‎Jan 04, 2025
09:13 AM
This is a weird one, so apologies in advance for the lengthy post. I noticed that some of my photos aren't sorting correctly by capture date in Lightroom/Lightroom Classic. As background, I'm using Lightroom Mobile on iPhone/iPad, and Lightroom + Lightroom Classic on a Mac laptop. As one example, I took a bunch of pictures on Dec. 29th around 11pm on my iPhone with the Moment Pro Camera app. I imported these into Lightroom Mobile, and edited them in the Lightroom app on my laptop. Looking at these images' full EXIF data in LRC, the Date Time Original property says I took them on Jan. 10th, 2025 - which, as I'm typing this, is six days from now. Date Time and Date Time Digitized say the correct date of Dec. 29th. According to ChatGPT, the offset is exactly 13 days and 8 hours apart, which is totally meaningless to me.   The source files are also correctly saved on my local machine in folders organized by date. There are a bunch of other images with similar discrepancies, and I can't figure out a) when this happened, or b) if there's a pattern with the amount of time that the actual date and the incorrect date are offset by. Has anyone seen this kind of thing before? Do I live in the multiverse now? Help!
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‎Dec 04, 2023
12:56 PM
1 Upvote
Aw man, I miss ImageReady! (lol, not really, but I did rely on it wayyy back in the day...) Anyway, sure, a new tool would be great. It doesn't have to be an update of S4W, but something that fits today's workflows. Adobe would probably say use Adobe Express - maybe that's a valid option too. I got this particular example from watching an experienced creative director's frustration with trying to make a simple IG Carousel in Photoshpo. I think he's moved on to Figma.
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‎Dec 04, 2023
10:51 AM
Designing an Instagram carousel, for instance. IG allows 10 images in a carousel; at 1024px wide, that's over 10k pixels. The slice tool makes it super easy to split that design up, but then you can't output the slices with Save for Web. Yes, it's one workflow, and there are ways around it, but Slice tool + S4W is so convenient.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
12:37 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks Kevin. This is what my gut was telling me as well - I think I just needed to say it out loud, and hear another opinion on it.
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‎Mar 06, 2023
09:49 AM
Here's my scenario: I have a personal CC account that I pay for myself (let's call it account A). I'm also a Stock Contributor under that account. The company I work for has an Enterprise account for our team (let's call it account B). I've always kept it separate, because I do occasional freelance work, and it feels a little funny to be using company provided software for my after-hours side gigs, but I will say it irks me to pay out of my own pocket for the same software that my company is providing. This inflation is no joke! I'm wondering if I can just use the Personal profile under my company account instead. But what happens to my content from Account A in this scenario? And can I still use my Stock Contributor profile? What about the photos in my Lightroom Cloud storage? And what happens if I'm no longer with the company? How easy is it to transfer all my stuff back to a new Personal account plan? I hope all this makes sense. Interested to hear how others feel about this, or manage this kind of scenario.
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‎Jul 23, 2022
01:16 PM
I think it would be very useful to be able to sort or filter my library or a collection by aspect ratio. Entering a specific ratio would be great, but even a few pre-populated options (16:9, 3:2, etc) would also be useful.
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‎Dec 01, 2021
10:00 AM
Amazingly, in 2021 this is still a limit. The jpeg workaround someone came up with is nice, but still doesn't work for images with multiple slices. Fortunately, Pixelmator Pro and Affinity Photo (if you're on a Mac) have no issues with arbitrary canvas limits.
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‎Jan 13, 2020
05:12 AM
1 Upvote
Hi! I'm considering using some Adobe Stock images for a freelance website project, and I'm just wondering what the best way to approach pricing would be. I freelance infrequently, so it doesn't make sense to me to get a monthly or annual stock subscription - I'd ideally just like to let my client choose the images they want to use on their site, and either bill them for the cost of licensing the images, or direct them to where they need to go to license them for themselves. Would they have to get a recurring subscription? Or should I just get a subscription for the month and download as many images as needed, and terminate my subscription when I'm done?
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‎Nov 05, 2018
04:45 AM
1 Upvote
Update: I left Lightroom overnight doing its thing uninterrupted, and the next day it had stopped syncing. Great! Except now there were 1900+ sync errors, i.e. LR is saying it couldn't find the files. All of the photos in my catalog are on one volume, so that doesn't make sense - I know the actual files are still there. I quit and relaunched LR, and syncing started again. The number of sync errors began decreasing rapidly, until it got around 500 images or so, and once again it slowed to a crawl. In the meantime, the entire app is unusable, as simply clicking or trying to scroll anywhere takes minutes for the UI to respond.
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‎Nov 03, 2018
12:50 PM
I'm having an issue recently where when I start Lightroom Classic CC on my MacBook Pro, it seems to want to re-sync a big chunk of the ~4k images in my Creative Cloud library over again. I'm sorry I can't be more specific with this -- the number seems to vary each time I launch the app -- but it usually starts with saying it's syncing 2500+ images, then drops to around 500 and stays there, no matter how long I leave the app running. This leads to lots of spinning beachballs and my Mac's fans kicking into high gear, which makes it impossible to actually do any work in the app; and eventually it hangs all together. Interestingly, when I click to view the sync activity, it says there's no current sync activity going on. This is only in Classic CC; I've launched Lightroom CC, as well as the Lightroom on the web and on iOS, and all my images look great there. It's gotten to the point where to be able to actually work in the desktop app, I have to force-quit it, then relaunch and immediately pause syncing. Anyone else? Suggestions greatly appreciated!
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‎Jul 16, 2014
01:49 PM
I'm beating my head against what I think should be a fairly simple problem: 1. Bridge watches a folder for incoming files. 2. When files are added to that folder, they get loaded into a Photoshop file as a layer stack. 3. A Photoshop Action runs, doing some image adjustments, etc. 4. The processed file is saved as an animated gif. I found a solution that looked promising here: The first script adds a "Hot Folder" menu item to Bridge. When the hot folder is started, it is supposed to hand off an array of files to the second script, which does the work of opening the files and processing them in Photoshop. It seems like it should work, but I haven't been able to make it fire off that second script, and I can't for the life of me figure out where it's failing. It could be that I'm just not familiar enough with ExtendScript Toolkit to figure out how to debug it usefully. Any help would be greatly appreciated - pointers toward scripting resources, maybe a different approach to the issue that I may not have thought of - whatever. Simon
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‎Jul 16, 2014
09:46 AM
This looks like it would work perfectly for what I'm trying to do, but I can't seem to make it actually launch the target script. The Hot Folder menu item is added, I can start the Hot Folder, which then triggers Photoshop CC to launch, but then that's as far as it gets. I also am not familiar enough with ESTK to do any useful debugging, so I can't tell where it's failing. I basically copy/pasted your scripts exactly, with the exception that I named my target script differently, and changed that filename accordingly in the Bridge script. Any help would be super useful!
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‎Nov 23, 2010
01:27 PM
Wow - quit Things, launched Photoshop - everything was fine. Launched Things, everything was still fine. Hit my Quick Entry dialog box shortcut (ctrl-opt-space) and bingo: Photoshop goes all wonky. Dragging rulers is inverted (ie. horizontal rulers become vertical and vice versa), marquee selections expand from the center, etc., etc. Thanks for helping to isolate this - now I wonder what needs to be updated to fix this - Things, OS X, or Photoshop?
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‎Nov 18, 2010
07:56 PM
This is interesting - I have a similar situation, except in my case, Photoshop is behaving as though I have the Option key held down on my keyboard. If I draw a selection with the Marquee tool, or make a shape with one of the Shape tools, it draws from the center. If I try to drag a guide from the rulers on the sides, it swaps the orientation of my guide to the opposite of what I'm trying to do. I tried some troubleshooting stuff, like resetting my Photoshop prefs, disconnecting/reconnecting my keyboard, and logging out/restarting my iMac. Then I tried PSCS5 on my laptop, and since I got the same deal on both machines, I'm thinking it might have something to do with the latest OS update that just came out. The fact that you're using 10.6.5 as well could be further evidence of that theory. Anyone else? I attached a video of what I'm experiencing. Note that at the beginning of the video, when I launch Photoshop, the File Open dialog box opens on its own - I'm not doing that. PS. Just tried Illustrator CS5 and am experiencing the same behavior. Flash CS5 is fine, though - as is everything else on my machine.
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