‎Jan 12, 2023
06:12 AM
Same here, started with the latest update here. After deleting the prefs I got this Screen: It says MS Edge has no reading and writing priviliges on this folder
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‎Nov 01, 2021
11:39 AM
This tool could do so much more then just doing materials. Creating a seamless pattern for example but therefor it must get rid of these silly 4096 px. And perhaps it should get a Lock-Icon so the layers beneath are not calculated anymore. By now Substance Designer is limited to 32.000 px (in Prefs).
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‎Oct 06, 2021
07:08 AM
Whats the Problem with this model? I imported it as .obj, generated uv's, chose the wand, put the decal on it and the decal is destorted. It's not the Normals, a you can see in Blender, seems like the Verticals are turned.
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‎Sep 21, 2021
06:15 AM
1 Upvote
I wrote you a PM, I saved the files for you and try to give them to you. From Artboard 1-9 there are individual files. After deleting these 9 that I was able to save the others in one file.
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‎Sep 21, 2021
12:18 AM
Takes time ... I try to save the first 10 Artboards at first.
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‎Sep 20, 2021
11:59 PM
Now I try to save via AI but Artboards to individual files.
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‎Sep 20, 2021
11:51 PM
Sad, so sad, AI stopped saving it as AI. The box says: "unexpected failure". I try to save it as pdf or another filetype. I hope the bug is in the AI part of the file.
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‎Sep 20, 2021
11:34 PM
I managed to open it. It saves now... a huge amount of PNG's! InDesign is better suited for this. Managing links is better and not so memory-consuming. Try to design one pattern in AI and put them together in a presentation-sheed with InDesign. Still saving... oh gosh, keep the fingers crossed
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‎Sep 20, 2021
11:22 PM
It even fails downloading!
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‎Sep 16, 2021
03:32 PM
Now with version 22.5.1, Windows 10, 21H1, Wacom Intuos3 PTZ-930, Driver from Wacom 6.3.15-3 I have the same lags with the stamp tool and it's not the rulers, normal Canvas. And the preview of the Stamp Tool doesn't work when it's the background-layer. The preview always stays the same. It's the part of the image taken at first.
I switched off Graphics Acceleration - the prob is still there, of course I restarted PS. By the way: Radeon Pro W5100 Driver 21.Q2.1
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‎May 15, 2021
04:27 AM
Hi simosp, here are some snippets I took from a much more complicated project of mine, hope you could use some of that. These snippets will not work alone!!! Keep in Mind that you need a swtich for Windows of MacOS if($.os.match("Windows")) {
//Paths Windows Netzwerk
var path1 = "//Windows/path1/deeper"; //Windows
else {
//Paths MacOS Netzwerk
var path1 = "MacOS/path1/deeper"; //MacOS
//saveAS PDF
function exportFileToPdf(fileNameOnlyID, pathPdf, pdfPresetName) {
if (Folder(pathPdf).exists) {
var compPath = pathPdf + "/" + fileNameOnlyID + ".pdf";
var pdfPathPlusName = new File(compPath);
if (!pdfPathPlusName.exists) {
doc.saveAs(pdfPathPlusName, pdfPresetName);
} else {
var res = confirm("Die PDF-Datei existiert bereits hier:\r" + compPath + "\rSoll sie überschrieben werden?", true, "Problem");
// if the user hits no, move on without saving this
if (res !== true) {
return; //get out of this function
} else {
doc.saveAs(pdfPathPlusName, pdfPresetName);
} else {
alert("Ein oder mehrere Ordner existieren nicht. \rFunktion: pdf");
exportFileToPdf(fileNameOnlyID, path1, PDFX1);
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‎Mar 18, 2021
03:00 AM
Voreinstellungen/Benutzeroberfläche/Skalierung der Benutzeroberfläche (25.2.1) Vielleicht liegt es auch am Grafikkartentreiber: Hilfe/Systemkompatibilität und Bericht
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‎Nov 24, 2020
03:18 PM
1 Upvote
To answer 1. and 2.: The scripts brought by the application itself, for example Illustrator-Installation/Scripting/Sample Scripts/JavaScript are in fact some kind of teaching-book. Take a look at the source, it's well documented. However the examples are not in any order of complexity. The short ones give you a good insight how wide spead the themes are. 3. It depends on your time and energy. It feels like I am still a noob.
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‎Apr 27, 2020
12:51 PM
Photoshop should take the smart object as a basis, which is 4000px x ? I just opened the extension Generator Configurator and switched my settings back to the origin. Which solved the problem for smart objects as .psd After so many years these Generator-Settings should get in the app plus .webp for windows. I needed these settings to embed .icc
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‎Apr 27, 2020
10:53 AM
in your example, the image has been scaled down significantly, so it looks as expected.
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‎Apr 27, 2020
10:06 AM
The PlugIn works but there is still no support for generator and export as which is really annoying
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‎Apr 27, 2020
09:15 AM
Four years later and still no fix! In CC2020, 21.1.2 generator still goes blurry (or again) at 200% with smart objects, even when a psd is inside. Here is my proof
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‎Dec 06, 2018
10:47 AM
Thanks alot, this works!!! Merci beaucoup de votre aider!!!
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‎Dec 04, 2018
07:54 AM
Here is my Problem: A Text set in CS6 uses a different character for Line-Breaks as CC. Now there is the idea to run a script in CC2019 to convert Forced-Line-Breaks in Paragraphs via GREP/regex. This code works, but not for those Line-Breaks. I didn't figure out the character. // regex_changeContentsOfWordOrString_RemainFormatting.jsx // regards pixxxel schubser /* var s = /(\r\n|\r|\n)/; */ /* var s = /\u000D/; */ /* var s = /\u000C/; */ /* var s = /^n/; */ var s = /\n/; /* var s = /\u000A/; */ /* var s = /\u000D/; */ /* var replacer = "hello", result; */ /* var replacer = "bla", result; */ /* var replacer = "\r", result; */ var replacer = /\r/, result; var atf = activeDocument.textFrames[0]; while (result = s.exec(atf.contents)) { try { aCon = atf.characters[result.index]; aCon.length = result[0].length; aCon.contents = replacer; } catch (e) {}; } Which character is it? And here is the download-link for the test-file: Changed Line-Endings
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‎Jul 31, 2018
03:06 PM
A pattern-preview or tile-preview to create seamless patterns or tiles would be cool for Webdesigns and Game-Artwork. You might work on your tile and watch it changing in an 3x3 field.
Now possible with linked smart-Objects?
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‎Jan 12, 2018
08:04 AM
Here is the Preflight for Acrobat 9. I didn't figured it out myself, it's a customers-file and I didn't setup a virtual-box for it. It definitly didn't work in Acrobat DC. The aim is to filter or show all characters that might be hidden, like: White Text on a white or transparent background (Ok, this is easy!) Spaces below 5pt (Pretty often in forms from Quark (the customer job is to check, edit and pre-certificate these) the last character of a sentence is a blank space and sometimes it's below 5pt and the form fails in certification due to characters below 5pt) - that's the job! Any transparent characters (easy as well)
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‎Jan 04, 2018
10:13 AM
Hi Tariq, thanks for your reply. I try to search blank spaces (Space key) in a PDF which are smaller als 5 pt. Forms have to get cleaned to get a cerification for some DIN ISO processes and in these Forms there are often spaces somewhere in the readable area and some of them are tiny. They are below 5 pt and the DIN says: "get rid of them." In Adobe 9 this worked by a preflight. In Adobe DC this prepflight doesn't work anymore so I started to create a new one but this didn't work as well. Adobe DC seem to ignore white space without other characters. Maybe an Unicode-search would help (search for an Unicode-Character) but there are also other white spaces and the list would be quite long. I documented everything in my ZIP-File and included a test-PDF. You may also open the PDF directly in Illustrator to see the hidden white spaces. We still use Acrobat 9 in a virtual box to get this working.
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‎Nov 03, 2017
12:49 PM
Im aktuellen Acrobat DC scheint der Preflight keine Leerzeichen nach Text zu erkennen. Ein Textfeld das nur aus Leerzeichen besteht wird ebenfalls ignoriert. Ein Kunde meinte, das das in Acrobat 9 möglich war, jetzt funktioniert das gleiche Preflight-Profil nicht mehr. --- In the current Acrobat DC, the preflight does not seem to recognize spaces after text. A text field consisting of blanks only is also ignored. A customer said that this was possible in Acrobat 9, now the same preflight profile does not work anymore. --- Here are some pics, the test-PDF and my test-Preflight:
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‎Jun 07, 2017
06:50 AM
1 Upvote
The Script is only a part of a bigger one and about 50 Designers will use it in a corporate environment to distribute their print-outs on different printers. Renaming and putting the PDF to the Printing Hotfolder would take too long in order to the manual printing in PDF-workflow and it's neccecary to generate at least two PDF-Files (A4 and A3). The Files of the Designers consist of different Artboards with A4 and A3-Pages and different Page-Orientations. The PDFs are about to be saved in different Folders. The Folder-Path and name consists of the printer and the Pagesize. The RIP does only work with Pages of A4 or A3 and in Portrait-Mode, the small side first. Therefor I have to rotate the pages. I made up my mind and consider the second possiblity now: Export to PDF The Problem is the rotation of the artboards. I have an idea for a workaround but that's beyond my scripting abilities. Here is what I've done so far and a better explanation: Starting with a small script it's now a little project I cannot complete myself, I think.
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‎Jun 06, 2017
11:24 AM
Thanks for your prompt answer, I really appreciate this. I tried this before but it didn't change anything. The complete Filename and Artboards seem to be ignored and the setting from the PDF-Joboption overwrites everything although I haven't set it in the Script.
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‎Jun 06, 2017
10:07 AM
With a script for Illustrator I try to make the printing-process for our staff easier. They need to specify different Folders for A4 and A3 PDFs. First thoughts: I have Illustrator-Files with different Artboard-sizes and Page Orientations. Our RIP does not recognize the document-pages being A4 or A3. So I have to split the File in at least two PDFs, one is A4, one is A3. All of them must be in Portrait-Mode so that A4 and A3 is used completely. Printing in a PDF (Windows workflow) works with PrintOrientation set to AUTOROTATE. Rotating the artboards with all Objects and save as PDF would be great but I figured out it's pretty complicated. So I would like to go on with printing in a PDF and using the Autorotate feature. Where I am stuck: The filename and the printJobOptions seem to be ignored. I need to specify the path of the filename and the Media-Size but the PDF-Settings of the virtual PDF-Printer I am using as standard seem to be used first and all the properties in the Script are overwritten. This is the Standard-Setting of the PDF: This is the script so far: #target Illustrator #targetengine main /* var originalInteractionLevel = userInteractionLevel; userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS; */ var docRef = app.activeDocument; var options = new PrintOptions(); /* printJobOptions.printPreset = 'Netzfeld-test'; */ // Printer options.printerName = 'Adobe PDF'; options.PPDName = 'Adobe PDF'; // Fonts var fontOpts = new PrintFontOptions(); fontOpts.downloadFonts = PrintFontDownloadMode.DOWNLOADCOMPLETE; fontOpts.fontSubstitution = FontSubstitutionPolicy.SUBSTITUTETINT; options.fontOptions = fontOpts; // Color var colorOptions = new PrintColorManagementOptions(); colorOptions.intent = PrintColorIntent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC; colorOptions.colorProfileMode = PrintColorProfile.CUSTOMPROFILE; = "Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2:2004)"; options.colorManagementOptions = colorOptions; // Seperation var sepOptions = new PrintColorSeparationOptions(); sepOptions.convertSpotColors = true; sepOptions.overPrintBlack = true; sepOptions.colorSeparationMode = PrintColorSeparationMode.COMPOSITE; sepOptions.colorProfileMode = PrintColorProfile.SOURCEPROFILE; options.colorSeparationOptions = sepOptions; // Print Coordinates var coordinateOptions = new PrintCoordinateOptions(); coordinateOptions.emulsion = false; // reverse from right to left coordinateOptions.fitToPage = false; // fit artwork to page size coordinateOptions.position = PrintPosition.TRANSLATECENTER; coordinateOptions.orientation = PrintOrientation.AUTOROTATE; options.coordinateOptions = coordinateOptions; // Filename and Artboards are ignored var printJobOptions = new PrintJobOptions(); options.printJobOptions = printJobOptions; // Filename var docPath = new File('C://_temp//bla.pdf'); printJobOptions.file = docPath; // Artboards printJobOptions.designation = PrintArtworkDesignation.VISIBLEPRINTABLELAYERS; printJobOptions.printArea = PrintingBounds.ARTBOARDBOUNDS; printJobOptions.collate = true; printJobOptions.printAllArtboards = false; printJobOptions.artboardRange = '1'; // Print docRef.print(options); /* userInteractionLevel = originalInteractionLevel; */ What's wrong with it? What's missing? The example in the Scripting Manual of Illustrator on page 176 doesn't seem to work either when I print to PDF:
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‎May 19, 2017
09:04 AM
The PrintCoordinateOptions are missing in PDFSaveOptions(); especially PrintOrientation.AUTOROTATE. That's what I need for the RIP - all pages must be in portrait-mode. Now I get the files with multiple artboards in portrait and landscape-mode. At the top of my description I mentioned this in other words. To get this AUTOROTATE feature before save as PDF wouldn't be easy - not impossible, for sure.
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‎May 19, 2017
06:18 AM
Hi there, I wish to print in a PDF to use the automatic rotation so that the artboards are printed in one direction (portrait). The PDFs are needed for a RIP. I figured out the possibility to export (save) as PDF but the solution for the automatic rotation is pretty complicated, so I hope this one is easier. (Putting a rectangle on top of all at the size of the artboard, group the colliding elements, rotate the group if it's landscape with the center of the rectagle and let the artboard fit to the rectangle afterwands and that's for all artboards, see what I mean?) Here's the point and the script I am working on. I get a failure-response about embedding fonts but I do not know what's missing as the .ps solution at the bottom works. What is needed is a PDF-X3 with flattened Transparency, Coated FOGRA 39, Spot Colors to 4C /* var originalInteractionLevel = userInteractionLevel; userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS; */ var ordner = 'C://_temp//'; //The PDF sould be written to a absolute Path in the Network of a Windows environment var dateiNameExt = "." ); //Getting the name of the active Document var dateiName = dateiNameExt[dateiNameExt.length-2]; //Extract .ai var druckOptionen = new PrintOptions(); druckOptionen.printPreset = "Netzfeld-test"; //My Print Preset druckOptionen.PPDName = "Adobe PDF"; druckOptionen.printerName = "Adobe PDF"; var druckJobOptionen = new PrintJobOptions(); = dateiName; var dateiPfad = new File (ordner + dateiName + ".pdf"); //Use the document name and the path to save the pdf druckJobOptionen.file = dateiPfad; druckOptionen.jobOptions = druckJobOptionen; //Sone useless stuff I suppose var fontOpts = new PrintFontOptions(); druckOptionen.fontOptions = fontOpts; //Set some font options fontOpts.downloadFonts = PrintFontDownloadMode.DOWNLOADCOMPLETE; fontOpts.fontSubstitution = FontSubstitutionPolicy.SUBSTITUTETINT; // Print with options app.activeDocument.print(druckOptionen); /* userInteractionLevel = originalInteractionLevel; */ The output I get: Parts of the printPreset: The one that works with .ps: #target illustrator var originalInteractionLevel = userInteractionLevel; userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS; //Druckvorgabe waehlen. var druckVorgabe = "druck-test"; //Output ordner für die ps Datei definieren var ordner = 'C:/_temp/'; var datRef = activeDocument; //Dateiname extrahieren var dateiNameExt = "." ); var dateiName = dateiNameExt[dateiNameExt.length-2]; //Druckoptionen einstellen var druckOptionen = new PrintOptions(); //Druckjoboptionen erstellen var druckJobOptionen = new PrintJobOptions(); = dateiName; //Dateipfad konstruiren var dateiPfad = new File (ordner + dateiName + ".ps"); druckJobOptionen.file = dateiPfad; druckOptionen.jobOptions = druckJobOptionen; //Druckvorgabe waehlen druckOptionen.printPreset = druckVorgabe; //alert(dateiPfad); //Drucken datRef.print(druckOptionen); userInteractionLevel = originalInteractionLevel; //Schliessen /* datRef.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); */ Maybe someone of you might help.
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‎Nov 29, 2016
09:59 AM
Not an answer, another question! Does anybody has experiences with the GeForce GTX 1070 compared to the Quadro M4000? Which one is better for Illustrator and the Adobe big three but mainly Illustrator CC2017? It's NOT in Games. It's meant as a Working-Station. I found this comparison: But of course working on Illustrator on a daily base is something different. Is there any possibility in AI to measure performance? What about the 12 Bit Color-Support? (Photoshop is intended) I thought every newer GPU is supporting a higher Color-Mode?
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