Hiddenpictures Ltd
Hiddenpictures Ltd
‎Feb 02, 2025
02:59 PM
Mac Studio Max M2 Sonoma - V 25.2 (Ver 95) - NOT FIXED YET FOR MAC AS OF 2nd Feb 2025
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‎Feb 02, 2025
09:00 AM
Same issue - had it now over two years and still not sorted. It never works from the file menu but it does work if you use the new item button at the bottom right of the project window and choose colour matte. Resetting preference does nothing except gived you a bunch of work setting up your shortcuts etc. (I very rarely find that resetting preferences is the answer to anything). Also having folder selected makes no difference on my software and system - currently PP 25.2 build 95 (Beta) but it did it on many previous versions too. Running Apple Pro Max M2 Studio with 32GB and Sonoma 14.5 OS
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‎Jan 29, 2025
01:13 PM
Same issue on SOME of the clips - some work with setting new poster frame others revert back to first frame as soon as click off them. Adobe Premiere Pro (Beta) V 25.20 Beta (build 95) Apple M2 Max 32 GB Sonoma 14.5 Three displays- Dell U2415 x 2 and HPU28 4K Media is 4k (4096 x 2160) but several different frame rates: 23.976, 24, and 25 FPS - maybe should check if it is only happening on one of those frame rates?
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‎Jul 04, 2024
05:41 AM
1 Upvote
This doesn't work on mine (using Adobe acrobat on a mac with workbook with supposedly fillable form boxes) - I only see the arrow cursor in normal mode and it doesn't change as it moves over box. If I may say yet another example of something that is really simple being made stupidly complex by computer programmers who don't know what productivity means! (Especially Adobe). You shouldn't have to even think about how to fill in a box on a form - if you do it is a development fail for the programmers.
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‎Mar 01, 2024
10:43 AM
It's not working (just analyses in background forever) as of Match 1st 2024- so that's at least eight years now. I don't mind things not working actually - it's complex, but for Christ's sake tell us it doesn't work and not to bother with it and then we won't waste time on it ever.
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‎Jun 11, 2023
06:00 AM
Which begs the question why does it still work on the older version of Media Encoder - obviously they could have just kept the so called 'unsupported' function if they hadn't had a nerd attack.
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‎May 08, 2023
04:11 PM
I find I have to edit myself too because I get so cross about these time wasting errors and working out the workarounds which are themselves time wasting. I invented a new unit of computer productivity called the Dickin'. One Dickin' is defined as one keystroke to get the result- the higher the Dickin' value the less productive the process. Workarounds add Dickin' in buckets. Dickin' is and abbreviation for 'Dicking around' of course. Joking aside it's interesting that computer engineers of all kinds don't seem to have a unit for measuring computer productivity - ultimately the only parameter that matters!
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‎May 08, 2023
11:30 AM
I think it's something in the custom files under Documents, Adobe, 23 - I deleted render files and workspace custom settings and it worked again
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‎May 05, 2023
04:12 AM
1 Upvote
Yes indeed- very annoying and more to the point hugely time wasting- a concept computer programmers do not seem familiar with. The problem seems to me to be in the custom settings or the render files - not the preferences- those settings are confusingly not in the same place as preferences but under Documents, Adobe, Premiere Pro, then version number - probably 23. I started by deleting the custom workspace but that didn't work then I deleted render files and a few others and then it worked again but I'd also deleted a couple of the colour balance settings ( no big loss as PP colour correction isn't that good anyway). I guess I could reload them but as I say time is the most important factor. I have never found resetting preferences works and my heart sinks when I see that as a lazy first call solution suggestion by Adobe techs. Having got grumpy about how buggy PP is I have to praise the transcriber and other text settings- its AI is much better than even MS Word dictation and almost 99% accurate. But the game changer is that it is word searchable and moves the play head to the word on the timeline- making easy work of long interviews. So it seems at least that some of the Adobe team understands the importance of speed and reliability in saving valuable editing time.
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‎Apr 27, 2023
01:09 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, in the end I found the difficult to navigate to folder on Mac: Documents > Adobe >Premiere Pro >23 and then a zillion oddly named Adobe folders and files in which I found Profile - My Username and then layouts. I deleted layouts - nothing no change still no export of restarting. Then I took to wholesale carnage of things inside the 23 folder and when I deleted all the render files i.e.. Adobe Premier Previews > folder name of the project you're working on (why not call previews 'render' files - Adobe have no idea how difficult it is to navigate all this junk with obtuse naming protocols - actually no protocols at all just random - - or that we ever want to be bothered with what's under the hood - I'm only interested in editing for deadlines to get stuff to clients). ANYWAY deleting the render files did the trick. Only another three hours wasted = three months of free CC please Adobe - that's the real cost of all this nonsense.
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‎Apr 26, 2023
05:59 AM
I have the exact same problem with blue circle suddenly - caused at least an hour of wasted time so far which makes me very cross with Adobe - who like many software companies don't seem to understand productivity much and how a stupid error in the 23rd edition of CC or so steals time from the people that pay your wages. I've tried all the solutions here and nothing works. Spe- Laptop Mac M1, loads of space, fast external drive - loads of space, everything working until about two hours ago. Baffled and frustrated.
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‎Apr 13, 2023
05:04 AM
What I don't understand is that since you are not required to name the client how anyone knows which client it is for or indeed why licencing it a second time makes any noticable difference since no clients are required to be named. The idea that this licence is somehow transfered to the client is also impossibly vague.
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‎Mar 02, 2023
10:18 AM
Adobe's excuse that Apple no longer supports is just BS - there are umpteen 3rd party app that can do it and none have the number of expert staff that Adobe do - here a one man band in 'LiveFlix' has come up with a solution - it's simple and it works even if it doea cost $99 -https://www.lifeflix.com/. The reason Adobe don't think it's an issue is because they are software makers used toobsolescence - not video editors who draw on a whole range of sources and don't care what format if it is necessary for the current film and just whan to get the slow process of editing as simple and quick as possible.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
05:59 AM
On PP CC 2020, build 14.04, my workspaces for dual screen were working fine - now suddenly they are a mess - all my saved formats are jumble and they all only open on one screen - even the built in presets like 'editing'. Very odd (and another productivity waster as you work out how to fix it or manually have to set it out each time you open up the programme).
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‎Nov 23, 2022
03:43 AM
I know when I see th esuggestion to delete media cache files that it is not a fix - this hapens in a new project when I import MPEG2 video the first time - so no media cache files can have been generated. I think it is something to do eith format imcompatibility and that converting in Media Encoder is the answer - but not sure to what format.
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‎Apr 04, 2022
12:49 PM
So just so as not to confuse people what I said about the UK not having the mixed asset subscription package yet in the title is wrong - you do it through the subscription to credits which you then spend how you like but that subscription is a lot cheaper than buying a one off pack.
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‎Apr 04, 2022
12:12 PM
Update - OK I think I have got to the bottom of this after a lot of looking and talking to the support teams. What it amazingly confusing is that when you update your 10 ASSETS a month package you are thrown into a subcription CREDITS package. The support team direct you to buying CREDIT PACKS rather than the SUBSCRIPTION FOR 25 CREDITS a month which is way cheaper. Apparently don't know the difference, or even of the existance of the Credit Subscription - this is one reponse I got: "Adobe stock subscription is completely different from Credit pack, with Adobe stock subscription you will only be able to license standard assets." - no it isn't because you can now do a Credit subscription which is much cheaper than buying a credit pack. And you can do this in the UK too - £39.99 a month for 25 Credits for which you can buy three HD videos (they are 8 credits each - so you will have one credit left over each month if you do that) or say one HD video and 17 stills a month etc. So it's flexible - but unless you understand the difference between Credits and Assets per month then you can't work it out easily - an nohere is it explicitly explained in words than normal humans understand!
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‎Apr 04, 2022
05:11 AM
I have wasted a lot of time looking for the mixed subscription plan on my UK account that is advertised on Google (indeed first or second thing that comes up when searching for Adobe Stock plans). Not only does it not say anywhere that it is NOT available outside the USA, but it gives the subscription price in pounds Sterling, which to me suggests that it is available in the UK (but after much faff discover it isn't). You also get this offered on the UK site when you try to buy video footage - this is what it says under a highlighted 'Mix and Match Assets' banner next to the option to buy the video for the full price:
3 HD videos or 25 standard assets a month
Mix and match HD videos, images, and more - prices vary
Upgrade plans and save 80% on HD videos (£13.99/ea)
However, clicking through on that link only gives you th standard image assets of 25 images a month not the MIXED video and images (Currently only available in the USA I imagine, although you would not know from any of this, but just go around in circles wasting time).
It was only after about two hours and two attempts going through support people, who don't know the issue either, that I discovered this and so I post this here in case you are pulling your hair out trying to work it out outside the USA.
A mixed video and image subscription is a very good practical idea and makes some video use affordable to the small user and no doubt would increase Adobe Stock sales too.
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‎Jun 26, 2021
03:11 AM
I totally disagree - professionals are MORE likely to be using odd frame rates etc. from a variety of novel recording methods etc. as they try to push the envelople. MP4, variable or not is a universal format. In my case the problem comes from encoding DV 32 bit which Adobe takes no responsibility for not supporting saying it is an Apple issue - yeah right they could make it work or provide an encoding system - so that's most of the recordings 1980s - to 2010s now impossibly difficult to access, and at the very least will take hundreds of hours of transcoding time that I do not have - that' the rub - PRODUCTIVITY - something many computer people do not seem to understand. All this nonsense is only a means to an end - making good videos that sell. I would gladly work on older systems just to stop this kind of trouble but agian computer people need to be paid and in order to justify that they constantly upgrade everything - ignoring the mantra - 'if it works don't mend it.' I have 30 years fo broadcasting experience for BBC, National Geo etc. and work on all formats including Red etc. but this is a newish problem - has not happened until about 2017 - ufornuately also a continuing one in the lates June 2021 addition of PP.
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‎May 15, 2021
07:07 AM
If the idea is - 'one person one licence' I get that - but why not allow activiation on as many computers as you want if only one use is allowed at once - deactivating and reactivaing wastes about ten minutes each time. Also I have woked in some pretty remote places with no internet (yes there are such places you know!) - sometimes for longer tha the 90 days or whatever the offline time period is (shocking I know). Doesn't bode well for that lone Premier Pro editor on a remote island in French Polynesia...
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‎Feb 02, 2021
03:32 AM
Please don't put 'solved' on this thread Adobe - 'weasled our way out of' or 'passed the buck from Apple' would be more accurate
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‎Feb 02, 2021
03:30 AM
You would think that Media encoder 2020 would let you import any format for convertion - not so. It takes a FREE programme to convert the media, MPEG Streamclip - the one I pay about £50 a month for can't do it.
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‎Feb 02, 2021
03:06 AM
If you really wanted to help your editors who have TONS of older codec material that needs converting then you would give the option to 'convert on import' or at the very least let it be imported and then convert via Media Encoder in the same way the you have set up the proxy convertions - so it is obviously POSSIBLE and tghe idea that it's all Apple's fault for changing it is not true - Adobe you can sort this to make it more convienient. At the very lweast just suggest a no loss Codec for use in PP 2020 to which the 32 bit Mov must be converted - the best one. What you don't get is that big editing jobs are very labour intensive and any fiddling adds hours and days to the process. Personally I don't care what's under the bonnet I just need to get on with the job - so give us one simple, convienient solution.
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‎Oct 15, 2020
03:02 PM
I have partly worked it out - I used a single still picture from file to characterize rather than my own images captured on my video camera. It is because I wanted to characterize a friend not myself. However, if you do that it does not go through the whole set of samples it takes when you characterise youself on your video camera - a talking guide takes you through all the mouth shapes etc. that you need to do for lip sync - but if you just characterize from a still image on file (an option in the drop down menu) it cannot get the mouth shapes and their sounds. Characterize does work for lip sync when you use the camera and audio inputs from your own video feed. So the question is - is there a way to lip sync when characterizing a still image of a friend, not yourself on the video?
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‎Oct 15, 2020
02:36 PM
The audio works fine and so do all the pre loaded characters which all lip sync - it is only when I use characterize that lip sync, smile etc. does not work but everything in the top half of the face does work - strange.
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‎Oct 15, 2020
02:30 PM
also you are right none of the smile etc work in the lower face
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‎Oct 15, 2020
02:29 PM
Thanks it looks like the lip sync did not find the layers as all my values are zero in that panel under lipsync - what I do to help it find them?
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‎Oct 15, 2020
01:53 PM
I have exactly the same issue using latest version 3.3.1 when I use a face I made in characteriser. The whole top of the head moves fine - eyebrows, forehead, eyes but the mouth refuses to open. The red lip sync dot is enabled and in the rig panel there are crowns on the name, character, and mouth boxes as well as the eyes, left and right quaters and the background - I tried Davidarbor's solution in this thread but all that did was to add lip Sync 2 to the properties panel (there was already a lyp sync enabled there). Also when I use any of the pre made puppets that come with CA they all work fine - lip sync and all. This sort of stuff wastes hours and really puts me off - can anyone think what might be wrong? Thanks.
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‎Sep 28, 2020
05:48 AM
Yes but how nice it would be if you could just do it quicker in Premiere Pro like the video proxies - can't see why that isn't possible? I mean a still is only one frame after all. Fast workflow is the main aim - if you are batch processing in PhotoShop you have to open that up, import (er.. sorry in PS that's called 'Open' which endlessly trips me up as ALL other programmes call import import...) then work out the batch process and then weork out where to store the new low res stills etc.
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‎Sep 28, 2020
05:14 AM
Yes but as many people are saying having the proxies listed in the metadata is NOT an indication that they are attached or working e.g. if the timelime clip was to change colour when using a proxy that would be clear. I still get stuttering on my 4K footage when using the proxy toggled to blue which makes me think it isn't working (and yes I can see proxy metadata in the project window). When making the proxies nothing visible changes (except the metadata boxes which fill up). I guess putting a watermark on the proxies DOES show that you are using them so I will try that - but more work to do.
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