Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 15, 2024
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 15, 2024
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
@STUDIO36097914a69x this is a completely unrelated issue to this post. Please start a new thread with details on your specific issue.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
12:49 PM
Hi @Mau7rice and @kenpool,
Thanks for writing in. Check the lower left of the UI. You should see a "+" button there to add more media to the project. I hope that advice helps.
Thanks, Kevin
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Mar 15, 2024
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
‎Mar 15, 2024
05:35 AM
1 Upvote
@STUDIO36097914a69x this is a completely unrelated issue to this post. Please start a new thread with details on your specific issue.
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‎Jun 20, 2021
10:03 AM
Adobe management does not read here
Adobe does not discuss future products in public forums, send comments below This is a public forum with "some" Adobe staff participation, use the link below to make a report or request -https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/ -https://www.adobe.com/products/wishform.html
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‎Mar 02, 2021
12:01 AM
Rick explained some basics, but I would seriously recommend you actually start by reading the online help. None of this is rocket science and the use of animation presets or copy & pasting properties is sufficiently explained even if one doesn't consider the official help the best resource there is.
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‎Feb 12, 2021
11:47 AM
1 Upvote
Couldn't agree more.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
10:39 AM
I can confirm if you install/have runnign the Creativbe Cloud Desktop App, and signed in, I have never had to sign back, for years....
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‎Dec 02, 2020
03:31 AM
Example - Removing undisired text from gif, with batch content-aware-fill Before edit. We have this adorable Husk gif but there's something dirty instagram thing down there... Now we are gonna delete those baka mitais for all frames. Save selection! Batch loading the selection and content-fill! Now the text is gone! All left is our cute Husky ! Aww~ Example used here is recorded directly from one of Husk official instagram(bar_cat75) story.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
02:55 AM
Alot of advantages of adope app developed by apple. Android application is is not sautible for adobe
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‎Oct 11, 2020
08:57 AM
Oh, and has a free trial that does almost everything (indefinitely) but with restricted output formats. For anyone wanting to create 720p output to youtube, you're golden.
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‎Aug 31, 2020
06:08 AM
1 Upvote
I have done wedding shoots and fashion and art and urbex. I prefer Photoshop. As I can really get into each picture and adjust things. Now if you want to batch process things then Lightroom is better. So to me it all depends on your style of editing.
I do admit I steer away from wedding shoots. I tend to shoot a million photos.... and I literally hate editing them all. Also, I always tend to under price myself for wedding shoots as I am scared the client will go to someone else. So the amount of work I put it does not equate to what I would get on fashion shoot. 😞
So it really depends if you want to edit in bulk or individually. Both pieces of software have their benefits and cons. But I would definitely have PHOTOSHOP regardless... just in case.
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‎May 27, 2020
04:21 PM
Advise editors on this thread to avoid or begin finding alternative workflows to using such tools as Legacy Titler or Obsolete Effects. Engineers need to keep developing the software based on future tech that might not support legacy UI or effects. Try to use the new Title tool and Essential Graphics panel instead. Need help with that? Let me know. Don't like that option? Here's a link to User Voice to voice your opinion on the matter.
It's nothing personal or ill intended.
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‎May 14, 2020
12:36 PM
HI Make sure the layer to be replaced is selected before using alt-click rto drag the new image onto the layer. Otherwise it just makes a new layer. Hope this helps, Steve
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‎Apr 17, 2020
07:50 PM
1 Upvote
I would only see it when I initially open a image in Photoshop. After Ps was open and I had already turned the extras off any other image I dragged in didnt open with the grid on. But when I followed what you said and turned off the grid instead of just extras the next time I opened Ps with an image it didnt turn the grid on automatically. I thought that would of been a setting in preferences or something. I'm glad to now know how to keep that grid from always popping up on every open of Photoshop.
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‎Mar 10, 2020
06:34 AM
1 Upvote
Set the Timebase or frames to 30fps, then other options will appear
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‎Feb 08, 2020
12:46 AM
As Steve already mentioned "Stretch and Slide" is not a text animation presets. There is no existing text animation preset that matches the look of this Transition and Movement preset. After reading this post you should be able to create your own text animation preset the does the very same thing by applying the same math and logic to the available text properties under the Animate menu at the top of a Text layer.
When you are trying to figure out exactly what is going on in a layer just select the layer and press the U key twice. I could see all of the expressions and the complete layout very quickly. I started at the bottom and disabled the expressions then I started with just the Anchor Point expression. It only took one scrub through the timeline to see what was happening by just looking at the value. A quick glance at the expression revealed the source of the movement. That is all that it took.
A simple linear interpolation method was used to convert the Stretch Master Control slider to values that would move the Transition>Anchor Point from comp width to comp center. The linear method is written like this:
linear(t, tMin, tMax, value1, value2)
"t" is the value of the property you are reading. In this project that is the Stretch Master Control Slider that is added to the layer as the first effect. "tMin" and "tMax" are the minimum and maximum values you expect from t. "value1" and "value2" are the new values you want to deliver to the property. This is the original Transform>Anchor Point expression:
transComplete = effect("Stretch Master Control")("Transition Completion");
linear(transComplete, 0, 100, [thisLayer.width, thisLayer.height/2], [thisLayer.width/2, thisLayer.height/2])
If you check the value for the anchor point you'll see that the X value, the first part of the array, places the anchor point at the right edge of the comp and moves it to the center. That makes sense when you check the Anchor Point values. This expression also locks the Y position to the center of the layer.
To change the movement from right to left to left to right you need to start with the "value1" set to zero. That is all there is to it. This is the modified expression.
transComplete = effect("Stretch Master Control")("Transition Completion");
linear(transComplete, 0, 100, [0, thisLayer.height/2], [thisLayer.width/2, thisLayer.height/2])
The layer now comes in from the Right instead of the left. All that is left to do is enable the other expressions. I hope this helps you figure out how to analyze what is going on with a layer and then change the properties you need to so that you get the results you want.
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‎Feb 06, 2020
10:52 AM
Yes, please post that on the UserVoice system as Ann suggested.
Also, in the meantime, you can actually add a Notepad style note to the Project panel and use it.
Just create a new Notepad (or similar basic taxt tool file) in your project's main folder (easiest to keep with project then). Then from Explorer or Finder window, drag/drop that file onto your Project panel in Premiere.
Voila, you have an editable Notes file within Premiere!
Note, Premiere's consolidation and move features will completely ignore the existence of that file ... but you can use it.
This I got from Jarle Leirpoll's excellent and MASSIVE tome, "The Cool Stuff in Premiere Pro" on his website ... which I bought in the ebook version and has been on my tablet by my computer for over a year. When I saw the paperback version at Adobe MAX last November, I immediately grabbed it ... thing is over 1200 pages, massively indexed, the single greatest compilation of WHAT everything is in Premiere and the ways to get the most out of it fastest.
So I paid around $40 for the ebook version ... thought it was a steal. And another $60 or so for the paperback version ... about 2 pounds of paper there, it's massive ... but comprehensive.
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‎Feb 17, 2019
02:13 PM
Use Lumetri with program monitor in Comparison view mode and go to Color Wheels and Match tab. Use side-by-side Comparison mode to set left side "reference" clip to the better clip, and set the CTI on the "target" clip to be changed so it's on the right side. Click the "Apply Match" button with the Face button selected also. It will try to match with the Color Wheel controls, and you can then try to trim in with other controls in the various tabs. Looks like you've got some clipped whites that will be unsolved totally. But ... you can't fix everything in post. Neil
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‎Jan 08, 2019
05:35 PM
Adobe's Android delivery of Lightroom CC (A.K.A, Lightroom Mobile) for Android was much better than that.
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‎Nov 27, 2018
03:35 PM
...and here, too: Feature Request/Bug Report Form
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‎Dec 13, 2018
11:46 PM
Mau7rice wrote Yea it is a pain. Do yourself a favor and take meticulous notes on the problems you encounter and how to work around them. While I can understand the quandary Adobe ended up in that caused them to discontinue Encore specifically, I cant empathize with their decision to basically abandon DVD authoring all together. With a still sizable army of people that request disc delivery for playback it would be awesome if Adobe developed a cloud based replacement for Encore that Dynamic links to the other apps just as Encore did. Almost any video pro worth their salt at one point or another is going to be asked if they can deliver the footage or final edit on a DVD. If you're relying solely on Adobe the answer to that question for some is probably no. Sorry but a cloud app will never be capable of doing this as there are way too many variables and the file sizes are just too large.
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‎Nov 08, 2018
04:35 PM
I can do one by one That's really the only way.
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‎May 15, 2018
04:48 PM
Mau7rice, Not sure what happened there. Perhaps it was mistakenly deleted. Check an Auto Save version to see if it still might be available. Thanks, Kevin
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‎Nov 30, 2017
10:15 PM
Sling Studio had a booth last month at AdobeMAX and we liked what we saw -- so much, in fact, that we ended up buying it on-the-spot. The Sling Studio interfaces really well with Premiere Pro CC 2018, and really cuts down on the post-production time. If you had the same $1k to spend, I'd invest in your ability to have less time spent trying to get things "just right" in post, letting the SS do what it does best. You can use an iPhone as a camera source with the SS, too -- a 4K input file from hardware you might already own.
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‎Apr 29, 2017
05:10 PM
meredithc68586636 wrote Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I have Premiere...gonna try that first. Premier Pro will let you pan & scan, but be aware that moving the image more than about 10% over about five seconds can make your audience feel a bit nauseous. This is even more apparent when viewing on a large screen. I usually size about 2300 hundred pixels wide for a 1080 timeline so I have the option of pan & scan & zoom. Premiere is also an order of magnitude better for syncing audio because you can see the waveform. It must be a terribly frustrating experience trying to so it with Photoshop!
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‎Apr 13, 2017
07:45 PM
1 Upvote
Open the multicam Source sequence by right clicking on it in the bin and selecting Open in Timeline. From there, you can add and sync the new clips.
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‎Apr 13, 2017
07:54 PM
cameras which are limited to filming in 20 minute segments. Such cameras are not good choices for event work. The best option is to just not use them. Hell, I might even argue that the very best option is for folks to just stop buying them until Canon, Nikon and Sony stop making them that way. It's wholly unnecessary. Panasonic's lineup has always continued recording until you ran out of battery or card space, as it should be. But for those situations where one just has to make due, the PluralEyes plug-in is probably your second best option. It works pretty well right from inside of PP.
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‎Feb 05, 2017
10:47 AM
What version of Premiere are you working on? Seem to me you are missing some codec and presets. And post a screenshot of a hero clip in MediaInfo in treeview.
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‎Jan 17, 2017
02:07 PM
Open your project and do a Save as and give it a different name.
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‎Jan 18, 2017
07:25 AM
I can't say for sure, but that likely is the dev team. As for what SAFEHARBOR11​ said, After Effects has a new secret project with every major release that can be accessed in the same way—Alt/Opt+Clicking on About Adobe After Effects. The secret project always recognizes the dev and QE team, which is pretty cool.
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