‎Feb 28, 2025
06:13 PM
Thanks for all the ideas. Need to spend time on them. Essentially I want those concave channels be convexx (rising above the flat sections, not embossed in).
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‎Feb 26, 2025
01:11 PM
Is there any way to reverse this image in the radial direction, so that peaks are valleys and valleys are peaks? Essentially z = 1 - z
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‎Nov 30, 2024
07:46 PM
I have images from Google Earth, with images taken from varous angles in order to create a 3D image. Many of the images are copies (redundant), and I am trying to remove those copies. But the sequnce then gets lost. I thought if I uploaded to AE, I could then compile out a new, sequentially list of images or video.numbered images. An oidd way to do this, but not sure how else I can re-shuflle the numbers to a continous sequence. Thanks
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‎Nov 30, 2024
07:07 PM
I'm trying to make a video from 500 images that aren't named continuously (e.g. image 1, then 4, then 9, etc). And just 1 layer, not each image having it own layer. How can I do this? Thanks
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‎Jul 28, 2023
04:05 PM
1 Upvote
Is there a way to match color lots of images instead of doing them man ually with the Match Color optioon?
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‎Jul 09, 2023
09:07 AM
Thanks. I used very minimal blurring. Just 1 stroke to see if it made a difference, as before, I had done more blurring. It was just a super short test stroke.
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‎Jul 09, 2023
08:38 AM
1 Upvote
If I open a PNG, use the blur tool once, and re-save, the file is smaller than the original. It's dimenions, and all other parameters, seem the same. Why is it a smaller file and what have I lost in doing this? Thanks.
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‎Jun 11, 2023
10:22 AM
I want to put text at the bottom of a video, like closed captioning. Do I need a new text layer for each sentence? Thanks.
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‎Nov 09, 2022
07:57 AM
I wanr to paint a black and white pattern, but 1/2 of that will be transparent. is there a way to paint a black and white pattern that is 100% opaque? Thanks.
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‎Oct 24, 2022
08:02 AM
This is a night sky imge of andromeda. Can anyone suggest what I can do to get this right? I want the background sky to be darker, and change the blue to red/orange/gold. Thanks.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
09:00 AM
It gave me a funky image. Will play with it.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
08:52 AM
Yep, 32-bit. What's the best way to convert to 16 if I can't change the original rendering to 16?
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‎Jun 22, 2022
08:16 AM
Don't know the bit depth is 96.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
07:38 AM
I have a TIFF file uploaded to Photoshop. I'm trying to adjust the brightness/contrast via Image>Adjustments, and via a new adjustment layer, but that option brightness/contrast is grayed out. Levels and Exposure work. Any ideas why? Thanks.
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‎Jun 06, 2022
02:34 PM
I have a video of stars shot at 30 fps. Each individual frame has the stars round. But rendered at 30 fps the stars become streaks. What can I do to fix this? Thanks.
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‎Jun 01, 2022
01:14 PM
Sometimes when I load a photo, I can adjust the Brightness. But other times, like shown below, it can't be. Why?
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‎Mar 08, 2021
06:59 AM
1 Upvote
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‎Mar 08, 2021
06:58 AM
oops, meant I used the Paint tool.
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‎Mar 07, 2021
07:22 PM
I was working with a layer mask in th viewer of that layer. I then used the Pen tool on that layer, but the mask now disappeared. It is still visible in the composition window, but not in the layer window anymore. How can I get it back? Thanks.
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‎Feb 24, 2021
10:53 AM
I made a copy of a layer (I used Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V), and all the keyframes (e.g. positions) are duplicated, and seemingly all the paint strokes. Yet in the new layer, no stroke is seen in the layer viewer nor in the compostion viewer when I solo the track. This has worked in the past. How is this possible? It's simply a copy and paste I've done many times. Thanks.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
01:15 PM
Not sure i get that. Not sure how to be more clear. I have an object I painted on a transparent layer. . 1 stroke. That's all there is to it. That1 paint stroke (the object) stays the same for 25 frames. It just moves around.I want to do that with a different object I paint (1 different stroke), but I want it to follow where the original object I painted was. I tried to copy key position frames, but it didn't seem to work. thanks.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
10:04 AM
I have a blob that I painted. I then cloned it over the next 25 frames. Each frame I had to slightly change the position of the original blob by hand. Now I see I want to alter that original blob. Is there anyway to avoid having to manually re-position every cloned blob inb each frame again? Thanks.
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‎Dec 26, 2020
01:50 PM
Ah hah! I didn't see the panel only shows Paint 3. Now I can access what I need with that setting on Paint 1. All I wanted to do was edit that white splotch in 1 frame but couldn't get it in a panel to edit. Thanks.
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‎Dec 26, 2020
12:11 PM
no, not it. I've zoomd in and out and nada.
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‎Dec 26, 2020
07:01 AM
i have a project that I reduced to 1 layer. When I show that layer's track panel and the final composition panel side by side, there is an extra drop and a faint horizontal white line at the bottom left of the composition panel. Those are not seen in the layer panel. How can that be for a composition that only has 1 layer? Btw, that layer has a bunch of paint strokes, clones, and erasers, and a mask. Thanks.
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‎Dec 25, 2020
01:37 PM
I see tools in Mocha to rotate, translate, etc, a tracking spline. But can I flip it horizontally? I have a video clip imported to AE. I had to flip it horizontally. After that, I applied a tracking matte and rendered the clip. When I re-imported into my project the now horizontally-flipped clip, I tried to copy the original tracking matte, but it now is flipped from the clip. Flipping the clip again then copying the matte still leaves the matte on the opposite side. Do I have to re-do the matte from scratch? Thanks.
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‎Dec 23, 2020
11:39 AM
I think I may have it, except on multiple masks - I have a mask from Mocha tracking that I use to remove an area; I have another regular AE mask (I drew in) that removes a separate, non-overlapping area on the same layer. Seems if I have the mocha mask, the other mask doesn't apply. How can I get both of them to remove their respective areas? Thanks.
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‎Dec 22, 2020
12:49 PM
Thanks. None seems to work tho. Using the Minimax option messes up the border elsewhere on the layer where there are other transparent borders. I can't find Mask Expansion option with the Mocha Matte. And blend mode didn't do it. Any further ideas?
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‎Dec 22, 2020
12:08 PM
I have a video where half of it needs a different Effect than the other. So I drew a tracking mask in Mocha, splitting the video into 2 halves. Back in AE, each 1/2 is in a different layer (1 I applied the Matte, the other I inverted the Matte). But when the 2 layers combine in the output, there is a black (blending?) line where the 2 halves meet. In Mocha I used edge width of 0 and 1, but that line still is seen. Any idea how to get rid of it so the 2 halves fit together without a border line? Thanks.
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