13m ago
Bonjour, visiblement je ne suis pas le seul à avoir fait l'acquisition du Sony DSC-RX100M7A, et comme tout le monde je ne peux pas traiter mes fichiers ARW. Merci de prendre en compte le problème pour effectuer une mise à jour.
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Mar 11, 2025
1 Upvote
LrHttp.get() automatically follows redirects, and there's no documented way to stop it. (Otherwise, it would be trivial and robust to do a GET and read the Location header in the 302 response.) So using "curl" is one option. Another simple option, which I use with my plugins: My web site has a text file for each plugin, e.g. https://johnrellis.com/lightroom/anyfilter-version.txt that provides the latest version number. My release scripts automatically create that file from Info.lua.
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Mar 11, 2025
That looks like what I expected. Minion is an Adobe Originals typeface. If an Adobe applications needs a particular font for its user interface a copy of it will be stored in one of the application's sub-folders.
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‎Oct 14, 2024
04:43 AM
Great! I can confirm that for Mini 4 Pro the issue has been fixed with LrC 14.0 Many thanks for your support to get this solved, Rikk!
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‎Oct 14, 2024
04:43 AM
Great! I can confirm that for Mini 4 Pro the issue has been fixed with LrC 14.0 Many thanks for your support to get this solved, Rikk!
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‎Aug 27, 2024
06:19 AM
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‎Dec 18, 2023
01:13 AM
@Bob Trlin In fact the plugin does not calculate the location of the focus point but it retrieves AF information from the so-called "maker notes" section in EXIF data. This information is not available inside LrC (Adobe skips maker notes data entirely) that's why it needs to be read from the file on disk (using exiftool). This is what happens while the progress bar is displayed. I agree that the text "Calculating focus point" can be misleading here - it's not a calculation in terms of determining the focal area / focus point but mapping the focus point coordinates from EXIF AF data to the displayed image (which can be cropped, rotated, flipped). I also agree that invoking the plugin can be a bit cumbersome because you need to go to the menu everytime (as it is for any other plugin). I'm using AutoHotkey to automate my LrC workflow and have assigned ShowFocusPoint and MetadataViewer to specific keys so I can invoke them at the press of a button. Even though I would be happy to see Adobe implement focus point visualization in LrC I don't think we will ever see this. Thist would require interfacing with EXIF maker notes data which is proprietary to every camera maker. Some parts are known, others are undocumented. I would be very surprised if Adobe would be willing to deal with this. The camera maker's RAW converters can make full use of this proprietary information. BTW, if you carefully compare the focus point display in OM workspace and the plugin for OM-1 you will notice that there are slight deviations. Which indicates that the EXIF fields used by the plugin as part of "known" maker notes data do not contain precise AF information which is very likely kept in the undocumented part.
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‎Nov 11, 2023
05:44 AM
1 Upvote
AFAIK, nothing changed in version 12.3. Remember that most viewers cannot view the raw or linear image data. What they show you is the embedded preview, so maybe there was a change in that.
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‎Aug 27, 2023
01:16 PM
That's too bad. Anyway, thank you for your answer, John!
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‎May 23, 2023
02:14 PM
Just found this - describes exactly the problem I'm having: Photoshop won't start (shows up in Task manager) - Adobe Support Community - 12689126
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‎Feb 20, 2023
10:03 AM
A year later but the problem seems to have been fixed with version 22.003.20322!
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‎Nov 25, 2022
11:47 AM
LR CC PNG Watermark problem. On PC: The browns in the PNG file are turning dark blue, and the yellows are turning bright blue. About 1/4 of the images were exported correctly. What does not work: 1. Updating and reloading LR 2. Changing PNG file from 8-bit to 32 bit 3. Both PNG and LR Export files are RGB On MAC: No problems
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‎Oct 26, 2022
08:57 AM
But you have to keep changing the setting every time instead of just saying "current folder".
I paid for v1 but dumped PhotoRAW because IMHO its a hot mess. This and the oversharpening problems.
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‎Jul 13, 2022
05:48 AM
Thank you, Jane. below is a screenshot of my notification settings. Anything wrong with that? Karsten
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‎Nov 25, 2022
11:47 AM
LR CC PNG Watermark problem. On PC: The browns in the PNG file are turning dark blue, and the yellows are turning bright blue. About 1/4 of the images were exported correctly. What does not work: 1. Updating and reloading LR 2. Changing PNG file from 8-bit to 32 bit 3. Both PNG and LR Export files are RGB On MAC: No problems
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‎Jun 28, 2022
01:01 AM
1 Upvote
@Karsten.G wrote:
I'm afraid the use of this may be questionable though, at least in the long run. Topaz (DeNoise and Sharpen) models and effect of parameterization have significantly changed over the past few years' releases, so this data is probably just "FYI" and won't be of help in reproducing same or similar results.
Yes, and Topaz also makes frequent changes to the interface of their applications, moving elements around, and renaming functions. This is annoying enough for a regular user, and I guess it would be a lot of work to keep track of all these changes to make a plugin that covers all versions of DeNoise and Sharpen.
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‎Jun 15, 2022
01:57 PM
I'm experiencing the exact same problem with PS 23.4. I can work around this by clicking "Try again" and "Continue", but it's annoying.
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‎Apr 26, 2022
10:59 AM
If you uncheck "Noise Filter" in OM Workspace, then still noise reduction is applied; this is same or at least very similar to STANDARD. If you want to completely turn off NR then check Noise Filter and set it to OFF.
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13m ago
Bonjour, visiblement je ne suis pas le seul à avoir fait l'acquisition du Sony DSC-RX100M7A, et comme tout le monde je ne peux pas traiter mes fichiers ARW. Merci de prendre en compte le problème pour effectuer une mise à jour.
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‎Oct 26, 2021
06:30 PM
Just throwing this out there, the amount of Develop Presets you have can have a large impact on performance. Having a lot of Presets, for some reason (while not even being used), can cause LR to run sluggish. Delete any and all Presets you do not use and you should see a bug increase in preformance. Atleast I did. I still get sluggish responses when trying to do certain things and I am running a very compatible system that I also use for Video editing and have no issues doing that. LR has always been sluggish with some tasks, like Importing, Exporting, Creating Previews, etc. I am running LR on a 2020 custom built PC Win 10 AMD 3900X 4.0 (boosted) 64 Gigs RAM 3600 (best for that CPU) Water Cooled System AMD 6800 GPU
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‎Apr 16, 2021
12:11 PM
1 Upvote
Glad you got it resolved. As you discovered, the debugging toolkit automatically installs the debugging support required for the current version of LR and tells you to restart. That's not so easy for Zerobrane to accomplish, given the way you attach it to LR.
Both Zerobrane and the debugging toolkit require wrappers/enablers in the same number of spots to fully enable breakpoints, single-stepping, stack tracing, and error trapping. LR's task architecture (built upon the core Lua coroutines) requires that debugging hooks be enabled in each task you want to debug -- thus the wrappers. The task architecture uses hidden tasks in suprising places, e.g. LrTasks.pcall() (which you should use in preference to the built-in pcall()), LrFunctionContext.callWithContext(), and callbacks from LrView controls.
If you don't insert a wrapper/enabler at a particular spot with either debugger, you won't be able to break, single-step, or get a full stack trace in that task. In older versions, Lua errors also wouldn't get trapped and displayed, though in the last year or two, Adobe finally enabled error trapping/display for all (or almost all) tasks. A common confusion in these earlier LR versions was having a Lua error raised in a callback from an LrView control, and the error would be silently ignored and not displayed.
Thus, the debugging toolkit has a blanket instruction to insert wrappers everywhere (you never know where the next bug will strike!). But you can incrementally insert the wrappers in the sections of code where you likely need them, just as with Zerobrane.
"it complained about global variables"
That's from the standard Lua tool:
require "strict"
which I'm surprised that the existing code you're working on doesn't use. In my first day or two of plugin development, I didn't know about "strict" and I wasted a huge amount of time on typos. You can omit "strict" without affecting the rest of the debugging toolkit.
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‎Apr 07, 2021
05:21 PM
1 Upvote
"Are you using a source code debugger for LR plugins, can you recommend one?"
Two options:
- My Lightroom Debugging Toolkit for Lightroom is lightweight and specialized for debugging LR plugins.
- The Zero Brane IDE is full-featured IDE for Lua. It isn't fully aware of how LR handles tasks and stack tracing, though.
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‎Jan 18, 2021
11:49 PM
Meanwhile I found the root cause and how to fix. The issue is caused by Active Protection Service in Acronis True Image 2021. Even though I had disabled this service in ATI UI, it was still visible in Task Manager. Killing / stopping the service removed the issue, but after reboot it was back again - alltogether with the re-enabled Service. After whitelisting Photoshop executable in ATI, the problem now seems to be gone permanently.
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‎Nov 16, 2020
09:07 AM
All that discussion was taking place 3 years ago! So why do I still have that problem??? (11/16/2020)
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‎Aug 26, 2020
11:05 AM
Can someone please please help, I have been running LR5.7 for a while and only very recently obtained PSCS6. When I select "edit in CS6 " I get that same error message "the file could not be edited ......." Im running Win10. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated/.
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‎Nov 05, 2019
03:49 AM
Obviously nobody is interested (affected) by this topic. Anway, I'll keep on answering myself to provide more detail and possible solutions to whomever may stumble across the same issue in future and, while seeking for help, ends up in this thread 🙂 The issue that in-app search window isn't displayed (ie it's invisible but still functional) is not due to using Windows 10 custom scaling levels in general. It just happens at certain scaling levels, one of which is 115%. Lucky me. I found that 113% and 116% do work in fact, so I was happy to finally have a "personal" workaround to this issue. Until I installed PS 2020 - and in-app search was gone again. In PS 2020 the situation is basically the same, but its reponse to scaling levels (as far as visibility of the in-app search dialog is concerned) is different. Here is an overview of the behaviour of current PS CC versions between 110..120%: So, until Adobe doesn't fix this, you'll need to try decreasing or (increasing) the Windows 10 custom scaling values, until you arrive at one which PS can handle in order to display the in-app search dialog.
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‎Apr 19, 2019
09:12 AM
Hi With the Spot Healing brush selected, go to the top left of the options bar and in the brush drop down next to size turn off pen pressure Dave
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‎May 12, 2019
04:24 AM
kgiesel wrote Is there any possibility to take this issue directly to Adobe? Hi Try Contact Customer Care
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‎Sep 24, 2018
09:34 PM
I think the primary downside of ZeroBrane is that it doesn't know about the peculiarities of LR's error reporting as it interacts with tasks other than the main task. Any error raised on a non-main task is silently ignored, and I don't think ZeroBrane will catch these "ignored" errors. The same applies for many (all?) call-back functions that are passed into the API, e.g. callbacks provide to LrView objects. My debugging toolkit provides a recipe for handling those situations, so you never miss an error. I might be mistaken about ZeroBrane, since I've only read about it, not used it myself.
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‎Apr 20, 2018
01:01 PM
I agree this needs to be addressed by Adobe. If you do any kind of exporting to a different Lightroom catalog the current situation of creating new top level keywords out of any synonyms renders the use of synonyms useless. Manually correcting this would be prohibitively time consuming. It would be faster to just create new keywords, instead of synonyms, and put them in their preferred place in the hierarchy and just assign them to each photo accordingly.
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