Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Aug 06, 2020
01:37 PM
Hi guys, Does anyone know how to convert the puppit layers from psd to ai cc 2020? I want to create differt head sides but every puppit template that has that is a psd file. i want to stay in ai. Is there a convertion sheet? i just want to know the order and name's of the layers. Thanks in advance for your time
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
‎Jan 02, 2018
10:32 AM
‎Jan 02, 2018
10:32 AM
Captivate is convenient to use for e-Learning projects but it's not the only tool available to us. As Full Creative Cloud Plan members, we have access to all the products we need to create rich multi-media and e-Learning content providing we have the coding skills and know-how for it.
If Adobe wants to keep Captivate (formerly called e-Learning Suite) as a separate product offering, that's their prerogative. There may well be contractual / legal reasons for this that we as product users know nothing about. In short, it's not our decision to make.
Finally, I think this thread from 2012 has run its course. I am locking it from further posts. If someone has compelling reasons for unlocking it, please private message me.
Happy 2018!
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