‎Feb 12, 2025
07:20 PM
You probably asked for an image of a person, place or thing. Firefly isn't good with that. Or anything actually…
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‎Mar 19, 2024
09:28 AM
THANK YOU FOR THAT TIP! "I have unchecked the box for "Spring-loaded Tool Shortcuts" and now PS is behaving like it should". PS was driving me crazy that my single key tool commands stopped working. It's also happening in AI and ID (I assume/hope the fix is the same). Thanks!
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‎Sep 05, 2023
04:06 PM
Thanks for this AMAZING & IMPORTANT tip! I couldn't figure out why my links didn't work.
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‎May 16, 2023
03:54 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, I have the same problem in all of the Adobe apps (2020 MacBook Pro w 2 external monitors). The way I've gotten around it is to 1) Don't let the computer go to sleep with AI, ID or PS open or 2) Save your workspace(s), and then when it does happen, you just hit "Window > Workspace > Reset workspace" and your saved space will reset. This was driving me nuts until they added the "reset workspace" feature. I HATED having to rebuild all the workspace in all of the programs manually every day. Now, it's no big deal, if I forget and it does, go to sleep and mess everything up, it's an easy reset.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:45 AM
I have this same problem. I have to reset my app window settings everyday. It's maddening and a huge time waster. It over-writes my custom workspace as the screwed up one. Now when I get the workspace correct, I save it as 3 different versions so that when I come back from lunch, I can switch to a new one. This is a huge pain. Why can't: A) Adobe fix this and B) I can save my settings in CC to work on ANY computer (like what was promised at the beginning of the Cloud). Please fix this! PS - This comment is mainly regarding InDesign, Illustrator, PS, & Acrobat, I didn't mean to post in the Premiere feedback but it sounds like it's the same problem.
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‎Oct 17, 2021
03:26 PM
Thanks for the info.
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‎Feb 25, 2021
06:11 PM
At the time I had a laundry list of complaints with Quark that had remain unfixed for years, I was ready for an alternative. I learned page layout on Quark, I knew it inside and out, I was really annoyed that they just stopped updating it. I'd love to list those complaints here but I actually can't even remember. I can't speak to the quality of PDFs it creates over ID, I've not had any problems with ID in that area, I just set the export to whatever I need. Yes, you are correct on the $600 cash grab for Quark, that was a dumb mistake. Tim Gil was already a millionaire, their blatant greed while ignoring the product didn't go unnoticed. Adobe saw a shot and took it. That worked out well for them. I went to the version 7 release party at Quark HQ (14th & Penn.) and it was weird and awkward. All of their new features were just copies of what ID had already baked in. People know they had lost the battle, nobody stayed very long. As to where they are now? Actually, I didn't realize they were still in business. The rats bailed from the sinking ship and haven't looked back. I've not been to any job in the last decade (and I was doing a lot of freelance at different places) that was using Quark. Certainly no ad agencies in Denver are using it. You are right about InDesign's issues, that's why I was on the support board, calling out Adobe to just fix these stupid things. After I post this, I'm going to go take a look at Quark's site and see what they've got going on…
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‎Feb 23, 2021
02:10 PM
1 Upvote
^^^^ WHAT HE SAID. Any response Adobe? I've been onboard with InDesign since the very beginning. I got to watch Quark XPress (in Denver, at the home office) shrink and die and was happy to see it. Now, InDesign is Quark. Why are the new Adobe programs sooo much better than ID? XD is snappy and nice, Fresco is amazing, why is your staple product so neglected?
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‎Feb 19, 2021
12:40 PM
Thanks for your reply Joachim, I'm not sure if I'm having the same problems but I'll look into it. Thanks.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
11:12 AM
She gives the same stock answer everytime someone brings up the corrupt workspaces issue. It's a huge problem across ID, PS and Illustrator on second monitors and Mac laptops. I've given up asking them to fix it, now I'm just here to point out that Adobe has been sucking hard these last few years.
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‎Aug 06, 2020
10:20 AM
MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) Catalina 10.15.6 | ID v 15.1.1 (all CC apps up to date as of right now) with 2nd ViewSonic monitor. I'm posting here because I use ID the most but it's the same problem in PS and Illustrator as well. I've deleted prefs. I've played with Spaces, I've stopped allowing it to sleep, nothing seems to work. When I come in to work in the mornings and open InDesign, my carefully organized workspace panels are all jammed up on top of each other, shoved over on to the Mac's monitor. The only way I've found around it is when I re-make the workspace, I save 5 versions of it, so when it happens again, I switch to a new, un-screwed up version (because it destroys the correct workspace every time it happens). I'm tired of fighting this battle EVERY DAY. Anyone have any idea what's going on and why it happens across all apps? It's like the second monitor goes to sleep and shoves everything over to the main monitor (even though it's set not to power off). I just want my workspaces to stay the way I set them, even if the computer restarts. Thanks!
{Renamed by MOD}
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‎Nov 17, 2017
02:01 PM
Hi Greg, It's not degrading the artwork because it's just a linked image, the real art is unaffected (but don't take it over 100% of actual size or it will start to lose resolution). I think what you're describing is the various preview modes. Have you tried right clicking on the image and setting display performance to high quality display?
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‎Nov 18, 2015
08:15 PM
Thanks for this fix, it seems to have worked for me but I haven't tested it for very long. Same problem, right click broken in El Cap. in Illustrator.
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