Bill Junk
Bill Junk
‎Mar 10, 2025
01:01 PM
Actually took some pics today with deliberate reflections in glass window. Then tried the remove reflections on a couple of images - total failure! But on another one - it worked. So, looks like a bit of a hit and miss. Looks like have to wait for better updates
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‎Feb 22, 2025
06:01 PM
that is because it runs in a tab. I often drag tabs from one screen to another, all the time in edge.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
12:00 PM
I do agree that it's nice that Adobe does provide options that suit different needs. I can probably agree that a one-size-fits-all solution is not the best way to go. The one point where I would disagree with your summary is on with the statement "PSE Organizer is good for home/family/hobby organizing..." I've been a serious amature, moderately successful professional, and now back to a serious amature photographer. PSE Organizer has done almost everything that I needed and I think in many ways is preferable for the kind of photography I do. For awhile I've been trying to think of things that I would like to do with my image collection and can't do with the PSE Organizer. I haven't really come up with anything. My synopsis of it is that it has a rich set of features, is easy to use, and has a comfortable UI. When I made my initial post, I was hoping that someone would suggest a cataloging system that I had never heard of before and that would give me a chance to see if it was any better than what I'm using now. That never happened. Fortunately I'm not in a bind and needing to find something else.
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‎Jan 25, 2025
08:21 AM
I've been using the Photoshop Elements Organizer for a long time with the 2022 version being the one I currently use. I've had occassional problems with this version that have taken a bit of work to resolve in the catalog. I thought maybe if I upgraded to the 2025 version those problems might have been fixed. I did install the 2025 version but found that some "minor" changes had been made to the UI. After some discussion about this with someone in the know, I learned that the font had been changed. The consequence of this change is that the display of these lists uses about 50% more vertical space than in the 2022 version. The extra space is between successive entries. Since I have a very complex file structure with many folders and subfolders (about 1000), in the 2025 version I'm forced to do a lot more scrolling that I had to do in the 2022 version. The same is true for selection of keyword tags. I have decided to stay using the 2022 version. I would like to see the ability for the user to either specify the font to be used or some other option to make these lists more compressed.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
11:47 AM
We never stop learning 🙂
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‎Dec 02, 2024
05:07 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
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‎Oct 28, 2024
06:07 AM
I've been using the Photoshop Elements Organizer for over 20 years as my image cataloging tool. Once the product stabalized it's done almost everything I needed. In my editing workflow I'm using Bridge for accessing and Photoshop 26.1 for my editing. I've never really liked Lightroom but yesterday I though I would take another look to see if it would be suitable for my cataloging needs. The first thing I did was import the Organizer's catalog. That took quite a long time, but it eventually completed. However, Lightroom complained about some of the images and gave me a list of 96 files that it said were "either unavailable or damaged." In the list were a couple tif files and the rest were psd files. I've checked several of the files it reported and I was able to see their thumbnails with the Elements Organizer, and able to access them with Bridge and Photoshop. Bridge does provide a thumbnail graphic for these images. Lightroom seemes to know the file is present on my drive since it provides a placeholder graphic for these images, but it does not show the actual image thumbnail. For a couple of the images I opened them in Photoshop, made a trivial change and replaced the original copy with the modified one. Afterwards Lightroom still did not show the actual image thumbnail. Does anyone have an explanation?
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‎Oct 16, 2024
06:54 AM
With your help and some experimentation over the last few days I've learned some important things about selection. I think it is somewhat misleading and unfortunate that Select Sky places the marching ants marker around what appears to be the sky, when in fact it has selected additional pixels outside the marker and in some cases has only partially selected pixels inside the marker. When I use the Select Color Range tool the selection indicates areas in which a partial selection is present. Whether or not it always does this is now something I will check. When partial selection occurs it is nice to see that indicated. It serves to provide a reminder to verify that it selected what I wanted. Thanks for the time you've spent helping me. Do you know of any good tutorials, either written or video, that goes into this level of detail?
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‎Oct 11, 2024
01:42 PM
Many times I have encountered a situation where I can not get the PS Elements 2022 Organizer to execute. I have the Organizer icon in my Windows 11 Taskbar which links to the Organizer's .exe file. In this situation when I click on the icon nothing happens. In this state I am also not able to execute the Organizer from the Windows File Explorer either. What I finally discovered is that I can force it to execute by running the Organizer in Administrator mode. I have never encountered this problem when the Organizer is the first app I run after booting and I think it works consistently provided I have not used any of the other Photoshop apps that I use. The problem is intermittent and could be either an Adobe issue or a Windows 11 issue. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
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‎Mar 12, 2024
01:16 PM
Thank you very much for providing the additional explanation. The table does a nice job of summarizing the difference among the various options for opening an image. While linked files is probably very useful to some, it is not a feature that I currently have a need to use and add more complexity to what I'm already doing. Thanks again for riding out this sequence of posts while I figure out what's going on and how to best use the features available. I've learned a couple good techniques along the way. Bill
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‎Mar 08, 2024
02:26 PM
It was set to italics. I have not used italics in a long, long, long, long time. There must be something in the most recent update that set it to italics. I would never have thought to go to Window>Character. Window is not an obvious place to look for something related to text.
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‎Mar 06, 2024
09:33 AM
Kevin, Thanks for the suggestions. I did find a couple very good tutorials on the PHLearn site but it looks like the one on layer styles is only available in the paid subscription option. I was hoping to find something free. Probably should have included that in my post. Bill
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‎Feb 29, 2024
07:40 PM
I've finnaly had some success when using a much simpler image. Here's what I did: 1. I made a slection on my base image (layer 0) of the front surface of the cube and copied the selection to a new layer (Layer 1) above the base image. 2. With Layer 1 selected I then selected Layer > Layer Style from the menu at the top of the screen. 3. On the Layer Style pop up window I selected Inner Glow. 4. I then adusted the parameters available on the Layer Style pop up window. 5. These actions generated an Inner Glow Effects adjustment added to Layer 1. It did what I wanted. I suspect this is almost the same as the second method suggest by Semaphoric. I will continue to experiment. When I tried to apply it directly to a selection on Layer 0, it applied the adjustment to the entire image, not just the selection. It worked fine when applied to a Brightness/Contrast layer (Layer 1) that had the front side of the cube selected. Thanks to all of you who helped me add another technique to my tool bag. Bill
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‎Feb 20, 2024
08:34 AM
Greg, For the image that I was comparing, the Elements Editor opens the window indicating there is no color profile embedded in the image. My version of the Editor does not have a place to click in the lower left corner as thre is in Photoshop CC that shows the color profile. The fact that the two programs have some differences in the images they show is not really importan to me from a practical point of view since I'm always going with what Photoshop shows me. It's just a bit annoying at times. Since I've been using the Element Organizer to catalog my photos for a long time it would be nice if the two gave the same results. My post was mainly one generated out of curiosity, hoping that someone would be able to explain why there's a difference. I don't use the Elements Editor, only the Organizer. Bill
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‎Jan 23, 2024
05:23 PM
The one thing that I noticed that had been changed in my preferences was the use of the scroll wheel on my mouse. I reset it to allow it to control zoom of the image. The Remove Tool still worked after I made the change. My Remove Tool setting in Preferences are set to "Faster".
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‎Jan 20, 2024
04:39 AM
Yes, Curves is the obvious and most effective tool for this.
Brigtness/Contrast is very crude and inflexible, and experienced users generally don't use it. Anything you can do with it, you can do more efficiently with Curves.
The main problem with Brightness/Contrast, and Photo Filter as well, is that you don't really know what it does. You get no real understanding of what happens to the image, and so you're just as blank the next time, you haven't learned anything.
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‎Jan 08, 2024
04:56 AM
Thanks for information. It would be really nice if it did support .psb files, but it is what is.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jan 04, 2024
08:18 AM
‎Jan 04, 2024
08:18 AM
@Bill Junk
1. Select the existing mask on the generated layer and delete it.
2. Make your new selection of your original sky.
3. Select the Generative Fill layer - create a new mask.
4. With the new mask selected - use Select and Mask (button in properties or option bar above) and adjust Shift Edge setting.
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‎Dec 09, 2023
05:15 AM
The problem has been overcome although I think this situation suggests that there is a rather nasty bug in this version of the organizer that will be very hard to discover from testing alone. It likely would need a very thorough code inspection / reading and subsequent analysis to figure it out. What I finally was able to do was copy the 8 files from the original (normal location) folder to a another folder in a different part of the folder tree. At that point I deleted the original folder, which took some doing. I eventually had to delete the original empty folder using the File Explorer. I then imported the 8 files from their new location. At that point I was able to use the Organizer to recreate the original folder in its proper location and use the Organizer to move the files from the temporary folder to the proper folder with a drag and drop.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
01:41 AM
In 2023 the problem still exist. And i'm pretty sure, it will be exist in 2045 too Why? Because Adobe doesn't care about users problems... You hdd/sdd will filled up with unwanted/unnecessary files because the Photoshop is wrong. Also doesn't care where did you set working directories... And just leave its garbage on drive C The only solution is add xx\username\AppData\Local\Temp directory to Quick access in your Windows and delete all the files manually, often.
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‎Nov 21, 2023
11:03 PM
Thanks - I did that, still doesnt work. Followed the instructions, and redid it three times, no luck. Maybe its not the correct plugin? Adobe's website is not helpful!
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‎Oct 24, 2023
01:35 PM
I'm using PSE Organizer V 20.0 (2022) to manage my catalog of images. I find it convenient and efficient for the way I work. I use Adobe Camera Raw extensively to provide initial "tuning" of my raw images, then follow up with Photoshop when I want to do some more sophisticated modifications. Some operations in the recent updates to ACR now cause the creation of a .acr file that is associated with masking applied to the file being edited. When I use the Organizer (2022) to move my image file to another folder, the Organizer will automatically move the .xmp file with it, but it does not move the .acr file. At that point I may lose the masking information if I don't move it manually. If I upgrade to PSE 2024 will that issue be resolved? I've also seen some references to using the .DNG "container" file format, but have no experience with it and don't know what negative factors might make it less suitable for me. I don't relish the thought of converting 100K images to a new file format. My OS is Windows 11 Pro.
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‎Oct 19, 2023
04:08 AM
I'm glad you found out so quickly that the reason for your image was an alpha channel 😊
Thank you for attaching your file so the issue could be spotted!
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‎Oct 11, 2023
01:12 PM
Thank you for catching that detail I missed. I will be more careful next time or if not I will at least know what to do about it. Your quick response is appreciated.
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‎Sep 22, 2023
05:28 PM
I appreciate your perspective. I'm currently using 5 TB external drives for my image file storage. They did take close to 24 hours to copy on the old computer. Hope it will be faster on the new computer. Bill
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‎Sep 12, 2023
02:32 PM
I'm happy with my Creative Cloud subscription. Have not really had any issues with it until this last week when I brought it a new computer and had to transition to Windows 11 and reinstall all my applications. Finding the cause of the 176 error message in a situation where the installation is not being attempted on a network server seems like something that would be moderately easy to figure out with a code inspection. Determine all the places where the error message could be generated and work backwards until you find some faulty code. If it looks like the only way for this to happen is to get a "bogus" return code from some Windows routine that was called, then try to get Microsoft to look into it. That might take some luck, but would be worth a try -- in my opinion.
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‎Jul 09, 2023
04:14 PM
And it will keep going on and on because this new Adobe Engineers or team cannot sort this out.
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‎Dec 18, 2022
01:42 PM
My C: drive has 33.6 Gb of 118 Gb remaining free. The D: drive has 556 Gb of 920 Gb remaining free. I have about 6 Gb tied up on my C: drive between Photoshop and Bridge. I do see that the Bridge Cache is currently located on the C: drive so I will change that. Photoshop's scrach disk is set to the D: drive. While I am not experiencing operational degredation with my current C: drive free space, I'm puzzled by why Photoshop 2023 did not install on my D: drive the way it was specified in the Creative Cloud Desktop Preferences. As I mentioned in a previous response, I use Photoshop Elements Organizer for cataloging my photo collection, around 90,000 images. There's a long story about why I do things this way, but it has worked well for me for over 2 decades . Then a year or two ago, PSE Organizer started leaving copies of files in the [user]>AppData>Local>Temp directory which eventually took free space down under 20 Gb and Windows had a fit. That's when I started investigating where my disk space had gone. So now I periodically have to go clean out the Temp directory of all the files that PSE and other apps leave behind. I've reported the PSE issue 2 or 3 times over several releases and finally someone told by in very unpolite terms to get lost -- because they couldn't reproduce the problem. It seems that with every update to Photoshop I lose a little more of the free space on my C: drive. And yes, I'm at the point where buying a new PC that can run Windows 11 might be a good thing to do, but my current system is still humming along. Replacing a system is a real pain. For some reason the Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz processor that's in my machine isn't supported by Windows 11. Thank you for the pointers. Bill
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‎Mar 19, 2022
08:10 PM
Word! I ended up going back to a older vesion also and I'm just happy PS isn't crashing so much. I'm going to give it another shot soon, update the PC and get the latest version of PS. I'm glad support helped out!
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‎Mar 25, 2021
08:59 AM
There were copies of .jpg files, .tif files, .nef and .xmp files. At times there were several hundred of them and it used up most of the remaining space on my SSD C-drive causing Windows to give me a critical storage warning. Once I figured out where all my free space had gone, I made it a routine step of my process to go check for these files and delete them.
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