‎Nov 15, 2021
11:12 AM
Hi @AsterLUXman this behavior has been around since at least CS6. I'm not sure why it works the way it does. Asking engineering. Given that, I don't expect it to change as it may break other behaviors with actions for example.
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‎Nov 07, 2021
11:40 AM
It is 9 years afdter this post and I just went through hell for 1 day because I added a filter to my movieclip. It destroyed all of the an imation inside that I wired up with HTML5 code. I am soooo pissed I lost all this time. why in the world is this feature here if it breaks the movie animation? This should be a big warning to tell you this. Wow! I am so frustrated. i could have spent 5 hours of good work instead Im sitting on my hands in complete frustration.
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‎Sep 27, 2014
11:18 PM
Hi, iOS default music player's audio gets paused automatically whenever I switch to an AIR app. Is there a way to keep it playing?
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‎Sep 21, 2014
12:58 AM
1 Upvote
Ok. I figured it out. Ever since the new sd card requirements for Android KitKat, an 3rd-party app must request the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in the app manifest, in order to access public folders on the sd card, such as: the sd card's root ( /sdcard ) where music files get copied by default, for example. Interesting write-up on the issue: External Blues: Google Has Brought Big Changes To SD Cards In KitKat, And Even Samsung Is Implementing Them
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‎Mar 08, 2014
05:49 PM
Right. Thank's, Colin. It makes sense to put the external swf in a subfolder within the main swf's folder, but in my case, the external swf is shared with several other projects so that would not be its proper place.
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‎Mar 03, 2014
06:54 AM
Please vote SoftKeyboardType feature request for flash.text.TextField on AIR for IOS/Android
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‎Mar 05, 2014
09:17 PM
If this app runs on the desktop, one workaround might be to have two air applications and putting the windows side by side!
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‎Feb 27, 2014
06:37 PM
Boat5, I am not entirely sure about this, but doesn't CABM tell the GPU to store the bitmap in GPU memory, so that it can be scaled, rotated, etc, rapidly on the GPU ? I believe that not setting CABM, even for a bitmap, means that the bitmap will be kept in regular memory ( not GPU memory ), and used by the GPU only for rendering the final frame ( e.g. 'compositing step' ). IOW, just because it is a bitmap, doesn't mean that it is going to reside in GPU memory, simply because the render mode is GPU. One needs to use CABM for that, no?
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‎Feb 23, 2014
03:37 AM
Some performance tips here:
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‎Feb 23, 2014
03:33 AM
1 Upvote
Last time I attempted to deal with this, I ended up programming the content paning, manually:
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‎Feb 18, 2014
02:27 AM
AsterLUXman, Thanks! I'll give it a try.
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‎Feb 14, 2014
03:53 PM
Hi Chris, since I did not read any answer for my simple questions above (may be I'm right) I will do some tests more and than [in case] I'm going to open the bug report. Thank you. mc
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‎Oct 22, 2014
04:26 PM
Thanks, it seems to have been some sort of issue that required that I update to the latest AIR beta and add the ios SDK to the build in flash builder... After Michael updated the ane and posted the update to GitHub and suggested I update AIR and add ios sdk it worked for me. I had indeed tried it on multiple iphones, one running ios8 and one running 7.1.2 -- I hope to add an ipad or two to my test devices next week and cant wait!
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‎Oct 11, 2014
09:04 PM
Hi and I don't have any issue with Android in case of playback in standby like iOS! Means I don't need to add any codes in the XML or timeline/classes (i.e UIBackgroundModes or KEEP_AWAKE etc.) to keep playing Audio (with the same quality) in Standby. Example: Quran Hakim (Android / iOS) made by flash CS6. Sorry I don't have any English apps to offer as example, It is in Persian Language, So if you continue pressing different buttons you finally end up in a page that you can play Audio in there. While it plays auido, you check if it is what you mean or not. Good luck and God give us all programmers enough patience.
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‎Feb 15, 2014
12:09 AM
VascoF, On re-reading your original post, this behavior looks symptomatic of an app whose GPU memory usage is very close to maximal. You need headroom in GPU memory, or it's very easy to go overboard, especially as the device overlays the standby ( lock ) screen, or something like that ( like the manufacturer's own Android skin -- ex: Samsung's Touchwiz UI ! ). Best solution in this situation is simply to reduce the sizes of the textures you are storing in GPU memory, by: If you are the direct render mode + Stage3D, by putting a cap on the maximum texture res possible, for example, and/or knocking down the largest ones. if you are using the GPU render mode, by setting cacheAsBitmapMatrix to half-res ( new Matrix( 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5 ) ) or less. OR: by simply authoring all your source bitmapDatas at a lower res. Notes: When resuming an app that uses the GPU, it is possible ( frequent ) to get a momentary black screen ( up to several seconds ), if you lost the 3D context and/or if the textures got flushed from GPU memory. But a full automatic restart, like you are describing, is most likely due to being borderline on texture memory in the first place, and going over the top -- for a particular device! One detail: careful with Texture.dispose() if you rely on it, as it seems to require a couple render calls to truly kick in. If you flood the texture memory with a new set of textures before the dispose on the old ones has taken effect, you could run out of texture memory, as mentioned here:
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‎Feb 09, 2014
01:47 AM
The easiest for me is to simply embed your font into your main document class, like this: package { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.text.*; public final class MyApp extends Sprite { [Embed(source="../fonts/ITCAvantGardeStd-Bold.otf", embedAsCFF = "false", fontWeight="bold", fontName = "ITCAvantGardeStd_DemiAndBold", mimeType = "application/x-font-truetype", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+007E, U+00A9, U+00AE")] // Main characters + Copyright and Registered glyphs static public var ITCAvantGardeStdBold:Class; // that's what the embed gets baked into Font.registerFont( ITCAvantGardeStdBold ); // do this once per font public function MyApp():void // Constructor { // Create a textformat that uses the font var tft:TextFormat = new TextFormat( "ITCAvantGardeStd_DemiAndBold", 20, 0xffff00, true ); // size = 20 pix, color is yellow, bold = true, matching the font weight // create a text field var tf:TextField = new TextField(); with ( tf ) { antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED; // optional defaultTextFormat = tft; embedFonts = true; // this is using an embedded font width = 100; autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; wordWrap = true; text = "Hello world ! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah"; height = textHeight + 8; // nice and tight border = true; // for fun borderColor = 0xffff00; // yellow } addChild( tf ); } } // end of: class } // end of: package The embed statement contains several optional properties, like fontWeight, fontStyle, and fontFamily. Check here for info: Note: Alternatively, you could use Flash Professional to embed the font into the document class via the IDE ( like so: ). Also, for these kinds of questions, I recommend: 1) O'Reilly -- Essential ActionScript 3.0 2) O'Reilly -- ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook
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‎Jan 30, 2014
08:34 AM
@AsterLUXman Just to clarify, 2048 sized textures do work fine on iPad1 with Stage3D, not sure what settings or code environment you tested on.
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‎Jun 15, 2016
02:20 AM
Linking a possible solution here for anyone ending up in this post: Re: Softkeyboard pan issue in AIR for Android
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‎Jan 25, 2014
01:05 PM
Thank's, Jeffrey. I missed that post.
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‎Jan 19, 2014
08:28 PM
Hi Anton, indeed, using a BASELINE_CONSTRAINED context reduced the delay in obtaining a 3D context. On Nook Color, this went from 15 secs to 7 secs. approx. ( just for the requesting part ). However, this led to another, different, issue on Kindle Fire 1 -- a bug, I believe: Filed as:
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‎Jan 07, 2014
10:52 PM
This topic is discussed in a few threads, within the Starling and Away3D forums. I initially looked in the Adobe forums but did not find anything, surprisingly, so I thought I'd post my work around. I recently ran into "Error #3691: Resource limit for this resource type exceeded", while disposing and creating textures in Stage3D. I have an app where the user gets to pick one of 4 render quality levels. Picking any one of these settings calls my own setRenderQualityLevel(), which does the following: Dispose all textures used in the game ( incl. an intermediary frame buffer ) Resize my source BitmapDatas to the desired resolution based on the render quality level. Upload the resized bitmapDatas to the GPU via Context3D.createTexture(). Do a single call to my render() function to see the change Now, I noticed that if I kept switching render quality levels while the game was running ( basically while an enter-frame handler was calling my render() function ) then error #3691 would not happen. However, if I paused the game ( unhooking the enter-frame handler, and thus no render() calls every frame ), then I would eventually get the error when toggling between render quality levels. The fix: adding a second call to render() within setRenderQualityLevel() got rid of the error, when the game was paused! My take: apparently, calling dispose() on a texture is not sufficient to get rid of it right there and then: rendering a couple frames is also required ( which means two calls to Context3D.present() ).... weird.
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‎Mar 21, 2014
05:54 AM
It’s fairly recent, since one of the AIR 4 versions I believe. These days you don’t have the option of using AIR 3.6 anymore, and whatever was going wrong for your app was some other problem.
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‎Oct 08, 2014
11:44 PM
cristiandeidaho napsal(a):
Chris, when is this conference going to be?
Flash Online Conference #10 with Adobe
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‎Nov 21, 2013
10:49 PM
Hi, Does anyone know what happens to an Android AIR app when the user puts the device on hold manually by pressing the power buttton? Does the app still continue to run in the background, or is it completely paused? The reason I am asking is I have made an alarm-clock app which fails to trigger ( alarm sound is not heard ) when the device is put on hold, manually ( by pressing the power button ). However, when the user merely minimizes the app, the alarm does go off just fine. Any ideas on how to make it so the alarm triggers even when the device is put on hold manually?
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‎Feb 06, 2014
09:12 PM
Hi Pouradam, What worked for me, in the end, is the use of Distriqt's Local Notification API. This ANE allows you to play your own sound sample ( up to 30 secs long on iOS according to the doc, though it seems to work if longer so I would check with Distriqt ), along with the notification. The sound sample needs to be a *.caf on iOS, and either *.wav or *.mp3 on Android, and needs to be packaged into the root folder of the *.ipa or *.apk ( just add it to the adt.bat command line, after the icon paths ). This sound will be audible even if the device is idling ( standby ) on either platforms. On iOS, the sound can be made to replay every minute, whereas on Android, the sound can be made to be looping ( via the 'flags' property ), until the local notif is cancelled by the user or the app. Note that for both platforms ( iOS and Android ), the local notification is scheduled ahead of time and will run even if the app has since been closed ( on Android, the ANE uses the AlarmManager ). The only exception, on Android, is if the app is force-closed, which will cancel the notification, but closing the app properly ( either by the OS, if it runs out of ram, or in AS3, via NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit() ) won't cancel the notification. The downside of local notifs is that they don't execute code, per se, however they can pass a data payload ( text ) back to the app, if it is running ( even if minimized ), which a handler can receive to do stuff. For the handler to work while the app is minmized on IOS, you will have to have one of the UI background modes set to true. Note: my need for the sound to be heard even in standby was for a beeping alarm-clock, so I am not really needing to play long bits of music. I also added music player functionality to my app but I am not requiring that the music be heard while in standby. However, to prevent the device to go into standby when the app is running in the foreground, I use NativeApplication.nativeApplication.systemIdleMode = SystemIdleMode.KEEP_AWAKE, whenever the app is activated ( on Android, you will also need the following manifest tags: <manifest><uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/></manifest> ). Also: don't forget to turn off the KEEP_AWAKE when the app is deactivated by the user, e.g. goes into the background ( see: NativeApplication.nativeApplication's Event.ACTIVATE / Event.DEACTIVATE ).
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‎Aug 14, 2013
01:49 AM
Yes, crash has been fixed. Please try with latest build available at and let us know if you will face any issue. Regards, Nimit
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‎Oct 23, 2012
11:58 AM
1 Upvote
yes, but not the way you should want. you can always compile one block of code and conditionally compile a block that overwrites that block.
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‎Apr 29, 2013
11:50 AM
This is an intriguing technique. If you have a working example of it, it would be great to see it, I'm trying to implement something similar but finding it harder than I expected.
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