Stephynee C
New Here
Stephynee C
New Here
‎Jan 27, 2011
05:19 PM
thanks for the suggestion, i'll try it out and see if it works
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‎Jan 27, 2011
05:20 AM
did like you suggested. only the layer i want to erase is active. opacity and fill is 100%, erase to history box is unchecked. the tool is on eraser only.
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‎Jan 27, 2011
04:37 AM
Hello! I am very new to Photoshop having only started using it a week ago. I was trying out some photo painting effect and it worked out great the first time. However, just yesterday, in the middle of swapping pictures to edit, my eraser tool got a bit 'wonky'. I cannot seem to erase on a layer but it appears to be working on the thumbnail. What i did was use the magic wand for selection, inverted the selection, copied as layer, filled the background, then tried to erase on the layer. Any help given would be greatly appreciated!!! I'm using PS CS4 on windows 7, intel quad core with 4GB RAM, no tablet installed.
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