‎Feb 28, 2025
06:13 PM
Thanks for all the ideas. Need to spend time on them. Essentially I want those concave channels be convexx (rising above the flat sections, not embossed in).
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‎Dec 01, 2024
10:48 AM
In the Finder or Explorer, place the images that you want to include in a folder named in alphabetical order. Then import the folder as an Image Sequence with Force Alphabetical Order enabled.
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‎Jul 28, 2023
05:23 PM
It's rare that this command works reliably, but if you think it will do the job from testing... (do work on duplicate files so that you don't overwrite the originals):
1) Open the source image that you wish to match the other images to
2) Image > Adjustments > Match Color...
3) Save Statistics
4) Record an action for Match Color, using the Load Statistics button and any other suitable options
5) Stop recording, you should only need the one step
6) File > Automate > Batch and select the action set and action that you just recorded
7) Set the other batch options as required
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‎Jul 09, 2023
09:07 AM
Thanks. I used very minimal blurring. Just 1 stroke to see if it made a difference, as before, I had done more blurring. It was just a super short test stroke.
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‎Jun 11, 2023
01:12 PM
Captioning is a lot easier to do in Premiere Pro. It will transcribe, create subtitles, and give you a captioning file you can upload to YouTube or Vimeo to generate accurate subtitles.
If you want to do it in After Effects, you can use Audition to generate text and add markers that you can use in After Effects. All you need is a couple of expressions to generate the text and animate a move or an opacity fade based on the markers. The problem is that you get no captions text file to add to your video, and you have to burn in the subtitle track.
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‎Apr 27, 2023
02:30 PM
Hello. I'm having a similar issue as OP, except this menu being shown in this image is also not showing up. Do you know why that could be?
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‎Nov 09, 2022
08:42 AM
Hi, 100% opaque means 0% transparent. If that is what you mean, yes, it is possible, and such patterns exist in the legacy set you can get from the local menu of the patterns panel.
if you meant 100% transparent, I do not think it is possible. When you erase to 0% opacity, color info is lost (I feature request a preference switch for that, but it might be gone)
you might be able to save a very low opacity pattern, then lower its opacity again from the layer styles, or from the layers opacity. But I wonder what you would do with o% opacity pattern. You can also adjust the colors of the transparency grid in the preferences.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Oct 25, 2022
08:05 AM
‎Oct 25, 2022
08:05 AM
Here's one way to make the background darker and change the blue to red/orange/gold:
Apply a Levels adjustment layer (click the middle icon at the bottom of the Layers panel that looks like a black and white cookie and select Levels...)
Under the histogram (the graph) drag the left (darkest) indicator to the right to about 80 (the value will show up in the box below it on the left)
Adjust the midtones if you like by dragging it
Select the Gradient tool (G)
Click the gradient in the Options bar (if the Options bar isn't showing go to Window > Options which is at the bottom of that menu)
In the Gradient Editor, open the Oranges presets folder and select Orange_05
Drag the orange color stop on the right to the middle (to Location: 50)
Click on the right where the orange color stop was to add a color stop
Click the orange color to open the Color Picker and change the color to red
Make a new layer
Draw the gradient from the center outward
With the Selection Tool selected and the layer selected, scale the rectangle and rotate it and position it to align to Andromeda
Control (Win) / Command (macOS) click on the thumbnail of the gradient to load the selection
Go to Select > Modify > Feather and enter a value (around 40)
Add a Layer Mask by clicking the 3rd icon from the left at the bottom of the Layers panel
Further modify the mask with a soft brush set to black to use around the edges
Change the blending mode in the Layers panel to Hue
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‎Jun 22, 2022
09:01 AM
Image > Mode > 16 Bits/Channel
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‎Jun 01, 2022
02:14 PM
In your image, you're currently focused on the MASK portion of your adjustment layer. Instead, focus on the little Brightness/Contrast icon (to the left of that mask, on your layer) and you can adjust the actual image.
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‎Sep 03, 2021
12:21 PM
There is a work around solution to this until it get's fixed. set every frame to 1 sec(see below images) ___ then when exporting as a png sequence, set the frame rate to 1
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‎Feb 24, 2021
10:53 AM
I made a copy of a layer (I used Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V), and all the keyframes (e.g. positions) are duplicated, and seemingly all the paint strokes. Yet in the new layer, no stroke is seen in the layer viewer nor in the compostion viewer when I solo the track. This has worked in the past. How is this possible? It's simply a copy and paste I've done many times. Thanks.
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‎Feb 16, 2021
07:42 AM
You can trim the strokes inside your Paint effect to set their duration to 25f, even before creating them you can set the duration of your strokes in the Paint Panel.
Could you upload any screen capture of your timeline and composition panels?
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‎Dec 26, 2020
01:50 PM
Ah hah! I didn't see the panel only shows Paint 3. Now I can access what I need with that setting on Paint 1. All I wanted to do was edit that white splotch in 1 frame but couldn't get it in a panel to edit. Thanks.
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‎Dec 25, 2020
04:19 PM
1 Upvote
It's a good idea to add do any transform changes to the footage you want to track in mocha, add any color correction necessary to create a good track, add any masking needed, then pre-compose before you track in Mocha. If you have tracked the original footage and you want to avoid running the tracking or doing the roto work again you can always apply the mask to a solid or a shape layer and use that as a track matte. I almost always use comp sized shape layers with masks from mocha if I need to do roto work or masking with Mocha. Here's the basic workflow:
If you scaled your footage to 100, -100 then all you have to do to flip the track matte is scale the Track Matte layer to the same value. I left out Copy the mask keyframes in Step 3 but you probably already figured that out.
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‎Dec 23, 2020
11:39 AM
I think I may have it, except on multiple masks - I have a mask from Mocha tracking that I use to remove an area; I have another regular AE mask (I drew in) that removes a separate, non-overlapping area on the same layer. Seems if I have the mocha mask, the other mask doesn't apply. How can I get both of them to remove their respective areas? Thanks.
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‎Sep 23, 2020
07:53 AM
What do you mean by "lose too much"? Can you post a screenshot to illustrate?
The final result will always be butterfly-shaped, with the two outer frames stretched outwards to the corners. This is an unavoidable side effect of keeping straight lines straight. The result is exactly the same as a single shot with a wider angle lens, you get corner stretching.
Or do you mean something else?
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‎Sep 16, 2020
08:38 AM
Glad to see that Duration Set to Single Frame solved it for you.
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‎Sep 15, 2020
06:18 AM
Yeah, that's what I do. Still doesn't work.
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‎Sep 04, 2020
06:31 PM
Other Quicktime formats have RGB+Alpha. I've used Pro Res 4444 before and usually just go with that and it works fine for me.
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‎Jul 29, 2020
02:20 PM
You can animate position, scale, rotation. You can tie one layer to another with parenting. That's why I said, show me the shot and I'll tell you the easiest way to do it.
It sounds like you need to spend some time with the User Guide.
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‎Jun 27, 2020
01:32 PM
The first thing you should do to troubleshoot the problem is to select the layer with the clone stamp applied and press the U key twice. Check all of the settings and look at the timeline. Then you should change to the Paint workspace and look at the brush settings. If you can't figure it out we need a screenshot that shows all the modified properties of the layer (uu). If your version of AE is up to date this is probably just user error.
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‎Jun 27, 2020
01:18 PM
So, did you manage to solve it?
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‎Jun 11, 2020
07:35 AM
I have 2 projects. I auto-alligned all layers independently in both. Works fine. But when I duplicate the 1 set of layers to move them the other project and I try to auto-allign, it fails. I tried locking the layers but that didn't work. Why would allign fail when combinng 2 sets of layers that are alligned before-hand? Thanks.
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‎May 03, 2020
11:30 AM
Yes, I deselect all but 1. I locked the desired base layer, yet it still changed when I tried to auto-allign with a new layer.
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‎Apr 24, 2020
05:11 AM
Thanks for sharing the details. Could you try changing the Renderer to Mercury Software Only from File > Projects Settings? If that doesn't help, try importing your project into a new one and see if it helps. Also, I would suggest lowering the preview resolution.
Let us know how it goes.
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‎Apr 20, 2020
05:54 AM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Please share the following details so that we can troubleshoot the issue properly:
Are you getting this issue with a particular project or all of them?
Is it visible in the exported file as well?
What are your system specifications (CPU, GPU, RAM, OS)?
In the meantime, try this: go to Edit > Purge > All Memory & Disk Cache.
Let us know if it helps.
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