Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Dec 15, 2023
03:36 AM
I updated to version 25.2 yesterday and got persistent 'Invalid Profile' messages when using my ICC profile intensive workflow, specifically when assigning a scanner profile to an image. I updated to v 25.3 this morning and i had the same issue. Going back to v 25.1 fixes the issue.
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‎Jul 12, 2017
03:41 AM
As a FYI, this just popped into my mailbox: " The Photoshop team has been listening to your many requests for better scaling options on Windows, and we’re happy to announce that we are ready for beta testing on this feature. Because of the large scale changes involved in this feature, we want to make sure people have the opportunity to test it out before it’s released. All Windows customers are welcome to join and test, but please note that you will need to have Windows 10 Creators Edition installed in order to use the new continuously scalable user interface and per-monitor scaling. Windows 7, 8 and prior versions of Windows 10 will only support 100% and 200% - as the continuously scalable user interface requires APIs only available in Creators Edition. If you would like to help the Adobe Photoshop team with the quality of this new feature, please visit the sign-up link to be considered for the program (scroll down to the Photoshop CSUI Program and click on Apply): " This is from the 'Photoshop Family' community. So, progress!
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‎Jun 19, 2017
09:23 AM
"I've stated a number of times on various threads that this is something the team is working on." - Jeffrey Tranberry, Sr. Product Manager, Digital Imaging.... 7 months ago. This has been in the pipeline for years.
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‎Feb 21, 2017
01:28 AM
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‎Feb 20, 2017
10:22 AM
After this length of time I've given up on Adobe expending the tiny effort required to make this happen. I have a low-end 3D 'hobbyist' app which I use occasionally. I can scale the user interface by practically anything I like (currently at 127%), a feature they introduced because a few people told them it would be useful. There's nothing complicated about it, it just works.
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‎Dec 04, 2015
02:58 AM
I'll chime in too, the interface is so small it hurts my eyes on my hi-res monitor, but a 200% enlargement is crazy. I'd like to see 125%, 150% and 175% options.
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