Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 13, 2025
09:21 AM
1 Upvote
I kept trying to have Firefly generate a video of my younger twin sisters dancing ballet. Today is their birthday and I have a photo of them in their tutus, but Firefly refuses to make the video. There is NOTHING obscene about the photo. It is of my sisters when they were 10 years old in their tutus. What gives? It reminds me of Generative Fill when I was trying to fix a blurred finger in a portrait I was editing and it woouldn't allow it because it thought the image was obscene. Time to adjust your guidleines or make your AI a little smarter.
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‎Oct 25, 2017
12:16 PM
Hey, Adobe, I love how you try to make this OUR problem. The bottom line is that your new Dimension CC crashes for all of us at startup. Felix (after it was tweaked) didn't. AVX? Since all of us with MacPros purchased them in 2010-2013, obviously this makes Dimension impossible for us to use in its present form. And until Apple comes out with their new MACPro (hopefully this year), we're kind of stuck. If I'm not mistaken, we all pay Adobe as part of our cloud subscription. You've created something we can't use. Isn't that YOUR problem—especially since many us helped you in your beta testing and you got it to work for us then. It is arrogant of you to blame it on our hardware when the rest of your software works just fine. This is a programming error on YOUR part. Fix it and stop making lame excuses.
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‎Mar 30, 2017
07:18 PM
I still cannot open Felix. I have a Creative Cloud membership. I downloaded the update. I have a 12-core Mac Pro with 32 GB Ram. Online I see that many others can't open the damn thing either. C'mon Adobe. Get it together. I haven't seen anything this poorly handled since you botched up Adobe Bridge (you know I still can't easily download pictures from my Nikon D810). I watched the videos of your Felix demonstrations. I'm surprised it worked for you guys either.
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