‎Oct 30, 2024
04:03 AM
I don't even have OneDrive running at all. Could you please test your "fix" over a longer period of time before you post your "fixes" in public? 3 months ago you told us that the language setting was the cause and solved the problem 100% for you. And now you are telling us, OneDrive was the cause and solves you problem?
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‎Oct 30, 2024
01:44 AM
I believe, the color picker issue you mentioned is not a bug, it's a "feature". Open the color window (F6) and click on the foreground color square there, so that it gets the border and is "activated" again. Then your color picker should work again normally. For the lasso tool issue: Still present here, so annoying. About 70 to 80% chance to get this bug with every new selection.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
08:25 AM
Today I updated (at work) to Photoshop 2025 and the problem is still there. I have the feeling that it's getting worse. ~70-80% of the cases the lasso tool didn't work properly today.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
10:44 AM
1 Upvote
(normally without this bug) Escape kills your selection. Is that what you wanna have in such a situation? Alt-Tab is no solution for me. If possible, I would recommend a double-click at an uncritical place to close the current selection. And then expand the selection in another step. If I remember the bug early enough, I immediately "test" the keys right after I started a new selection. If they don't work I abort the selection and try again. And again, and again.... Thanks Adobe.
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‎Sep 28, 2024
04:12 AM
Yes, here the problem is still present as well. It neither got better nor worse in the last years. I switched employers, got new workstations. And the problem is still present in the exact same (random) behavior.
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‎Jul 20, 2024
10:21 PM
Firstly: The problem has nothing to do with the language setting. When the problem occurs, NO keyboard input works anymore. Even ESC which is the same in all the languages. When you close the selection and start over again, sometimes the keyboard commands work again. It has nothing to do with switching the language. Secondly: Wrong, the shortcut to switch language/keyboard on Windows is "Shift + Alt". And again, it has nothing to do with this problem here which Adobe ignores since several years.
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‎Apr 04, 2024
08:53 AM
I just switched to another employer and got a brand new PC, new Windows 11, new Adobe CC and new Photoshop CC. From the scratch the bug still occurs. And several other bugs I know since some time. Honestly, this is not acceptable for me anymore. I cannot rely on Photoshop and Adobe anymore. @Sivv.Ai: Thank you. I will try that. Most of the time I have activated the "add selection" function anyway and that's why I don't press the Shift key very often here. Sometimes I need the "subtract selection" function (Alt key). So I hope holding down the Alt key works too. We'll see... Thanks again.
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‎Jul 28, 2023
04:18 AM
Yes, here it is still present, too. The "solution" up there seemed to work first, but after a few hours/days the problem appeared again. Plus: Some more annoying bugs, as described above. This sticky space bar sucks so much. Really Adobe: I hate your development. Personally I will never buy (or rent, he he he...) any Adobe product anymore. At work... I will use what we have to use. But if anyone asks I will never recommend Adobe again. Sorry, but you had many years to become a reliable software company again. But now it's too late.
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‎Jul 13, 2023
10:38 AM
Thank you, that seems to work. It killed my current selection, but after that the problem did not occur again. Let's see... Anyway: I updated Photoshop 1-2 weeks ago. And the problem was still present after that. And furthermore: Now the "hand" tool (space bar) gets sticky. When using the space bar to move the artboard, sometimes it keeps to be sticked to the mouse cursor, even when space bar is not pressed anymore. It never gets boring with Adobe software since the last 10 years. And not in a pleasant way...
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‎Feb 14, 2023
05:13 AM
If I close a selection and do [something?!] then it works for 1-2 selections again. Then the problem occurs again for 2-3 selections. In my opinion it is totally random. I do not know what causes the problem to appear or disappear. When I start a selection and the problem occurs, the problem persists all the time for that selection. I never experienced that the problem appears or disappears within one single selection. In the second half of the video I tried to press the Delete key continuously and hover the mouse over the last magnetic points. It seemed that it sometimes deletes the last point - but then creates another new point immediately.
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‎Feb 14, 2023
04:48 AM
Thank you for testing that issue. And I hate to see that this bug is still present in the newest version. I made a short video as you wished: https://youtu.be/M0ju7AdC3GE I made a few comments what I try to do. - Space bar to move the image a bit. It grips only after some mouse movement. In the meantime the magnetic lasso selects a bit across the image. Besides from that, I have many situations where Space bar does not work at all. - Delete never works - Enter or Esc to end the selection never work - Alt always works (to switch to the polygonal lasso) And by the way: Adobe Premiere Pro became another piece of s..oftware, just like Photoshop. "Alt Gr" characters do not work - a bug from 2020
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‎Feb 13, 2023
03:51 AM
No, but I can try in the next few days to record the problem with simple Windows tools. You will not be able to see mouse clicks or keyboard interactions there. I don't have access to professional recording tools at work.
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‎Feb 11, 2023
03:37 AM
Could someone please tell me if this problem is fixed in the newer Photoshop versions (2023)?
I hate to update the [removed by moderator] Adobe Bridge. But this lasso-bug [removed by moderator] that much.
Especially when using the magnetic lasso: Hitting Space for moving the image on the screen - and then the lasso selects crazy [removed by moderator] diagonally across the image when moving the mouse :-X. And the Delete key cannot undo this. [removed by moderator].
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‎Jan 07, 2023
12:15 PM
Sorry about this heavy offtopic answer - I was very angry yesterday for many different reasons.
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‎Jan 07, 2023
12:14 PM
Thanks and sorry, I was a little angry because of the last months/years of Microsoft's and Adobe's software releases. And yes, I would not be surprised if this problem occured just because of parallel updates of Windows and Photoshop.
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‎Jan 06, 2023
02:59 AM
The same here. Don't know, what the Status Bar should do in this case. @PECourtejoie: Do you want to tell me that you cannot confirm this bug on any of Adobe's test systems?
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‎Jan 06, 2023
02:57 AM
No. Can you talk to Adobe to release a fix for this? Thank you.
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‎Jan 06, 2023
02:53 AM
Here the problem is still present, too. But this is no surprise:
As long as the new Photoshop version only works together with the new Bridge version, I will not update Photoshop. The new Bridge version is the weirdest software revision I have ever seen by Adobe.
I hate the Cloud concept of Adobe. Until CS6 the programs were released every 1 or 2 years. Until the next Creative Suite came out there were only updates with bugfixes. When the next Creative Suite came out, the previous CS-version was well-engineered to the end.
Now with Creative Cloud, every now and then comes a new version with new features, annoying features, with new bugs. The old version is not engineered anymore or maximum until the end of the year.
As a result we see these bugs which break the every day workflow of users who have to earn money with this software.
And as a bonus: Yes, Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere do have some now features since CS6. But the only feature which I really accept as an improvement is the better hardware support of Premiere Pro. All the other programs and their features are nearly the same or not much better than in CS6. On contrary: The User Interface of your programs became weird crap (e.g. auto-hide of scrollbars in inactive windows, buttons that don't appear like buttons, lesser contrasts, more and more pressure to save the documents in the cloud, ...) - just like Windows 10 and 11.
Maybe your software is now good for the ones who work fast and upload their photo to Instagram 3 seconds after they shot it with their Smartphone. Those who [removed by moderator] about unclean edges with your fancy quick selection tools.
But for exact and professional work your new features [removed by moderator] - especially when you break basic features that worked perfectly over 20 years.
If my CS6 (at home, not at work) does not work anymore some time in the future, then I will leave Adobe forever. And if you think I would not have paid for Adobe in the last 10 years: If you had continued the release standalone Creative Suites then I really would have bought newer versions.
At work I will recommend to get away from Adobe CC. Your CC software is [removed by moderator]. Sorry.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
08:36 AM
Thank you. Please do some testing. Yesterday it worked for some minutes in a row and I thought that the latest update fixed the problem. But the bugs were still there, after some selections the keys did not work. Interesting hint: I used to activate the option to scroll with the mouse wheel in Photoshop (preferences -> use mouse wheel to zoom). When the bug occurs and the keys don't work... the mouse wheel works then to zoom. I think it is normal that you cannot zoom with the mouse wheel when using the lasso tools. Thatswhy I normally have to use the Numpad Plus and Minus keys to zoom. Do all the others here have this option activated too? Maybe this has to do something with this bug. Or maybe not... @Adobe: I am proud to do the debugging for you... @
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‎Oct 10, 2022
08:35 AM
Surprise surprise, Adobe Software has another bug. I see this bug here too, Windows 11, latest version of Adobe Bridge. Adobe... never again.
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‎Oct 09, 2022
01:48 AM
I experience these bugs on two different systems at work. One with Windows 10, one with Windows 11. I cannot say, why it is working sometimes and then not working again for 3-4 selections.
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