run an application. There are other utilities out there as alternatives . How much memory is allocated to Premiere in preferences ?
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Feb 13, 2025
09:09 AM
1 Upvote
Sounds a weird one. Have you checked the Program monitor Wrench tool - bottom right to make sure it is set on Composite Video?. What resolution do you have playback set to? - Full /half ?? What happens if you double click one of your H264 test clips in the Project window? The Source window should open and display it - does it? Did you see the old post someone had similar problem to you - check Audio Hardware (don't ask me why) and check Device Setting (at top) is on MME NOT ASIO Have you tried Reset Workspace as well ?. Some of these things might sound crazy - but I have had strange problems over the years and non logical fixes solve it Hopefully someone else might have some ideas as well
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Feb 13, 2025
05:04 AM
1 Upvote
A few questions The lines on your program monitor look like a driver issue - perhaps Although you re-installed windows and Premiere there may be some corrupt display files lurking around on your hard disk Have you tried a 'Clean installation' of the NVidia Driver downloaded from the NVidia Website. You can select this during the install process. What actual NVidia Card is in your PC? Try a H264 Video Clip instead - does audio play even though Program monitor blank? Has this problem just started happening?. HAve you upgraded from Win 11 23H2 to Win 11 24H2 recently? I assume all your other graphics (Games?) work OK?
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Feb 12, 2025
07:40 AM
1 Upvote
I think I saw a post on this a while back asking a similar question. I don't think this affects things. I recall trying max quality but makes no difference. Didn't try the audio loudness. I will keep pushing on this problem into product management as we deserve this problem and losing previews to be fixed. If I get any update I will post here.
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Feb 12, 2025
06:38 AM
I raised a support case on ‘Use Previews during Export’ again several months back. I'm not sure ‘Use Previews’ works all the time either, despite always selecting Match Sequence Previews on Export Media (in my case ProRes 422). Senior support did another Remote Desktop session with me on this – and saw the problem. Alas no more news on this. Will escalate again to Product Management along with the ‘Losing Pro Res previews issue’ which I am still experiencing including 25.1
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Feb 11, 2025
10:48 AM
1 Upvote
I meant to add that Quicksync iGPU works for me on 25.1 using Windows 11 23H2 and H265 , but the Intel iGPU is dead for H264 media completely. This is the change they made in 25.1 to use NVidia instead. Its all under investigation at present I believe.
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Feb 11, 2025
10:27 AM
1 Upvote
There are known issues that many people experience with 25.1 and Qucik Sync decoding See this thread It would be interesting for you to try H264 4.2.0 as a test - as per @R Neil Haugen suggestion
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Feb 10, 2025
10:16 AM
@Jennifer_Lo97 Thanks for all your feedfback and keeping us all updated on this To be honest, I didn't have a problem at all with the individuals who were supporting em via email. They were all very responsive and informative as they could be. The thing that I felt needs attention in organisation is the following : 1. To present a more integrated support experience for Creative Cloud Customers (eg for Premiere Pro) 2. Better information flowing from to Premiere pro users when updates are made etc. 3. Not tell us (invite us) to upgrade from one version to another with very shaky software. (V3 to V4 experience) 4. Have Case numbers assigned to Bug reports like any professional organisation should be doing if the problem can be replicated easily I have fed this back to on their feedback request I'm using at a fairly basic level so just need the Window back there in 25.1, 25.2 whenever it arrives. I have the beta Premiere Pro downloaded already as I'm testing for a completely different problem, so will try the Extension in that as you suggest.
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Feb 07, 2025
09:32 AM
1 Upvote
Well, I treied to raise a case with them - the chat agent asked for my email then it failed to respond. There was no engagement on what exact problems I was having Who on earth runs this subsidiary - its a disgrace. They need to go back to school to learn about Customer service !. So - not able to raise a case and get a case refrence. I think they have all gone home for the weekend and the office cleaner answered the chat ...
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Feb 07, 2025
01:55 AM
Hi @AndyCollins Apologies, that's what happens when you read stuff too quickly. The interpret footage method may be ok for some clips as the slight speed decrease might not be significant. I will pursue my crusade with Apple to get 50 FPS, in the meantime will try out the ProCam app.
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Feb 06, 2025
01:32 PM
Glad I spotted this post. I've just finished editing and producing a final export ...about to use and not there in Premiere window anymore. This explains it as invited me to upgrade to version 4 end last year which I did. NOw I'm stuck like everyone. This is not a good story and needs sorting out, particularly as I see the Adobe Exchange extension gets 1 star reviews. I'll also raise a case I think.
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Feb 06, 2025
01:05 PM
So doing a bit of reading on this - convertig 60 fps to 50 fps will play 83% of original speed. That means everything I record is at 83% of original speed using Interpret Footage Don't think this is going to work for me. Think using one of the third party apps on the iPhone is the only way to get true 50fps for now until Apple do something about it..... if ever?
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Feb 06, 2025
12:38 PM
Ok Thanks. I'm trying to get my head around that one as you have a certain amount of data at 60 fps and you are cramming it into only 50 frames - literally squeezing same information into a smaller number of frames?. What does it do to audio sync though ?...particularly lip sync? I'll give the Interpret footage test a try with some tests and report back. Still doesn't let Apple off the hook though for not following normal industry practice.
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Feb 06, 2025
02:53 AM
Hi @Ann Bens many thanks for your response. Well yes, I agree panned shots should be used with care I'm thinking more about video recording from a moving vehicle with trees passing etc - in 50 fps from my DJi Pocket 3 in 4K UHD I get superb results. Pocket 3 gives CBR as well. If I use the iPhone in 60fps then drop to 50fps in Premiere result is nowhere near as good. The iPhone has the advantage of better optics though. I'll give shutter encoder a try, but then it is another process to have to go through, which, if Apple had done their homework would not be necessary. I've put in a Feedback form to Apple. I'm not holding my breath on this though. Other users have raised this according to Apple. ProCam - can you let us know which version of ProCam App you use as there seems to be a number of different versions on the App store. Thanks.
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Feb 06, 2025
02:41 AM
Thanks , but yes I have done this and it does not always result in smooth footage - particularly even with a slow panned shot and moving objects because you are 'throwing away' frames. I've also used Topaz Video Ai Frame Interpolation and this still doesn't give the best result as if you filmed in 50 fps. Its an oversight by Apple not to include 50 fps because whoever spec'd the video functions didn't seem to look at what most video cameras support. Every Video Camera I have ever owned supports 50 fps. VFR - I just checked now using Media Info tool from Puget Systems on the footage I recently took on iOS 18.3 and they still use Variable Frame rate as well. Why not a CBR option? Why is space such an issue if you have a 512GB or external 1TB NVMe drive ??? Anyone who wants to get these features on iPhone 15/16 Pro should complete their feedback form : The more requests they have the better
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Feb 05, 2025
03:56 AM
I am still facing this issue - anybody any experience of this please using Premiere Pro ? Seems very difficult to get smooth panning and reduce the slight flicker when frame interpolation from 60 to 50 fps. I think Apple may now be doing constant frame rate - need to double check.
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Feb 04, 2025
10:56 AM
1 Upvote
On the iGPU issue - not so much a pain if you are now editing in ProRes but if you ever edit /decode / export H264 or H265 you need your Quicksync iGPU You have a 12900 'K' suffix CPU you have an iGPU on chip on the processor. I have an ASUS motherboard using Z690 but I think the BIOS is quite similar usually to MSI. Its difficult to find it but go into your BIOS and look for an 'Advanced settings' tab. MSI might do same Then look for System Agent (SA) Config then Graphics Config. My Primary is set at PCIe (my NVIDIA 4080 Super), then the iGPU Multi Monitor (which drives the on board HDMI on the MOtherboard is set at ENABLED. To check any iGPU activitiy just go Ctrl Alt Delete in Windows and select Performance - you will see the iGPU and NVidia GPU entries. Select each one in turn to look at DEcode or Encode activity Using Pro Res the iGPU won't do much but encoding Pro Res to say another Codec you will see lots of Encode acivity on your NVidia Ensure the NVidia and iGPU are selected in PremierePro \ Preferences \ Media As JVK says - ensure all drivers are up to date. For Intel I use the Intel Driver & Support Assistant which scans your PC to get you the latest drivers For NVidia download from their site for your 4060. I normally do a Clean Install each time on that one.
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Jan 31, 2025
11:45 AM
Puget Test bench has crashed my Premiere Pro 25.1 three times this afternoon. Need to investigate further but have previously run OCCT stress test ok on my PC. More headaches. Think I'm going to take up gardening.....
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Jan 31, 2025
03:37 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @MyerPj ; @RjL190365 I just donwloaded the latest Beta 25.2 Build 97 to try out, but not sure the team have made any different tweaks to this yet regarding this problem ? Using my Intel 13900K Win 11 23H2 system with 4080 Super GPU - result of the @Raman275720276xpc test was pretty horrible - over 900 dropped frames and staggered like mad. The NVidia Card was at 100% most of the time screaming for help I think. iGPU idling at about 10 to 13% Forgot to mention before that I use same setup on disks as any project - Multidisk system C NVMe System only, NVMe Project drive with Scratch, NVMe drive with Media Cache, SSD drive Media The above comment from @RjL190365 regarding roll over to software renderring is a bit of an eye opener !
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Jan 30, 2025
10:54 AM
So .... I also get this weird glitch (I call it a noise bar) across my Program monitor from time to time. I have gone through several NVidia Studio Drivers and done a clean install - and re-installed Premiere. It is only random that I get it. I played around and found that if I go onto Multicam view (wrench bar on program monitor) and then switch back to composite view it goes away. I am on 566.14 driver at present for my 4080 Super , not had it happen recently but I bet it has not gone away. On one occasion I got the noise bar on my second Video monitor output from NVidia Display Output (Via Mercury Transmit selection) as well. I have looked on the release notes of the Studio Drivers but not seen anything that describes a fix that remotely resembles it. If I see it again I'll capture it and post an image too
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Jan 30, 2025
09:52 AM
Hi @mayjain; @Raman275720276xpc Ok so I have downloaded @Raman275720276xpc project For test on 25.1 I used my main current editing machine - Windows 11 23H2 with Premiere 25.1. This has a 13900K CPU and 4080 Super GPU. UHD 770 iGPU on the 13900K Running this project the iGPU is doing something but not very much around 10 to 13% max. I got over 100 dropped frames running the stacked video layers which are H264 For test 2 I had to use my older Win 10 Pro machine as this has Premiere 25.0 ready to go - its i9 9900K with UHD 770 iGPU, 2070 Super GPU Running the project again I get 10 dropped frames pass 1, then try again and get Zero dropped frames, for pass 3 zero dropped frames - looking at the iGPU decode activity it is going crazy and at least 100% a lot of the time. Just running these two tests (even on a slower machine it performs better using Premiere 25.0) I think there is a lot of further work to be done looking at what 25.1 is doing with the NVidia new priority. The latest change on the face of it does not look good from a performance point of view. I must admit I was very surprised at the result. Premiere 25.1 does not appear to be optimised and using 25.0 looks preferable for H264 4.2.0 footage. Quick Conclusion the old implementation looks better ! Thanks for sharing your test
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Jan 28, 2025
07:14 AM
@mayjain; @AndrewTheGreat Excuse me jumping in here. I think AndrewTheGreat may be suffering from two issues On my Premiere Pro 25.1 on Win 11 23H2 I get the same results as yourself. H265 HEVC decodes on iGPU OK. Premiere Pro 25.1 H264 footage does not decode on iGPU anymore. Why ? Whatever you have done in 25.1 is a step backwards. I can replicate it in seconds. Premiere Pro 25.0 works for both H264 and H265 Please repeat these tests on your same platform with H264 4.2.0 on Win 11 23H2, Premiere Pro 25.1 and post result here for us to see. Ensure all boxes ticked for iGPU and NVidia for Decode. Do not disable Nvidia to force iGPU . That has never been necessary in the past. That is Problem No 1. Looking at Intel and Microsoft Windows Forums I think the H265 issues described by AndrewTheGreat may be Win 11 24H2 related (just a theory). Problem No. 2 Users on those Forums do however, also complain about iGPU decode problem on H264 Premiere 25.1 even on Win 11 23H2.
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Jan 28, 2025
05:45 AM
Hi @andreik18371608 I am still sticking on Win 11 23H2, using Intel xxx 6449 driver H264 and H265 iGPU decode work fine on Premiere Pro 25.0 Only H265 iGPU decode works on 25.1 - not H264 this is my BIG issue. Are you sure H264 iGPU decoding is working - and what have you selected in the Media Decode check boxes in Preferences?.
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Jan 28, 2025
05:10 AM
About 2 weeks ago I had a 40 minute long remote session with Adobe Premiere senior support on this problem of H264 decoding on iGPU. On that call I demonstrated the problem to the support person and several pieces of information were taken about my PC setup and problem scenarios captured. On the conclusion of the call - the support person commented that it certainly looked to be a bug in 25.1 version. After that call sevarl days later I was asked to peform more tests and do a screen recording of the tests, provide more system information and actual samples of the H264 and H265 footage to demonstrate the problem. Reading the the recent posts from Adobe it would appear that you are still in denial of any problems on Premiere Pro 25.1. I can still replicate the problem on this version today using Win 11 23H2. Intel themselves have replicated the problem. Windows Forum users have also complained of this problem with Adobe 25.1 as well. @mayjaincan I ask why Adobe still appear to be in denial of any problems on your latest 25.1 version? Your explanation of moving all H264 decoding to NVidia discrete GPU is totally unfounded, since H265 is still used by Quick Sync iGPU on Premiere 25.1. I have also just run a quick test on latest Beta Version 25.2.0 Build 95 downloaded today - that also still displays the same problems with H264 footage. In the meantime I have had zero feedback from Senior Support team on this problem (which was personally promised) following the remote session If you wish Premiere Pro users to assist Adobe in helping identify problems and replicating them, it would be nice to see you extending the same courtesy back to your Users in providing feedback that has been committed. This is called good Customer Service for the product that we subscribe to on an annual basis.
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Jan 28, 2025
04:42 AM
There is still zero activity on iGPU for H264 footage scrubbing the timeline. This problem is there is 25.1 release and Adobe have done nothing about it despite multiple users demonstrating there is a definite problem Your current explanation @mayjain is that you have done this to move load to NVidia for H264. Then why does H265 still rely 'automatically decide' on iGPU Quicksync for H265 decoding which works fine. There is no logic in this approach???? Please fix this H264 iGPU decode bug and re-instate the code that worked in Premiere 25.0. Introduce some potential fixes in Beta versions so we can test them. I have stayed on Win 11 23H2 to avoid other complexities apparent with Win 11 24H2 and intel drivers. I am on xxx6449 Intel driver which works perfectly well with 25.0 version.
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Jan 27, 2025
05:08 AM
@mayjain Thank you for the information Firstly - may I ask why you have waited several weeks before announcing these 'known design' changes in 25.1 release. I also don't follow your logic. In 25.0 iGPU is used and even for lower bit rate 4.2.0 H264 footage you can see its use (not peaky, but it is used) In 25.1 the iGPU seems completely dead no matter what you throw at it. Now here's the thing - what if you have a user with a moderate to lower powered NVidia card. They then have a timeline of H264 4.2.0 footage and want to encode to Apple ProRes for some reason - just an example . eg: Smart Rendering / Export You would want the NVidia Card doing its stuff encoding Apple Pro Res with its full resource - and use the iGPU for the footage decoding. In your 25.1 implemetation this doesn't happen. Correct me if I am wrong. One would conclude on a moderate to lower powered NVidia Card the overall performance would be degraded, and time to export longer. I think it would be useful for all users on this Community thread for Adobe to understand how the 25.1 version 'new implementation' is more efficient irrepective of the hardware platform. Do you have some documentary proof of performance tests you have done?. In the 25.1 release it is documentated by Adobe that you have 'completely re-written' H264 handling. Is this for all flavours of H264 and what does it exactly mean ?. In conclusion, does this mean with 25.1 a user with a moderate to lower powered NVidia card must always now disable decoding using NVidia manually if they wish to use iGPU?. This was not necessary before. All tech reports I read in the past suggested QuickSync was still faster to use for H264/H265 decoding.
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Jan 26, 2025
06:47 AM
1 Upvote
After posting a description of the issues with iGPU, Windows 11 23H2, Windows 11 24H2 to Intel using Adobe Premiere 25.1, Intel have infact done testing themselves and come back with this response as regards issues on H264 hardware decoding : Intel Response Thank you for patiently waiting on us. Upon further investigating and testing, we can confirm that such issue exists in Adobe Premiere (Adobe Encoder also), but it's not related to Intel driver, screen or video setting involving Intel driver. So, it's best to contact Adobe regarding this issue. We await further news from Adobe Senior Support and Dev Team investigations on this issue. One would hope they can display the same level of interaction and response timeframe that Intel themselves have done.
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Jan 16, 2025
06:40 AM
After the remote desktop session with Adobe senior support they asked me to conduct more tests to show difference in CUDA and Open CL renderers and send them screen recordings - I have done this and sent off today. In brief - using the correct CUDA renderer selection for my setup (NVidia 4080 Super) the iGPU is 0% activity scrubbing timeline on H264 footage. Changing the project renderer to Open CL then springs the iGPU to life on H264 footage and maintains operation on H265 as well. Now I am no expert on these two standards but it is my understanding CUDA is designed for NVidia and is generally faster and more efficient / easier for software to be writen using it. On the other hand Open CL is literally 'more Open' but can be slower and less efficient. Anyway - I never use Open CL setting and never have done. Since Premiere 25.0 works fine with CUDA Renderer I hope these tests give the Support/Dev teams info they need on what to investigate. Perhaps the reason Adobe tests have not seen the problem is that their project renderer is set to Open CL ? - Just a guess ...
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