Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jan 25, 2025
01:27 AM
Hello I recently notice a problem. This is my workflow: I always work on my photos by creating a folder with the photos selected from the job, the project catalog as well as the files exported and sent to the client. All this is on an NVME ssd to have the fastest possible access. Once the job is finished, the entire folder (catalog + raw photos) is moved to an archival hard drive. The catalog is sometimes reworked later and, at the end of the year, is imported into a general catalog. I'm using a dxo raw plugin for 3 months now without any problem. I used it on 2 yearly catalogs (daily life 2024 for example) at their primary location (on the SSD NVME). At the beginning of 2025 I moved those 2 catalogs on the archive HDD. As always, I can access the catalogs, work on it from the hdd, no need to locate the pictures again or so everything is fine except that I can't use the plugin as I used to. If I want to use my DXO raw plugin, I get the error message: an internal error has occurred: ?:0: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) I investigate a little and these are my observations: - If I re-export the main catalog as a BIS catalog, I'm able to use the plugin again without error message. - If I import the "defective" catalog into a new catalog, I'm able to use the plugin again without error message. - It appears that the manipulation of exporting the main catalog into a bis catalog as also repair the main catalog in the process. I can't imagine exporting a catalog again as soon as I need to move it from a drive to an other. The catalogs were only 500 images, it tooks quiete some time. I can't imagine how long it would be for my biggest main life catalog... Can someone tell me what's going on? How can I avoid those steps ? Thanks in advance
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‎Jan 25, 2025
01:13 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for your answer. I was running photoshop 24 and 25 and lightroom was priorizing 24. It works fine in photoshop 25. Thanks again
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‎Jan 24, 2025
07:49 AM
Dear, When I try to resize my tool by Alt + right click + drag the picture I work on is zoomed in unproportional way. It makes me adjusting the tool in the wrong way because I can't see the scale of my tool with the good picture proportions. As soon as I stop the right click the picture goes back to its previous size. thank you for your help
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‎Jan 21, 2025
09:32 AM
Bonjour, Depuis peu je remarque un problème. Je travaille toujours mes photos en créant un dossier reprenant les photos retenues du job, le catalogue du projet ainsi que les fichiers exportés et envoyés au client. Tout ceci se trouve sur un ssd NVME pour avoir un accès le plus rapide possible et limiter travailler sur un catalogue apr job me permet d'avoir un processus rapide. Une fois le job terminé, tout le dossier (catalogue + photos raw) sont déplacés sur un disque dur HDD d'archivage. Le catalogue est parfois retravaillé plus tard et ensuite, il est importé dans un catalogue général. Je remarque que quand je déplace le dossier vers le hdd et que je ré-ouvre le catalogue du job concerné, si je veux utiliser mon plugin DXO raw, je reçoit le message d'erreur: une erreur interne s'est produite: ?:0: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
Si je ré-exporte le catalogue en tant que catalogue BIS, je sais de nouveau utilise rle plugin. Si j'importe le catalogue défectueux dans un catalogue neuf, je sais de nouveau utiliser le plugin. Quelqu'un peut-il me dire ce qu'il se passe ? c'est assez embêtant de devoir repasser par ces étapes... Merci d'avance
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‎Jan 16, 2025
12:24 AM
Thank you for your answer. I will think about that 🙂
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‎Jan 15, 2025
11:39 PM
Hi, I collect my photos around 3 catalogs: professional work, private (familly and travel) and street photo. Some street photos are taken while traveling. I would like to have the pictures reamining in the 2 catalogs but I would like to know how I can syncing modification to a pictures to the 2nd catalogs ? When in street catalog, modification to a picture taken in Cuba would be automatically applied to the same photo in the private catalog. Is there a workaround ? Do I need to write in .xmp the modifications so that each catalog reads the last xmp file ? Thanks a lot for your input
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