‎Mar 24, 2023
04:44 PM
I right-clicked a photo on my machine(HP laptop with Win 10) like I normally do to tell it open with Photoshop. But instead of just opening as normal I was shocked with a flickering black and white photoshop screen. I dont know exactly what the problem was, like I said it's a normal photo like many of the thousands of other photos that are in folders on my machine, but tying to open the file(4512 x 3000) Photoshop was shockingly struggling to open it. I decided to take a short video to show you guys. ------> https://youtu.be/PcskvgeuS4A Hopefully a restart resolves the issue.
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‎Jun 20, 2021
08:33 AM
It would be awesome if we could get an expansion of active computers/liscenses. If my memory is correct only 2 active computers are permitted right now. It would be great if the wonderful people at Adobe for Christmas this year would expand that to 3 or 4 active computers/liscenses with maybe upto 5 listed on our accounts. Just putting a bug in Adobe's ear, hopefully you guys listen and implement it. P.S: Talk to your mobile programmers and tell them to get Premiere Rush woking on the top 3-5 Android tablets, maybe as many as 10 but emphasis to them that Android users should not be left out of being able to use ya'lls apps like Premiere Rush and others.
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‎Mar 01, 2021
01:19 PM
I'm familiar with Adobe Premiere Photoshop, Audition ect but not so much with After effects. I'm attempting to make an Into/Outro for a video I have in Premiere. I think I've got the animation designed decent. But now I want to copy and paste the Preset and other keyframes onto other layers. I started design in Photoshop of what I wanted it to look like then brought the PSD into After Effects. In Photoshop I made two different looks of what I wanted before importing to Ae. Now that I have one of the looks animated I'm trying to simple copy and paste those animations onto the version2 layers of my project, but I'm not seeing how to do this for some reason. I need to copy the preset I used and the Rotation I used over to the layers for version 2. Is there a simple way to do this I'm missing ?
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‎Jan 30, 2021
08:26 PM
I tried doing something simple in Premiere Rush on my Note10. I added the video I wanted to edit along with an outro. But then I wanted to add a graphic after I started the project and there seems to be a way lacking to add media after the project is started. In the project area assets area there needs to be a plus button that allows for accessing media on the phone(pictures, videos, audio ect). Now is this something the developers working on Rush know is an issue and will rectify in an update. Or is there something I'm missing as far as adding media into Rush mobile after the projects been started?
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‎Jan 21, 2021
10:07 AM
As the title says having to deal with a sign in screen everytime I open Premiere is annoying and irratating. How about a remember me button that when checked and once signed in will retain the users credentials for a month maybe two? Not becuase I or other users cant remember credentials; but I and others would prefer not to waste 30 seconds to a 2 minutes remembering and retrieving our log in information just to get into Premiere, Photoshop or any of your other apps.
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‎Jun 18, 2020
06:01 PM
More precisely the tablets. Apple tablets are supported, but in all the years I've used adobe they've never developed for Android tablets such as the Galaxy Tabs. I liked having Premiere clip on my S7 phone to do quick edits while I was out and about; but I certainly would of appreciated more screen realestate to edit on. I had to download Cyberlinks mobile Power Director to have something that I could edit with on my 10.1 Galaxy tab. But before I ramble too much, I'm seriously wondering why doesnt Adobe in years upon years not develop mobile apps for both the Androd tablets and Android phones ?
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‎May 04, 2020
10:08 AM
So I'm pretty new to After Effects, not to Adobe, but to After Effects. I'm following this 2017 video to make some social media lower thirds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKL-Ls4eZ34&feature=youtu.be&t=20 Took me some time but all is well as far as following the video and creating the same animation. I've gone up to the point of the text layers and the logos animating from behind the shape masks. I havnt done the last part yet of reversing, looks easy enough. But what's troubling me is the part of the video where he replaces the Twitter icon with a Facebook icon. In my particular case I created a Facebook via his instuctions and now I'm wanting to duplicate the comp and change out my Facebook icon with an Instagram icon. I'm not finding this to be easy though. Everything I read and look at which tends to range from 2016 to 2018 information(I might of stumbled on one 2019 video but still didnt help) says that a global change can be done by replacing the footage in the project panel using right-click> replace footage, but a instance change in a duplicate comp for example can be done by selecting the layer with the image to be changed in the layer panel and also selecting the new image in the project panel, alt-click the new image and drag it over the layer that has the image to be replaced in the layers panel. This doesnt seem to be working for me, I already in preparation for the project resized the different icons I'm going to use to be the same size(1000X1000). When I do this alt-click and drag over the layer the new image doesnt come in at the same resize that I set the first image, it appears to just come in full size above the first icon instead of replacing it in that comp. Can someone explain to me the right way to do this so that I have a duplicate comp, same animations that were set in the first, but swap out the first logo with a second logo ? The text change has been easy enough the image swap is what's bugging me. If you take a peek at the video attached is the fact that the image is in a precomp a complicating factor ?
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‎Apr 20, 2020
09:35 AM
Oh ok. If we want simple static title screens and not so much Essential Graphics which are mostly motion graphics(After Effects for example) then we dont necessarily need a library of motion graphics to choose from.
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‎Apr 18, 2020
10:15 AM
What new title tool. I've encountered the same issue, but I havnt seen any kind of new title tool in inside of Premiere.
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‎Apr 17, 2020
07:50 PM
1 Upvote
I would only see it when I initially open a image in Photoshop. After Ps was open and I had already turned the extras off any other image I dragged in didnt open with the grid on. But when I followed what you said and turned off the grid instead of just extras the next time I opened Ps with an image it didnt turn the grid on automatically. I thought that would of been a setting in preferences or something. I'm glad to now know how to keep that grid from always popping up on every open of Photoshop.
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‎Apr 17, 2020
10:56 AM
I do a lot of quick editing of photos of beautiful women with a particular emphasis. But I notice everytime I first open up a picture in Photoshop it always opens up the picture with Grids and guids(Extras). Turning off these extras is not hard at all, but over the span of many edits it would be preferable that the Extras not come on by default.
Other than a shameless plug of my Instagram page I just made sure Ps was closed and I reopened it by telling a picture on my machine to open in Photoshop. As you can see in the attached picture the Extras always opens up with and on top of the photo. How can I set Photoshop so that by default it DOES NOT open up these extras ? Image removed by moderator
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‎Feb 07, 2020
09:53 AM
I'm working on a info animation and I'm adding and playing with animation presets; I found one I like but I have 4 or 5 lines, short paragraphs, I'm going to add the effect "Stretch and Slide". The only thing Im not seeing how to do is reverse the effect so that pagraph 1 comes in from the left and pragraph 2 comes in from the right, so on and so on. Right now the paragraphs with the effect on them are both coming in from the left and I would like to be able to reverse it for a couple paraphs. Could someone please enlighten me on how to acheieve the effect I've described ? Thanks in advance!
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‎Feb 06, 2020
12:06 AM
I'm a multimedia type of person, I do video, audio, graphics, a little animation and so on. When doing audio in something like a Logic Pro if my mind isnt mistaken, theres a feature, a button that allows for someone to write and make an internal note about the project. But weather someone is a one man gang or one person of 5,10, or 20 plus that might be working on a project, a button for a "Notes" feature would be awesome so individuals can remind themselves of things that were done &/or need to be done when they come back to a project or for other team members to read that pick up the project(This also makes me think an optional checkbox to have the note pop open upon open and load of the project would be useful also). But not looking to ramble or rant, just suggesting and requesting for internal program project notes. Premiere is the main one I had in mind but I suppose the other apps would find it useful also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAw5Ke_X2RQ
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‎Feb 17, 2019
01:53 PM
First I'll preface with last week I did a studio shoot but unfortunately had forgot the lighting; and footage would likely come out ugly dark without lighting in the room or camera adjustment. So last week since had no lighting I made some adjustments in the cameras on the exposures. I use two Sony AX53. That worked for two Saturdays ago but this past Saturday I remembered the lighting but forgot about the adjustments I had made so after the shoot and I look at my main Camera 1 which I use for close up shots it's easy to tell its overly exposed. I had called myself making an adjustment before the shooting started but the camera 1 which is front straight on or sometimes slightly to the side depending on room space is too bright while my Camera 2 is reasonable, good I would say. So after explaining all this as my question says what techniques do you recommend to match my bright footage from camera 1 to my camera 2 so the lighting looks more evenly matched ? And just and extra side issue i noticed; I'm multi-caming this in Premiere which I do often so I'm very familiar, but other than experimenting a little and trying to see if I could apply a LUT to my Cam 1 footage after I went ahead and did the multi-cam (Short clips, so the multi-cam didn't take more than an hour plus or minus) then went back to the bin with my Cam 1 videos. The Cam1 videos are in a bin in Premiere and the Cam 2 videos in their own bin also. Similarly the videos on my drive are in their own folders and using Plural Eyes I dragged them in and did the sync up with Plural Eyes before importing to Premiere. But the multicam cuts are done I just need to match the clips from the two cameras as close as possible. How do you recommend I go about this to fix the lighting ?
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‎Dec 22, 2018
05:48 AM
Simple question. Android is always put on the back-bunner when new apps come out unfortunately; so how long till Adobe Rush is available to Android tablet and phone users ?
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‎Dec 13, 2018
11:14 PM
Yea it is a pain. Do yourself a favor and take meticulous notes on the problems you encounter and how to work around them. While I can understand the quandary Adobe ended up in that caused them to discontinue Encore specifically, I cant empathize with their decision to basically abandon DVD authoring all together. With a still sizable army of people that request disc delivery for playback it would be awesome if Adobe developed a cloud based replacement for Encore that Dynamic links to the other apps just as Encore did. Almost any video pro worth their salt at one point or another is going to be asked if they can deliver the footage or final edit on a DVD. If you're relying solely on Adobe the answer to that question for some is probably no.
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‎Nov 27, 2018
12:48 PM
A common task for many is to add intros and/or outros to their videos; If we've created multiple sequences in our project that probably all belong to one event and those sequences eventually become videos. What seems to be lacking is a way to apply an asset such as premiere titles, Photoshop or Illustrator graphics, After Effects compositions ect ect that we want to use as intros or outros to all of our created sequences at once. Right now I find myself having to open each sequence and manually apply the intros and outros that I want. So off the top of my head, a way to maybe designate an asset within Premiere as an intro or as an outro so that we can then select all the sequences we want them applied to and maybe right click on the sequence(s) or even on the designated asset(s) and select a option like "Apply to All Sequences" or "Insert to Selected Sequences". When a video editor has 10, 15, maybe 20 plus sequences that will all become their own videos, a feature and option like this would save 20,30, maybe an hour plus of time when trying to quickly get distinct videos out that were part of a larger whole event. A nice little bonus might be if when the intros and outros are applied if there are transitions already applied inside the sequences then the transitions to those assets come in also at the beginning and end
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‎Nov 08, 2018
01:38 PM
I'm chopping up event footage, making multiple subsequences that I put into a bin for organization purposes. Well what I'm usually doing is after I have all my subsequences created, let's say 12 for example; I'm creating a legacy title for an intro and either another title for the outro at the end, that or some branding graphics that I have on my machine. My question is simple, once I have all my subsequences that eventually become my videos, how if possible can I apply a title or other asset(s) to the beginning or end of all my sequences before I export them ? I can do one by one but it would save so much time if it was possible to apply to all sequences or selected sequences at the same time. Is this possible or do I have to post it as a feature requests ?
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‎Apr 09, 2018
08:29 AM
So i use Plural Eyes to sync up cameras and it works pretty good compared to Premier's syncing. I sync cameras in Plural Eyes; export the xml from Plural Eyes to use in Premiere. Import the the xml into Premiere which had all rhe references and sync info; this also upon import produces a "Synced Sequence" which is where im doing the multi-cam edit after its enabled. Usually what i do is watch or scrub through the footage and make markers to tell myself where certain rhings happen like where cameras come in and go out, where certain parts of the event start and end so i can cut to cameras in the multicam faster and better ect ect. Well the problem i ran into was as i was pushing and pressing to get through the 2hr and change multicam, i was done with switching cameras and i was now clipping out the different parts for export later. Well i was about 40%-50% through and saving as i went but somehow i clicked something or dragged something that made me lose the working multicam sequence i was clipping off of. I looked in the camera bins created from the Plural Eyes import, looked in the clips bin i created for the final clips and i also had a Audio bin also from Plural Eyes. I dont see the sequence with my cuts and markers in the project tab anywhere. Now the clips/subsequnces i already made from the "Synced Sequence" i can see in them the reference to the Synced Sequence . If i double click the "Synced Sequence" in any of those it will take me into that symced sequence i cant see in any bin or project tab. So all this is to ask how do i recover my edited multicam ("Synced Sequence") so that it's seperate and apart where i can drag it to the source monitor and continue my clipping of it ?
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‎Apr 06, 2018
08:00 AM
1 Upvote
I have the same problem but mine does say 30 frames per second. Is there a shortcut or something to change back to hours;mins;seconds ?
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‎Jul 09, 2017
01:08 PM
Lately in the recent moths even since last year Ive been aiming wanting to upgrade my video equipmemt and overall improve my image quality and speed of my editing so I can get video footage out and up. Camera wise im looking at getting the AX53 Camcorder; from my own reasearch it seems like one of the best camcorders right now. So that I can do some multicam composing on the spot rather than in post I'm very interested in MySlingStidio to so I can cut down a lot of my post editing. Both things are around $1K. If you can only get one right now which do you say is more important; the cam to upgrade equipment and picture quality or the multicam Sling Studio to improve compositing and cut down post edit ?
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‎May 12, 2017
12:28 PM
I have an animated gif with something in it I want to remove. I thought I could select all layers(100) and do a Edit > Fill but I cant seem to with the multiple layers selected. In this case where the thing I'm trying to remove is in the same spot in all 100 of those pics what's the best and quickest way to do the Fill on all layers at once ?
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‎Apr 29, 2017
01:37 PM
1 Upvote
I've shot a few wedding so far, hopefully more soon. But I've only needed Photoshop to do a few batch operations. I would would only edit in detail if I'm trying to save and image I think is worth keeping by removing one or two things. Most the time we want to make sure we shoot the pictures right to begin with to minimize post edit.
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‎Apr 29, 2017
01:23 PM
I use Premiere, if you already have it then yeah I would drag and drop all my pictures from th File Explorer into the Premiere Project; then similarly select all the pictures within the project and drag and drop onto the timeline. Drag in whatever audio you want to go with the slideshow. Add whatever transitions you want, if it looks good export. Slideshow done !
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‎Apr 13, 2017
02:13 PM
After years of shooting multiple camera angles frustratingly tying to edit them together in post afterwards I'm just learning to use Premiere's multi-camera feature. Everything looks good so far, but in the middle of making camera switches I remembered that later in my project during the church service I had shot a short third angle clip on my DSLR. Is it possible to include additional videos/angles synced up with the cameras already synced in the multi-cam ? Or do I have to bite the bullet and remember going forward to include all my camera footage/angles ? Thanks in advance !
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‎Apr 13, 2017
01:46 PM
I'm just getting into the multi-cam feature Premiere has; I recently shot a church service where I had 3 video cameras: A Sony camcorder, a GoPro, and a tablet(I had my phone also if necessary). Though I had all those cameras I was only trying to accomplish a two angle/camera shoot. The camcorder and the GoPro were my main video cameras; the Sony had the straight on while the GoPro had the angle. The GoPro recorded for most the service but near the end it ran out of power so with a tablet tripod adapter already ready I switched out the dead GoPro with the tablet at that same or similar angle. I later in post I used Media Encoder to stich together the GoPro footage with the tablet footage in order to get one continuous file to use as a single camera in the multi-camera sequence. But to your question I did a similar thing with my camcorder where the footage was separated in multiple files. You may of already thought about this but I would definitely have a backup camera or few to cover the gaps where your cameras cutoff. The 20 minute limit sounds like you have a DSLR, in which case yeah they have to cool down. But even if the back up is a phone or tablet as I used make sure you have something to cover the gaps where your camera is shut off or cooling down. As I mentioned up top, when you get to post afterwards go ahead and stitch together your camera files, keeping organized and straight which cameras shot which angle. Stich together the ones that represent the same camera/angle. once all your stitching is down and you have all your camera angles prepped and ready for the multi-cam in Premiere then from there it should be pretty straight forward to select your camera files in Premiere, right-click and create the multi-cam sequence(select audio for sync), premiere does its magic, then all you have to do is play, watch and select your angles with the number keys as it plays
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‎Feb 05, 2017
09:20 AM
Try creating a new project Click OK on whatever defaults it chooses Once the project is created, using the Media Browser on the side of the timeline find your clips and do a click and drag on one. Drag onto the timeline area. If the selected settings from the initial set up is wrong then Premiere will usually ask you if you want it to change it for you. Say Yes or Ok so it can select the settings for your footage.
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‎Jan 17, 2017
02:03 PM
I shot an event late last year and have already spent too long trying to make a dvd in Encore. This particular shoot will be broken into 2 disc, A day 2 and a day 3 (I wasn't available day 1). I believe after working through all the learning and kinks and unexpected Encore issues, that I'm satisfied with my day 2 project, I've played it on a DVD player and it looks good. Now to the point of my question,is there a good way to basically duplicate the project and just change the timelines and minor assets like the buttons to reflect my day 3 videos ? Thanks in advance!
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‎Jan 16, 2017
12:31 PM
I shot a 3-day event, had to work the first day, but was available day 2 and day 3 of the event, the kind of event I'm talking about is a church event or service. Average church service is 1 and a half sometimes 2hours plus. I'm not looking at the exact time lengths right now, but I would say I have at least 2 hours that I shot each day. Edited down, it's likely more around 1 hour 40 minutes for each day; over 3 hours worth that I'm trying to burn and deliver via DVD. This particular problem I posted about I later realized I needed Dual-Layer discs and not double-sided. But I did spend a lot of time researching how to compress my video in order to fit more on the disc at a good or decent quality. What I didn't find a solution or good solution to was how to compress my video files in order to fit more onto the disc. I'm open to to any wisdom you can share about these issues and in general editing, creating, and burning for DVD.
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‎Jan 12, 2017
11:08 AM
Earlier while I was in the premiere forum I saw someones post about a hidden easter egg in the current version of Premiere CC. Basically when you open up premiere, go to the the help and as you click the About Premiere hold down the alt key, following what he said I found the same thing. Being curious I tried the same thing in other apps such as photoshop where I found something also. A few apps I found something, including a project in one. others I got nothing. I haven't looked at all the apps to see if they have anything hidden, but the last one I decided to try cause I presently doing a project in it, is Encore CS6 and I found..... Now who are these people ? Are they or were they the CS6 Encore development team or something ? BTW: If you decide to look around with the same method to see if anything is hidden in the apps, at least one app I had to hold ctrl instead.
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