Kees Veling
Kees Veling
‎Feb 02, 2025
01:43 AM
Issue When exporting a 59.49 timeline to 29,97 the source range indicator wrongly suggests i have only part of my timeline selected. See attached screenshot. Adobe Media Encoder version number: 251 (Build 65) Operating system: Windows 11 v.10.0.26100.1 Steps to reproduce Export a 59.49 timeline to 29,97 have no in and outputs in the timeline. Perhaps add a second output Expected result Source range indicator indicates complete timeline is selected for export Actual result Source range indicator indicates part of the timeline is selected for export
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‎Oct 29, 2024
05:58 AM
I have this problem too. System Components: [Operating System] Windows v.10.0.22631.1 Premiere 25.0.0 B61 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Video] Intel(R) UHD Graphics 770 v. [Video] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 v. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Audio] RODE AI-1 v.10.0.22621.3958
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‎Oct 17, 2024
12:01 AM
Thank you for the feedback. I have made the "Ideal"post you suggested. Please upvote if you agree that color space selection for the source window would be an improvement..
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‎Oct 01, 2024
11:53 AM
Feature request: Make it possible to switch the log monitor to a different color space. Since the new color management improvements the colors in the source monitor and the timeline no longer match. I get this from a technical standpont but from a creative standpoint this makes no sense to me. I use the source monitor to select my in and out points. I cannot do this if i have to watch the footage in log colors. The image looks washed out, this makes it hard to judge how it wil look on the timeline. It makes it hard to appreceate the image from a creative standpoint, and it forces me to keep thinking about technical stuff in a creative process. Please make it possible to select a colour space for the source monitor, and default it to the timeline color space. Please upvote this request, thank you.
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‎May 27, 2024
02:14 PM
I doubt that it is a feature not a bug. You cannot accurately set in and out points in the source monitor with footage in the wrong colorspace like log footage. There is an option to see the footage without colorspace transform in the lumetri panel, so if. You want to see this it is there allready in a logical place. there is another reason that points to this being a bug. In the bin you select the proper color space transform if it is not automatically set. So if you doubleclick it it should show the source as it is in the bin. Just like other stuff you do in the bin like intepret footage and master effcts show up in the source monitor.
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‎May 18, 2024
02:11 AM
When working with Panasonic V-Log the color space is automatically detected, but it only shows correctly in the program monitor, not in the source monitor. Is this normal behavour? I would like to view Rec. 709 in the source monitor. Note: when i double click a clip in the timeline to open it in the source monitor, the colors do show correctly. When i double click a clip in the bin, they do not show correctly. Timeline Color Space: Rec. 709 Video recorded in: Panasonic V-Log/V-Gamut Color Space Override: Off Input LUT: None Video Codec Type: HEVC 10 bit 4:2:0 (Full Range) Image Size: 3840 x 2160 Frame Rate: 50,00 Windows v.10.0.22631.1 Premiere 24.3.0 B 59 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 v.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
06:48 AM
When exporting subtitles as an .srt sidecar file Premiere pro/mediaencoder gives the .srt the wrong filename. If the movie is called "filename.mp4" the srt file is named "" instead of ""
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‎Jan 25, 2024
01:39 AM
Transcript always writes the word "seks" as "sex", this is incorrect. <-This seems to be fixed in the 24.3.0 Beta -Transcript often does not start sentences with a capital.<-This seems to be fixed in the 24.3.0 Beta
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‎Jan 25, 2024
01:34 AM
Delete or backspace does not delete clips in timeline. Only after clicking on the program monitor and clickin on the timeline it becomes possible to delete the clip. Windows 11 Pro 23H2 22631.3007 PP 24.3.0 Beta B10
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‎Jan 22, 2024
01:58 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestion, i did not know of the "import corrected transcript" function. It wil not solve this issue but is a good thing to look at. You write: "If PR won't import it, it is probably NOT a legit srt file." I argue that this is a fault of the premiere importer being not good enough as the "subtitle edit" importer will import the same file without problems or errors. It might be that this only works for my favorite laguages english and dutch though as they use a limited character set.
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‎Jan 21, 2024
07:14 AM
Exporting sometimes gives the wrong filename if used from the dropdown file->export->send to adobe media encoder It looks like it repeats the last export done from the export window. Windows 11 pro 22H2 22621.3007 Premiere Pro 24.1.0 Build 85
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‎Jan 21, 2024
07:12 AM
1 Upvote
-Transcript allways writes the word "seks" as "sex", this is incorrect. -Transcript often writes the word "het" as "t", this is incorrect. -Transcript often writes the word "mijn" as "m'n", this is incorrect. -Transcript often writes the word "er" als "d'r", this is incorrect. -Transcript often writes the word "eens" als "ns", this is incorrect. -Transcript often does not start sentences with a capital. Windows 11 pro 22H2 22621.3007 Premiere Pro 24.1.0 Build 85
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‎Jan 21, 2024
07:06 AM
Hi, i have found that the "make captions from transcript"does not work as it should, making some obvious errors. -The caption maker does not seem to look at where clips end and start. It will conflate/put together sentences from two different persons from different clips. -When breaking long sentences with a line break it does not make an attempt to make both lines the same lenth. It does not use comma's as a logical place to add a line break. -When you razor a caption clip and edit the text in on half, the trough edit stays alltohough the clips are different. It should wotk like Alt+s (Split caption) -A common workflow is to export to .srt, open that in word as a text file, use word to correct spelling and grammar or have a client give input. But then you cannot reimport an srt or txt file exported from word into premiere as the format is not recognized. The workaround is to use subtitle edit ( to open and safe the file witout altering it, after that premiere will import it with timing. So premiere does not import legit srt files for some reason if they come from word and are saved as .txt. This is probably an encoding mismatch but premiere should be less fussy and just import it i think. Windows 11 pro 22H2 22621.3007 Premiere Pro 24.1.0 Build 85
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‎Jan 11, 2024
01:02 PM
Please add transparency grid option for png in the project panel icon view. As you can see in this image, the storyboard images on the right do not display correctly in the project panel icon view, because transperancy is rendered as black. Please add an option to render transperancy as a grid in the same way that you can do this in the source window. I often use premiere pro to make moving storyboards for animations, adding this option would make my work easier.
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‎Mar 16, 2023
06:11 AM
1 Upvote
Problem: When opening a project on a different machine i sometimes have to relink proxies manually and i get the message "The selected file cannot be linked because it has 2 audio channel(s) and the clip was created with 1 audio channel(s) with a different channel type" This makes it impossible to relink the proxies at this point. Workaround: If you cancel at this point and open the project you can relink the proxies to the files from the bin with no problem. BUG: This behaviout is inconsistent, why is it that i cannot relink when starting up the project but i can rellink the same files from the bin? BUG: This error message is faulty, as the linking does not fail becaulse of the audio type but becaulse of some other problem Hardware and software info Win 10 Pro 22H2 19045.2728 Windows v.10.0.19045.1 Premiere pro 23.2.0 (build 69) 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-12900 2.40 GHz 64,0 GB (63,8 GB usable) File info attached. Extra info This happens with stereo files hat have been modified with : Right click-> Modify -> Audio channels Select "Mono"from presets. See image:
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‎Feb 22, 2023
02:44 AM
I tried it on an edited piece, interviews with educators from all over the Netherlands speaking regular Dutch with light accents. Closely miked, no echo or noise at all. It works really well, i have been using microsoft word's online captioning to a word document, this works much better. I found the following in this short test: -The captioning should leave out "uh"and "uhm"as there rarely add meaning, manually adding it every so often is much easier than deleting hundreds of useless uhms. -The " 't " sound is being captioned as "H " it should be captioned as "het " or " 't " -I t would be wonderful if it could follow the Dutch guidelines for subtitles when breaking up sentences and use the ... dots. -It capitalizes new sentences without adding a dot to end the sentence before it. -In breaking up lines it should try and allways have more than one word on each line.
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‎Feb 20, 2023
07:19 AM
1 Upvote
20 Feb 2023 There has been an update to the NVIDIA driver and to premiere pro since my last post and the issue seems to have been fixed.Thanks developers!
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‎Feb 10, 2023
02:54 AM
@GregoryArdreywhat is your hardware setup? If you are in premiere pro and select help-> system report-> export system report. This gives you two text files with relevant info.
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‎Feb 03, 2023
06:51 AM
Please help me out here. Starting Adobe Immersive Environment crashes Premiere Pro I have a Rift -S it works perfectly with Steam VR and Oculus apps. It has worked with premiere pro on a different machine some time ago. Now if i start Adobe Immersive Environment from the wrench menu it crashes premiere pro. Even on a new project with no assets. I have tried CUDA and Open CL mode. Open CL mode launches steamVR in the headset then crashes premiere. CUDA mode crashes with nothing changing in the headsset. Steam VR does not crash. Please help me solve this i9-12900 64.0 GB RAM Win 10 pro 22H2 19045.2486 - 120.2212.4190.0 No conflicts to report. NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 v. Rift S v.10.0.19041.2251
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‎Jan 24, 2023
06:18 AM
This bug just cost me two hours work
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:20 AM
This error comes up when I open a project. "The selected file cannot be linked because it has 2 audio channel(s) and the clip was created with 1 audio channel(s) with a different audio type." I can relink link these clips without problems from the bin. So why is premiere unable to do this when opening the project?
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‎Jan 18, 2023
08:07 AM
It works now! Just needed to wait a few hours.
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‎Jan 18, 2023
08:03 AM
I have linked my portfolio page to my website using the Manually-configuring-a-custom-domain page. Everything seems to work, and the page is properly propagated trough the DNS system. If you visit the URL you even get the lock so the page is verified trough let's encrypt. The problem is you only see a blank page. If I view source i see the following: This is not right as it creates a loop, because if you visit you get redirected to creating a loop. I have tried removing and re-adding the domain as suggested by the help page. Please help me fix this
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‎Apr 20, 2021
07:35 AM
I have the same problem on Win 10 not solved yet, see my post.
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‎Apr 20, 2021
07:33 AM
I am part of the early access to Speech to txt. I have created and edited a transcript using the adobe service. When i click "create captions" I select "subtitle"and "Create from sequence transcript", "Style: None" After that the "Create captions button is Ghosted and there is a spinning indicator. Nothing else happens. Win 10 Latest, premiere pro v15.0, this allso happens in the Beta version. Selecting other options gives the same bad result. How do i create captions from a transcript??
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‎Mar 06, 2020
04:15 AM
1 Upvote
I found that captions will only update if they are not placed on the timeline. So after you import the captions double click them in the bin and edit them before you put them on the timeling. Or remove them from your timeline. Edit when the are in the bin, and place them on your timeline again.
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‎Apr 03, 2018
12:46 PM
I fixed it! Reinstalled gopro studio, started a new project in stereo 3d, imported material, converted, started an edit. The stereo settings in gopro studio have a direct effect on the way proxies are displayed in premiere pro. If you run the programs side by side you can change the way proxies are displayed in premiere pro from gopro studio. I think someone from Adobe should have a look at this. Using (GoProStudioPC-
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‎Apr 02, 2018
10:56 AM
I did start up PP with alt and shift-alt to reset settings. I updated the Nvidia driver, i don't think it is that as the error is still there in software only rendering Thanks for the reply!
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‎Apr 02, 2018
04:27 AM
Things that also do not help: uninstalling the HEVC Video Extensions from the Device Manufacturer that gopro installed Starting adobe CC with a trial account
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‎Apr 02, 2018
03:34 AM
I rendered proxies in quicktime cineform , now when i press the view proxies button the image looks like the picture below; Two images squeezed on top of each other. The proxies look normal when viewed in VLC, but whenn i import them in premiere the display in this strange way. See this image in the attach proxies window. With the same proxy in VLC next to it: (edit image removed for privacy reasons) I am on Win 10 latest -premiere pro latest - the footage is Sony FS5 4k AVC_4096_2160_H422IP@L51 25.00p 4096x2160 I installed gopro studio earlierer, this might have messed with cineform in some way. Things that dont help: -Changing rendering to software only -Changing the sequence settings - the bug occurs in the preview window as well -There are no related settings in Gopro studio -Making a new project -Starting up PP with alt or shift-alt to reset settings. -Uninstalling GOPRO software -Uninstalling OPENAL -Uninstalling and reinstalling Premiere pro and other CC programs -My windows restore points dont seem to work Thing that do help but wont work for me: Creating proxies in MP4 , not cineform quicktime The MP4 proxy type does not support multi channel audio Please help me out here!
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