‎Feb 26, 2025
09:34 AM
With the really wonderful lens blur simulation tool, I would really love to see other optical simulations such as halation to simulate film glow or blackmist lens filters. Halation for those of you who don't know is a glow on bright light sources that spills further into the image. If you've ever had a foggy lens, that's sort of an extreme version of the effect. It creates a dreamy effect, and softens it while still retaining clarity (not quite sure how to properly describe it, but it's kind of a perfect meld of filmic softness and digital clarity). It would be very useful to do this without having to use a filter, which is an additional piece of equipment and can effect exposure and focus, and is ultimately a "destructive" effect that you can't change in editing once you've shot with the filter. It's possible to emulate this with a roundtrip to photoshop or other tools, but that's time consuming and is quite fiddly and takes up additional hard drive space with copies. I'd love to have it built into lightroom as another nondestructive tool with sliders to adjust things like the luminance threshold/curve, size and opacity of the blur to be able to create more stylised filmic images.
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‎Jun 03, 2024
07:56 AM
I personally amn't contacting support because every previous time I've gone to support it's taken several hours with a remote session that doesn't go anywhere so I personally don't have the spare time at the moment aha
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‎Jun 01, 2024
12:55 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks! Also, love your site!
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‎May 28, 2024
11:44 AM
1 Upvote
Since the 13.3 update, which improves the syncing mechanisms (I'm curious how), and I went through the catalog upgrade and the rebuild of the sync with the whole up and down of the numbers, my sync has stabilised and been stuck at "Uploading 122 photos" for a few days now despite restarts and such. Before I updated my sync was up to date and happy, and I still have no "Sync Issues" in LRC but I've had hangs before that I was able to fix either by ensuring the location was properly accessible or by simply removing and resyncing if the preview generation or metadata got caught. Earlier versons had a helpful dialog where I could check a list of photos that were currently trying to sync and sort out any issues that might occur. That's gone now, replaced with a link to lightroom web sync issues, which is all well and good and I'm glad it's there, but currently it shows 0 issues so isn't much help with this current hang. Is there, or could you add some sort of filter for sync status, like lightroom desktop has, so we can find these photos that have lost their way?
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‎Feb 28, 2024
04:56 AM
1 Upvote
I really need a feature where lightroom classic can do both: downgrade photos that are stored as originals in the cloud to smart previews, and the reverse. It should keep all current settings such as face recognition. It would also need filters for sync status/type in order to find images.
Closer integration and control between LR classic and cloud eco system would mean I would pay more for cloud storage. As is stands, I don't use my cloud storage or import via LR CC because of the volume of my work (33tb) and the unavailability of controls to manage that storage.
Current workaround: As it stands, the only way to clear cloud storage is to unsync the collection in classic, then remove the images from all synced images, then resync the collection. However there's no indication in classic what images are stored as origionals so you have to use LR CC desktop to filter sync status images, and find what collections they are in as LR mobile doesn't have that option. This process also removes the albums position in CC folder structure and likely removes CC specific things like face tags. This is a huge pain, so I don't import photos using lightroom CC, making lightroom cloud less useful for me.
If this were to be improved, I would upgrade my cloud storage and find CC mobile and desktop far more useful. While it's yet to be fully detailed or announced, Capture One has said they are working on a more robust system for cloud syncing between devices and their mobile ecosystem beyond their current one way transfer system. I hope adobe strengthens their syncing in response.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
04:34 AM
It would be really useful for me if there was a list of locally stored albums available in the Local Storage settings section. I use folders heavily and use multiple devices so it's easy for me to lose track of what albums are locally stored without drilling down in each folder to find what is stored. A simple list in the settings with an option to remove would make my life a lot easier.
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‎Jan 31, 2024
12:08 PM
Important to note that this will also remove them from other synced collections so you need to unsync the collections that you want to keep them in. Why there isn't a simpler way to do this I don't know
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‎Jan 09, 2024
09:35 AM
I know this is an old thread, but I believe Lightroom Cloud Desktop only supports keyboard inputs with tourbox, as LR cloud doesn't have the same plugin architecture that makes the classic integration so good
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‎Jan 07, 2024
07:16 AM
Oh and I did already have the adobe database team look at it for the catalogue import and sync issues, but I hadn't discovered the history issue at the time. They returned the catalogue but it exhibited the same symptoms, it was only after that I created the new catalogue. But the history issue exists on recent backups too.
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‎Jan 07, 2024
07:10 AM
I'm having an issue where my entire back catalogue before a certain date has all of the edits in the image's history, but with no step selected, meaning the photo is unedited. There's no way I am aware of to bulk restoring history steps and with 200k edited images, doing them one by one is pretty impractical. I had a full corruption of my catalogue in october, and restoring to an earlier october backup I discovered this issue with images earlier than september. This backup catalogue also couldn't be imported into other catalogues and couldn't sync to LR cloud. I exported all my photos as a new catalogue and the sync and import work now, but the unselected history step issue remains the same. Is there a way to fix this or am I going to have to sit down with adobe support to get them to fix the database?
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‎Apr 28, 2023
02:07 PM
Thanks for the advice! Me personally I'd rather keep the original raw photo, and have a lossy compressed denoised photos. I understand why it's so large, I'm just saying it's not practical for me, and I would like the option to choose a lossy file. I still have the original stacked and can go back to that if I need to.
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‎Apr 28, 2023
09:04 AM
1 Upvote
So the new AI denoise feature is game changing. Love it. But it does spit out 90-150mb files for 20mpx raws, which is not practical for me. I have to then compress them using convert to dng > lossy compression. It would be GREAT if this was an option to do this during the denoise process so I don't need to do extra steps. Since it's a stacked additional file, I don't personally mind lossy compression but I do mind an additional 30gb of storage required for the workflow.
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‎Sep 02, 2021
08:38 PM
So an extremely useful and time saving feature of Lightroom classic is missing from CC and is stopping me from switching entirely (and therefore spending more on cloud hosting); the + and - hot keys that could be mapped to any adjustment to super quickly tweak a particular adjustment. In my workflow I use it to quickly adjust exposure as I go through my event photos, generally my presets get me 90% of the way there and I just need to tweak exposure a little. Currently on CC I need to lift my hand from the keyboard that I was using for navigating/rating photos to the mouse/touchscreen in order to change exposure, which disrupts my flow and increases editing time. This one small tweak would make a big difference to my workflow and in turn make me fully switch to CC.
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‎Jul 01, 2014
10:39 AM
I would find this extremely useful. Even without develop tools, having a mobile library tool for synced collections would be incredibly beneficial to my workflows.
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