‎Feb 13, 2025
04:38 PM
I think we're most all aware we can buy another tool for doing what SHOULD already be IN the tool. Wow 'bout Adobe puts it INTO Lightroom.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
11:51 AM
Just wondered whether there's been an update on this? I also seem to recall it being possible at some point in the past via holding down the shift or comand key, and not only in ACR (which I never use). Just workign on some files that really highlights the frustration of having to keep repeating three steps to make a multiple Object selection for one mask (Add > Object > make section). Logically, Maskig should allow repeated selections for Objects, the way it does with Brush. The process seems so time-consuming I decided to document the steps required on the next edit, a coat with 5 metals clasps, of which 3 are open, making a total of 8 seperate Objects. They all require the same treatment (so I want them on one mask). The process to achieve this feels frustratingly lengthy due to the number of clicks required to repeat steps (and the fact that LrC keeps closing the Mask tool in between). Mask > Create New Mask > Objects > make selection: x 11, a total of 33 steps (should only need to do this once, at the start, but LrC keeps closing the Mask tool). Select mask > Add > Object > make section: x 8 times, 24 steps (ie for initial selection of 8 objects objects with a hard outline). Select mask > Subtact > Select Object > make selection: 10 times, 30 steps (because although Select Object picks the clasp, it also picks some of the leather strips attaching it, which I don't want - but selecting with Brush > AutoMask is even less accurate). Select mask > Subtact > Brush x 3, 9 steps. (This (mercifully) works logically, allowing repeated actions without requiring the tool to be re-selected each time). Select mask to edit (again) > Add > Brush x 3, 9 steps. I now have an 8 object mask consisting of 22 different sub-masks, which I estimate it took at least 105 steps to achieve - ie mouse click tool selections, not counting brushstrokes. I searched for the comment made by an Adobe professional saying a ticket has been raised but was unable to find anything. Does anyone have any insights?
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‎Nov 28, 2024
12:53 AM
"I have a 4060 Ti GPU and have been facing this issue for the past four months. The main problem occurs with Camera Raw's AI masking tools. When I click on an AI tool, the PC starts lagging, RAM usage increases significantly, and any adjustments take about 2 seconds to show the effect. My PC is a high-end build with an i9-14900K processor, 32GB of RAM, and a 4060 Ti 8GB GPU, but I’m still experiencing this issue. I’ve contacted Adobe customer service several times, but it hasn’t helped. I’ve also tried many suggested settings, but nothing has resolved the problem. Currently, I’m using Camera Raw version 14.5, which is running smoothly."
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‎Oct 06, 2024
05:43 AM
Then it worked perfectly...
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‎Sep 22, 2024
01:40 PM
Thanks John. That will be a big help. I wasn't aware I could manage collections this way.
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‎Sep 09, 2024
01:16 PM
I'm so sorry for you, I can feel your pain. Unfortunately it has worked for me. I'm so sorry that it worked for me and not for you. I hope it works out eventually. Love
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‎Sep 08, 2024
03:52 AM
I am not sure, but what I do know is that 1:1 previews are not discarded, but used as standard sized previews if they are smaller than a certain size (don't know by heart what the exact formula was). Maybe the lrfprev are those kind of previews, but that is just a guess.
Publishing services are apparently quite tricky. Once it has been setup, you can't change the destination folder of a publishing service to your hard disk, for example. Another problem would be that if you could export a publishing service to a new catalog, then the destination of that service would now be linked to two different catalogs, which can cause all kinds of problems with services that link to online destinations, but also with local services. Suppose I would edit the image in catalog A, and then republish the image because of those edits. Then the image in catalog B would not be up to date with its published image anymore, but how is catalog B going to know that? And what should happen if it did know?...
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‎Aug 17, 2024
09:00 AM
1 Upvote
You really need an HDR display to make best use of the feature. The link below is to an article by Eric Chan of Adobe provides aa comprehenisve explantion of when HDR output, etc will prove useful.
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‎Aug 04, 2024
11:13 PM
This process is so much easier than described here. You don't need Bridge, or anything else - you can do it with Lightroom and a text editor. Here are my instructions to self: Export a preset as an .xmp file Open in a text editor like Notepad or VSCode Find and change these two lines: crs:PresetType="Normal" to crs:PresetType="Look"
crs:SupportsAmount="False" to crs:SupportsAmount="True" Save, then in LR go to Profiles and Import the updated file. The new Profile will show up in the User Profiles section.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Jul 26, 2024
10:33 PM
‎Jul 26, 2024
10:33 PM
It's hard to disagree. Some really popular requests get overlooked for years.
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‎Jul 14, 2024
08:22 AM
OK, re-reading my reply I realized that's not entirely correct. With "Save As to original folder" checked, Save As should go back to the folder the file is coming from - as long as you've opened the file directly from disk into Photoshop, not via Lightroom.
I think your problem here is the "Edit In Photoshop" script from Lightroom. That sets all the parameters in the script, specified in Lightroom Preferences, and overrides the native Photoshop behavior. It's designed to use Save, which sends the file as specified back to the original folder.
If you use Save As, you go "off script", and you're expected to specify a save location.
None of this has ever bothered me, I use Save As precisely to specify a new save location, and I have the PS Preferences checkbox deliberately off. So I need to realign my thinking to other workflows.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
08:08 AM
I'll try the Photoshop gurus group.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
06:18 PM
I didn't think about the early access thing. Now it makes sense. I"ll look at the plugin.
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‎Apr 05, 2024
02:00 PM
Yes, but the problem is the partially selected pixels I think. since some in the white area are dark, pushing the levels or curves doesn't make everything white. That's why I'm looking for a way to get rid of the partial selections. I have a "workaround", which is how I've always done the selection in the past - don't use EITHER of the tools and just do the whole sky selection with the magic wand or the quick selection tool. But that's how we did this a decade ago when Photoshop was far less capable, and it seems rather unproductive to have to still do this using those old tools when there are TWO modern tools sitting there that should create a virtually perfect selection... I also tried taking each side of the mask, putting it in quick mask mode, then doing a Threshold on it, and that SEEMS to work, though it seems rather kludgy when Photoshop contains both a select sky and a sky replacement tool... Is there a reason both those tools create such an imperfect selection?
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‎Feb 15, 2024
05:37 AM
I put in the request yesterday, so we'll see what happens THIS time.
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‎Feb 15, 2024
05:37 AM
I put in the request yesterday, so we'll see what happens THIS time.
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‎Feb 15, 2024
05:37 AM
I put in the request yesterday, so we'll see what happens THIS time.
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‎Feb 11, 2024
03:07 PM
Lens Correction isn’t on the Distort submenu, it’s at Filter > Lens Correction. But it’s probably not the best tool for the job anyway (unless it works right away, then of course it’s fine). The other warp tools you used may be challenging to use for this because they’re intended as creative tools for introducing distortion, not removing it.
In this example of a bent horizon, you should look into using Filter > Adaptive Wide Angle. It has tools specially designed for handling fisheye and very wide panorama images. In that filter, correcting this could be as quick as dragging a horizontal constraint guide across the horizon, especially if the right lens metadata is in the image so it can more easily work out the perspective.
Howard Pinsky goes over it in this video (under 3 minutes, so more succinct than some of the other videos out there). Although in his example I would have drawn the horizon constraint all the way across the image, not starting at the water; he left the buildings uncorrected.
Trying it out with the uploaded image…this example takes only a few seconds.
Of course you don’t have to use that Scale option, if you’d rather fill in the corners with Content-Aware Fill or Generative Fill (both of which did not exist when this filter was first created). Or you can just manually crop the result.
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‎Jan 25, 2024
04:14 PM
OK, rethinking. That use of the word Lasso. In PS you can draw a lasso around an object. That creates a mask. In LrC that is not what you do, if using the AI Object mask, you paint (in effect) roughly over the object. It is debatable if you need to paint the whole object or just the outline. Typically the whole object. I suspect you painted around the bird, probably touching the bird and the branch, LrC decided parts of the bit=rd and parts of the branch were to be included in the mask. At any rate, in the Mask, select Subtract, then select a brush and you can subtract out the branch. AI Object is not perfect. Attached is a quick although clumsy video capture I just created. In it I create an AI Object mask, I just sort of outline a rose. And I show the overlay and you will notice a bit of the rose is missed. Then I create a new mask, another AI Object of the same rose, this time painting almost all of the rose (missed a wee bit), and the parts missing before are included when I show the overlay (dang missed a bit outer) The I demonstrate (clumsily) using Add to add a bit I missed. Then I go back to the original mask and demonstrate Subtract (sorry no branch vs bird) Is my first mask demo what you are refereeing to as Lasso?
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‎Jan 22, 2024
01:23 PM
@lynnh27894964 Answers to what? This thread has been supplied all documentation regarding AI usage in Photoshop as it pertains to image usage and restrictions.
As far as a Photo Club rules for exhibitions, contests, etc. it will be up to you to determine what will be allowed or not - AI Generative images, retouching using AI enabled tools like Generative Expand, Remove Tool, Content Aware Fill (AI version), etc.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
03:40 AM
1 Upvote
Ah, OK, get it. It's where they intersect it gets muddy.
Frankly it hasn't bothered me, I haven't even thought about it - but now that you point it out, yes, it's a bit murky.
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‎Jan 05, 2024
09:15 AM
I spoke too soon.......... Yesterday I did some fiddling and running different things on different images. And things acted normal. This morning I took one of the small RAW images "A" and did some other fiddling, like putting an adaptive preset on it. Then ran denoise. And instead of being around 12 seconds it was 27. Tried again, and still 27. Switched to a DIFFERENT image "B", ran denoise and it was 12. Put an adaptive preset on that image "B" and the time jumpted to 27 seconds. Took that off and did a Select Subject and Select Sky mask and it jumped to 38 seconds. Purged cache, no difference. Shut down Lightroom and restarted it. No difference. Switched to a different catalog and tried an image there "C". Worked fine. Restarted the original catalog and ran the same image "A" as originally - still slow. "B" also still slow. Reinstalled the NVidia drivers. No difference. No change. Emptied the temp folder. No change. It appears that once an image gets slow at running Denoise, it's going to STAY slow until a reboot. It's not back to 2 minutes, but it's bizarre.
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‎Dec 16, 2023
06:00 PM
Yours shows Photoshop... Mine didn't. Not a problem any more. I just need to make sure NEVER to hit the update later button again.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
04:03 PM
I don't have any abnormal plugins that I know of. I've never gotten a popup during shutdown. And shutdown appears to be normal. It very quickly closes the open version of Lightroom. It's from then on that things compost.
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‎Nov 19, 2023
06:13 PM
I wound up using a mask. But ctrl+z doesn't help in this case. IF I used the Erase, I'd be moving around and erasing areas. I DON'T want to undo the whole stroke, just be able to do something like hold down alt and be able to go over a small piece of the erased area and UNerase just that little bit. I know there's always a half dozen ways to do things in Photoshop, I was hoping this was one where I could easily erase and clean up any small errors with the same tool. I'll use the mask and brush tool.
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‎Sep 05, 2023
07:47 AM
1 Upvote
I was on 12.4, not 12.5. What I believe I was seeing: Take .ARW and run enhance. ARW file is still there. A .dng with the enhancement showed in the catalog and in the folder. There was another file (a dng I believe) that was in the folder, but NOT in the catalog. I believe it was a dng with the original imensions. But, in the meantime, I updated the Adobe software, so I AM now on 12.5, and when I run the Enhance I'm NOT getting an extra file in the folder but not in the catalog. I get 1 file that's in the catalog. So, synchronize on a folder is back to running in a couple seconds. I'm not sure if I'm completely WRONG about what I think I was seeing (though the synchronize definitely didn't work), or if I WAS seeing it and it's changed in 12.5. Either way, thanks for your time, and if I can ever get one of the computers to do it again, I'll grab all the files and send them.
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‎Sep 04, 2023
04:20 PM
Another photoclub year starting, and I need to make prints again… And I STILL have no profiles in Lightroom, OTHER THAN the Epson Stylus Pro 3880_3885_3890 PremiumLustrePhotoPaper one. I went rummaging for anything on Lightroom not having printer profiles and found an old discussion somewhere that claimed Lightroom was too dumb to figure out when profiles were added - which seems unlikely - but their solution was to copy everything from the drivers folder under Spool to the Lightroom Color Profiles folder. That is working at the moment... Which is good 'cause I'm already tired of having to send everything to Photoshop to print!
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‎Sep 09, 2024
01:16 PM
I'm so sorry for you, I can feel your pain. Unfortunately it has worked for me. I'm so sorry that it worked for me and not for you. I hope it works out eventually. Love
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‎Jul 31, 2023
03:20 PM
Windows 11 Pro. Lightroom 12.4 I have an export that sends a file to Topaz Photo AI. I'd like to put a parameter on the command... Right now it's <bunch of stuff>Topaz Photo AI.exe I'd LIKE it to be <bunch of stuff>Topaz Photo AI.exe -tc:zip Is there some documentation or something that points me to how to add a parameter?
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‎Jul 29, 2023
12:52 PM
I had a feeling that was going to be the better long-term solution! In the meantime I realized (which I SHOULD have a lot sooner) that I can remove a folder of images from Lightroom, then import them and it'll rebuild. But once things are stable I'll likely backup everything, then delete the previews and let Lightroom rebuild.
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