Chris Spiegl
Community Expert
Chris Spiegl
Community Expert
‎Dec 06, 2024
08:04 AM
Thank you, @Fergus H for this update. That is huge news! Is this GPU acceleration on all systems or a specific system? I am on M1 Max MacBook Pro (so Apple Silicone) and wonder if this will apply?
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‎Sep 18, 2024
04:56 AM
I just tried the latest Beta (25.1.0 BETA (Build 15)) and the following video shows my result.
Playback is still unbearable at full resolution. With 1/8th resolution, I am able to smoothly play back, but my CPU is still at 100%.
This is with a M1 Max MacBook Pro 16" — not a small machine at all!
Here is a demo screen recording (keep an eye at the top of menu bar with the CPU graph. The left one shows the cores' usage, the 2nd one shows the history of CPU usage, 3rd one is the GPU utilization.
It's frustrating to wait so long for performant codec support. We buy powerful machines, use premium software, and can't efficiently work.
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‎Jul 31, 2024
01:25 PM
There appear to be multiple posts on the UserVoices already. And it is confusing that some projects specifically tell you not to use UserVoices and instead use the forums here (Premiere Pro, Media Encoder)… and then some you want us to use UserVoices? Maybe this should be consolidated?
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‎Jul 26, 2024
10:23 AM
1 Upvote
Since NDI does not publish the dates when they release a new version (should be mandatory IMO).
We are talking about all this based on version NDI 6.0.1 on 2024-07-26 (at least that's the latest release I tested with).
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‎Jul 26, 2024
10:18 AM
Interesting finding. Maybe also reach out to NewTek / NDI and help make this known (I already did, and hopefully Adobe can also talk to them).
I believe that there is something going on and NDI should improve their NDI Video Monitor if that's the case and record the H.265 in a way that does not need an extra plugin to function.
Then again, we only see the tip of the iceberg and who knows what may be going on under the hood on any of those three tech stacks.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
10:57 PM
Maybe I should add: the issue initially started with h.265 footage recorded with the Atomos Ninja V / Shogun Ultra.
Those issues go away when removing the above-mentioned plugin (NewTek SpeedHQ.bundle).
Your footage from the FX30 could have completely different issues and may be unrelated to this issue that we have with the Atomos recorded material.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
11:30 AM
The solution for me was to delete the file "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/NewTek SpeedHQ.bundle".
Once this file was deleted, I was able to import the H.265 files from my Atomos Ninja V & Shogun Ultra.
I have reached out to Atomos, Adobe, and NDI, but none appears to feel responsible.
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‎Jul 24, 2024
02:22 AM
I also find that there are still many cases lacking with the LTC implementation. I have been able to sync a little bit (latest beta downloaded today), select LTC in the "modify" menu… but then on the timeline nothing syncs on LTC and the "media start" is not updated. Then, I restart PP Beta and the media start is updated…
I hope that this is ironed out more and improved significantly in the coming updates.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
02:40 AM
Thank you, @Kevin-Monahan for the check-in.
I tend to use Beta for most of my videos, so I already used the fixed version for a while.
Now, I tested version 24.5 (official release from 29 days ago) and I exported two files (once through Premire Pro itself, once through Media Encoder).
I am able to seek through both of the files (PP & ME export).
So it seems this is fixed in stable & beta now.
I am thankful that this is finally done.
But, please, let me iterate:
I still hold my point: taking a full year to fix such a basic issue (exporting a world standard video format) is ridiculous and should NEVER happen. This 100% cannot be in the interest of Adobe, and there really needs to be some work done on internal processes if this is how problems are treated and fixed.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
01:55 AM
I second this. That would be a great addition and simplification for this workflow.
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‎Jul 09, 2024
06:24 AM
1 Upvote
I already did, a few weeks ago. But no activity there…
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jun 20, 2024
08:46 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 20, 2024
08:46 AM
1 Upvote
This is excellent news! Thank you for informing us.
I'll still say: this took far too long to implement. But at last.
We'll be testing this feature on our next shoots and see if it all works as expected.
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‎Jun 08, 2024
06:21 AM
Dear @Anshul_Saini do you have any news on this? To me, this is an issue I ran into within my first hour of using Adobe Fresco and it's a pain that this is still missing even though it's been asked for in 2021 already.
Please provide an update or raise it to the team if at all possible.
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‎Jun 08, 2024
06:20 AM
I just started using Fresco for some animations and ran into this issue instantly! The idea to have a bike go along a path but also have the wheels spinning is something so logical, but without the ability to animate layer groups one would always have to create individual animations and then later bring them together.
I hope this is part of a future update!
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‎Jun 08, 2024
03:33 AM
I started using Fresco for iPad for animations and wondered if there is a possibility to export with Transparency in HEVC/H.265 or ProRes 444 format?
I only see h.264 export, png sequence, and gif?
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‎May 28, 2024
02:52 AM
Hi @jamieclarke, thank you for taking a look into this. I was able to shoot some test files and provide them to you via email. I just sent that through. While I am also in contact with Atomos on this matter, and they are looking into it as well.
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‎May 23, 2024
07:14 AM
I just ran into the same issue with the R5C + Atomos Ninja V + H265 HQ.
PP: 24.3 / PPBeta: 24.5 Build 42
Has anyone tested the other codec variants? Maybe it's just the HQ? Or maybe is has something todo with Premiere Pro not understanding H265 in a MOV container?
I copied the files over from the MOV to a MP4 container via:
ffmpeg -i -c copy out.mp4
And those files then worked flawlessly.
Luckily, the conversion is merely a copy from one container to another (no full on re-encoding) but still annoying enough that I will not use this workflow regularly.
So, any input from those who have found a permanent solution (that does not involve the container switcheru) would be very welcome.
Cheers, Chris
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Apr 30, 2024
05:43 AM
‎Apr 30, 2024
05:43 AM
I appreciate the effort to clean up and modernize the code base and removing unused / rarely used features like this is a great step to being able to focus on what's actually important!
Great move!
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‎Dec 21, 2023
08:31 PM
1 Upvote
Sadly I can still report that this is a reality. It heavily depends on the video files, often the codec, and effects on the audio timelines. All those things play a role in the playback getting hung up or not. But when it happens, it is incredibly annoying when you can't stop playback. I just wish it would overall be more solid and reliable so that these type of things just don't happen.
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‎Dec 11, 2023
02:25 AM
Dear Adobe & Community, I'd like to ask if Premiere Pro could implement propper VST3 Multi Channel Plugin support for things like WTAutomixer? This is supported in Audition and the plugin does "work" in Premiere Pro but there is one specific bug: When adding the effect WTAutomixer into the Effects Rack of one specific audio Track and opening it, the plugins hows no tracks. Then as soon as playback starts & there is sound, a track appears in the WTAutomixer interface. This is how it is supposed to work. Then when I add the WTAutomixer to another audio track effects rack it also works the same way. However, when removing the plugin from one of the audio tracks, the corrosponding track in WTAutomixer does not get removed. I tried this in Audition, there it works as expected. If the effect is removed from one of the audio tracks, it also gets removed from the WTAutomixer plugin interface. I contacted the WTAutomxier support and they let me know that this is something that is in Adobes hands and the way they handle VST3 multi channel plugins. So, I hope this can be fixed and made so that it is similar to how Audition and other audio work stations handle these types of plugins. Warm Regards, Chris
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:54 PM
The markers panel really needs some work. I just also created a request just like @TaranVH mentioned that the name column needs to be more accessible since it's "the main thing of a marker". I really hope that this get's some love sometime. @Kevin-Monahan Do you have any input about this? Maybe a status how this could be improved?
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:52 PM
To create an immersive video (aka it should stay 360 and navigatable when on YouTube), you have to use the Premiere Pro VR workflow which is not easy but dooable. You can find videos about this on YouTube. When you use the GoPro FX Reframe Plugin, then you are essentially making the 360 into a "I choose the point that you want to look at and export a normal 1080p or 4k video". So, you end up with a standrad video file which the viewer can not navigate any more.
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:49 PM
Hello everyone and @Francis-Crossman , I am wondering what the current status is. I am aware that wheels at a corporation like Adobe turn slowly. But it's been a year since this has been marked as something that's beeing worked on. The Captions workflow in this is pretty good so far but the VTT export appears to still be missing. Any chance to get an update on this? Warm Regards, Chris
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:43 PM
Now with the different Import/Edit/Export panels in Premiere Pro, I can see this being a new "Color" panel (kind of mimiking Resolve there). The concept art you created really is mind blowing and one can only hope Adobe is looking into this and improves the color grading features. Otherwise people are just going to export to Resolve and possibly convert fully at some point. @Kevin-Monahan do you have any idea if the color panel will get improved and maybe this concept has some merrit to it?
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:39 PM
Hello @Reg Santo Tomas, can you update the status? I know that a corporation like Adobe wheels turn slowly… but's not really inciting confidence when the status is "Under Review" for close to a year? Warm Regards, Chris
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‎Dec 10, 2023
05:06 PM
Thank you @Kevin-Monahan, great moves.
If we get the option to hide the tooltips, that'd be the cleanest option IMO.
Warm regards,
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‎Dec 10, 2023
12:06 AM
1 Upvote
I would love to see the Markers Panel to act more like a Excel Sheet Table. Especially becuase I tend to write a bit more into the "Name" field and that is caped at a fixed length and there apperas to be now way to make it expand to be able to see the full name or at least more of it. Maybe adding the abilitty to resize the left side of the markers panel next to the comments field? Maybe it'd be an option to make the name field also visually line break and display the full title (or at least give the option to do this)? Not sure what the solution would be that would be able to be added. But I'd like to see this updated / improved. Warm Regards, Chris
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‎Dec 09, 2023
11:57 PM
Hello @Kevin-Monahan and @nishu_kush , Since User Voices is no longer and requests are now managed here (as far as I understand it): is there any chance for this to become a thing? It's kind of ridiculous like @chrisl41309234 mentioned that a button that's so tiny is mandatorily taking up so much space without a chance to remove it (at least I have not found it yet). Especially on laptop screens this is really space I could use much better otherwise - considering now there are a bunch of buttons like this at the top right where this Cloud Sync button would fit nicely if it is necessary to put it somewhere else. Warm regards, Chris P.S.: I do think that this thread/request needs a renaming… cause the current "remove/hide from workspace" is really not saying anything.
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‎Nov 29, 2023
01:23 AM
Luckily, the tip by @yoshi2ys solved it for me. The problem appears to have gone away after the macOS update to the next Beta (of macOS) version. So, whatever is going on behind the scenes, it now works agin.
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‎Nov 29, 2023
01:22 AM
Thank you for taking the time to write this tip. I just updated and it does indeed appear to have solved the issue. I guess, sometimes it's actually not Adobe's fault 🙈.
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