SC Oly User
SC Oly User
‎Apr 05, 2024
04:22 AM
I had to change the in-camera setting for high resolution images from 12 bit to 14 bit. After I did that, I was successfully able to transfer all high resolution images into Lightroom. On the OM-1 mark II, this setting can be found under the purple camera 2 menu. Look for "High Res Shot" then "RAW Rescording Bit". The high-res images still import into LR as ORF files
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‎Feb 04, 2023
09:42 AM
Only now read johnrellis comment that this might be a decision of the lens manufacturer. Still let's me wonder why lenses are treated differently when a teleconverter is applied.
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‎Jan 22, 2023
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks! The update v24.1.1 fixed my issues with Materials Panel and Delete and Fill function! Happy dance!!!
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‎Jan 22, 2023
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks! The update v24.1.1 fixed my issues with Materials Panel and Delete and Fill function! Happy dance!!!
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‎Oct 22, 2022
09:20 AM
1 Upvote
When the Lens Corrections panel shows "Built-in Lens Profile applied", that means that the camera has embedded a lens profile in the raw file and that the manufacturer is telling LR that it should always be applied -- there is no possibility of disabling it within LR. When the panel instead shows "Profile: Camera Settings", that means the camera has embedded a lens profile in the raw file, but the manufacturer has also included instructions allowing the embedded profile to be disabled. As mentioned by GoldingD, these decisions about which embedded lens profiles can be disabled are made by the manufacturer, not Adobe.
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‎Jul 20, 2020
09:20 AM
Have no idea what you are talking about the term object bar is completely foreign to lightroom classic no idea what an object bar is 1. Please post a screenshot of your issue 2. In Lightroom Classic, click on Help, click on System Info. Share with us the first 5 lines. This will provide program name/version, licence type, and OS.
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‎Jul 19, 2020
08:16 AM
Under Device Info & Storage I have enabled Use SD Card. However, when I either Save to Device or Export As it saves the file to Pictures\Lightroom. How can I have it save the files to teh micro SD card?
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‎Jun 05, 2020
12:13 PM
Thanks. I lost my head, thinkg that it would be a plug in. It was in the Edit In dialong box already.
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‎Apr 18, 2019
06:30 AM
CanonPE9user wrote After asking the question I went to close LR and found it was in the process of creating the xmp files automatically. Thanks for your response. Don't be fooled. Sometimes LR take a while to write image data to the LR Database file. Which will pop up that warning. Your best bet is to do what dj_paige suggests and select all and Ctrl + s to make sure LR writes all edits, and some other things, to a sidecar XMP file (and or in the case of some image file formats to a special part of the file itself).
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‎Dec 14, 2018
03:30 PM
It's a glitch with the current version. Work around is... to close all applications. Open photoshop fully, not just to the splash screen. Open lightroom now transfer image from Lightroom to photoshop Should work fine at this point.
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‎Apr 07, 2018
06:14 PM
Rob, It is not easier to lean video color! You may notice that there is an "ACP" tag under my name. That's a weird story. Several years ago my very young granddaughters wanted to "learn video". Desperate to learn enough to be their teacher, I bought Premiere Elements and started asking questions in that forum. Gradually I started answering questions. One day last summer, I got an email offering the "ACP", title, free software, no pay and a secret "insiders" window to some of Adobe's development. How does this relate? Premiere Elements is incredibly capable at making wonderful videos from consumer cameras. It does not do LUTs. Color grading is not really there. That's strange territory for me. But, with my newly free software access, I get to devote chunks of my retirement to figuring that stuff out. It's a new world! The notion of a consistent look in a three minute personal travelogue is not the same as a feature film. I still plan on figuring out what LUTs and profiles really might do. Bill Bill Sprague's Digital Imagery Bill Sprague on Vimeo
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‎Apr 26, 2017
12:52 AM
Is there an answer? I asked the support via chat and they told me that these question is not for the support chat! I have to ask the community! VERY BAD SUPPORT FROM ADOBE!!!!
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Former Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Nov 21, 2016
06:50 AM
‎Nov 21, 2016
06:50 AM
Hi CanonPE9user, Lightroom mobile for Android does not have Adjustment Brush as of now. Please refer Raw Technology Preview for Lightroom for Android and Major Lightroom on the Web Improvements Please add your Vote to our Feedback Community Photoshop Family Customer Community as we'd love to hear from you. Regards, Akash
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