Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jan 12, 2024
09:34 AM
1 Upvote
Ok, I'll make a test working without the pen tablet for a while to see if this happens again and will be back to report. Just for the records, restart the notebook makes Photoshop tools works again.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
07:15 AM
1 Upvote
Nine months later and still no fix... I recentely change to a new MacBook and today, after a few days using Photoshop 25.2.0, got stuck on hand tool but, different from the last months (using Photoshop 2022 and 2023), workarounds like reset tool, shift+spacebar or reset preferences on startup dind't solve this — yeah, instead of getting solved, it seems to be getting worst! And a simple googling show tha are MANY people with this problem for months, so it's a shame that a big company like Adobe, with all that incredible and fancy AI tools can handle a bug that makes a software unusable. I don't have technical skills to contribute with the troubleshooting, but if this helps, I'm on a M1Pro MacBook using macOS 14.2.1 and working with a Huion H610PRO v2 Pen Tablet. (And again, after upgrading for latest Photoshop, this seems to got worst). Will now try to restart computer to see if this fix for now, or if the software became a digital useless brick.
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‎Sep 17, 2018
06:35 PM
Never heard of this "macroblocking" thing... but at first seems a possibility.II But if it was this, the video file should shows these lines even on finder/explorer, not just when import to Premiere, right? About the card, I use a SDHC Class 10. I usually delete the files on my mac after copy to an external drive, but sometimes, during shooting, I formar on camera. My camera is a Canon T3i. I have Magic Lantern installed, and I believe this one and the oficial firmware are update to date, but tomorrow I'll confirm this. Once again thanks for all your inputs! P.S.: and sorry for some mistakes on my writing; English is not my native language. 😃
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‎Sep 17, 2018
04:14 PM
Hi Ann, no, the line stretches in and out like inside the video when I resize the Window program (or when resizing the video itself using the Motion control under Effects Control). Algo, here's a screenshot zooming the image to see the line closer.
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‎Sep 17, 2018
11:18 AM
Thanks for your suggestion. I'm attaching some screenshots (file info, clip properties and sequence settings).
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‎Sep 17, 2018
10:43 AM
I've already searched a lot here and on the web and didn't find anyone with this same problem, so here it is: when editing (Premiere Pro CC 12.1, MacOS 10.13.6) some clips shows a strange kind of "coloured white noise" line at the very bottom of it. I first saw them at program window, but when I click on the those clips on Program to open on Source window, it's also there. I tried some things: re-import footage on same project; exclude and re-import on same project; close this and open another (new) project) and the same happens. When I export these lines also appears, but when I open the raw footage on other softwares, no lines there. Tried cleaned all cache files, restart the computer and still there... Based on this, looks like Premiere is creating some information related (metadata, XMP?) to affected clips, so once appears, ever appears. This is happening on random clips, as long all the footage was recorded using same equipment (DSLR, h264 MOVs). Post-production workflow is also the same. No effects or plugin applied, just raw files thrown on timeline. It's the third project this happens. The workaround I'm using is scale the clips a little bit, so the lines goes off screen. But I really like to fix this. Any ideas? Thanks!
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‎May 07, 2018
12:47 PM
Hi all, I received a Pages 7 created PDF file from a client to make it ready for print. The print house said me that the text is "rich black" (4 colour) and they need "100% black" (K100). Using Acrobat "Convert Colors" from Production Tools, even selecting Any Objects and Any Colorspace on "Matching Criteria" and Preserve Black on "Color Options" (I didn't change the other options), footnotes and the little line above them keeps saving as rich black. I also tried check the Convert Colors to Output Intent on "Output Intent" and select the profile the print house told me (Coated FOGRA39), getting the same results. I know that those things (foonotes and the little lines) aren't converted because when I uncheck Process Black on the "Separations Preview" at "Output Preview", all book text is gone, except those two along the pages. Any ideas on how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
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