Bobby Henderson
Community Expert
Bobby Henderson
Community Expert
Mar 09, 2025
You can learn more about type by reading books on the subject. The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst is an excellent resource. The Visual History of Type by Paul McNeil is another excellent book. The Anatomy of Type by Stephen Coles is a more visual book and has a reference on typeface classification. At least a couple dozen or more good books on type are available.
Numerous web sites exist that focus on type such as Typewolf, Fonts In Use, I Love Typography, etc. Several type-related blogs and forums are active.
Regarding search results at Adobe Fonts, they only seem to give results based on type families. For instance, if I searched "Proxima Nova Bold" it would just bring up the listing for the Proxima Nova family and other similar/related type families.
For clients needing to see samples of a typeface, you could try sending them a link to the type family page at Adobe Fonts or a link to another web page where the same type family is listed. Some sites like Fonts in Use show some real world visual examples of many type families. Outside of that you could add/install a given type family from Adobe Fonts and then create a sample layout with various text strings styled in those fonts, save it as a PDF and email it to the client. Most of the fonts from Adobe Fonts will embed in a PDF.
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Mar 09, 2025
1 Upvote
I had a client ask me to do logos and a website with Irish fonts but when I searched Adobe fonts, I couldn't do by nationality. Also, this goes back to the question above, if the user doesn't have adobe fonts, will they see the irish fonts on their browser? Is this a secret that nobody talks about basically?
The problem is typefaces can't be categorized by nationality. A font that someone would call "Irish" might be a Celtic Unical calligraphic style. Unical typefaces were used across multiple countries in Europe. The same goes for various Blackletter typefaces.
Some typefaces are so successful they defy their national roots. A layout that uses some flavor of Garamond isn't automatically French. Nor is something set in Caslon automatically English. Modern OpenType fonts blur the lines more by sometimes including more than just the Latin alphabet. They might have Greek, Cyrillic and other character ranges included.
I think what Adobe Fonts needs is an option to categorize type families in more professional vernacular. The type categories they currently show are obviously geared for users who haven't studied typography. They don't have serif typefaces classifed in categories like Old Style, Transitional, Modern, etc. It would be helpful if I could type something like "Didot" in a search field and get a result of fonts in that classification. Trends in typography also change through time, particularly in recent decades. It might be nice to be able to select decades like "1970's" and get an appropriate result.
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Mar 08, 2025
03:40 PM
I usually create those kinds of letter outline effects using the Offset Path command and applying it to copies of the letters. Positive numerical values go outside the path, negative numbers go inside the path.
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Mar 08, 2025
03:37 PM
The first thing I would try is the usual troubleshooting steps. Try signing out of your Creative Cloud account, rebooting the computer system and then signing back in again (do this using the Creative Cloud desktop app). If that doesn't work try resetting Illustrator's Preferences file. If Illustrator still refuses to work the application may need to be reinstalled, maybe even using the CC Cleaner tool.
Other applications, device drivers and even the operating system can affect the ability of an application like Illustrator to run properly. That may not be the case in your computer's situation, but it does happen.
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Mar 07, 2025
01:32 PM
I doubt they'll do that with Smart Guides. There are plenty of options for Smart Guides in the Preferences dialog box. I commonly toggle Smart Guides on/off using the Ctrl+U keyboard short cut.
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Mar 07, 2025
01:30 PM
Was the application working properly before? Or has it just not be working at all since you installed it?
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Mar 07, 2025
01:29 PM
16GB is barely enough, IMHO. With that amount of RAM if I had the current versions of Illustrator and Photoshop running at the same time I probably wouldn't be doing something very intensive or have multiple documents open. MacOSX does a pretty decent job with memory management though. My computers are Windows-based; I have them loaded with 64GB of RAM.
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Mar 07, 2025
01:24 PM
Go to the File menu and choose Document Setup. There is an option in there for editing art aboards. Depending on the kind of work space you're installation of Illustrator is using a Document Setup button could be visible on the top tool bar.
Also, in the Artboard panel there is a flyout menu that shows Artboard Options. The selected art board can be resized there too.
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Mar 07, 2025
01:19 PM
Is the Illustrator file that is causing problems a normal print size file (letter, A4, etc) or is it something else, such as a large format style document (signs, vehicle wrap, etc)?
If it's a layout meant for large format printing/production make sure the document raster effects setting is set at a reasonable value. Something like the 300ppi default is sheer overkill for something like a vehicle wrap. Such a setting could seriously bog down Illustrator performance, especially if the layout has a lot of raster-based effects (glows, drop shadows, etc).
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Mar 07, 2025
01:13 PM
How much RAM does the MacBook Pro have? I think 16GB is about the bare minimum for the current version of Illustrator. Hopefully the MacBook has at least that much, if not (preferably) more.
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Mar 07, 2025
01:03 PM
Choices are a bit limited how to handle the corners on stroke or path offset effects. The corner options in the Stroke or Offset Path dialog boxes will affect the object on a global basis -all corners will be styled the same. Paths that have fairly sharp corner angles can get some pretty wacky looking results.
It's possible to create a copy of the object and style its corners differently and then use path editing tools to mix the good part of the two results together. Otherwise the corners will have to be edited manually using things like the little round circle tool that appears in the corners.
Astute Graphics' Dynamic Corners plugin allows more control over that kind of situation.
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Mar 07, 2025
06:37 AM
I'm not following what you mean. Are you referring to how Adobe Fonts worked back when it was Typekit and possibly before Adobe acquired the company? The entire time Typekit/Adobe Fonts has been available via Creative Cloud the font files have been invisible to a computer's file system. They've never been available to copy and upload to a web-based service such as Canva.
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Mar 07, 2025
06:19 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry. Adobe Aldine was first released just a couple or so weeks ago. Adobe Kis was released just last year. As far as I can tell they seem to be exclusive to Adobe Fonts. There are other Aldine and Kis typefaces available in the market, but they won't be exactly the same as the Adobe cuts.
At first glance it would seem like Adobe might be leaving money on the table by not letting other online type stores sell those fonts. However, Adobe has developed type super families specifically for their own use, such as Adobe Clean.
Also it looks like the type industry is in a strange situation. Monotype has gobbled up a lot of different type companies and even bought out multiple online type stores, including MyFonts. Some independent type companies and individual type designers have removed their fonts from those stores. I can only guess why they have done so. In that kind of environment it might make sense for Adobe to withhold some of its newest typefaces from a site like MyFonts and choose to keep them exclusive to Creative Cloud subscribers.
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Mar 06, 2025
07:22 AM
Adobe Fonts is a separate fonts service that is not related to the system fonts folders in MacOSX or Windows. It also does not work with third party font management apps. Adobe Fonts won't catalog fonts that someone bought from another fonts web site. The only way it can do that is if you upload fonts you legally purchased into the Fonts section within the Creative Cloud desktop app.
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Mar 06, 2025
07:08 AM
Garamond Premier Pro is available to buy at MyFonts for $299 (pack of 34 styles). Arno is also available at MyFonts for $329 (pack of 32 styles).
IIRC, Garamond Premier Pro was one of the type families bundled with Adobe Creative Suite 2 packages. Arno Pro was bundled with CS3.
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Mar 06, 2025
07:01 AM
1 Upvote
There are elements in the attached image that look pretty odd, like it was generated with an AI filter or something. Strings of lettering in the image are garbled, which is a common problem of AI-generated imagery.
Aside from that, sans serif typefaces at Adobe Fonts, such as Proxima Nova, Latino Gothic Variable, Apparat or Novecento Sans will deliver somewhat similar results. Gotham is a very popular typeface for that kind of graphic, but Gotham isn't carried at Adobe Fonts.
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Mar 05, 2025
06:27 PM
It's more simple than that. In Japan if they want to write out something like an English word or an American name in Japanese they use Katagana to do so. For technical terms, if there is a Japanese word for it the word will be written in Kanji or Hiragana.
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Mar 05, 2025
02:21 PM
I lived in Japan for three years when I was a kid (grew up a Marine Corps brat). I quickly learned the Katagana alphabet was used to sound out syllables of foreign language words or things like written sound effects in comic books. Schools in Japan put a big priority on students learning English. American music and movies have long been popular in Japan. Our Latin alphabet is used over there in all sorts of things, but people there tend to learn Kana and then Kanji before learning the Latin alphabet. A person who never picked up reading and writing English may only understand reading Japanese glyphs. So the Katagana character set is used to solve that problem. An English word like "white" is sounded out using "ホワイト" but those glyphs really say "ho-wa-i-to". Katagana has a limited overlap of syllables possible with the English language.
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Mar 05, 2025
08:26 AM
One way I've worked around this is by adding Myriad VF at Adobe Fonts and installing it in the Creative Cloud Desktop App so all apps can use it. Myriad VF doesn't get confused for the built-in styles of Myriad Pro within Adobe Illustrator or InDesign. It doesn't get confused with the Myriad Variable Concept font in Illustrator either.
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Mar 05, 2025
07:06 AM
They suggested you export a pixel-based PNG image and then bring it into Vector Magic and auto-trace it? Wow. That is a garbage quality suggestion coming from them. The only thing exporting to PNG and auto-tracing the result does is degrade the artwork. I would bypass that Vector Magic nonsense and simply use the Save As command in Illustrator to save the art as a "legacy" version 8 .AI file.
Does the EZ CAD 2 app have the ability to create compound paths or even reverse path direction? It would stink to have to release all the compound paths in the Illustrator art and then have to re-apply the compounds manually within EZ CAD 2, even if the app had a keyboard shortcut for the command.
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Mar 04, 2025
08:18 PM
I'm a bit confused by the Japanese in the script list. The Katagana characters: "ホワイト" are a sort of phonetic version of the English word White. Hiragana would be used to phonetically sound out Japanese words. The actual Japanese word for White is Shiro. Google's translate app shows a Kanji glyph: 白 (or the adjective Shiroi 白い).
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Mar 04, 2025
06:27 PM
What kinds of file formats can EZ CAD 2 import? Are you giving it EPS files, DXF or something else? It's likely the application is picky about the export settings used to create the files it does import and it doesn't like something about the files you are importing into it. Hopefully the app has some documentation about those kinds of settings. The artwork itself may be an issue. I've seen some industry specific routing applications that only like objects to have flat fills and no line strokes or vice versa.
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Mar 04, 2025
07:43 AM
The first trouble shooting step I would try is opening the Creative Cloud Desktop app, signing out of the Creative Cloud account, rebooting the computer and then open the CC Desktop app and sign into the account again. That will force a refresh of account sync and the Adobe Fonts list.
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Mar 03, 2025
03:43 PM
Does this problem persist if you disable Windows Ink in the Wacom Tablet Properties app? I have a Wacom tablet connected on my home setup and am not seeing the issues described in this discussion thread. However, I have Windows Ink disabled in the Wacom Tablet Properties due to all sorts of other anger-inspiring nonsense that Windows Ink causes.
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Mar 03, 2025
06:13 AM
The problem looks similar to moiré. Somehow the size of the graphic and number of steps in the blend are not working well with the target size and resolution of the PNG image you're creating.
You could try experimenting with the blend by varying its number of steps.
Color choices can also affect the look of the blend. Are you working in RGB or CMYK color mode? The black at the far end of the blend looks like a flat CMYK black that uses only black ink. That kind of a black has a more limited number of blend combinations than a deeper rich black that uses all four CMYK ink colors. A blend from Red to Rich Black is going to look more natural.
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Mar 03, 2025
05:58 AM
Drawing over the top of a letter shape will only create a new object stacked on top of that letter shape. Editing vector-based objects is very different from drawing on a pixel-based canvas, such as a document in Photoshop.
Tools like the Direct Selection tool and the Pen Tool can modify the path of an existing vector object, such as a letter shape from a font. Pathfinder tools can be used to weld two or more shapes together, or use one shape to cut through another one. Many methods can be used to modify vector objects.
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Mar 03, 2025
05:49 AM
Have you tried signing out of your Creative Cloud account (using the CC Desktop App), re-booting the computer system and then signing back into your CC account? Sometimes that simple trouble shooting step can fix account sync issues, such as fonts from Adobe Fonts not loading properly.
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Mar 02, 2025
10:11 AM
We're the files stored in an old Creative Cloud folder within a desktop computer? If so the files could still be present in the computer where they were originally stored. When Adobe discontinued cloud sync with those folders the files and folders were supposed to remain in place on the computer and not deleted.
If the files were stored in a cloud-based CC Files location they would be accessible by only the specific CC account logged in when the files were first uploaded.
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Mar 02, 2025
09:49 AM
The only reliable way I'm able to upload fonts into my Creative Cloud font library is using the CC Desktop App in a regular computer. The iPad in general is pretty limited on how fonts can be installed.
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Mar 01, 2025
09:22 PM
Do you use Creative Cloud apps at all on a regular desktop computer or notebook? I use my Windows PCs to manage Adobe Fonts in my Creative Cloud account rather than rely on my iPad Pro to do that.
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