Eduardo Moura
Eduardo Moura
‎Aug 02, 2023
04:23 PM
I had the same problem today. Fortunately it was resolved with a logoff. When I logged on the Creative Cloud Desktop app again the XD app was available as before (no more 'Try' button, I can open like the other apps). I'm on Windows 11, by the way. Cheers.
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‎Jun 25, 2020
08:02 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, but you'd have to save the image to icon format in order to use it in Windows (.ICO). Anyway, the icons changed again since your post, so never mind 😉
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‎May 21, 2019
08:56 AM
Just had this error 191 trying to install Adobe XD. In my case, it seems, the problem was that I'm running Windows 10 version 1903 (insider build). The Adobe XD installer is trying to install Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00 and Microsoft.VCLibs.Desktop.140.00 version 14.0.25426.0 and my system has version 14.0.27323.0 already installed. Therefore, the installer stops because there's a newer Appx version installed in the system. The log doesn't say that, by the way, I had to manually try to install the Appx libraries to find that ou. The sad part is that I can't uninstall the newer Appx versions because they're used by a lot of other Microsoft Apps and the system locks it for safety reasons, I guess. Is there anything else I can do, except waiting for Adobe to update their installer to install the newer VCLibs or at least include a failsafe in the manifest to ignore newer versions? Thanks in advance.
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‎Aug 22, 2013
02:11 PM
Hello, Mark. I've just updated to 9.1 and, although I must say that InDesign CC is significantly faster than it was before, I can still get better results with Frame Edges turned off. Which is really odd, since InDesign CS6 can work so much faster in the same conditions (Frame Edges on, High Quality Display). Turning off the Info panel, as suggested before, has no effect on my machine. By the way, the Sync Settings feature is really welcomed. Thanks for that! My specs: Windows 7 x64, Core i7 3770, 16GB DDR3, nVidia GTX 550 Ti with updated drivers (dual monitors) I'll be glad to provide more info if needed. Cheers!
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‎Aug 22, 2013
12:35 PM
That's great news, Mark! Thanks!!
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‎Aug 20, 2013
01:02 PM
Hi everybody, I've been as well struggling with these slowdowns on InDesign CC and have tried every single workaround posted on this forum --with no results whatsoever. Today I tried something else, I turned off Frame Edges (View>Extras>Hide Frame Edges) and suddenly everything came back to normal speeds again. I tested turning on transparency (on Preferences) and even selecting High Quality Display Mode everything was fine, back to CS6 speeds. BTW, I'm on Windows 7 x64, Core i7, 16GB RAM, nVidia GTX 550 Ti video card (dual monitors). Hope it helps someone else.
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‎Aug 20, 2013
09:55 AM
Unfortunately the disappearing cursor bug is not OS specific. I'm on Windows 7 x64 and this annoying thing is driving me crazy as well. Whenever I type something, the cursor disappears completely and only comes back after I hold the Ctrl key and click somewhere else. And this sluggish performance is not helping to ease my anger either... it takes almost a whole second just to the UI acknowledge a simple object selection. I'll be going back to CS6 as soon as possible.
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‎Aug 12, 2013
11:06 AM
This problem is not specific to Apple hardware or even notebooks, as I'm on a Windows 7 x64 desktop PC (16GB RAM, Core i7, nVidia GTX 550 Ti) and I experience all the above mentioned symtoms. Also, as others have reported, InDesign CS6 was much faster with this same specs. It's really frustrating to have all this firepower available and still see InD taking up to 5-10 seconds to draw anything on screen, even with "fast display" performance mode turned on. I really hope Adobe adresses these issues as soon as possible, or it will be another nail on CC's coffin. It's bad enough that I've been paying the subscription since May and still no sign of their advertised Creative Cloud file sync with desktop or the offline TypeKit fonts. Both features are now annouced as "future update", but a few monts back they were among the top selling points.
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