‎Oct 22, 2024
06:14 AM
Thank you Dzalanyama, your answer solved my problem
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‎May 23, 2021
09:41 AM
Thank you for the answer, ButI couldn't understand why they need to be in group?
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‎May 23, 2021
05:30 AM
Can anyone please tell me what is the difference between Pathfinder in Effects > Pathfinder menu and the Pathfinder palette as Window > Pathfinder. By the way the pathfinder Effects items never works. Thank you
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‎Jun 12, 2019
05:13 AM
Thank you !, It was helpful
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‎Mar 12, 2018
06:27 AM
Hello everyone, I am not too new to After Effects, I have done some projects but I have now new challenge. I need to create an animation with group of people gathering to make a shape, and spread, then gather again to new shape, like the image below I hope there is an effects or plugin can make this easy. Thank you, Khalil
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‎Feb 15, 2017
03:59 PM
For now it only works with css solution only which I tried to avoid, I hope there is a solution inside Animate here what I have added in html file <style> canvas { cursor: none !important; } </style> I had to add "!important" as it didn't work without it and here is the test Thank you very much ClayUUID​ and Colin Holgate​ for your help, and I am sorry for slow understanding. I hope there is a solution
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‎Feb 15, 2017
03:42 PM
Not exactly, first I tried stage.cursor = "none" but it didn't work, then I commented out the 2 lines as a separate solution, also didn't work, then I tried both as final step, with same result, and I am sorry if I didn't mention these steps
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‎Feb 15, 2017
03:21 PM
I have updated the code as I understand and it shows like that test Also I commented out both lines Colin Holgate​ mentioned but as you can see it is flickering now between + and > everywhere I move the mouse cursor and ignoring the mouseover the buttons This is code this.stop(); stage.cursor = "none"; this.addEventListener("tick", fl_CustomMouseCursor.bind(this)); function fl_CustomMouseCursor() { this.plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX / stage.scaleX; this.plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY / stage.scaleY; } var frequency = 3; //stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.righthoveringpage1.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_1() { this.plus_mc.gotoAndPlay("static"); } var frequency = 3; //stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.rightsidepage1_mc.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_2.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_2() { this.plus_mc.gotoAndPlay("right"); } Thank you very much
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‎Feb 15, 2017
02:47 PM
Thank you for the answer, unfortunately, the solid background does not work also, I have put a solid colored background as a separate layer below all the layers, but it still shows the default cursor. here is the screenshot and here is the test test
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‎Feb 15, 2017
02:05 PM
Here is the test example shows the problem test and the full code: this.stop(); = "none"; this.addEventListener("tick", fl_CustomMouseCursor.bind(this)); function fl_CustomMouseCursor() { this.plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX / stage.scaleX; this.plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY / stage.scaleY; } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.righthoveringpage1.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_1() { this.plus_mc.gotoAndPlay("static"); } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.rightsidepage1_mc.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_2.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_2() { this.plus_mc.gotoAndPlay("right"); }
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‎Feb 15, 2017
01:41 PM
Yes the code should hide the cursor but when I activated the follower to play on mouseover by this code var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.rightsidepage1_mc.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_1() { this.plus_mc.gotoAndPlay("still_mc"); } It makes the default cursor appears again
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‎Feb 15, 2017
01:26 PM
Thank you again ClayUUID for the answer, can you please let me know how to hide the default cursor and keep the follower only, I could do it by css, but is there is another way to do it inside Animate CC Thanks
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‎Feb 15, 2017
12:52 PM
Thank you very much ClayUUID​ IT WORKS, and I am sorry for not following you correctly. Can I mark the first answer as correct or the last one?
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‎Feb 15, 2017
12:31 PM
I am sorry for misunderstanding your answer, I did the code like that this.plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX * stage.scaleX; this.plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY * stage.scaleY; this.black_plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX * stage.scaleX; this.black_plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY * stage.scaleY; But still not aligned Thank you Re: Animate CC JS mouse follower is not aligned with responsive
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‎Feb 15, 2017
12:09 PM
Hi ClayUUID, Thank you for the answer, do you mean I have to edit the code like that: = "none"; this.mouseEnabled = true; this.addEventListener("tick", fl_CustomMouseCursor.bind(this)); function fl_CustomMouseCursor() { this.plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX; this.plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY; this.black_plus_mc.x = stage.scaleX; this.black_plus_mc.y = stage.scaleY; }
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‎Feb 15, 2017
10:27 AM
Hello everyone, I have started a website on Adobe Animate CC, I have done mouse follower with this code: = "none"; this.mouseEnabled = true; this.addEventListener("tick", fl_CustomMouseCursor.bind(this)); function fl_CustomMouseCursor() { this.plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX; this.plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY; this.black_plus_mc.x = stage.mouseX; this.black_plus_mc.y = stage.mouseY; } Now when I do the website responsive at publish setting the follower is not aligned with mouse cursor it only get aligned when I position the cursor at top left corner. I Hope someone can help me! Thank you, Khalil
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‎Jan 31, 2017
09:12 AM
I just want you to know what I meant, I will wait, Thank you
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‎Jan 31, 2017
08:59 AM
Hi kglad, You are right, but I am doing a left and right triangle that appears when the mouse goes left or right, I will attach my Animate file to see what I mean. Here is the link WeTransfer Thank you Khalil
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‎Jan 30, 2017
01:10 PM
Please see the difference between the result in Animate CC and Edge Animate CC Adobe Edge Animate when I used 100% width and height in stage, the black colored stage filled the browser width and height and kept the element at the same size with responsive positioning Adobe Animate when I used the code you provide See my plus + cursor been expanded and the word hello also, but with Edge the cursor still in the same dimensions with the word hello. I hope I am clear. Thank you
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‎Jan 30, 2017
12:50 PM
Thank you for the replay, it works, but not the way it should be, it expands all the element not in proportion, I mean the element text and the images even my custom cursor gets expanded in width only as I enlarge the browser width and it gets condensed when I make the browser narrower. What if I need to keep it responsive with scaling them in proportion. Thank you again
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‎Jan 30, 2017
12:00 PM
Hi I tried that also. What I use to do when I use Adobe Edge Animate is to switch the stage width and height as 100% and that was working perfectly (attached picture). I need to do the same with Animate CC I hope that can be done Thank you
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‎Jan 26, 2017
01:27 PM
Thank you for the answer, I tried that but it didn't fill the browser window I had white space on the sides. Please check attached screenshot
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‎Jan 26, 2017
12:35 PM
Hi all, I am building full website like this website​ using Adobe Animate CC as the website is fully animated and it seems it is done by Edge Animate, but I am using Adobe Animate as I knew that it has all Edge animate features, but I am facing some problems I hope I can find help here: 1) How I can make the canvas full width 100% like the website 2) when I created my new custom cursor, it shows the custom cursor and the default pointer together and on the button it shows the custom cursor and the default hand This is my starting code: = "none"; this.cursor_mc.mouseEnabled = false; this.addEventListener("tick", fl_CustomMouseCursor.bind(this)); function fl_CustomMouseCursor() { this.cursor_mc.x = stage.mouseX; this.cursor_mc.y = stage.mouseY; } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.stage.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler() { this.cursor_mc.gotoAndPlay("from + to >"); } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.stage.addEventListener("mouseout", fl_MouseOutHandler.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOutHandler() { this.cursor_mc.gotoAndPlay("from > to +"); } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.rightnavpage1.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_1.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOverHandler_1() { this.yellowNextPage.gotoAndPlay("yellowout"); } var frequency = 3; stage.enableMouseOver(frequency); this.rightnavpage1.addEventListener("mouseout", fl_MouseOutHandler_2.bind(this)); function fl_MouseOutHandler_2() { this.yellowNextPage.gotoAndPlay("yellowin"); } I hope I explained my problem well. Thank you, Khalil
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