Bill Junk
Bill Junk
‎Feb 22, 2025
05:34 PM
Thank you. I apreciate your willingness to help move this out of a public discussion and into Adobe for consideration.
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‎Feb 22, 2025
02:33 PM
How do we turn this discussion into a feature request?
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‎Feb 22, 2025
11:27 AM
Actually it isn't. The window that this thread appears in can be moved with or without clicking the resize button first. As far as I can remember, the PSE Organizer is the only program I use that has this restriction. Photoshop can be moved just by dragging.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
02:33 PM
This is a bit off the topic but I decided to play around with the Organizer 2025 version and discovered that if I selected Help>System Info... it tells me that my OS is Windows 10 when in fact I'm running Windows 11 Pro. Another thing about the UI is that for many releases it has not been possible to drag the window to another monitor if the window is expanded to fit fully in the display area. One must first click the "shrink/resize" button, then the window can be moved. The UI needs a bit of help!
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‎Feb 20, 2025
07:46 PM
I'm with you.
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‎Feb 20, 2025
05:41 PM
What I do know is that in creating the 2025 version they changed the font used on the Organizer's UI. I have the same issue as you, and at this point will continue to use the 2022 version.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
12:00 PM
I do agree that it's nice that Adobe does provide options that suit different needs. I can probably agree that a one-size-fits-all solution is not the best way to go. The one point where I would disagree with your summary is on with the statement "PSE Organizer is good for home/family/hobby organizing..." I've been a serious amature, moderately successful professional, and now back to a serious amature photographer. PSE Organizer has done almost everything that I needed and I think in many ways is preferable for the kind of photography I do. For awhile I've been trying to think of things that I would like to do with my image collection and can't do with the PSE Organizer. I haven't really come up with anything. My synopsis of it is that it has a rich set of features, is easy to use, and has a comfortable UI. When I made my initial post, I was hoping that someone would suggest a cataloging system that I had never heard of before and that would give me a chance to see if it was any better than what I'm using now. That never happened. Fortunately I'm not in a bind and needing to find something else.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
09:11 AM
I appreciate the feedback. But with three responses and three different choices for a cataloging application there's hardly a clear choice. I guess with my use of PSE Organizer there were four alternatives being used. I will likely just continue on with PSE Organizer, mainly because it has a good set of features, has a pretty well defined and simple interface, and so far has been able to handle my photo inventory without any significant performance issues. The only decision I need to make is whether or not to start using the 2025 version. Right now I'm leaning toward staying with the 2022 version. It has a perpetual license which is an advantage over a 3 year, forced upgrade license.
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‎Feb 09, 2025
12:54 PM
I appreciate your feedback on the use of Lightroom Classic for cataloging images. I do have a very logical (to me) directory tree structure that is organized in a way that I can easily find an image file using the Wildow File Explorer or an Open File command in Photoshop as long as I know what type of photo it was and where it was taken. I have slightly over 2700 folders in my primary image tree. I have LRC installed as part of my subscription, but have never really liked using it. I much prefer Photoshop and therefore have never invested the time to see if the Library module would be better than what I get with the PSE Organizer. The main advantage for me is that the PSE organizer is relatively simple to use and does provide the capabilities that I need 99% of the time. I have had a few occassions when the Organizer managed to get its database/catalog slightly confused and it took some work to get it back to where it should have been. I did buy the 2025 version thinkg that they might have fixed the issue but when I installed it I discovered they had made a font change to the UI which was probably good for most users but for me it made inefficient use of display space -- a lot of blank area taking up real estate. So I'm still using the 2022 version. I might go back and give LRC's Library module another try when I have a few hours to spare. Thanks again. Bill
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‎Feb 09, 2025
10:28 AM
For a long time I've been using Photoshop Elements Organizer to catalog and manage my large collection of photographic images. I'm curious to hear what application other people are using. I'm a Windows 11 user, make extensive use of Photoshop, Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw. While I'm generally satisfied with the PSE Organizer (2022 version), I'm always on the lookout for a cataloging application that might be better. Any thoughts?
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‎Jan 25, 2025
08:21 AM
I've been using the Photoshop Elements Organizer for a long time with the 2022 version being the one I currently use. I've had occassional problems with this version that have taken a bit of work to resolve in the catalog. I thought maybe if I upgraded to the 2025 version those problems might have been fixed. I did install the 2025 version but found that some "minor" changes had been made to the UI. After some discussion about this with someone in the know, I learned that the font had been changed. The consequence of this change is that the display of these lists uses about 50% more vertical space than in the 2022 version. The extra space is between successive entries. Since I have a very complex file structure with many folders and subfolders (about 1000), in the 2025 version I'm forced to do a lot more scrolling that I had to do in the 2022 version. The same is true for selection of keyword tags. I have decided to stay using the 2022 version. I would like to see the ability for the user to either specify the font to be used or some other option to make these lists more compressed.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
09:52 AM
Thank you for that update. Since I posted this message I did figure out that the marching ants aren't representing the outter boundary of the selection. It is nice to know that it's really a 50% point. It took some time just experimenting, but I now have learned a lot about manipulating selection masks and feel relatively comfortable in adjusting them. Seems like every time I learn something new in Photoshop, it opens up a whole bunch of other stuff that I then need to learn about. Bill
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‎Jan 17, 2025
01:40 PM
And my file structure has a lot more location granularity than my keywords.
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‎Jan 17, 2025
01:36 PM
Yes, those a useful suggestions, but I find them less desirable than the situation I have in the 2022 version. Finding based on keywords would come up against the same issue with the layout of the keyword panel. To work consistently it would require that I always had place the location keyword on the image. Unfortunately, that has always been the case. So for me, the 2022 version is preferable ..... and I can use it forever. No need to pay Adobe a reup fee every three years. I do appreciate the time you've taken to give me some alternatives.
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‎Jan 17, 2025
01:24 PM
OK, I'll stop beating my head against the wall trying to find a way to make it look like the 2022 version. My file storage structure is based primarily on physical location where the photos were taken. It is very easy for me to find a specific image that I remember taking. I just have to go to the folder associated with its loction, so a timeline based access is really not of use to me. It would really be nice if Adobe would release a standalone cataloging program that had more customizable features than what's in the elements catalog.
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‎Jan 17, 2025
12:08 PM
Greg, Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, what you tell me leads me to have even more curiosity as to why the two version display differently on my system, Windows 11 with all updates. Here's what I see in Organizer 2022: Here's what I see in Organizer 2025: Notice how the spacing is different on the left and right side panels. It's a minor point but I like the lighter grey used in the 2022 version which give just a little bit more contrast between the image frame and the image. These examples are using one of several small catalogs I used for a specific purpose. This is not the catalog with 90K+ images. Bill
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‎Jan 17, 2025
10:52 AM
I'm primarily a Photoshop (Beta) and ACR user but for many years I've used the Photoshop Elements Organizer to catalog my large image collection. For the last 3 years I've used the Organizer 2022 version. It has mostly worked well, suits my needs and has a nice, compact screen layout. Its UI is intuitive. Once in a while it has some quirks that screw up a few entiries in the catalog, which take a trial and error approach to resolve, but so far I've had success restoring items. I thought that if I upgraded to PSE 2025 maybe those problems would go away and that maybe performance would improve a little. Unfortunately it seems that I was wrong, unless I've totally missed something that should be obvious. The UI has taken a step backwards, maybe a decade or more. The use of display real estate is terrible. What used to be nice, compact displays of the folder lists and tags now uses twice as much space per entry as they did in the 2022 version. The thumbnail displays look clumbsy. Since my collection of image is large (a bit over 90K) this UI forces me to do a lot more scrolling than I had to do in the 2022 version. Another thing that bugs me is that it appears PSE 2025 wants to automatically sync my catalog to the Adobe Cloud. I'm not sure that I want to do that since my catalog is rather large. I would prefer to back up the catalog to another drive on my system. I did not see any place in the Preferences to suppress this. The Auto Sync portion of Preferences seems to be focussed on syncing media, which is also something that I don't need to do. My media storage is around 4 TB now. Fortunately I have not taken an unrecoverable path. Unless I discover how to get back to what I enjoyed with the 2022 version I guess I'll just chalk this up to a bad purchase and remove the installation. I doubt that I'll get an offer from Adobe to have my purchase refunded. All of this suggest that I should start seriously looking for another way to catalog my images. Maybe this will force me to use Lightroom, another program I don't like. Boohoo. A good product ruined just to be able to say that new features and improvements have been added.
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‎Dec 23, 2024
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
I tried another image with lens flare, this time a lot more complicted. The Remove Reflection worked well on it. Here's the beginning image as it appeared in ACR: Here's what it looked like after removing the "reflections." Notice that I still have a burned out warning about the center of the sun, but all of the reflections inside the lens that resulted in the multiple lens flare spots are gone. And the nice thing about this is that it did not try to remove the star bust rays from the sun. A couple years ago I spent a long time cleaning up this image with traditional tools in Photoshop. After a couple minutes in ACR here's what I had: There's still more work that needs to be done, but the "repair" that was previously very tedious was accomplished in a couple minutes. Being able to focus on the creative changes is really nice.
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‎Dec 23, 2024
07:34 AM
I've continued experimenting with the Reflection Removal feature of ACR and have found that it does a pretty good job of removing lens flare from images shot looking into the sun. My test files were Nikon .nef files shot with a D850. I also noticed that it is sensitive to the order in which ACR is activated. It seems that one must open the raw image directly from Photoshop and not throught Adobe Bridge.
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‎Dec 22, 2024
12:48 PM
I've used it on .nef files.
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‎Dec 22, 2024
10:42 AM
As my first test of this feature I tried it on a photo I took from a helicopter along the north shore of Kauai. There were two obvious reflections from the helicopter's windshield dome. The Distraction Removal > Reflections did a good job of removing the one on the left that was the largest area covering both the cliffs and some of the oean, but completely missed a smaller one to the right and near the center of the image. I was able to remove this other reflection with the Remove tool using generative AI.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
05:07 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
05:06 PM
Thanks to both of you for the background on ACR, Lightroom, and Photoshop. I was using Photoshop before Lightroom came out but had forgotten much of the history details.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
02:02 PM
Thanks for the technical background. Of course a software architectural choice will facilitate certain types of feature expansion and limit others. Maybe ACR was added as a compromise to allow useful features that were implemented in Lightroom to have a somewhat equivalent capability in Phoroahop, but had to be implemented as an add on because of Photoshop's architectural style. I'm still puzzled a little since everything I do in Photoshop is non-destructive. All modifications are either made via layers or as filters applied to a smart object (the original image). Now back to Select>Color Range. There are a few idiosyncronies in the way it works that I have yet to master.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
08:16 AM
I appreciate your prespective. Over the years I've witnessed the introduct of Lightroom and the advancement of its capabilities, as well as the progression of increasing capabilities in ACR. Until recently there hasn't seemed to be as much growth in Photoshop capabilities, but Photoshop is now fully embracing the AI revolution. It just strikes me as a bit unexpected that Adobe has put resources into advancing ACR instead of putting many of those features into Photoshop. As you say, people do have choices and can decided to use the tools that work the best for them.
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‎Dec 01, 2024
01:05 PM
your use of the Select Color Range looks fairly good. I went back to that image and tried again on Layer 0 with the same settings you used: Localize color clusters unchecked, Fuzziness set to 23. The first click with the selection eyedropper added stuff from all over the image. Then after using the add eye dropper almost the entire image was selected. I tried it in both the standard release of Photoshop and also the beta release. I also tried several different sampling sizes. The larger the sampling size was the better the selection was up to a point. but I could never get it as isolated as you were able to do. What I did notice is that if I have Localize Color Clusers checked, then the closer the Range value is to zero the more the selection takes on a rectangular appearance. I did go into ACR and tried the Luminace selection tool on another image and I was able to get a much better selection of an irregularly shaped region than I could have obtain in Photoshop. It's too bad that Photoshop doesn't have a similar selection capability with similar controls, particularly being able to feather the brush easily.
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‎Dec 01, 2024
07:41 AM
I'll have to take your word for it that the masking in ACR is more flexible than masking in Photoshop. I find it a bit odd that a capability provided by a secondary editing tool is better than that provided by the primary tool. My principle use for ACR is to provide quick overall edits to a image and I like the adjustments found in teh "Light" section. I do find ACR better for doing initial adjustments and as you mentioned, will make it non-destrive by attaching the edits to a smart object version of the image. Occassionally I will use the Linear and Radial Gradient tools to accomplish a regional edit, mainly because they are quick to do. However, overall I prefer to make my edits using Photoshop layers because the layer stack makes it easy to see what has been done to transform the image. I guess it comes down to a mattter of personal preference. I've been getting better at using the Select Color Range feature in Photoshop, but I'm still wondering why I saw the results I had in my initial post.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:23 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the suggestion. I have not tried using Camera Raw to do more than basic, overall image correction. I prefer to make more targeted adjustments within Photoshop and have them on layers where I can adjust the layer mask if needed. I will go back to that image and see what I can make happen.
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‎Oct 28, 2024
06:07 AM
I've been using the Photoshop Elements Organizer for over 20 years as my image cataloging tool. Once the product stabalized it's done almost everything I needed. In my editing workflow I'm using Bridge for accessing and Photoshop 26.1 for my editing. I've never really liked Lightroom but yesterday I though I would take another look to see if it would be suitable for my cataloging needs. The first thing I did was import the Organizer's catalog. That took quite a long time, but it eventually completed. However, Lightroom complained about some of the images and gave me a list of 96 files that it said were "either unavailable or damaged." In the list were a couple tif files and the rest were psd files. I've checked several of the files it reported and I was able to see their thumbnails with the Elements Organizer, and able to access them with Bridge and Photoshop. Bridge does provide a thumbnail graphic for these images. Lightroom seemes to know the file is present on my drive since it provides a placeholder graphic for these images, but it does not show the actual image thumbnail. For a couple of the images I opened them in Photoshop, made a trivial change and replaced the original copy with the modified one. Afterwards Lightroom still did not show the actual image thumbnail. Does anyone have an explanation?
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‎Oct 19, 2024
09:44 AM
Here is an image to which I want to make some localized adjustments. I thought I would use the Select Color Range tool to isolate the dark green trees along a ridge at the base of Mt. Ranier. I'm eventually making this into a B&W unage and want to be able to control the density of some specific areas. Here's an enlargement of the area I want to select from, only selecting the dark green trees. In the end, when I applied the Select Color Range tool to the dark green trees I didn't get what I expected. I started with Fuzziness set to 0 and Range set to 0 thinking this would provide the greates limitation on pixels selection. I first used the left eye dropper to select an initial color, then I used the middle eyedropper to add more of the dark green trees to the selection. What seemed odd was that the first selection with the middle eyedropper appeared as a square. Each time I added a little more from an adjoining area the square had another rectangle added to it keeping it a square. As I moved closer to the edge of the dark greek trees, instead of selecting only the dark green trees, it added another rectangular area to the side that included the trees and other parts of the image which were not dark green. I had expected to get an irregular shape that was mostly the dark green trees and from there I could adjust the Fuzziness and Range values upward to get the most useful selection. I didn't seem to work that way. Here's a closeup of the selected area. Here is the mask that was added to a Brightness/Contrast layer as a result of this selection with the Fuzziness set to 0 and Range set to 0. I've used this approach on other images and it seemed to work as expected on some and not on others. What am I missing in this siuation?
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