‎Nov 28, 2024
04:33 PM
YES, WE ALL NEED THIS FEATURE, especially when almost all competitors already have it!
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‎Sep 13, 2024
11:25 AM
It is now 2024-09-13 and rename file(s) in Lightroom CC (the cloud based) still not available! The post and my comment are NOT about naming when exporting, but about the ability to rename photo(s) in Lightroom itself! ADOBE, WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS NEEDS?!
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‎Mar 20, 2023
04:24 AM
Photoshop 24.2.1 displaces smart filter when it dragged from other psd/psb file. It places not on the active/selected smart layer but on one random smart layer below of it. PS does it when the target layer has mask on it.
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‎Feb 26, 2023
02:31 AM
After Photoshop update to 24.2.0 the rulers are invisible!!! They are there, because if I switch the showing of rulers (View > Rulers), it's visible that the interface shows/hides the rulers, but they are invisible! I attached 2 screenshots, one with "show rulers" on and one with "show rulers" off. If you switch between these screenshots directly (not closing one and then opening the other) it's clearly visible that Ps shows/hides the rulers, but they are just invisible when showed.
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‎Jan 04, 2023
01:56 PM
In Photoshop 24.1.0 I open image(s) (two 16bit TIFFs in the example). Then I go to File >... > Image Processor. I set there what I want (use open images, save in the same location, output format JPG, quality 12 and resize into a 2400x2400px). Then I click "Run", and then first it says "There were no source that could be opened y Photoshop." and then "Sorry, I could not process the following files: [list of the two files that are opened]" See the attached screenshots. The images are opened, I just zoomed out to 0.7% for privacy reasons. Adobe, what are you doing with Creative Cloud apps?! Bridge is unusable, even the updated one (I returned to Bridge 2022), and now this in Ps 2023... What the hell is going on?!
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‎Apr 18, 2022
02:30 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, I think there should be a bug in the latest Photoshop version, what is 23.3.0 (it is 2022.APR.18. now). I experienced that when I open a PSD with layers Ps shows only white canves and nothing else. See the attached screenshots. On Screenshot (216).png is the view of my PSD after flattening the image (Layers menu > Flatten image), it is very weird. In the conversation with Help Centre we figured out that it might be because of outdated video drivers. So... It was recommended to update my graphic card driver as it was utdated (7 months instead of 6 months). Well... we downloaded from nVidia site what we found... it is even more outdated (23 months...). But the problem is not with thw driver! The problem is with Photoshop. The experienced error happened in Ps version 23.3.0, and so because of the outdated drivers I was recommended to install v22. But before going back to v22 I tried the very previous version instead: v23.2.2 And it is working perfectly! So the problem is not with the video driver but it should be a bug in Ps v23.3.0! P.s.: below I have to choose a "keyword", so I choosed Windows, as my computer has a Win10pro x64 ENG system with 32 GB RAM etc., but IMHO this issue is nothing to do at all with the computer and/or the Windows and/or with the graphic drivers.
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‎Mar 09, 2022
11:59 AM
1 Upvote
0. This is 2022.MAR.09., we are paying huge amounts on money for CC subscriptions, but Adobe still did not made anything to be able to open Canon HIF files for about 2 years! 😞 1. Canon's HIF is 10 bit. 2. Canon Digital Photo Professional (or DPP, a free app for Canon owners) can convert that HIF to JPG, TIFF8, TIFF16. I suggest to convert HIF files to TIFF16 (16bit TIFF) with DPP, and then you can go to Bridge/CameraRaw/Ps with that TIFF16 file if it needed. Or You can edit the HIFs completely in DPP, without using any Adobe app, and then save to any format You want (JPG for web, TIFF16 for art print etc.).
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‎Jun 17, 2019
03:21 PM
1 Upvote
Strange as hell... Now it is there and everything is OK. Sequence01 and Sequence02 and they are different as they should be, containing the edits that they should. Don't know what happened... So... Thank you, the problem solved itself.
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‎Jun 17, 2019
03:18 PM
No, I do not nest sequences.
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‎Jun 17, 2019
03:16 PM
1 Upvote
Creating a new sequence: method 1: mouse right click on empty place in the project window (where are all the footege imported) > New Item > Sequence. method 2: File menu > New > Sequence method 3: press Ctrl+N on the keyboard (I guess it is Cmd+N on Mac).
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‎Jun 17, 2019
02:18 AM
No. As I wrote... 1. I import the footage (clips, sounds, pictures etc.) into the project. 2. I create Sequence01 in the project. 3. I make a video (drag footage and edit etc.) in Sequence01. 4. I export video from Sequence01. Until now everything is OK. 5. Then I create a new sequence (Sequence02) in the project. Just with this step Sequence01 immediately becomes empty! 6. Then, when I do anything in Sequence02, everything appears also in Sequence01 exactly in the same way. It looks like as I did in Seq01 the same thing also, but no, I did not! I just created Seq02 and started to put and edit footage in Seq02, but did nothing with/in Seq01. Is it clear now?
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‎Jun 16, 2019
03:03 PM
BTW ... I experienced this bug just now (2019.JUN.16.SU. 23.52 CEST) in the latest Premiere Pro v13.1.2 (Build 9), and this was the first time I wanted to add a second sequence in the same project.
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‎Jun 16, 2019
02:57 PM
Why Premiere Pro in the same one project (prproj file) if I add a second sequence it purges the first one?! Let's start a very new project in Premiere Pro! Create a sequence, import videos put them in that sequence, eg. make a video... Then add a new sequence (for example from the same footage I want to make a different cut, a shorter one or just because). Then the first sequence in the project will be emptied!!! WHY?! Then what's the sense to be able to create second (and third etc.) sequence in the same project file, if the newest purges the existing previous ones?! AND as I put items on the second sequence they exactly appear in the first sequence! It's like I have a cupboard and put in a box with tea, and when I put a new (empty) box in the cupboard, the tea disappears from the first box! AND if I put something in the second box it also appears in the first one too! What the hell...??? 😕
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‎Jan 03, 2019
10:45 AM
AND... if in Lr Classic, then in Camera Raw too! 😉
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‎Jun 05, 2018
11:02 AM
Adobe, please add ability to save from Camera Raw in PNG format also! When one want to save/export image(s) from Camera Raw, there are JPG, TIFF, DNG and PSD already, but it would be quite useful to have the ability to choose PNG also.
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‎Jan 31, 2018
09:41 AM
IMHO it's clear. Since CC 2018 "normal" Lightroom is Lightroom Classic CC, and a new, web based app was born as Lightroom CC. Well, I agree, that would be much better if they leave Lightroom as Lightroom and the new app was called Lightroom Net or something like that...
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