Darkcat Studios
Community Beginner
Darkcat Studios
Community Beginner
‎Feb 27, 2025
03:08 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Anshul, thanks for the response, and sorry I didnt reply sooner. Please see my answers below: • Does this happen with all files or only specific image formats like JPG or PNG? Not sure, I use almost 100% .JPG for embedded images so can only speak for those. • Can you share some sample Ai files along with images where this occurs? I shall try to attach. • What are your system specs (CPU, GPU, RAM)? DELL Precision 5810 - Intel Xeon E5-1650v3 / 64GB RAM / NVIDIA Quadro M2000 gpu • A screen recording of the issue would also be really helpful for investigation. Will try to attach. Aditional note: I have just opened up some older files (months since opened / saved) and some are affected by the shift.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
02:45 AM
I've noted on a few occasions that after saving a piece of work (as standard .AI, no special attributes) that I've had images within clipping masks move. Tha mask itself stays in place but the image has moved upwards a significant amount within it. Not a bit, bit a lot. This has heppened on multiple pieces of work, both embedded images and linked. This doesnt seem to happen every time, but has been increasingly common. Files are stored on the local HDD - However I've also had the same result on 2 different PCs when I took the file home to work on it on a memory stick. See example attached.
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‎Dec 14, 2016
06:34 AM
Thanks - ok that's definitely a bug that needs fixing - Pretty much EVERY SINGLE design agency, small business, even homes now use network printers (with Wifi printers taking off) - and when I'm working remotely (Off the network) It's never been an issue until this new update. Next time it freezes, i'll go and turn the printer on and see if AI bursts into life.
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‎Dec 14, 2016
03:32 AM
Hi Monika, thanks for your reply. These are local files, not network Printer?!?! Well not directly connected no, I have 2x network printers one A4 office printer and an A1 plotter. Both turned off until required (once-twice a week)
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‎Dec 14, 2016
02:52 AM
Hi all Since the recent 2017 (21.0.0, 64bit) update, I have been experiencing random crashes, usually when saving (any file size) I have also noticed that sometimes when I try to open a file directly (by double clicking it, not file -> open) The process shows constant varied activity of around 6-8% while "frozen", but it never recovers, I have to end it manually. I have already reinstalled Illustrator, but the issue remains. Seems to be a known issue from what I have been reading... -> Windows 10 64-bit, i7 5820K, 64GB DDR4, Geforce 960 4GB ETA: This is also happening on my laptop! (also Windows 10 64 bit)
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‎Oct 24, 2012
02:12 AM
Thanks for your quick reply. Does that mean that i am going to have to download EVERYTHING again? Which leads onto my next question: I also need to install the suite on my main PC as well as the laptop, is there a way to do this withoug having to re-download the install packages again??
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‎Oct 24, 2012
01:27 AM
Morning all I've just signed up to creative cloud, i installed the application manager, then started to download PS, AI, Firewirks and a few more, which was going to take a while so i left it to it over night. In the morning all is good, i can run all the applications i downloaded (and still can) I decided i wanted to install more, lets say Premier, however on opening Application manager, all that i have installed (and can run) are marked as "Install", and all that i have NOT installed, are marked as "installed". The main problem being that I am now unable to install the rest of the suite. Oddly fireworks in correctly marked, and SOME of the apps ive not yet installed are still marked "Install" (Prelude, audition, muse etc) And yes i have re-started!! the pc is on Win7 Ultimate x64
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