‎Feb 16, 2025
09:40 AM
A few years ago, I thought Adobe Lightroom Classic and Photoshop were the best photo editing apps out there and always gave them a very high rating. Sadly now they are a burden to use. And since I sell photos on Getty and Shutterstock as EDITORIAL content, I do not need the AI editing tools as EDITORIAL content is not supposed to have any creative editing, only color adjustments, cropping, etc. NO object removal. I had a few of my EDITORIAL photos rejected as it has meta data mentionaing Adobe AI. And I did not use generative fill, remove, etc. Kindly restore the performance and light feel of Photoshop from 2 or 3 years ago, or I will have no option to seek other photo editing apps. Hoping Adobe is listening to our pleas.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
08:41 PM
Photoshop and Lightroom Classic are both getting to be so slow, they are almost unuseable on my AMD R7 3700 16 thread cpu with 32 gigs of DDR4 ram and RTX 2060 8 gigs RAM. Never had these issues with previous versions of Photosop. Things are getting so bad I am giving strong consideration to cancelling my Adobe subscription and going with a competing product. Simply can not endure these long pauses and slugish performance. Updates are supposed to improve apps, not make them worse. I do not have these issues with my other apps - Blender3D, 3DCoat, e-onsoftware's Vue, DAZ Studio, Rebelle 7, Corel Painter, all perform fine. Just the Photoshop and Lightroom are giving me issues.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
10:56 AM
Moderator - kindly remove this post. I find each time I post something here I am referred to some other official Adobe forum. Posting here is frustrating and a great waste of time. Please remove this post.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
10:47 AM
Sorry BUT I do not see any button named "Photoshop Family". I also tried logging in with my Adobe creditenials and was denied. Tried twice more. Same results.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
10:12 AM
If is an offical Adobe forum, then WHY do I need to create yet another username & password? No thanks.I'd much prefer to post here. I very much dislike the color grading. I realize I can get similar results as split toning and have. But the user experience is horrible. Split tonning was so much easier & user friendly.
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‎Nov 02, 2020
09:19 AM
I really dislike the new Color Grading option in Lightroom Classic. I understand how split toning can be accomplished with color grading. I've watched a few youtube tutorials on color grading by the excelent artiest like Blake Rudis and others like Colin at Photoshop Cafe. I've been using the color grading option for close to 2 weeks. I really dislike it and wonder if there is an option to revert to the split toning option. I am NOT asking for replies informing me how color grading is superior or how I can achieve split toning via color grading (I'm quite aware of this). Any replies along these lines I will consider trolling. I am simply asking if I can disable the color grading and enable split tonning in Lightroom Classic. Cheers & Many thanks
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‎Sep 25, 2020
10:18 AM
I paused Syncing photos & I went into my preferences and used the Delete All Synced Data from the Lightroom Sync which prompted me to login into Lightroom on the cloud to delete all my files from the cloud. Which I did. However, when I look at the Pause Sync it shows there are 2529 files waiting to be synched. I've also unchecked "syncing with Lightroom" from my collections. When I unpause Sync it starts to sync the files again.
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‎Sep 25, 2020
10:13 AM
Thanks kindly for the reply... I have several collections for photos I've uploaded to Stock Agencies - separate collections each for Adobe, Getty, Shutterstock, Fine Art American, Red Bubble, etc. I wish to keep my collections. I'm assuming importing the catalog database would maintain the collections, while importing photos would not. Is that correct?
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‎Sep 25, 2020
08:39 AM
Will that effect any of my collections like remove photos that are unsynced from collections? Thanks kindly for the reply.
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‎Sep 25, 2020
08:20 AM
How do I permanently turn off synching photos. I know about pausing BUT I want to turn it off so it no longer runs, However I am building a new Ryzen 8 Core 16 Thread computer and will be moving my photos & catalog, collections to the new computer. Does this require synching to be left on? If not I have no need of this function as I only edit and access my photos on my desktop computer. Cheers Ken
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‎Aug 10, 2020
09:14 AM
Still working stellar and humming like a small block Chevy V8. No freezing or big delays. Very pleased....
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‎Aug 10, 2020
09:13 AM
I downloaded the latest video driver NVidia and installed it. The driver was the Studio Driver ver 451.77. Previously I was using the Game driver and a previous version. I have GPU turned on once again and so far no more marks. Cheers
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‎Aug 06, 2020
05:28 AM
At first I had this issue with my Nikon D7000 & D5200 NEF raw files. And I've switched GPU on & off. It made no difference, So I switched it back on. I've been processing some older raw files from my Olympus E500 & E620 files. The Olympus ORF files are also having this issue. Never had this problem until a couple of weeks ago. Sorry but I do not believe in or use cloud storage. I recently retired after 30 years as a system admininstrator (Novel Netware, Windows server, Netware on Suse Linux) where our IT security group were strongly against any cloud storage for our corporate documents. It's a practise I still adhere to.
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‎Aug 05, 2020
02:06 PM
Yes GPU is turned on.
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‎Aug 05, 2020
11:33 AM
Here they are... Cheers
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‎Aug 05, 2020
09:37 AM
I'm getting these weird lines & circles when I use the radial filter... Not the white circles around the heads of the two men. Recently I've had images rejected by stock agencies because of these weird circles and lines when I use the radial filter. Lightroom Classic version: 9.3 [ 202005281810-476e492c ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en Operating system: Windows 10 - Home Premium Edition Version: 10.0.18363 Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 3.0 GHz SqLite Version: 3.30.1 Built-in memory: 32639.4 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 32639.4 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 1688.1 MB (5.1%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 1716.6 MB GDI objects count: 659 USER objects count: 2195 Process handles count: 2101 Memory cache size: 4.8MB Internal Camera Raw version: 12.3 [ 493 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 166MB / 16319MB (1%) Camera Raw real memory: 167MB / 32639MB (0%) System DPI setting: 120 DPI (high DPI mode) Desktop composition enabled: Yes Displays: 1) 2560x1440, 2) 1280x1024 Input types: Multitouch: No, Integrated touch: No, Integrated pen: Yes, External touch: No, External pen: Yes, Keyboard: No Graphics Processor Info: DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ( Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic Library Path: F:\LIGHTROOM\CATALOG\CATALOG-2-2-2.lrcat Settings Folder: C:\Users\kenmo\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom Installed Plugins: 1) AdobeStock 2) Export to Photomatix Pro 3) Facebook 4) Flickr 5) HDR Efex Pro 2 6) HDR projects 4 professional 7) LR/Enfuse 8) Nikon Tether Plugin 9) Perfect Resize 7.5 Any ideas or advice?
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‎Jul 04, 2020
09:06 AM
I am quite pleased to report since the latest update to Lightroom Classic 9.3 it has been very stable. Since the update over a week or so ago, I have not experienced any freezing or hanging. Much appreciated Adobe. Cheers Ken
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‎May 08, 2020
07:00 AM
I've installed the Windows updates/patches & updated my Nvidia driver as suggested. It did not resolve the issue. I also tried disabling GPU support in Lighroom and it made no difference. Lightroom still behaves the same. Totally disgusted with Lightroom. It used to be a great app a year or so ago. Lightroom Classic version: 9.2.1 [ 202004070813-7699d98a ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en Operating system: Windows 10 - Home Premium Edition Version: 10.0.18363 Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 3.0 GHz SqLite Version: 3.30.1 Built-in memory: 32639.4 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 32639.4 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 1775.8 MB (5.4%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 2042.2 MB
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‎May 08, 2020
06:54 AM
I only use my USB drives for backups. I do not have any photos on USB drives in my Lightroom catalog. I use Synchredible to backup my photos, 3D renderings and digital paintings to the USB drives. I do not run applications or access any of my data on the USB drives. They are for BACKUP only. I use 2 internal sata drives for my photos and 1 internal sata drive for my digital art. All three drives are in my ONE Lightroom catalog. Photos Drive D - 5.45TB - 862GB free Drive N - 3.63TB - 2.45TB free Digital Art Drive E - 1.36tb - 315GB free I have my OS & Apps installed on a Samsung 1TB SSD drive. I also have an Intel 465GB SSD which is used to store my Lightroom catalog & temp files. Lightroom app is installed on the Samsung 1 TB SSD with my OS & other apps. The only app I have issues with is Lightroom Classic. I've uninstalled and re-installed it twice. It did not resolve the issue. Photoshop CC, Corel Painter 2019, e-onsoftware's Vue Creator, Poser Pro 11.3, Daz Studio, Blender 2.82, 3D Coat 4.9, Silo3D and other apps operate fine. And exhbit NONE of the issues Lightroom.
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‎May 07, 2020
06:49 AM
Thanks for the replies. Installing Nvidia update now. Usually I have to recalibrate my monitor via Colormunki after upgrading Nvidia drivers. Cheers & many thanks Ken
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‎May 04, 2020
05:35 AM
Lightroom with it's performance glitches and freezing while doing database administration is simply making Lightroom unusable and not very productive.
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‎May 04, 2020
05:34 AM
I've posted my System Info as requested. Did you see anything? Cheers
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‎Apr 29, 2020
07:29 AM
1 Upvote
I would prefer less eye candy and better performance & stability. The database management is pathetic.
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‎Apr 28, 2020
03:09 PM
Thanks for asking this. here ya' go... Lightroom Classic version: 9.2.1 [ 202004070813-7699d98a ] License: Creative Cloud Language setting: en Operating system: Windows 10 - Home Premium Edition Version: 10.0.17763 Application architecture: x64 System architecture: x64 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 3.0 GHz SqLite Version: 3.30.1 Built-in memory: 32639.4 MB Real memory available to Lightroom: 32639.4 MB Real memory used by Lightroom: 1464.3 MB (4.4%) Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 1542.4 MB GDI objects count: 641 USER objects count: 2294 Process handles count: 2370 Memory cache size: 7.3MB Internal Camera Raw version: 12.2.1 [ 415 ] Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5 Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2 Camera Raw virtual memory: 26MB / 16319MB (0%) Camera Raw real memory: 27MB / 32639MB (0%) System DPI setting: 120 DPI (high DPI mode) Desktop composition enabled: Yes Displays: 1) 2560x1440, 2) 1280x1024 Input types: Multitouch: No, Integrated touch: No, Integrated pen: Yes, External touch: No, External pen: Yes, Keyboard: No Graphics Processor Info: DirectX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ( Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Lightroom Classic Library Path: F:\LIGHTROOM\CATALOG\CATALOG-2-2-2.lrcat Settings Folder: C:\Users\kenmo\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom Installed Plugins: 1) AdobeStock 2) Export to Photomatix Pro 3) Facebook 4) Flickr 5) HDR Efex Pro 2 6) HDR projects 4 professional 7) LR/Enfuse 8) Nikon Tether Plugin Config.lua flags: None
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‎Apr 28, 2020
06:24 AM
Yes. I did try to diagnoze my issue for quite some time before posting here. I have myLightroom catalog & temp files directed to a 500 GB Intel SSD. My OS & apps are installed on a 1 TB Samsung SSD. I did build a Ryzen 7 3700x with 32 gb of DDR4 memory. I need to purchase a video card for it. Presently it is using an older Nvidia GTX 750 with 4 gb of ram but it is only a 128 bit card. I could move the GTX 1060 6GB 192 bit card to the Ryzen from my I7-4770 BUT I would prefer to buy a newer card. Not sure which Nvidia card. My 3D apps prefer Nvidia's CUDA over ATI\AMD cards.
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‎Apr 27, 2020
08:21 PM
I used to love Lightroom. I thought it was the best bargain with the Creative Cloud subsscription along with Photoshop. Currently using Lightroom Classic 9.2.1 on my I7-4770 with 32 gbs of DDR 3 memory, Nvidia GTX 1060 6 gb video card running Windows 10 Home 64 bit. Most of my other apps zip along Photoshop CC, Corel Painter 2019 and my 3D modeling apps (3D Coat, Blender 3D 2.8, Silo 3d 2.5, DAZ Studio, Poser Pro 11.3, Vue Creator 3D, etc). BUT Lightroom is a complete dog and really slows down my photo editing workflow. The issue most of the time is it's doing database stuff and not allowing me to edit my raw files. It's either sychronizing a folder or the metadata. Both DAZ Studio and Poser Pro have large databases of 3D content. Both are not slowing down at all. They still zip right along. I know it's not my computer. I was a computer support tech for 35 years and recently retired 2 years ago. It's driving me completely nuts and what took little time to edit a raw file now can take several minutes. And can often freeze Lightroom only but not my computer or Widows10.. I have a large catalog of 150,000 images AND PLEASE DO NOT SUGGEST I DIVIDE MY CALALOG INTO SMALLER ONES. Please do not suggest this. Not interested in doing this. I have all of my photos into various catalogs that make sense to me. AND IF Lightroom can not handle a catalog of this size, then I'm gonna give some strong thought to jumping ship. I've also seen on the web some other people are having this issue with the terrible performance of Lightroom due it's database handling. And some of them have found some competing products that do not have this issue. My question to Adobe: Is this issue being looked into? Will it be fixed soon? I have no issues with Adobe, it's pricing or it's products. BUT Lightroom has been getting worse and slower with every update IMHO. Others may disagree. Regards Ken
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‎Feb 18, 2020
06:32 AM
Thanks kindly. I do appreciate the assistance. Apparently I had a watermark on the image. I do not add watermarks to my stock photos. I add watermarks to my photos I upload to my Zenfolio gallery or Flickr. I obvioulsy added a version of the image I intended for my Zenfolio gallery. Sorry about the confusion and many thanks again. Cheers
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‎Feb 17, 2020
02:01 PM
NON COMPLIANT IMAGE is too broad a term. IF the issue was a white balance issue why not have "WHITE COLOR BALANCE ISSUE" as an automated response. I still do not know WHY my photo is rejected. I only re-submitted the issue in question as I thought jacquelingphoto2017 was suggesting I do so. I do post to other stock agencies and have a much larger portfolio with two others (Getty & Shutterstock). Close to 1500 on each. I've been posting to Adobe & Fotolio for over 10 years. Fotolio was a very pleasant experience as are Getty & Shutterstock. Adobe is not. Too much confusion and vague responses.
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‎Feb 17, 2020
12:33 PM
I want to co-operate fully. However this the first time I've posted a rejected file to this forum. I thought I was following exactly what you asked. It seems English may not be your native tonque and perhaps we have a communication issue as I do find some of your comments hard to follow. I mean no offense by this remark. Sorry if I appear difficult to get along with. I can assure you that is not my intention. Cancel my account? WOW, I've been a member of Adobe for over 10 years and this is the very first time I've asked for any assistance and now you start threatening me. WOW!!! Cheers Ken
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‎Feb 17, 2020
11:15 AM
File ID: 321939018 is the file in this thread. In your reply you posted [quote] In the mean time you may upload another that was rejected. [/quote] Which I thought you were suggesting I upload another re-edited version.
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