Kale McMurren
Content Creator @LOTS_OF_PYRO Owner/Producer/Editor @VideoFocusPro
Video Focus Pro
Kale McMurren
Content Creator @LOTS_OF_PYRO Owner/Producer/Editor @VideoFocusPro
Video Focus Pro
‎Aug 26, 2024
11:57 AM
Thank you, I will definitely give this a try and see what I can make of this. I appreciate all the help and support from this community
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‎Aug 24, 2024
11:21 PM
I really enjoyed the use of 3D within Ps. 1 feature I severely miss and would really like back is the 3D Extrusion Settings. Main reason for this request to return: I am working on Live Production for Sports Casting. I am interested in taking advantage of Logos from various Sports Teams in my current Production. I would love to be able to take the logos I have, apply the 3D Extrusion to them, and export them as an .OBJ File so I can use them inside my Media Projects. My method with how I would include the 3D Extrusion is by doing the following: Taking Logos and making multiple layers for individual colours using Ai. Importing these individual Layers into Ps Applying the 3D Extrusion to each individual Layer Export the file as an .OBJ File Port the newly created model into 3D Editing Software like Substance Painter. Take the Re-Textured 3D Models and use them inside of Ae/Pr Edit the Newly Created 3D Modeled Logos for my Project(s). If we aren't going to see the 3D Options in Ps. What's the alternative I can do for this? I've looked at people using Blender... But that's too much Tracing for how fast I require the 3D Model... I've used Ai for 3D Extrude. But that doesn't work how I want it to be. I had to cancel my Substance 3D Plan due to financial and technical issues and I'm looking for an alternative route like I was able to do in Ps before the 3D options were removed.
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‎Aug 24, 2024
11:04 PM
I seem to be in a bit of a pickle with Adobe Acrobat. I have the Acrobat Extension on my Google Chome. I also have Acrobat that is included within my CC Subscription. When I go to print out a document. Acrobat keeps prompting me when I select "Print" that I need to "Save File". Once I save the file. The Printer IS ON and the document doesn't print. I attempt to Print again. I get forced to Save the Document AGAIN. Is there something I'm doing incorrect? Do I need to Reinstall Acrobat to resolve this issue?
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‎Nov 26, 2023
08:55 AM
So, I'm not too sure where exactly I want to start with this exactly. For a lengthy period of time, while I was in College for Live Production. Something sparked my interest for wanting to design 3D Motion Graphics like the ones you would see on a broadcast for example such as FOX SPORTS in this example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuWKozD_d-A This eventually led me over to 3rd Party Extensions like Video Copilot and many others for suggestions within this amazing community. I eventually decided I was going to "Take A Break" from Self-Teaching this form of editing due to interference with my Work/Life Schedules. Fast forward to January 2023, a close friend of mine and I decided to start up our own Media Business. We both have a passion for sports and have worked in the fields of Live Production within multiple departments. With this in mind. And now that I'm running a small media business. I'm looking to get back into the swing of things for editing and trying these Motion Graphics once again to see where it can help me in my personal skills as well as add depth in my business. Fast forward to today (11/26/2023), and there are plenty of tutorials out there on the web. One video I found happened to be this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebImp_HbrIw At 1st glance, I thought this was a plugin for AE because all the 3D Element Textures showing like you see in the Adobe Substance 3D Package. In the video, they do indicate they're using Cinema 4D... I do respect the use of Cinema 4D and all... But, I feel like that's a bit too pricy for my current finances, and I'd rather just stay within the Adobe CC Ecosystem with no need for any External Software at this time... Even C4D and other products listed here: https://www.maxon.net/en/cinema-4d are unaffordable at this time to me... I'm just looking to see if I'm missing something that right in front of me via AE/CC that would allow me to get the same features as al these 3rd Party Add-Ons that are too pricey for me to even touch at this time. Any advice on Free Plugins/Similar Features to what I'm trying to work with? Much Appreciated
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‎Aug 23, 2023
10:48 AM
I think the #1 Key Feature missing from Substance 3D Painter (besides my lack of knowing the software), is that when I first started in 3D Editing, I was on Photoshop. The same 3D Models you see in this post. The way life was more "Simple" was that I would go into "Edit UV" and with the help of the use of Photoshop Selections Tools like "Magic Wand" I could select the Magazine of that 3D Model of an AK-47 and paint only that part of the model. Then I'd just make a new layer and paint over that selected part. Maybe if the 3D Model in Subsctand 3D Painter had the ability with the UV Map being as cluttered as it is. It's be easier and avoid the "Bleeding" of colours on parts of a model just by taking advantage of doing something like: Selection Tool Create Paint/Fill/Texture Layer Assign The Colour/Fill Check The 3D Viewer And See How It Looks I know for a fact Photoshop is gonna be removing the 3D Tools more and more as updates come out. So to think that I did what I was able to do in Photoshop and export models would be neat to have those tools in Substance 3D Painter for Ease Of Access This is a Prime Example of what I used to do in Photoshop 6 Years Ago way before I learned about Substance 3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZeSdpcC0qc&t=3s As you can see in that video, I was on a Live stream on my Twitch. Not too concerned about the video muted since it's 6 Years Old. But the concept that Photoshop provided was very helpful and I'd love to see this implemented into Substance 3D Painter. If Any Subsctance 3D Painter Experts are out there. I'd love for your Input on how I may simplify my tasks and resume my designs like I did previously
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‎Jul 27, 2023
10:51 AM
Hmm. I'll have to look into these suggestions. I appreciate the input for sure! I guess my #1 Issue is just UV Mapping looks so complicated if you're not too experienced with it unless you practice more.
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‎Jul 26, 2023
02:08 PM
I'm looking for a way to create Custom Layered UV Maps for 3D Models.
I play a lot of video games in the form of FPS Games like Counter-Strike:Global Offensive (CSGO).
In the world of CSGO. There's a massive community out there for the In-Game Community Workshop where users including myself have uploaded Custom Weapon Designs to the Community Workshop. This workshop is fantastic and some people have been lucky enough that the Weapon Designs they have created have actually found there way into the Offical Game Content Files and these creators receive a small fraction of the cost for there weapon skin(s) whenever that skin is acquired by a fellow meber of the community.
For example. This here is a direct link to my Community Workshop Submission: [Link removed by moderator]
Now, my workshop is very minute in comparison to the rest of the amazing Community and their submissions: {Link removed by moderator]
The Method I used to use in the past when I 1st started to create my Custom Weapon FInishes was as follows:
Open Adobe PS
Import 3D Model
Select The UV Map Editor
Start Colour Coding All Parts Of The UV Map To My Needs With 3 Different Colours (Red/White/Blue)
Examine The 3 Colours On The 3D model And Make Adjustments On The Fly
Time To Recolour And Design The Texture Once Mapping In The 3 Colours Was Complete
Import The Final Texture + VTF File Into The Game Engine Workbench To Create And Align The Model
Export The Final Product Into The Comunity Workshop And Let the Community Vote It Up For The Potential OF The Item To Be Placed Into The Game
Now, there's a bit of an issue to my process above. My Personal Workshop Models are old and the last thing I uploaded was back in June, 2018. I was forced to stop because my PC had died and I was too busy working to make money for a new PC.
The other issue(s) are the following:
The Method I Used No Longer Works As Adobe PS No Longer Opens My Models Like I Used To In The Past
Substrance 3D Painter Is Amazing And I'm Trying To Learn Substance 3D Painter On My Own
Other Software Like Blender Is Also Out There
My issue with Substance 3D Painter is just how sensitive the UV Maps can be and how much Bleeding onto other parts of the model always happen. I also notice when I want to paint on a model. The model pops up with only 1 UV Mapping Layer and no others. And with 3D soon to be Removed from PS. It's definitely a bit confusing when I was able to make layers in PS for each part of the model then see my end products all in 1 tool.
When I open up a model in Substance 3D Painter with the following image below:
We can see the UV Map and the 3D Model. But, It's very tricky to see that say the barrel of this AK-47's UV Map is a bit confusing when you look at the 3D Model and say to yourself: "What part of the UV Map is the Screws/Hardware? I can tell where the Magazine Clip is on the UV because of the shape. But what about the small hardware parts on the 3D Model? Where are they located on the UV?
With that layout in mind. I pulled up the same 3D model in the program Blender. We can see it's the same 3D Model is a Solid Form:
We can also see the same 3D Model in a "Ghost Form" that allows you to select parts of the Model all the way through:
We can also see all the crazy Polygons/Verticies on the UV Editor to the same 3D Model:
The reason I share these images from Blender is due to when you see the "Hidden Parts" like the Bullets and the hidden part of the Magazine that's inside the body of this 3D Model.
I have tried to paint on the 3D Model in Substand 3D Painter and then I see the "Bleed" of Colour show up on the UV Map going into the top of the Magazine (which I'm trying to avoid)
An example of this Ak-47 I can share to you is in this Video:[Link removed]
This also links to my Workshop Page for that same AK-47 in the YT Video:[Link removed]
Notice in the YT Video how within the 1st 7-8 Seconds what you see the standard Wood Texture and then it gets covered up by the custom texture. You can also see the Animation of what it looks like when someone does an "Inspection" or "Ammo Reload" and have a visual to the In-Game Actions that the UV Map would show us. This texture was created in 2016 and then updated 3 years later in 2019 for a newer Texterur Effect was applied from within the game files to add a bit more "Sheen" to the colours. And The Original Texture was created in PS.
A Newer Version of this Game Engine Is coming soon and they have released the following tool(s) which currently looks like this:
You can see in the Foreground it says "Weapon: AK-47". It also has the Colours: White/RGB for there respective Channels. Then by clicking the button "Inspect" will show that Weapon as a preview.
You can see in the Background just how that 3D model turned out with those Colours following clicking "Inspect". Now, obviously, this wouldn't be the final produce. Any Artist would want their own artwork on this AK-47 instead fo this Preview.
Now that I've gotten the Bulk of my description out of the way. I'd like to ask this question.
What would be the "Easiest" method for a UV Unwrapping that would allow me to take 1 UV Map and make it into multiple Layers of different Parts/Sections?
If we use the AK-47 I've shared above. What would be best to take the UV Map in Substance 3D Painter and make it so you can select parts you want with specifics and ensure there's no bleeding and you can group all parts to separate layers and then bake them into a final product?
Looking forward to any and all answers.
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‎May 30, 2023
09:15 PM
So I'm looking to see if there are any ways as a designer if there are any formats of changing your File Browser Thumbnails from the Program Icon to the actual Artwork Icon Thumbnail In a comparison, Obviously, we've all seen what Illustrator and PNG Files look like within our File Browsers. (See Below Images) The issue is on my end, I forget half the Files I've saved when I look for my designs and I spend hours sometimes locating that 1 file. I remember back while I was in my days at High School and my Art Teacher told me to start saving files as a TIFF Format instead of a PSD while she was teaching me PS Lessons. I still enjoy the TIFF File Format for a lot of things to this day because when I was in my File Browser, TIFF Files always had the Image Preview like a PNG but opened the same as a PSD File. With that said, I would like to ask this question. Are there any Settings Internally on my Windows 10 PC or 3rd Party Plugins to use that won't affect my PC itself but will allow me to preview all my Illustrator Files with an Image Preview instead of just the Orange Ai Icon? If "NO". Perhaps this could be considered in the future for File Browsing ease of access to be added for creators?
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‎Feb 15, 2023
08:34 AM
Hi @JMathews , I actually contacted Adobe Support, and they struggled to find anything to fix it. The \most they could find was a lot of User Sign-On from within my PC. Eventually, I uninstalled all my Adobe Apps, uninstalled the CC App all together, and started fresh with new wall installs. This did fix Adobe Stage. But, now Adobe Modeler is having the same issue... But I'm pretty sure if I were to just fully reinstall that it'll make things better in the long run for me. My thoughts would be to ensure this is fixed for future with this sort of issue would be: A. Raise the price of Abode CC subscriptions. B. Include the Substance 3D collection within this newly increased plan to ensure these issues don't conflict with 1 and others like I've been having. Now those are my thoughts in relation to this issue I've been having. But that's probably the best-case Solution in the long run for a fix of this issue IMO.
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‎Feb 04, 2023
10:08 AM
Did that, still getting the same error... Not too sure why this is happening...
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‎Feb 03, 2023
04:59 PM
So... I've been designing some 3D Art on Substance 3D Painter and when I go to Export the 3D Project to Substance 3D Stager and I keep getting the error: I have the full package in my Adobe Creative Cloud and for some unknown reason... It's not allowing me to connect and edit... I've already uninstalled and reinstalled and the error is still happening
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‎Aug 20, 2022
03:58 PM
I've actually been wearing my Prescription Subglasses to counter the brightness. I've already been booked to have Cataract Surgery In Mid-September 2022. So Once that's done. I'm hoping tyhings would be fixed. The Tool Icons aren't the hardest either. It's the dropdown menus like when I click "FILE" It's trickeier for me to navigat the dropdown menu under "File" once I've clickes on it. This is where I'd like the UI Tweaked to Match up with everything else already setup as it is
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‎Aug 20, 2022
12:30 AM
Is there any want to "Invert" the Toolbar Menus in Illustrator? I know in the Preferrences, you can change the colour settings for the UI in specific sections. But when it comes to going from greating an immage and going from the Dartker UIO and openiong a Menu under "Objext" to got and do "Path"/Expand"/Other. This entire Dropdown Menu is still defaulted to the bright grey backgrounf with Black Text. Is there a way to Invert these dropdowns to Dark Moide like all other? I'm askingf this question because I'm someone who's suffering with Cataracts and I work in a Dark Environment with really dim lighting. Every Single Times I'm trying to work on a project, I'm basically forced to brace myself of the bright screen for this issue. Any recommendations?
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‎Jun 17, 2022
10:30 AM
Sounds good to me! I appreciate the guidence! I've tried a fiew times with 1 model and it looks liek Substance Painter doesn't like it like that sometimes. So the way I'm lookign at it is kinda like this idea for: Sculpt The Mask Scultpt The Outer Shell Sculpt The Inner Padding Sculpt The Hardware Essentially, these would all be individual parts and so when painted is Substance Painter. This would allow me to ensure Each UV Part Listed above is it's own layer and doesn't affect the others.
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‎Jun 16, 2022
08:45 PM
I'm thinking either Blender (Free) or ZBrush. Might even try within Unreal Engine for something if it can be applicable. I've used .obj files withing Photoshop for years and now Photoshop does't wanna work with them for me anymore and I wanna dry more dedicated modeling. So those are the programs I'm factoring in and not count Photoshop at this time
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‎Jun 15, 2022
03:07 PM
I'm looking to get into designing 3D Animated Motion Graphics. 1 of my biggest focuses I'm really interested in this field is the Motion Graphics and Animation in Sports Broadcasts/Highlights. I'm extremely big into sports as well. I coach Football, Umpire Baseball. I'm into Film/Photography and a lot of Action. I've been trying to task myself in designing a bunch of 3D Sports Objects/Equipment. With that said, I'd figure I'd task myself with a challenge of trying to create a 3D model of a Football Helmet. All those Smooth surfaces of the Helmet Shell to all the creases within the bars of a Face Mask to the Interior Padding. It's definiately a lot of work, and I'm not one who wants to "Cheat" and jsut pull someoneelse's 3D Model for Free from a Site and just Re-Texture the Model(s). I've downloaded free Models in the past, and the UV Maps are just way too difficult to deal with. 1 Of the Main goals I wanna factor in and make my own 3D Model is for Simplicity of altering colours to specific parts and creating multiple teams from 1 Base Model. A Good example for this would be looking at any teams in Professional Football like the Detroit Lions with the Silver anmd Blue Helmets Vs.Green Bay Packers With the Yellow Shell and Green Mask Vs NE Patriots with Silver Shell and Red Mask. I'm lookign to basically be able to ensure I can ajdust the UV Mapping for say the Shell/Face mask/Interior/Screws/Decals So I can go in and jsut recolour 1 piece and not hurt any other parts of the model. The Other Reason I'm interested in doing this Model is to also have it so I can do some 3D Animation. I live in a small community and I coach HS Football and I'm involved with multiple football Orgs and the Orgs are looking for the idea of modelling the Helmets to show in videos, Anyone have any good Tutorials/Recommendations where I can start for this Moddleing? I'd love to see how cool this would become so things flow smoothly for textures once modelled.
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‎Feb 03, 2022
12:34 AM
Is there any ways that you can configure files you've saved from AI/PS and all other Programs to take the Thumbnail Icon and replace the Program Logo witht he content Image on the canvas for what it is you were creating? Seeing the screenshot below, coul there be a way to take thi Icons and replace them with a preview of the file for faster searching? An example from my Screenshot is where you see my AI Files that read "Skull Faces" within the filee name. Sometimes thes AI Files can be saved Variations like "File V1/File V2/File V3/etc..". If you can Preview the file as if it was a PNG/JPEG Image and still listed under the AI File, then you can easily find what you're loking for even faster.
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‎Feb 03, 2022
12:22 AM
So as much as I love using Adobe CC. My #1 Dislike is the Desktop Application being so brigh with all the White Background. I would exrtemely love to have a setting under USer Settings to change the application to a "Dark Mode UI" to make life easier on the eyes. Q. Why do I say I'd like this feature added? A. I'm a 5th Generation in my family to have developed Cataracts at the young age of 12. I'm now 31 and will be 32 in the Summer of 2022. I was told from my Eye Doctor in the Summer of 2021 I may need to consider Cataract Surgery before I turn 35. Being someone who works in the Entertainment Industry with Live Production of AV Programming and being blinded by Lights is never fun, especially with having cataracts. This has forced me to wear my Prescription Sunglasses just to ensure I can see everything I'm workign on. But this too will Dim my Colour Pallette while I'm designing things. Plus I work in a Dimly Lit room to easier focus and configure RGB Lighting around my workplace. I love howeven that when I open up programs such as AE/AI/PS/PR that I have a very nice Dark Mode UI that doesn't impact my vision. There are a few things that could be better with some Programs. But I'd love to see this play out for at least the CC Desktop Application. I'm running the following screenshot on a 27" Widscreen ASUS PC Gaming Monitor @ 2560x1440 for my Resolution and you can see how much "Dead Space" is all White and blinding. Could we please see an update to make this UI a Dark Mode Feature?
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‎Jul 14, 2021
09:56 PM
Wow! I'm shocked that was my issue! TY Foir the feedbvack!
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‎Jul 13, 2021
04:12 PM
I need help with Substance Painter not loading my 3D Models to paint on. I'm running a Ryzen 7 3700K 8-Core CPU Nvidia geForce GTX 1660Ti GPU 32 GB RAM Latest Build Of Windows 10 Thie is my Issue Below: I select a New Project and I want to pain some 3D Models from these In-Game Models from the Video Game "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive". - See 1st Image I select a 3D Model to open from the "Browse" - See 2nd Image I get The Errors": - See 3rd Image [Plugin - resources-updater] No project open, resources updater discarded [Scene 3D] Errors have been found while splitting meshes per UV tile: Mesh 'weapon' has a face spanning across multiple tiles: UV tile 0, 0 (UDIM 1001) with vertex at U=0.4461, V=-0.001 Mesh 'weapon' has a face spanning across multiple tiles: UV tile 0, 0 (UDIM 1001) with vertex at U=0.4493, V=-0.001 [Scene 3D] Loading failed [Scene 3D] Failed to load 3D scene. Loading failed How do I fix this issue?
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‎Jan 27, 2021
12:38 PM
So I've been designing some WebM/Animated GIF Files lately in After Effects. and then I'm Exporting them to Adobe Media Encoder so I eventually upload them to websites withthe use as Short Animations/Notifications (Mainly for alerts on my Twitch Channel). The issue(s) I'm running into though. -Media Encoder says the Fill Size won't be too big and then with about 10-30 Seconds. WebM Files just sit there and don't finish their Render because Media Encoder has stopped working -It doesn't matter the Composition Size because after I'm done rendering the file(s) the source that I'm uploading the files(s) to says "Your Files Are Too Big. The Maximum File Size Is 30.00 MB" I look at the File(s) and they're bigger thant the 30.00 MB like the Upload Source has indicated. But why are they such large files when I've seen in Media Encoder that these Files should be fine because they show they're under that 30.00 MB File Size Limit. Any ways around these File Size Ajudtments? I've already been that person who's taken a 1920x1080 Comp Scal and went down to 1280x720 and then even smaller to ensure the file size will decrease. And yet theyt're still too big. The File I've attached is 31,172 KB aas a .gif format. and I see I'm unable to share the WebM Format. But I garentee the file is too large
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‎Jan 16, 2021
02:36 AM
So I spoke a while back to a Support rep regarding the fact that the Adobe Fuse Software was no longer going to be a thing and I'd have to use Photoshop for Designing a 3D Human Figure. Meanwhile, Fuse is still a Downloadable Program on Steam. It's Limited, yes. but you can still make Characters. My Issue with this though is I'd love to start designing 3D Models and I was told the 3D Character Section was availablke in Photoshop. But I cannot find it at all. Q. Why do I want to do 3D Characters? A. I want to get into the art of 3D Characters so I may be able to Rig them up and make some fun animated characters for my Art Files/Documents One sort of 3D Character Concept I'm trying to push for designing is Characters from the Music Scene. Mainly the 80's Hair/Glam Metal. With Bands Like Motley Crue/KISS/Twitsted Sistrer and those types of Glam Wardrobs with all the "Big Hair" Sequnces/Sudded Leather/Animal Hide Patch Clothing. All that Sleaze Rock N Roll Vibe. It would be nice to see a spot within Photoshop for a 3D Human Figure as an OBJ File that can be played around with. I've had numerous people recommend I use Blender or ZBrush for this Idea. But at the end of the day. I already have Adobe and I'd like to keep it like that. Also on a Side Note. I've Imported my Characeter's from Fuse into Photoshop and the 3D Model loses a large chunk of details. from the wrinkles in the clothing to the hair being 1 Solid Mesh with WhiteUV Particles coming off of the ends of the hair. It's just not the same.
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‎Jan 16, 2021
02:21 AM
I'm to a point where I just went ahead and I disabled Automatic Updates/. If I need to use a program. I'll check for an update before I try using it...
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‎Jan 16, 2021
12:39 AM
I was trying to figure out why the WebM File shows like this too. I put the Green Background behind the Blue to endsure it looked right and I included the "Include Alpha" I did the same settings for the Yellow and a Transparent Background. I'd like to know what my Export for the Yellow doesn't look the same as the Blue File. Any idea how to fix?
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‎Jan 11, 2021
01:54 AM
I was attempting to do this on my end and unfortunately this fix is no longer working. Must have been an update?
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‎Sep 05, 2020
10:56 AM
I'm just foing to 1st off say this. I am definitely an amature at Adobe Software. And every single one of you that respond back to me for my questions are fantastic and I stank you for that! 🙂 What I've been trying tro do lately is setup a Fixed Path such as a Circle and attach an element to move on a cirular path via Null Object. I've never really understood what a Null Object is or it's actual use. I've been messing around with trying to play with Lighting Effects that would be fixed to that Circular Orbit Path from the circle(s) and then the other end is fixed in 1 position. Think of a visual where you look at the Speedometer in your car and how the needle is fixed to the centre and it's onto the path there the tip of the needle will gow around the outer edge by the numbers. Instead of having that needel fixed only to that spacing. Have that needle go a full 360. Maybe I'm just missing a function in the Nuill Objet Settings to set it on a fixed Circular Path? I'm not too sure Any good tips/tricks on how to understrand Null Objects and Fixed Shape Paths better?
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‎Jul 22, 2020
01:31 AM
I appreciate the support regarding my question. Thank you for the feedback. Three other small questions related to this feedback. Q. Where/How would I nee to go to Accquire the LUX Plugin? Q. How much does LUX cost? Q. As helpful as the screenshots are. Are there any video guides/tutorials for using the LUX Plugin along with my already existing Optical Flares/Saber Plugins from Video Copilot? Once again, I appreciate the feedback and support to my original inquiry. I am looking forward to further details on my questions I've asked above. You are all fantastic and I look forward to your replies
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‎Jul 21, 2020
02:04 AM
So. I'm really interested in designing some Stage Lighting within After Effects. I have the Esffects Plugin "Optical Flares" through Video Copilot to help me with designing my lights. My only issue(s) are the following: I'm not too sure how to make an elipse path that I can connect my Centre Position to my Optical Flares Light and keep my light in 1 position at all times. The image above shows a 1920x1080p Screen where the Light is positioned at XY: 960,00 and Centre Position is set to 960,1080. What I'm interested in doing is figuring out how I can take the Optical Flares Setting when I put it to "Track Lights" and position the Lights withing a 3D Scene for extra Depth. When I move do Track Lights though. It fixes the Centr Positioning and I end up moving the lights out of position. What I wanna do is be able to move the Centre Position on a Fixed path and have the Light be Position so It will look like moving light fixtures for a Concert. Kinda simalar to this concept: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfkhP4GBF5I Any chance I'm missing something that super easy to do and as a Beginner I'm challenging myself too hard?
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‎Jun 01, 2020
12:29 PM
Are there any Plugins/Pre-Recorded Audio Tracks that can be used to play around within Audition? I ask because I remember my days back in High School taking a Media Arts Program.. It was 2006/2007 we had these Outdated MAC Computers in a Computer Lab the school had just aquired. Everyone was on the MAC Computers and was messing about withing the program "GarageBand", including myself. The track I attempted to make at this time "Electric WRIF" was created as an assignment at the time. I've attached it for you to listen to if you are interested. Once again this was me at the age of 16/17 Years Old and no experience in Audio Mixing prior to this file. Now. Fast Forward from 2006/2007 - 2011. I'm now in my 2nd year of college and I'm now slowly learning how Audition Works to design Files. I was never the best at it from the start. This also transitioned to the next year when I still wasn't much an Audio Tech Person. But I was slowly switching to the Multi Media/Broadcasting Side of Live Production. I've been out of College Since 2014 and I've been working in Live Productions A Lot just as a general Stagehand. Now it's 2020, we're in isolation from a Pandemic. I'd love to be able to do like I did with GarageBand back in my High School Days. But instead, I'd like to use Audtion with MIDI/Pre-Recorded Tracks as I don't own any instrument(s). Nor do I have space for any instruments(s). I'd be more likely to be designing Instrumental Sound FX souch as a a few guitar chords for say a 1-5 Second Span of time to used for Midea Arts. Things like Drums would be fun to use for simulations to SFX for Gun Games and Video SFX for Media Arts. I'm Not A Musician. I Personally don't like the idea of having to pay more money for plugins if I don't have to. I don't wanna impact my computer with too many editing programs that could be running the same process. I still have GarageBand as an App on my iPhone 11 Pro Max. But, I'd love to see the way GarageBand Allows for MIODI/Pre-Recorded Files implimented into Audition. If there are Free Plugins/MIDI/Pre-Recorded Tracks Out There that you can add as a Free DLC to Audtion. Please share
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‎May 30, 2020
10:07 PM
I'm I'mporting them as a PNG because I'm trying to ensure I have the right version of the file. If I was able to see the Icon of the File for Illustrator/Photoshop/EA like I could see a PNG. I'd love that Idea
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