‎Oct 18, 2024
10:51 AM
Hello, now after restarting the whole computer - and not just Lightroom Classic - the problem is still going on. Only i had more successful tries before it failed for the first time.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
06:10 AM
Hello, on LR Classic 13.5.1. on Win 10 I try to "Synchronize Metadata" – I've done this 10000 times already, also in the last few days. Just as of today, I can do it only two, three times. After that, when I click "Synchronize" in the dialog box "Synchronize Metadata", I get a weird error message. It starts with (translated by me), "an internal error occurred". (See pic attached.) I synchronize to about 1 to 10 JPGs at a time – but the number of pics makes no difference; also synchronizing to one pic only doesn't help. LR is set to "Write XMP immediately" (not just into database). The catalog is in the default folder location. The photos folder (all pics are in 1 folder and i work from the Folder panel) has 800 pics, but again, I synchronize (try to synchronize) only 1 – 10 at a time. The folder content is fully synchronized (i.e. LR has the correct info about each file). The only way to get the function back is to re-start LR. Then, 2 or 3 metadata-synchronizations go as expected. After that, it's back to the error message. Your take?
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‎Sep 29, 2024
08:03 AM
John, thanks, good hint!
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‎Sep 28, 2024
05:14 AM
Thanks Per, for info and screenshots, very helpful! I hadn't noticed the Customize Button so far, because i rarely used the "Default" subset (i often used "IPTC" instead); and in the other subsets, apart from "Default", the Customize Button isn't available. But now i found the Customize button und will put it to good use right away - thanks again!
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‎Sep 28, 2024
02:39 AM
Hello, the Metadata panel of LR Classic shows differing entry fields like "Genre" or "Province" depending on the subset I select. I can select subsets such as "Minimal", "Standard", "IPTC", "Ad-hoc". In the Metadata panel, can I HIDE certain entry fields to see only the fields I actually need? For instance I do need fields from the "IPTC" subset, but would love to hide many fields such as "Genre" and all fields about my postal address. If I switch to the "Standard" subset instead, there are less IPTC fields, but there are other fields confusing me or missing, such as the "Town" field. In some search, I didn't find a way to hide individual IPTC entry fields to my liking. My only solution for seeing a compact entry mask is to - start first with the multiple-fields "IPTC" subset and - later continue in the much more compact "Standard" subset. But the "IPTC" subset is too full with fields, and "Standard" is too sparse. Any way to hide fields exactly to my liking? I believe in Bridge I can hide individual fields. And I use Bridge for some tasks, which may include initial population with IPTC info – but for *adding* IPTC tags to existing tags, Lightroom Classic seems much better. Thanks for your suggestions!
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‎Nov 02, 2023
09:24 AM
PS. Now i found the way to turn differing GPS coordinates into differing place names with Geosetter. While composing a long e-mail to the developer and while describing my steps, i found i had taken wrong steps - and if you follow another procedure (which i don't find intuitive though), you will indeed get the individually correct, differing place names for differing GPS coordinates. So i didn't send the e-mail to the developer, but wrote down a long personal instruction for me with all the proper steps to avoid assigning identical place names to pictures from differing places.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
07:54 AM
Thanks. I had been talking about image files with GPS data inside (like from a mobile phone with appropriate settings). In this case, Geosetter seems to take the location names for the first selected image and then apply those names to ALL selected images even if they were taken far away from the first image.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
07:00 AM
Now i found that Geosetter writes identical location-names into a batch of pictures taken in different cities. I don't see how to avoid this. While AnyTag effortlessly writes individual, correct location-names into a batch of pictures taken in different cities, so that each picture gets the proper location-names. From that observation, AnyTag seems more useful, even if it doesn't create keywords.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
06:08 AM
DJ, thanks for the clarifications. I wasn't aware of LR Library still working in an unpaid version. You mean, i could still EDIT IPTC (keywords, place, headline etc.) or just only VIEW IPTC, but not change anything?
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‎Nov 02, 2023
03:40 AM
DJ Paige, thanks for 2 posts with 2 different, both very helpful and detailed suggestions! I tried Geosetter and indeed it does what I need – it even makes keywords out of place names, very good. (I only wish it would create bilingual keywords, for instance both "Austria" and "Österreich" in one go, but it creates only one of those 2 keywords, depending on preferences.) Also Any Tag works as desired. It is nice to remain inside LR Classic with that Plug-in, even though it does not write keywords. The instructions and the command names could be more normal-user-friendly, even though they are still useful. One has to remember it creates a new collection that later can be deleted. Thanks for mentioning that this part of the plug-in remains free. I have set my Lightroom so that any IPTC change is written straight into the individual file (JPG, DNG) and not only into the Lightroom database (so I activated "Metadata/Automatically write changes into XMP"). Even if Lightroom crashes or gets too expensive, IPTC will be there in each file – this is what you recommend in your second post, right? Also I use the LR option "Scan for Metadata Changes" for each re-import (after external changes to folders). But as you recommend, here in this case I could also use "Metadata – Read Metadata from File". Thanks again for 2 most helpful suggestions!
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‎Nov 01, 2023
11:10 AM
Sorry, intense online search didn't bring a useful answer, so: For image files with GPS data (like from a mobile phone), Lightroom Classic 13.01 on Win 10 shows IN ITALICS suggestions for sublocation, city, state, country. I want to turn these city-names, states and countries eternally into regular IPTC. And I want to BATCH-SAVE the town-names, provinces and countries for 100s of files in one go. Ideally also make IPTC keywords out of the suggestions. I only know how to turn one field (like Country) into permanent IPTC (also works for 2+ pics with IDENTICAL GPS data): Select one or more pics in Grid view Set Metadata panel to Location (maybe optional) For 2+ pics, make sure on top of the Metadata panel it says Selected Photos (not Target Photo), if you want to change more than 1 pic Click on field name "Country". From the context menu, select a suggested country name – LR's best guess will be at the top and can be selected (screenshot 1 below). That name will be added as regular IPTC – but the other suggestions for Sublocation, City and State are GONE, if you de-select and re-select the edited pic (screenshot 2 below). A) Starting out: B) Result (non-edited suggestions for other fields are gone): This is tedious if you have many different locations and fields from Sublocation through City and State to Country and ISO Country Code in many pics. So how can i turn all info into IPTC in one go? Actually I'd love all the place names ALSO added as IPTC keywords. Castles in the air? I looked at Jeffrey Friedl's "Geoencoding Support" Plugin description (LINK), but it confused me no end. So far didn't install it. Does it help to change all location suggestions from Sublocation to Country for many pics in one go? Or is there another software doing it smoothly (Geosettr?)? Thanks for all informed, usable suggestions! PS - Aware from my studies that LR place name suggestions don't work well for some photographers in some territories and that one shouldn't snap with mobile phones anyway. Yet I am still very interested in a batch-solution as described above.
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‎May 05, 2023
08:58 PM
Digital Dog, thanks!
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‎May 05, 2023
09:36 AM
Hi, for those having real-life experience with Lightroom Classic AI Denoising: 1) Zoom Level Preview Window The preview window shows a zoom of around 240 percent – not 100 percent, as you might expect/demand (see 1st screenshot at bottom). When you set the main LR window to 100 percent zoom, the detail in the preview window is much larger (at around 240%). Thus the preview seems more soft and mushy. Same at your station? Which secret keyboard shortcut changes the zoom level? 2) GPU Usage AI Denoising seems to block my whole Win 10 machine, even typing in Word is almost impossible while denoising. Looking at the Task Manager, the "GPU" column is at 100 percent, while "CPU" and "power consumption" are almost at bottom level (see screenshot). Normal? Same with you? Can that be improved maybe in the Nvidia Settings or with turning off GPU use in Lightroom? Interested if you actually tried. 3) Adding Keyword(s) With an option in the LR Preferences (originally not activated), you can make LR add the keyword "Denoise" to the image. When I send such an image from LR to Photoshop, there are suddenly TWO keywords – "Denoise" and "Enhanced". Same with you? 4) New Star Symbol? In some video tut I saw a new star symbol added to "enhanced/denoised" image thumbnails (like the symbols for geo-data, crop or adjustments). I don't see that symbol at my place. How about you? 5) Why TWO Shortcuts to Denoise "Headless"? To skip the dialog box and apply the last settings immediately, in Win 10 i can click "Denoise" - while holding the Alt/Option-key or - while holding the Shift key. Is there a difference between Alt/Option and Shift key when clicking "Denoise"? Are there both short keys usable also on the Mac?` Thanks for all real life experience! Main window 100% zoom level - but preview ~240% - why that?
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‎Apr 08, 2023
05:17 AM
Thanks! I had exactly the same problem and your solution worked for me (and i had even followed a longwinded Nvidia tutorial for GPU optimization to no avail). It's rather a pity that Adobe introduces malfunctions like these out of the blue. (De-activating the GPU in PS Settings had worked too.)
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‎Feb 10, 2023
09:58 AM
There is another thing i don't understand: Having applied 1 keyword and then typing another, quite similar keyword, Lightroom suggests the old, already-applied keyword again. It would be so much easier if already-applied keywords didn't appear any more in the autocomplete keyword suggestion list.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
10:41 PM
Richard, thanks for the link! It's great, as usual from J Kost.
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‎Feb 08, 2023
07:00 AM
Thanks - that worked! They are no longer suggested! Now i can clean up nicely. Thanks again!
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‎Feb 08, 2023
06:18 AM
Hello, in the "Keywording" panel of LR Classic, I type new keywords into the field "Click here to add keywords". (So I am NOT talking about the area below called "Keyword Suggestions".) From that field "Click here to add keywords", a helpful menu with previously used keywords opens up. BUT: That pop up menu also offers *misspelt* keywords – old errors of mine from around 2010 that I don't want to see or use any more. The difference to the correct keyword is sometimes very small and difficult to discern. It is very easy to apply the misspelt keyword again, especially if the correctly spelt version appears lower in the list. This vexing problem exists now for many years. Can I anywhere erase only the misspelt keywords that pop up under the field "Click here to add keywords"? The command "Metadata/Purge Unused Keywords" doesn't seem to help. Also there seems to be no help in the area "Keyword Suggestions". Thanks!
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‎Sep 03, 2022
08:32 AM
Dear all, thanks for trying to help! I apologize! As mentioned, i had self-translated back into English from a localized version. But my translation "BATCH" was very misleading (as i realize now). The command that irks me is actually called ADD TO STACK. Even when i un-check ADD TO STACK, the command will still be - checked next time - used when clicking EXPORT WITH PREVIOUS. I apologize again for creating confusing and for not checking more properly for the correct English wording. My question is, how can i use EXPORT WITH PREVIOUS to original folder without original + exported version getting stacked. It seems impossible.
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‎Sep 03, 2022
05:40 AM
Hello, I use FILE, EXPORT to export a single photo from Lightroom Classic to the same folder, I de-select ADD TO BATCH, but I keep ADD TO CATALOG. I want original and export version side-by-side.
Now, when I use the command on another single photo, the unwanted happens:
When I use again FILE, EXPORT, the option ADD TO BATCH is active again, even though I had turned it off before; so I have to turn it off again.
Using EXPORT WITH PREVIOUS SETTINGS, a batch is created again, even though I had turned off batching previously.
This is a nuisance. I know how to unbatch 1 or many batches in Grid View. But how do I stop Lightroom from batching while using EXPORT WITH PREVIOUS SETTINGS?
(English commands re-translated from localized version.)
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‎Aug 27, 2022
05:08 AM
Hello, for full-screen image viewing, Adobe Bridge has - full screen view (started with space bar) - presentation view (started with Ctrl-L) In any of these views, can I show image data as an overlay? Like Exif data? I'm aware it's possible in Lightroom (by pressing "I"), and I believe it WAS possible in Bridge long time ago. In Bridge's presentation view, I can press "H" to show available commands. There is no command about displaying image properties (only about rotating and rating). In full-screen view, "H" for a command list doesn't work. While I could do this kind of full screen view with image data overlayed in LR (or in freewares XnView MP or FastStone Image Viewer, for that matter), I'd love it in Bridge. Not possible? Thanks!
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‎Aug 27, 2022
05:02 AM
for large picture viewing, Adobe Bridge has
- full screen view (started with space bar)
- presentation view (started with Ctrl-L)
In any of these views, can I show image data as an overlay? Like Exif data? I'm aware it's possible in Lightroom (by pressing "I"), and I believe it WAS possible in Bridge long time ago.
In Bridge's presentation view, I can press "H" to show available commands. There is no command about displaying image properties (only about rotating and rating).
In full-screen view, "H" for a command list doesn't work.
While I could do this kind of full screen view with image data overlayed in LR (or freewares XnView MP or FastStone Image Viewer, for that matter), I'd love it in Bridge. But not possible?
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‎Aug 18, 2022
02:51 AM
Hi, OP again: In LR Classic grid view, there is the context menu command "Metadata/Update DNG Preview and Metadata". Even when i run this, i still have "Embedded Previews", not "Standard" (after sychnronizing (updating) a folder, not talking about importing).
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‎Aug 18, 2022
02:15 AM
Hello, in Lightroom Classic on Win, when I paste pics into a folder known by LR, I need LR to "synchronize" that folder to see the new pasted-in pictures (so this synchronizing is not any online thing). I always get "embedded previews", not better LR-created "Standard" previews. In the Catalog Settings, in File Handling, I use Default Preview Size: 2880 px Preview Quality: High Delete 1:1 Previews: after 30 days Still when I synchronize the folder (i.e. let LR scan the newly pasted-in pictures), I get "Embedded Preview" and the only way to heal this seems a click on the line "Embedded Preview". Or what to do? When I IMPORT pics via the Import Dialog, I know how to avoid "Embedded" and use "Standard" Previews instead (i.e. the LR-created previews). My Import Dialog is set to "Standard" previews, but the folder-synchronizing (no dialog there, thanks God) only offers "Embedded" previews. If I wait 30 minutes, still only "Embedded" previews in Loupe View (and there is no status bar in the top left corner that would indicate the creating of "Standard" previews). So how can I get right away "Standard" previews when SYNCHRONIZING (updating) a folder? (Aware that the "Standard" previews take time and space. Still I want them.) Thanks!
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‎Jul 29, 2022
07:33 AM
In my case, after manually dragging 1 pic in the LR Classic collection, the desired order appeared online. See my longer post above.
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‎Jul 29, 2022
07:32 AM
In my experience with LR classic it's like this: You need to MANUALLY re-order at least one pic in the LR Classic synced collection/album - from then on the online gallery will reflect the order from the desktop application. It went like this in my case: At first, the sorting order of the LR Classic collection/album was not shown in the online gallery. (I had sorted in LR Classic desktop by filename, but the online gallery didn't sort like that.) Then i manually dragged 1 pic around the album in LR Classic desktop - a manual sorting. I even got a message that the sorting will be changed in the online gallery too. And now the online gallery showed the sorting i wanted (by filename). I had only to re-drag the one pic that i had dragged around to its original position. So i just dragged that one pic back to where it should be (alphabetically), and now the online gallery had the desired order.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
05:34 AM
1 Upvote
My complaint from above is cleared - i changed to "Selected photos" and was ok. I hadn't at all seen this, and it's greyed out when less than 2 pics are selected. I understand the improvements that this new option "Targeted"/"Selected" brings, still it's tricky.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
05:13 AM
Hello, this is about Lightroom Classic 11.0 (just released, totally fresh LR catalog) on Windows 10. In the Metadata panel in the "Title/Headline" (?) field, i assign image titles to several selected pics at once. But checking after the deed, only the first selected pic got the title. I know very well that until 3 days ago, you could select a string of pics and they ALL got the title i typed into the Metada panel.Tags and Descriptions can still be assigned to a whole string of selected pics (i tried), but the title is only applied to the first in the selection. That's horrible. There may be an assumption that one title can only go into 1 pic, and the next pic needs another title. But if that was ever a thought at Adobe, it is not correct. I sometimes want to apply the same title to many pics - and now i cannot, even though i could before. And i want to use Lightroom in this case, not Bridge. I don't see a preference option to change this behaviour. Your take? Thanks! *sorry, am re-translating from non-English LRC version. I mean the Metadata panel with the input field "Title/Headline" (?) right UNDER the subheader "Content" (?), and right above the fields "Description" and then "IPTC Subject Code".
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‎Dec 02, 2020
03:07 AM
I have the same problem and was sure to find a solution here. I can't believe that the problem still exists. There used to be options to choose between "dng" and "DNG". And now we're given "jpeg" and no "jpg". Really. Yes, I do know how to rename the "jpeg" files into "jpg"s. But it is a disgrace and a bad spot on an otherwise handy tool. If you know anything better within Bridge, please let me know.
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‎Jun 11, 2020
11:18 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, i also couldn’t install „Photoshop Camera“ on these Android devices: Samsung S7 Huawei P30 Pro (of 2019, currently Android 10) About the Huawei P30 Pro: it’s the company’s top model of 2019. It has 3 Cameras, the main one is very good, including RAW recording. It HAS full Android AND Play Store access. I could install any app out of Play Store so far. Also Lightroom CC runs without a hitch on the Huawei P30 Pro (but the built-in photographing function doesn’t offer all of the device’s cameras). The limited support is disappointing. I think both phones mentioned above should be supported, and with full access to the various built-in cameras.
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