‎Jan 24, 2023
05:30 AM
I found a 3rd party plugin to export .mp2 files with embedded captions but they want $1600 for it. That is a CRAZY price when Adobe should include this option. Come on, Adobe. Help us out, please!
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:30 AM
This is a CRITICAL FEATURE THAT IS NEEDED NOW!!! It is unbelievable that Adobe does not have this ability. I send out several 30 min shows and 200 commercials a month and EVERY STATION needs embedded mp2 files for broadcast.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:29 AM
This is a huge problem for us doing broadcast programs. Most TV stations require mpeg2 files. Adobe, please add this feature ASAP! THANKS!!
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‎May 27, 2022
06:42 PM
Nate, I deal with broadcast tv stations all over the US and they want/need Mpeg-2 files with embedded captions. That is what their playback system use. No one even knows what an MXF OP1 file is. No station I work with will take Quicktime files either. Mpeg-2 is the broadcast standard for playback. I found a third-party plug-in that can export the Mpeg-2 file with embedded captions but they want $1600. for the plug-in. So, it can be done. Our budget does not permit us to purchase this plugin. If you wish to look at their website I can email you to post it here to verify. PLEASE for all of us on this thread, PLEASE add this ability. This would solve a HUGE problem we all have to deal with on a daily basis. Thank you!!! Wayland
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‎Apr 16, 2022
06:33 PM
Yes, I am getting this too. This seems to be a bug. I export anywhere from 40 to 120 commercials from a single sequence.. one at a time. It would be great if the playhead in export matched where it is at in edit mode. Best Wishes!
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‎Feb 15, 2021
08:13 PM
Ok.. this is just not fair! If I go to AME, select DGFastChannel480, and then Load Presets, everything is correct (video size, pixel aspect ratio, field lower, etc) and if I select the Captions tab, pull down the menu, the option to embed the captions is there!!! FANTASTIC!! OK. I selected embed captions and then saved the preset as a new name. I go back into Premiere Pro and CTL M to export the test spot with captions, I select the Mpeg2 codec and the DGFastChannel480 preset that I just made with the embed option for captions. I click on the captions tab to double-check that embed is selected. However, the option is set to NONE and I can't select embed captions. Thinking that perhaps I could use the new preset in AME, I go ahead and send the clip to AME. In AME, I check the clip encode setting and it is the same as PPro. The option for embed captions is missing. I click on the preset I had just made in AME with the option to embed selected. It shows that it is correct and embed is selected. I try to duplicate the test clip and apply the export setting preset I made in AME that shows the embedding of the caption option selected. Once again, when I check on the actual clip.. it has removed the export option to embed the captions!!!!! UGH!!!! This is maddening!
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‎Feb 15, 2021
07:08 PM
I tried exporting using the DV25 format. It has the correct video frame size and lower field first settings. However, the codec is not Mpeg2 and the station will reject the file. At this point.. I don't know what else to do.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
04:30 PM
The other thing I just noticed about the IMX50 NTSC codec is that it has the wrong field first for NTSC/SD. It is set for upper field first vs the correct lower field first for NTSC/SD.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
04:25 PM
The problem with the IMX50 codec is that it is locked at 720 x 486. It needs to be 720x480 for NTSC SD. If I could change it I would be ok. However, the video size settings are ghosted out. The station also wants non-anamorphic video. Just basic, old 4:3 standard definition.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
02:21 PM
Just wondering, are you on a PC or Mac? I tried the XDCAMHD50 encode and import the .MXF file back into Premiere Pro on both the Beta and the released version. I get the same results on two different computers. Would you mind trying that again with a recently encoded/embedded file? i.e. bring it back into Premiere Pro and see if the captions reappear with the encoded/embedded file. Thanks!
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‎Feb 15, 2021
01:37 PM
Yeah, I tried those two but the IMX30 has the wrong file size of 720 x 486 and there does not seem to be a way to change it to 720 x 480. I had hoped that one would work. As for SD, I was very, very surprised when they sent me the file format requirement sheet. I even called them to double-check that. They only broadcast SD! It has been a very long time since I did anything with SD too. No worries, I APPRECIATE the feedback! I just need to find a solution to this asap. I have five 30 minute shows ready to go but no way to get them encoded.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
01:21 PM
As for the XDCAMHD 50 NTSC 422 codec in MXF, I can export the file with embedded captions but if I bring it back into Premiere Pro to double-check captions are embedded.. they do not show up. If I do the same export with the AVC-IntroClass100 720 codec and then bring that file back into Premiere Pro.. the captions reappear on the timeline. Is there a transcoder available that can convert an HD MXF file to SD and keep the embedded captions?
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‎Feb 15, 2021
12:49 PM
The most recent problem I have run into is that I have a new religious network that wants MPEG2 with embedded captions in SD / 720x480. There is no option under MXF to do this. I have gone through them all and the size of the video is locked. I have hit a brick wall in that they will not accept anything else.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
11:25 AM
Trent, Do you have any timeline as to when you can add MPEG2 output with embedded captions?? Thank you very much! Wayland
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‎Oct 20, 2020
03:46 PM
For exporting the captions: We NEED for TV BROADCAST the ability to EMBED the captions into MPEG2 files and h264 files. Not burn-in. Almost all broadcast televisions stations and cable use mpeg2 format. They do not want a sidecar file.
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‎Nov 02, 2017
07:33 AM
Yeah.. that's backwards. i.e. you should (as it was correctly before) scroll forward and you go forward in time on the timeline. You scroll backwards and you go backwards in time on the timeline. My Win7 machine is still doing this correctly. My new Win10 machine is the one now that has it backwards. All other panels work with the mouse wheel as expected.
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‎Nov 01, 2017
11:01 PM
The mouse wheel operation on PPro2018 on my Win10 Pro machine is backwards. i.e. the correct way it is supposed to work (and does on Win7 Ultimate) is you rotate the mouse forward (away from you) and the frame advances forward toward the end of the timeline. You rotate the mouse wheel back towards the user and the playhead should move to the left or backwards to the start of the timeline. Currently on my new Win10 Pro machine, if you rotate the mouse forward the playhead is moving backwards to the start of the timeline. You rotate it backwards, toward the user, it moves the playhead forward. Now, I don't know if this is Win10 Pro causing the problem or now. I am running the exact same version of PPro2017 on both Win7 and Win10. Win7 is correct. Win10 is not! In any case there needs to be a option in PPro to reverse the operation!! What is interesting is that, if I push my mouse wheel left the playhead moves left (toward the start of the timeline) and if I move it to the right then it moves the playhead towards the end of the timeline. Same with the source and program monitors. Both work exactly the same in both Win7 and Win10.
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‎Jan 22, 2013
06:19 AM
I installed the last driver but it created other problems. Check back on this thread myself and a few others commented on the new problems that the current driver caused. Their last update did make the spacebar delay less of a problem but the other problems that this created was worse.
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‎Jan 21, 2013
03:49 PM
Nope.. and BMD has never produced a new driver either. Plus, they have not fixed the driver installer so that the BMD software looks to see where Premiere is installed. It assumes it's always on the C: drive. This installer bug started back a couple of drivers ago. Best wishes, Wayland
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‎Oct 22, 2012
10:21 PM
Yes, you can get the driver from BMD's website just find the current one and then look for the 'archived' drivers. I'm on Win7 64bit. It's working just fine...well.. all but the spacebar problem. Wayland
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‎Oct 22, 2012
09:46 PM
Ok, rolled back to 9.6.5.. all glitching on video/graphics playback is gone.
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‎Oct 22, 2012
08:33 PM
Yes, SimonHy, First.. Thank you.. I'm happy to see that I am not crazy.. well.. just yet. The timeline playback exactly as you say above. It seems to be glitching anytime there is a CG or .tga or sequence graphic overlayed. If I playback just the video itself it does not glitch..
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‎Oct 22, 2012
08:16 PM
Hi Shooternz, Please check your project playback.. while the spacebar stop is better now (9.6.6. BMD drivers), I am now seeing glitching playback of video. I've double checked a few projects and it's happen on everything playing back. I've rebooted again and still the same thing. I've checked both of the playback drives and they show 518MB/s playback speed on both. I didn't see this with 9.6.5 or earlier drivers. Sigh.. I guess I'll have to go back a driver version to continue working even with the spacebar problem. Anyway, please check your projects playback and let us know if you see problems. Thanks, Wayland
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‎Sep 30, 2012
09:53 PM
Yes, I have notice the spacebar stop as well. I had planned on starting a thread on it.
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