Feb 22, 2025
10:25 PM
Yeah I’d be interested to know as well. We’ve presented many reasons against here. I’d be keen to know reasons for. Not looking to live in an echo chamber. Getting some insight into what the reasoning is for this, or why people are happy with it would be helpful and illuminating. Right now I’m struggling to see the logic of it, except for some vague notion of “modern interface.” I don’t meant that snidely. I’m just confused by it.
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Feb 18, 2025
11:48 AM
Can't agree with this more, and thanks for cleanly illlustrating the problem. Hopefully the devs will take notice. It just makes no sense to me to create an update with less functionality than the one before. Functionality and workflow optimization should be the guiding light. Everything is just... extra. Not that I mind a nice GUI 🙂 but I'd take a fugly app that sings when I use it over a pretty one that chokes.
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Feb 18, 2025
11:43 AM
Just want to add my name to those clamoring for the original color-coded FX badges. I'm not sure what the thinking was in redoing them. All for sleek GUIs and whatnot, but what we editors really want is more functionality, not less. Functionality and workflow trumps everything.
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Feb 18, 2025
11:37 AM
This would work normally, but I guess what made my situation a bit different is I wasn't moving my media to a new drive, just the Production/Project files. All the media remains on mirrored local drives (I have one, my co-editor has another).
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Feb 17, 2025
11:02 AM
1 Upvote
What I had to do was delete the Productions folder from Dropbox to force it to look at Lucid for each project file. Things seem to be working fine now. So a two part solution – copying the Productions folder to the new location, and then deleting the old location. This seems to force Premiere to search in the new Productions folder for all of its project files.
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Feb 17, 2025
10:37 AM
So I finally was able to do this, and simply copied the Productions folder over to LucidLink. While I can open the production fine, the project files the production is referencing are still the ones on Dropbox, so it's not a true migration to simply drag the project over as mentioned above, but it does seem like a starting place. But all the subfolders/project files need to be relinked to Lucid, as they are still referencing Dropbox. The diagrams below explain it better than I can type it out. I went from this: And now I'm at this: but need to go to this, but am unsure how: Basically need Dropbox out of the picture. Is there a way to do this? To essentially relink project files to the Lucid Folder the way one might relink media that moved to a new drive?
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Feb 11, 2025
08:08 PM
All due respect to Peru Bob, it's a workaround, not a real solution. Why is this an issue in 2025? I've got a timeline that's 30 mins long. Rendering Audio takes forever, even if I set my in and outs. And then the waveforms still disappear again a little while later, and the whole process has to start over again. It's asinine.
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Feb 11, 2025
06:41 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks Neil!. I haven't had a chance to do this yet, as I'm waiting for a some down time to make the jump, but I'll do it as you say. And thanks for the Karl Soule rec! The best practices guide I've been referencing a lot, but there are still a lot of quirks that pop up, even when trying to follow it to the letter (esp with audio and productions-related issues – hopefully it gets worked out), so I'm grateful for the firsthand knowledge.
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Feb 07, 2025
07:19 PM
1 Upvote
I'm cutting a feature and have a co-editor in another city. I realize Productions does not recommend using Dropbox to share a Production with another editor, but I was surprised by the ways in which it's managed to make editing hell. While all my media needs to stay local, I'm hoping moving my Production from Dropbox to LucidLink will cut down on the strange anomalies that keep happening (footage in Projects unlinking for no clear reason - projects no one is opening much less altering; my co-editor unable to view half of the projects in the Production for no clear reason, amongst many others). At the end of the day, even if my co-editor is not logged in, footage is always being unlinked in strange way. Haven't been able to find any best practices for moving a Production to a new location. Is it as simple as moving the Production folder to the new location? Will everything automatically link up if I open it there, if the source media has not moved? I don't want to create more problems than I got already. Also eager to hear from anyone that's cut a feature using Productions in collaboration with another editor. From my experience the whole thing feels like its in beta, even though it's been around for years. Nothing but misery, and I wonder if other people's experience is better or the same. I've been an avid Premiere proponent (no pun intended) for over a decade, but this has been such a bad experience.
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Feb 07, 2025
04:59 PM
It's 2025 and I'm having this issue (in Premiere 2025). It's only a smattering of clips in my timeline. And I can load them into the source window and reveal in project from there. Make no sense. It should be noted that Reveal in Finder is greyed out because this is a multicam clip, and doesn't live as a file in a directory, as such. I always thought Premiere was a well-oiled machine at this point, but I'm having all manner of bizarre bugs pop up.
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Feb 07, 2025
12:20 PM
I tried starting over from scratch – remaking the multicam clip again from the source media. I re-mapped the audio channels, and I have waveforms on all channels, and I do have sound, but the last two channels have no audio. So I dunno.
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Feb 07, 2025
11:42 AM
I tried that, Kevin, and it did not work. This is a bug. And a pretty nasty one. I've re-read the best practices guide. I've followed the advice to a T of all the official Adobe parameters, and it's a bug. The multicam wrappers become glitchy if I re-wrap the audio channels. I just had a 45 minute session with a Premiere-focused AE at a high-end production company who has Adobe engineers' phone lines because of the high level of the projects they work on (mostly live music performances), and he went through it all with me and his takeaway was "this shouldn't be happening. The multicam wrapper is corrupting the audio channel mapping." He could not fathom why. His advice was to re-ingest all the audio, and remake all the multicam clips. Essentially – start the project over (I'm 2 months in). One weird note – if I flatten the multicam clip after rerouting the audio channels, everything works as it should – the correct audio is there, and the waveforms are there. So that's a workaround, sort of (it doesn't work if I can't hear the audio in the source panel, because then I can't hear the performances). I don't know if this issue will get flagged. I have a feeling this thread will languish here. There seems to be no large outcry about this. Maybe I'm the one editor having this issue for some bizarre reason. All I know is this is making cutting a film with lots of audio tracks (aka any feature film) so unpleasant, I now hate a job I used to love. I hate Avid, but at least it works.
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Feb 07, 2025
09:00 AM
No identically named clips, and no spanned clips. They were ingested by the media browser, yes. The audio file is a multichannel .wav 48khz. Again, though, there is no issue with the underlying source media. I only get these diagonal lines with multicam clips.
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Feb 06, 2025
05:58 PM
Hey Kevin, I'm familiar with why they show up with source media, but my situation is different. I'm dealing with multicam clips. The source media is online/linked. I looked over that sheet, and none of that applies to this situation. Again, it's multicams, so the multicam clip should only be as long as the media inside of it. (the solid part of the clip image is the length of the media that makes up the multicam, if that helps clarify).
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Feb 06, 2025
04:08 PM
I also tried changing the audio mapping back to match the source audio – 11 tracks, channel 1 assigned to channel 1, etc. The audio works fine. What gives? Either this is needlessly arcane or this is a bug. I've remapped other clips and things worked decently. Not sure why this one would be the exception. Do other editors deal with this? Am I alone out here in this maddening audio wilderness?
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Feb 06, 2025
04:05 PM
Ok, I think I figured out what you meant. I manually created a sequence with the track and output matching that of the clip (6 channels, all mono). Still no audio. Is that what you were asking?
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Feb 06, 2025
03:58 PM
Could you clarify, please, Kevin? Do you mean create a new multicam sequeence or a new sequence with the multicam in it? The latter I did – I created a sequence by dragging my multicam clip onto the New Item icon so that it would create a sequence with the clips' settings, and this is the result that I got. The former – I'm not sure I understand how that would help – you think if I make a multicam clip a second time things might be different? I'm not trying to be a smartass, I'm just not quite sure what you're asking.
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Feb 06, 2025
11:18 AM
I would like all projects within my production to auto-save to the same folder. This keep my production folder tree clean, and keeps me from having dozens and dozens of Auto-Save folders. This seemed to work for a while, but now I keep having all these Auto-Save folders pop up in my Production sub-folders. There's like 8 of them now. In my Production Settings I have Auto-Save set to "Same as Production." Anything else I can do? It's annoying and confusing to have all these Auto-Save folders scattered about.
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Feb 06, 2025
10:49 AM
1 Upvote
I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting diagonal lines whenever I drop an entire multicam clip into my timeline. It's like Premiere thinks my mutlicam clip is longer than it is and that media has been deleted from it, but the media in the multicam clip is as long as it is and no more. Does Premiere do a default length for multicam clips or something? There is no frame rate mismatch between the clip and the timeline. I tried deleting the media cache files to no effect. Running Premiere 2025 on an M1 Max mac. Why does it think the multicam clip should be longer than it is? This is consistent across all my hundreds of clips.
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Feb 06, 2025
10:32 AM
1 Upvote
Boy is this getting old, and boy is this a Premiere-only problem (or a me problem– I'm open to criticism!) Why am I getting no audio from my multicam clip? Here is the multicam – it has 11 channels of audio (all track mono), of which only 6 are usable/needed. I didn't delete any source media tracks, but took the advice I've gotten here and simply remapped the clips in Modify>Audio Channels. Here is what the map looks like. And yet when I drag the clip into a timeline there is zero audio. It's not just that your not seeing a waveform – there is no audio. Premiere, why oh why are you like this? Do you know how bad you have to be at something to make me wish for Avid? Every time I think I've finally got it sorted (and I've been doing this a long time), there's another curveball to be met with. If anyone who understands the deeply arcane way Premiere handles audio track assignments, I'd be deeply grateful for some insight.
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Jan 30, 2025
05:54 PM
I'm having this issue as well. Resetting my prefs didn't work. Just made me have to take time out to set up my prefs again. Why would this bug be tied to prefs anyway? Not trying to be snarky. Just confused as to the connection between this functionality and prefs.
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Jan 29, 2025
03:17 PM
1 Upvote
Responding to bump this and hopefully keep this idea going along. It's silly this isn't a feature. I'm having to load my audio in Resolve, take a screenshot, and then (if I've time), rename the track names in my Premiere multicam timelines (aka my syncs). Premiere's handling of audio in general leaves a lot to be desired. From waveforms not showing up, to channel assignments being clunky and cumbersome to handle. It's the achilles heel of Premiere. Makes you wonder about the designation "Pro".
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Jan 28, 2025
11:52 AM
Figured it out. I don't understand how Productions keeps all of its constituent Projects talking to each other, but there seems to be a continuous break. I was confused because 1) I could not match frame any more, nor turn Proxies off. This lead me to believe media had been unlinked again somehow however 2) everywhere I looked, my media was connected. In the timeline of my multicams – online, in the project panels of my media projects – online. Link Media was greyed out because everything was connected. I could Reveal in Finder and everything was connected. I even forced the media online, and then reconnected it. None of that worked. 3) Reassociate Source Clips was greyed out as an option. (side note – how do you reassociate multicam clips anyway?) 4) I went into one of my edit timelines, selected all, copied and pasted in a new dummy project – things worked fine: I could turn proxies on and off, and I could match frame and set In and Out points. So the issue was entirely with my Edits project – the one with my actual editing timelines. So I go in the timeline, Select All, right click and want to select Link Media – but everything is connected there. I was at a total loss. It was only after about a half hour of freaking out that I decided to right click my sequence in the project panel. There and only there was the Link Media option clickable – so I clicked it and everything was offline. I don't know why this happened, and I don't know why it happened only to this timeline, or why this seems to be a repeat issue that manifests in slightly different ways, or why having everything seemingly linked doesn't actually mean things are linked, or what arcane method Productions uses to communicate with its constituent parts, but it shouldn't be this complicated. No warnings, no errors, files communicating with metadata properly except for via one off-hand route – it's a mess, and it keeps me from editing. So if anyone else comes across this behavior in Premiere – 1) try relinking the media in your timeline by selecting all, right clicking and selecting Link Media if that doesn't work 2) Try going inside your multicam clips and right clicking and selecting Link Media if that doesn't work 3) Go into wherever Project your source files live and in the Project panel select your media, right click and select Link Media and if that doesn't work 4) Go back and select whatever sequence is giving you an issue in the Project panel of the project in which it lives and right click and Link Media that way At different times different methods solved the problem, and only that method. We'll see what happens next. Next thing I learn I'll have to Link Media by running a tin can on a string from Adobe HQ to my office and saying the magic word.
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Jan 27, 2025
02:44 PM
Opening this back up because this problem has come up again. This time there is no unlinked media, either in my multiclip timeline and project, nor in the source media project. So I can't relink. I tried "make media offline," and then relinking but that did nothing. I'm trying your troubleshooting method, but when I select my multicam clips, and go to Edit>Reassociate Srouce Clips, the option is greyed out. Any advice on how to proceed? I'm losing so much time. Adobe is a $200+ billion dollar company. How is it always losing these connections? It's making editing miserable.
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Jan 24, 2025
12:23 PM
Productions workflow offers many advantages, but still has a long way to go, and simply is overly complicated, or comes up short in a lot of ways versus using just one Project File per project. One simple feature I'd like to see in Productions is the following: In a regular project file, if you click on a piece of media in the Project Panel, it will show in the Preview Area at the top (if it's turned on) if the selected piece of media is present in any sequences, and you can even click a drop-down list and select any instance of that media in any sequence. This functionality is lost in the productions workflow. Unless a piece of media sits in the same project as a sequence that contains it, this dialogue comes up and it seems like there is no instance of that media being used. This is hugely helpful in many ways, but with Productions encouraging the siloing of media to one project and sequences to others, we lose this very helpful functionality. For example – I want to use a song in a scene of a film. I'm in my music project file, and I know several songs in this project file are used in sequences throughout the film, but I can't tell which ones any more unless I manually go through each project that contains a sequence (of which there are dozens) and manually scan the sequence and write down which songs are being used. It would be WAY more helpful to click on a piece of media, and have Premiere tell mein the Preview Area if/when that media is used somewhere throughout my sprawling Production, not just the project file the media sits within. The same for SFX or B-Roll shots – whatever the case. In the end, I'm hoping Productions workflows become a no-brainer, but as exemplified by the above, I have to always way the functionality gains vs the losses. Right now, the scales are too evenly balanced.
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Jan 21, 2025
07:14 AM
It's in a shared folder on Dropbox.
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Jan 16, 2025
01:16 PM
Whoa, thanks Paul. All these years with Premiere, I've never known about this adjustment on the mix track in the timeline. Also what you mentioned as being a likely culprit is, indeed, what I did (deleted clips out of the timeline).
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Jan 16, 2025
11:59 AM
How would I change that number? There aren't 30 tracks in my multicam, but only 10 (if you count the stereo tracks as 2 tracks), and in Modify>Audio Channels the number of channels is set to 6. Is there a further way to control channels?
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Jan 16, 2025
11:56 AM
"Create Multicam Source Sequence" with the below settings:
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Jan 15, 2025
02:40 PM
I don't know that I could recreate it, is the problem. I tried to, but when I made a new multicam using these clips, everything was normal. I was able to move on and keep working. Sometimes that this easiest way forward, though it doesn't get to the crux of the problem. Should I still submit it as a bug report, you think?
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