Seb Morin
Community Beginner
Seb Morin
Community Beginner
7 hours ago
Bonjour @Camille35746639au47, I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise. Please see my pinned message above which explains this. Please let us know if you have further questions. Bien à vous, droopy
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7 hours ago
Bonjour @Camille35746639au47, I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise. Please see my pinned message above which explains this. Please let us know if you have further questions. Bien à vous, droopy
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‎Dec 08, 2016
02:39 PM
1 Upvote
WIth reinstalling CC 2015 I just got this message for the very first time. Unsupported compression type? It never complained before! Deleting the media cache files from the date and time I created the project DID HELP! After opening the project it could import the MTS files without any problem. It seems that deleting those media cache files remedies all kind of glitches and hickups.
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