‎Jan 15, 2024
05:49 AM
1 Upvote
While this may not serve as a solution, I encountered a similar issue. Any version beyond 24.41 results in a spinning wheel upon saving, followed by a crash. It appears that this problem is prevalent with all but the most recent graphics cards. The issue commences as soon as the new dialog box is incorporated into Photoshop, starting from version 24.72. FYI: I have a dell 5810 precission workstation 32 gb RAM, 4 years old
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‎Aug 23, 2023
01:41 PM
Latest version of Photoshop 24.7 freezes and then crashes when saving. Happens mostly on large files. I uninstalled it and reinstalled version 21.41 which seems like the only solution at this point. I'm running windows 10 on a dell precision tower 5810 with 64 gigs of ram. Is anyone else having the same problem? Is Adobe aware of this?
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‎Mar 02, 2023
11:20 AM
I have the same problem. I checked "Deactivate native canvas" & restared photoshop & the problem persists. I'm using Windows 10 on a dell 5810 workstation.
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‎Feb 25, 2023
05:24 PM
Hi everyone, I just installed Photoshop 24.2.0 and the rulers dissapered. Yes, they were turned on & all the settings were propperly set in the prefferences (I'm using Windows 10. Dell pecision workstation tower 5810). Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix? I reinstalled the previouse version & the rulers came back however I'd really like to use the most current version of photoshop since I teach Photoshop. Thanks, Frederick
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‎Aug 26, 2022
10:00 AM
OK, I tried this and it worked for me. It has something to do with adobe disabling the 3d functions. Hey Adobe! FULL SCREEN MODE IS NOT A 3D FUNCTION. NETHER IS PATTREN PREVIEW!!!!! Use the Tech Preview option for overriding Photoshop’s native canvas mode to continue to use the 3D features, as a workaround. Go to Preferences > Technology Previews, and check the item Deactivate Native Canvas, then restart Photoshop.
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‎Aug 26, 2022
08:48 AM
I Have the same error. I tried your fix (appreciated) but it didn't work for me. Also my full screen mode (with toolbar & without) no longer works with this latest version (see bottom image)
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‎Mar 14, 2022
02:45 PM
FYI: I've been working with Photoshop since version 1.0. I've been working with a NAS drive (same configuration - raid 5) for the past 12 years. This problem has been occuring (with me) for the past year. This happens on tiny files and large files equally.
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‎Mar 14, 2022
02:39 PM
Another thing to note (in my case) is that this does not happen when saving a design. It happens only when opening a design. The proof of the pudding is that when I make a backup from my NAS, the file is on my backup even when it dissapears from my NAS.
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‎Mar 11, 2022
06:41 AM
Just a thought. Maybe since Western digital has the most popular NAS ( I use WD My Cloud Pro Series 40TB PR4100 4-Bay NAS Server (4 x 10TB). Maybe these two thousand pound Gorillas (I ssay that affectinately) can get together. It's true that there are many different NAS drives and servers, but starting with the most popular one used by art studios is a god start. Any game plan is better then none. (:
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‎Mar 11, 2022
06:34 AM
Thanks, I just read the troubleshooting page you sent. The odd thing is that there are a lot of businesses like mine who work off a NAS and then make regular backups from that NAS daily (or several times daily) because our artwork is too valuable to be lost in a computer that has decided to die or crash on a particular day. I guess my continuouse backups after completing a project is the only solution for now. As I said before it has something to do with saving a file onto NAS and then opening it on another workstation. Thanks again & I hope that Adobe looks into this.
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‎Mar 10, 2022
03:02 PM
Sorry about the typos
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‎Mar 10, 2022
02:40 PM
PS. My only workaround is to save a design, do a backup and then try opening it again to make sur it's still there. Just to rehash a bit. The file dissapears the second I click on it to open it.
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‎Mar 10, 2022
02:36 PM
Your concern is appreciated. Please read my posts for the srquence of events. For me this does not happen when I open a file using recent filess. In fact I never really open a file that way. Either I go into a folder, click on it and open it or I open the file from a program called Thumbsplus. I've had files disspear no matter how I open the file. In my case I feel it has something to do with two computers saving the same file (concecutively, not at the same time) onto the same hard drive. I've had this happen even when there were hours long gaps (like saving a file from one pc and then trying to open it up on another pc the following morning). You said " If this happens, and you catch it right away, a useful trick is to initiate a new save and note where it wants to go.". All I can say is that I see the file in its intended location and it dissapears before my eyes in an instant. In other words the file was deffinately saved to the correct location.
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‎Feb 15, 2022
07:07 PM
Thanks for the reply however I did the same thing. Didn't help.
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‎Feb 15, 2022
07:04 PM
No but here's exactly what happens (to me) 1. I save a file (on Photoshop CC) 2.My wife (working with CS2) opens the file, works on it a bit & saves it. 3. I open the file again. Work on it a bit & save it and poof the file is gone. This happens with any size file. We're both working off a Western digital NAS. Both of us use thumbsplus as a file viewer. We're both working with Dell workstations. I hope this helps a bit.
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‎Jan 25, 2022
04:12 PM
Just to add that the same thing happens to me. I work on a file then close it. My cowerker then edits the file. I then open it again and woork on it. When I save the file it now dissapers. I'm working in Photoshop CC and my coworker is working inn CS2. We're working of a Western digital NAS connected by an Eternet cable, Both pcs are Dell workstaions.
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‎Jan 16, 2022
05:15 AM
I hope Adobe listens this is a real problem.
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‎Aug 19, 2021
03:04 PM
Hi, My problem may not be yours but it was similar. It seems to haapen when the file I'm working with is being worked on by another person at another computer using NAS. The following is the sequence of what happens: 1. They save the file to the NAS from their PC 2. then I open it on my sytem, work on it a little and then 3. I save it from my PC to the NAS. When I close the file (from Photoshop) the file is gone. It may have something to do with "Save in Background" or "Automatically save recovery information" I just unchecked both in my prefference. So far (i's been 2 days) I've had no problem. This problem is definately a Photoshop glitch and has the potential of messing up (to put it mildly) my business. Take care, Frederick
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‎Mar 28, 2021
09:03 AM
Thanks, a logical choice. I just checked my NVIDIA drivers and they were and are all up to date. So for me that wasn't a solution. I updated all the drivers on my system that can be updated & the problem is still there. FYI: I has previousely reinstalled Windows to see if that would fix the problem & that didn't work.
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‎Mar 16, 2021
06:57 PM
Same problem here
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‎Mar 16, 2021
06:54 PM
Thanks for posting, I have the same problem. FYI: I have a very powerful Dell workstation running windows 10.
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‎May 09, 2020
07:11 AM
1 Upvote
Hi JJ, I agree but the image was sent to me by the person having the problem, however it was solved by C pfaffenbichler see above However thanks for your time & concern, it's appreciated. Take care, Frederick
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‎May 09, 2020
07:05 AM
1 Upvote
THANK YOIU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sending you love & appreciation from NY!
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‎May 09, 2020
06:42 AM
Hi everyone, Help! I use Photoshop on a PC. I am working in Photoshop 2020. I have someone who I'm helping who is using Photoshop on a Mac. For Textile design I suggested unchecking Anti-alias on the options bar, however Anti-alias is missing from her options bar. Please see the attached image (Note: I adjusted the desktop to look similar to the CS versions of photoshop). Can someone please help. PS. The attached image is the screenshot she sent me. I would normally check it out on a freinds mac but am quarentined due to covid-19.
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‎Jan 17, 2014
01:11 PM
FYI: Had the same problem with the magic wand in windows 8.
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‎Jan 17, 2014
10:49 AM
Hi, I'm not sure if the bug that I found should have been merged with this topic. These appear to be separate issues.
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‎Jan 16, 2014
02:46 PM
I installed the update to Photoshop CC today (Thursday 1/16/14).
This is what the bug is: I go to View-New Guide. In the dialog box that pops up I usually right click in the box next to the word Position and change the increments from inches to percentage. Now when I right click nothing happens. I can't change inches to percentage. I work with textile layouts. This bug is affects the work I do.
Please help. FYI: I'm Working in windows 7 64 bit.
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‎Aug 31, 2012
02:57 PM
Hi Jeanne,
Thank you so much for not loosing this problem in the shuffle.
Yes, it's now working.
Thanks again,
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‎Jun 24, 2012
05:04 PM
One more thing I noticed. this seems to happen only when the layer is not selected with the selection tool (does not have marching ants around it). It has to be on a layer (transparant layer) and must be free floating. Please let me know if I'm bein clear.
Jeanne thanks again,
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‎Jun 24, 2012
04:57 PM
To clarify. Make sure all settings are nearest neighbor (both tool bar on top of the screen and in prefferences) Create a blank canvas in RGB. create a new layer. On that newly created layer create a box with the marquee tool & fill it with a flat color.
Then try using the warp function. The image which should be perfectly flat blurs.
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