Brian Cliff
New Here
Brian Cliff
New Here
May 10, 2021
12:21 PM
Reset preferences - and it didn't help. In fact to make the situation worse. It took two restarts before Photoshop would open.
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May 10, 2021
09:40 AM
Morning, I am already using 22.3 and I previously tried reverting to 22.2 with no success. What I find so puzzling is that the problem disappears when I do a system restart - but I can never open Photoshop after a cold boot. I'm using Photoshop now without any problems. I can quit it and then open it up again and its functions normally. I'll try resetting the preferences - after I have another cup of coffee - and see if that helps.
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May 09, 2021
09:25 PM
Update to 22.3.1 causing bizarre behaviour as follows; - cold boot computer and attempt to open Photoshop - "Adobe Photoshop 2021 quit unexpectedly" error message is displayed; Clicking on "Reopen" produces the same result - Restart computer. - Open Photoshop; it launches successfully and functions normally. - Close/Quit Photoshop - Open Photoshop - "Adobe Photoshop 2021 quit unexpectedly" error message is again displayed. - Uninstall, re-install; Photoshop will not launch until computer is re-started. - Computer restart is necessary every time I want to launch Photoshop. Suggestions anyone?? Operating system: iMac, OS 10.15.7 3.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4 Radeon Pro 580 8 GB
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Sep 05, 2018
04:32 PM
I received the following reply from LR/Instagram support. "I'm receiving quite a lot of user reports of HTTP error 408, which means a request timed out. Currently I have no idea why it is happening .... It could be a problem with Instagram's servers, in that case there is very little I can do." Since support said it was a "request timed out" problem I decided to change absolutely nothing other than to attempt to publish later in the day. It worked! Tried it the next morning and got the same error; waited until the afternoon and, again, it worked. Seems to confirm support's suggestion the the Instagram servers are the problem.
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Sep 04, 2018
09:22 AM
I have the same problem with uploads failing but in my case the error reported is, "http status 408 ? (1)". Download latest plugin, deleted and then reactivated the publishing service and successfully uploaded an image yesterday, but today - no go.
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May 09, 2018
11:28 AM
Thank-you for your prompt and attentive response. I have done as you requested and look forward to further (pardon the pun) developments.
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May 09, 2018
10:35 AM
Fair enough, and thank-you for the information. I do, however, have another concern. In creating a preset, if you check any of the boxes in the "Color" section of the dialog box, i.e., "Saturation", "Vibrance", or "Color Adjustments" this automatically checks the "Treatment and Profile" box which means that any preset involving any of these three commonly employed colour adjustments will never be available to a non-raw file. Is this truly the intent?
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May 08, 2018
11:46 AM
Please try the following (on a Mac): Select an image in the LR Develop module. In my case this is a NEF file. Go to the “Presets” panel and create a new preset, for example: Present name: Test Group: User Presets It doesn’t matter what this preset does, so you can just click on “Check All” followed by “Create”. Check the Presets panel and confirm that “Test” is listed in the “User Presets” group. Ctrl-click on the image and from the contextual menu select Edit in > Edit in Photoshop CC 2018. If Photoshop was not already open it will launch and open your file. Save and close the file. You don’t have to do anything to the file. In my PS and LR preferences these actions will save the the image as a PSD file stacked with the original in LR. Go back to LR, find and select the newly saved PSD file. It should be right next to the original NEF image in the filmstrip or grid view of the Library module. Switch to the Develop module. Look for the “Test” preset in the User Preset group. “Test” is missing! It has disappeared or, at least, is no longer available for use with the PSD file. Now, in the filmstrip at the bottom of the window select the original NEF file. Presto! The “Test” preset reappears! Click on the PSD file and it disappears again. Note: In the “Presets” tab of LR Preferences it make no difference whether or not “Store presets with this catalog” is checked but f it is checked then if you go to the catalog folder - “LR Catalog” in my case - then you will should be able to find “Test.xmp”. LR Catalog > Lightroom Settings > Settings > User Presets > Test.xmp Does anyone know what’s going on and how I can fix it?
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