1월 15, 2025
11:34 AM
The issue seems to be resolved for a while
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12월 13, 2023
01:08 PM
I used George's suggestions with Bernd's alteration, and it worked great for me. Thanks!
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12월 05, 2023
06:16 PM
There is sooo much truth to your rant. Another thing they changed in Photoshop is let's say I have 15 image files open. I go through the process of saving the original files as optimized pics and no longer need them open. If I close the files one at a time, I have to click on the X to close it out and then click "yes" to verify" that I don't want to save the original file. This is an easy task if it's one file, but it's very time consuming when it's 10 or 20 or 30, as I often have to do. To speed up my workflow, I optimize and save everything I need to save and then instead of X-ing out of each file individually, I x out of Photoshop. Doing so assures it ONLY asks me if I am sure I want to close the file without saving, so it's essentially auto-closing the file and only asking me to verify I don't want to save the file. This saves 50% of the process... until now. I've noticed that after the action of saying NO to the file save multiple times, Photoshop assumes I want to auto close all files without having to say "no save" (which is true) AND that I want to completely shut down Photoshop. So now I have to re-open Photoshop. It has become abundantly clear that Photoshop is designed by smart engineers who simply don't use the software.
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10월 06, 2023
11:29 AM
The solution is easy.... Right click on the guide and select "Unlock Guides". You probably don't recall locking them in the first place, but you'd be surprised by the things we do accidentally with quick commands we didn't know we initiated by typing too quickly.
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7월 21, 2023
12:50 PM
I re-worded my question to not be so accusatory since I can't prove who forced the update for me... Adobe or my cat LOL
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7월 21, 2023
12:35 PM
LOL, now that's funny! Really, I appreciate your help.
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7월 21, 2023
12:22 PM
Yes, that fixed it! Thank you so much! WHY ON EARTH would this just happen randomly?
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7월 21, 2023
12:08 PM
I used to be able to scale my objects, pics, and text just by selecting the item with my select tool (V) and using the handles that appeared. But those handles are suddenly gone when I select with the select tool. Instead, I have to type the letter E to bring up the free transform tool. Can I get this back to normal?
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3월 18, 2023
01:32 PM
1 찬성표
This is a bug in Photoshop, not your PC. I've been dealing with it for years. It was so aggravating that I even bought a new laptop to see if it was my system. It wasn't. This happens on every PC laptop I've used since around 2020. Let's say you have Picture 1 and Picture 2. In this example, Picture 1 is 4000 x 3000 and picture 2 is 800 x 1200. You copy picture 1 (with paste clipboard setting on), create a new file, paste, and it works. Then you go to Picture 2, copy, create new file... and I can already tell it's not going to work b/c the new file retained the 4000 x 3000 dimensions instead of the dimensions of the new copy, which is 800 x 1200. I try pasting image anyways, and not only did it start a new doc at the previous paste's dimensions, but it also pastes that previous image of Picture 1. Now here's where it gets weird. I "X" out of that New doc and create another new doc and suddenly the dimensions are showing 800 x 1200, as it should. I go to paste, and it pastes the correct picture 2 in the correct dimensions of 800 x 1200.... but keep in mind that I never went back to the original image to re-copy Picture 2. So, this sequence of events makes me think that the bug is that the clipboard is remembering the first copy of Picture 1, which it tries to force as your first paste. Then the clipboard must also know that the Picture 2 copy is on the clipboard, so it pasted the correct Picture 2 on the second attempt. But obviously this is not normal, as it should've pasted Picture 2 on the first attempt rather than wanting to paste Picture 1 first and then Picture 2. So where do we go from here???
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1월 25, 2023
03:02 PM
Thanks Mike. That's what it was. And thank you too, Myra. Your last suggestion also worked, but Mike's was a more permanent solution. I swear if I ever see an Adobe engineer in public, there is no limit to the number of wet noodle lashings I will dole out lol
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1월 25, 2023
02:13 PM
See video to see what happens when I click on the button I think you're talking about...
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1월 25, 2023
02:10 PM
Have a screen shot of this bullet icon above control board? I don't see it above my control board
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1월 25, 2023
02:08 PM
I was able to do this with no issue just yesterday. Suddenly it's doing this and I can't get it to stop doing it by default. it's definitely related to the bulleting system. But do you know how to get it to stop?? I tried going to Type>Bullets and Numbering>Convert to Text, but this doesn't work long term. As soon as I give it a # plus space, it auto converts it to a bulleted list. Something else is causing it to default permanently. God I HATE Adobe!
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1월 25, 2023
01:28 PM
Suddenly when I type a # sign in Illustrator, a huge gap is created when I spacebar over to type the next word. This space is not only NOT editable, but you can't even undo it. Once you hit space, there's no turning back. What is the fix? Video of this debacle attached.
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1월 11, 2023
12:12 PM
1 찬성표
I have been having this same issue for well over a year. I asked about it in another forum last month and was verbally attacked by another user who was tired of hearing that his suggestions didn't work... in a Q&A troubleshooting forum, mind you. What I have noticed about this incredibly annoying problem that Photoshop engineers refuse to address is that the clipboards seem to be storing multiple images/settings from previous copies in the clipboard, and when I try to paste in the most recent image, it will take X amount of File>New (paste to clipboard) attempts based on the number of times I've copied an image (from the internet). In other words, I will copy a first image, go to photoshop, paste to clipboard, and I'm usually good. Then I copy another image from the internet, go to photoshop, paste to clipboard, and I can already tell there will be a problem b/c the size of the clipboard is clearly wrong. For example, picture 1 was horizontal, picture 2 is vertical, but the clipboard to paste #2 is showing that it will be in horizontal format. This is verified with the next step where it creates the blank page in horizontal format. So then I'll CTRL-V paste, and it will either try to paste image #2 into the incorrect horizontal format OR it will paste the first image again... even though I clearly copied a second image. Here's where it gets interesting though... If I just let that play out and do the File>New process again, eventually it will work despite NOT having gone back to recopy the second image. After consecutive failed attempts, it will eventually work. So this is what leads me to believe that the clipboard is storing the data from the previous jobs and mixing it up and combining settings incorrectly when the user says to paste clipboard. Please address this issue. It's incredibly frustrating to pay annually for a service and be ignored for a year. I have included a screen recording that highlights one of the issues mentioned above where I copy horizontal image 1, paste to clipboard, everything is good. Copy vertical image 2, paste to clipboard, but the blank file maintains the horizontal settings of the first copy even though it pastes in the correct image #2. Then, without going back to re-copy the second image, I hit File>New again and suddenly the correct image pastes into the correct vertical format. This video does not show how sometimes the most recent paste attempt not only maintains the page size of the previous copy but also pastes in the previous image. That event didn't happen during the recording, however it did happen right after I shut off the recorder and attempted to copy/paste the last image. I just didn't want to go back and re-record b/c there's no way to predict which issue will arise, only that an issue WILL arise.
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1월 02, 2023
08:47 AM
To be clear, bro, I don't think she was referrnig to you. She was referring to Adobe's weird bug. JMO
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11월 30, 2022
11:20 AM
I have reset preferences and tried rolling back to previous versions. I even bought a new laptop thinking it was the old one. None of these suggestions resolved the issue. No one ever said it wasn't a me problem. This is an Adobe troubleshooting forum and I'm seeking assistance to resolve that problem from a professional, not [removed]. Stop responding since you have nothing meaningful to contribute.
[Abuse removed by moderator. You can use the Report button instead.]
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11월 30, 2022
11:12 AM
This issue was brought up separately in another thread and was then merged into this one by an Adobe moderator, so talk to them about it. Neither of you are offering constructive feedback, so why don't you both refrain from offering only confrontational feedback that prolongs the response time when administrators have to read through your childish, unprofessional responses before they can help troubleshoot the issue? I have been using Photoshop for 25 years - probably longer than both of you combined.
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11월 30, 2022
10:28 AM
No, it's not. There's no way that would be an issue with 2 different laptops on 2 different OS's, including the one I'm using now which is only 3 weeks old. This also doesn't happen on any other program, not even other Adobe software.
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11월 30, 2022
09:55 AM
Let me add one more oddity to this whole thing. I said earlier that even when the file>new process uses the clipboard size as the dimensions correctly that it's still 50/50 that it will paste in the correct picture, right? Often times, it pastes in the image I copied 2 images ago rather than what I just copied. So when that happens, I will X that file out to close it, then file>new and then paste and the correct image appears. But the odd part is that it's not like I went back to the internet file and re-copied it. Nope, it pastes the correct image on the second attempt despite pasting the image before that on first attempt and never going back to re-copy the image it didn't paste. It's like it has 2 images in its memory and when I want to paste image 2 only, it will paste image 1 and then 2.
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11월 30, 2022
09:44 AM
Previous laptop was Windows 10, this one is Windows 11. Have not reset preferences. No time for that right now since it's not a guaranteed solution and will create more time-consuming problems restoring everything back to my needs if it's not the right thing to do. Rest of laptop specs here: https://paste.pics/0992b7c93febe99dc9d83f35ecc67155
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11월 30, 2022
09:06 AM
This is a brand new laptop with supermax capabilities - maybe only a few weeks old - but it was happening on my old laptop too.
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11월 30, 2022
08:33 AM
Yes it was already checked. PS: It seems to have the most difficulty when the picture sizes I'm copying vary. In other words, I copy/paste a picture that is horizontal, then the next one is the exact same size = higher success rate of copy/paste clipboard working. But when the images I'm copying vary in vertical/horizontal format and size in general, that's when the problem always occurs. https://paste.pics/1ac8a34879861e047b5a8d79da538e43
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11월 30, 2022
08:11 AM
The update has not fixed this bug. It still happens. Again, I copy a picture from the internet by right click>copy. Then I go to photoshop>file>new with clipboard set as the doc type. This window also displays the doc size it thinks you want, but it's always wrong. The only fix is to say OK to the incorrect dimensions and repeat the file>new process so that the second coming will have the correct dimensions. And even then it's 50/50 that it will paste the last picture I copied. The other half it still pastes the image from the previous copy/paste. I've been using Photoshop for 25 years, so I'm quite sure I know how to copy/paste.
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11월 21, 2022
04:32 PM
Sorry I think I misspoke. Someone in a previous post said to update Photoshop and CC and go to Photoshop>Help>System Info. This is where I got that info from: https://paste.pics/c31312c71b563ab1916926479898de1f
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11월 21, 2022
12:49 PM
OK I updated it to v We'll see how that works. Thanks
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11월 21, 2022
12:32 PM
Also worth noting, even when the copied picture dimensions are replicated in the File>new process, the most recently copied image doesn't always paste in. Instead, it'll be the image copied before that one.
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11월 21, 2022
11:47 AM
I have noticed for quite some time now that when you copy a picture from the internet by right clicking>copy and then go to Photoshop>File>New>Doc Type=Clipboard that the doc size doesn't mirror the picture I copied on first attempt to create that new doc. Instead, I have to cancel the first attempt and then repeat the File>new process, at which point on the second attempt it DOES replicate the image size into the doc size... but only on the second attempt. This used to be flawless but has been "broken" for about a year. Is there any way to fix this?
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6월 22, 2021
08:35 PM
7 찬성표
I think I know why this is happening. I have 2 Adobe accounts - one that has full access and one that only has free access. A mistake I made a while back was setting up an adobe stock account using my free account instead of my paid account, so to buy stock images, I have to log out of the account that my Illustrator, Photoshop, etc programs are connected to, log into my free one, get the images I want, save, and log out. When this same issue happened to me, I was logged into the free account that doesn't have access to programs. As soon as I remembered this, I signed back into my pro account and the issue was solved. So double check that you're signed into your Adobe account.
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10월 15, 2020
08:52 AM
1 찬성표
When I try to do a gradient to transparent, I suddenly can't do multiple gradients on the same image b/c every time I try, the second one cancels the first one. In other words, if I do a gradient to transparent on the left side of an image and then do a second one on the right side, the left side gradient is reset to the way it orginally was and only the right side gradient appears.
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