SC Oly User
SC Oly User
‎Dec 17, 2022
02:18 PM
J E L I have a photo that is open in PS and I copied the background layer. I am on Windows 11 and PS 24.1.0. I also tried a new document and in neither case did Materisal open for me.
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‎Dec 17, 2022
01:31 PM
My graphics card is enabled and I have plenty of memory however, I cannot access the materials panel. When I go to Window>Materials and click on it it simply closes the dropdown and returne me to my image. How can I acces the materials panel?
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‎Dec 17, 2022
10:58 AM
1 Upvote
OM Solutions OM-1 in high resolution mode.
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‎Dec 17, 2022
06:22 AM
1 Upvote
The Olympus (OM Systems) OM-1 creates an .ORI file for its high reolution shots. It seems that Lightroom does not recognize this format. Short of opening the file in another program and comverting it to a TIF or DNG is there any way to import this RAW file? If not, perhaps Adobe can add this file type to its next update.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
07:33 AM
You seem to know who creates teh profile used by Adobe. I do not know that for a fact. Also, it does not note that Olympus is the maker of the profile. The Make drop down includes many camera manufactures and LR properly selected Olympus. Also, in LR 12.0.1 upon import the Enable lens correction is automatically ticked. So it may be difference without a distinction, just how lens correction is applied as long as it is Olympus' lens profile being used. Thanks for your replies.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
07:06 AM
According to an Adobe article on lens correction Abobe automatically applies teh lens profile for MFT cameas and lenses. This is what happens when I use my EM-1 Mark II. However with my OM-1 I must apply lens correction manually. Attached are two print screens on one you can see that the lens profile was applied automatically on the second I must do it manually. Same lens different camera body but both are MFT. Based upon Adobe's statement in the lens correction article this needs to be addressed by them. I know that I can apply Adobe's lens correction manually, that is not the issue.
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‎Oct 29, 2022
05:31 AM
It is not the photos that matter. In teh Develop Module under the Lens Correction Tab when using the Olympus EM1Mark II LR states Built in lens profile applied. With the OM-1 and the same lens LR is not applying the built in lens profile as it states in one of the lens correction articles on teh Adobe web site.
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‎Oct 28, 2022
01:40 PM
I think that the problem is that they are not capturing the data correctly from teh RAW file. The OM-1 RAW is diffferent then teh EM1 Mark II.
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‎Oct 28, 2022
09:58 AM
Adobe claims that it uses the built in lens correction for all MFT lenses and cameras.
With my Olympus 14-150 mounted on an EM1 Mark II LR applies the built in correction.
When the same lens is mounted on my OM-1 it does not use the built in lens correction.
The OM-1 was released in March 2022. There should have been sufficient time to address this matter.
When I have spoken with Adobe reps (actually twice) the answer is get the lens correction data from manufacturer and we will help you install it. Nothing about Adobe addressing this issue in an update.
We pay a monthly fee to Adobe so that they address issues and take corrective action quickly yet there seems to be no interest addressing this matter notwithstanding their statement that LR uses the bult in lens correction for all MFT lenses.
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‎Oct 21, 2022
02:03 PM
With my EM1 M II and all olympus lenses under Profile it states Built inLens Profile Applied. Yet the same lens on the om-1 does not apply the built in profile. Why not? I am using the latest version of LR downloaded yesterday on a Windows 10 platform.
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‎Jul 20, 2020
08:43 AM
After the latest update to Lightroom CC Select Subject does not appear in the object bar when I select any of the selection tools such as the lasso. How do I get it to show up again?
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‎Jul 19, 2020
08:16 AM
Under Device Info & Storage I have enabled Use SD Card. However, when I either Save to Device or Export As it saves the file to Pictures\Lightroom. How can I have it save the files to teh micro SD card?
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‎Jun 05, 2020
12:13 PM
Thanks. I lost my head, thinkg that it would be a plug in. It was in the Edit In dialong box already.
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‎Jun 05, 2020
10:57 AM
I have the Nik collection, Topaz Denoise and Luminat 4 and all work as filters in PhotoShop 2020. However, in Lightroom Classis only Luminar 4 shows in the Plug in Manager. Even when I click on add and browse to the folder I get a message No Items Match Your Search. I am using Windows 10 and both LR and PS are up to date. All of the plug in programs are located on C:\Programs\etc.
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‎Apr 18, 2019
06:25 AM
After asking the question I went to close LR and found it was in the process of creating the xmp files automatically. Thanks for your response.
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‎Apr 18, 2019
05:16 AM
Recently, my catalog became corrupted. Since I do daily back ups I didn't lose anything. However, as and extra layer of protection I want to use .xmp files as well. Is there a way to easily add .xmp files to existing images that have been processed in LR? I already changed the catalog settings for image processing going forward.
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‎Dec 14, 2018
02:08 PM
I updated LR and PS this morning. Now when I open a file in PS from LR I cannot duplicate the file, add a layer mask nor delete a layer. All of the selections when I right click on a layer are greyed out. If I open the file directly into PS without the LR adjustments I can access all of the Selections. Any and all solutions welcomed.
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‎Apr 07, 2018
01:02 PM
Can someone either explain how or direct me to a tutorial about how to create custom profiles that will show in the LR Basic panel? Thanks. Steve
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‎Nov 26, 2016
07:54 AM
I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 and an OTG plug that accepts USB devices such as flash drives. Can files on the flash drive be seen and processed on LR Mobile? When I go to the menu it shows that I can use the SD card but there doesn't seem to be a way to access the flash drive. The tablet sees and an access the data on the USB flash drive.
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‎Nov 20, 2016
08:20 AM
I just watched a KelbyOne YouTube discussing adjustments brushes on LR Mobile. I can't find it on LR Mobile 2.2.1 which appears to be the latest. Am I missing something or will it be available shortly on the Android version?
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