‎Jun 19, 2023
08:11 AM
Its truely pathetic. They roll out shiny new tools all the time to sell the products and ignore big issues with them. They now own Figma so thats gonna go down the pan also. On Nov 20, 2021 They finally acknowedged it as serious problem and said 'It's an issue that is being worked on.' Worked on by who and how have they still got a job if its not fixed after years?! YEARS!!
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‎May 10, 2022
06:43 AM
Hi, this isnt a fix as CPU preview is REALLY slow to work in. So what is the other option please? I have also reduced precision to its lowest and no change.
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‎May 10, 2022
06:42 AM
Do you find it runs slow in CPU preview and has your GPU preview been resovled?
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‎Apr 29, 2022
05:21 AM
Happy anniversary Kaue and everybody! Although the software is essentially useless unless you disable key features it fills me with joy that they have continued to offer countless useless new features for amatuers to play with while the professional community cant get simple fixes sorted to make the software usable. Also funny how this discussion and others created on this same subject are still classed as solved. IT IS NOT SOLVED!!!
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‎Nov 16, 2021
04:13 AM
Can we get this removed as the 'Correct answer' please. Notice the date of this January 2020! Why has this issue not been resolved? What are Adobe doing about it? If Adobe answer these questions we might be closer to the 'Correct answer'
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‎Oct 21, 2021
08:20 AM
Possibly for some but then Flick Panning doesnt work. What function should we then disable to get flick panning working, haha. Sorry but you have to laugh about this or you would cry at this point. This has gone on so long for so many and 'flick panning' or 'disabling graphics card' being offered as the answer on multiple posts is not the answer. Its just removing a vital tool to get the wheels moving and the issue isnt being actually fixed by adobe.
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‎Oct 01, 2021
05:55 AM
Hi Chad, Thanks for getting involved. For me its mouse as I only use that. However there are other chats on the same subject (its a bigger issue than just this chat feed) that have mentioned stylus.
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‎Oct 01, 2021
05:52 AM
Disabling features is not a fix. Considering the features that need disabling are necessary to what I require from the software.
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‎May 12, 2021
08:56 AM
1 Upvote
MetalCheng you ad others who suggest this mean well but your are missing the point. Professional users want to use flick panning, we need it. This is not a solution but should of been a very short way to cope with this issue until it was actually fixed. But it has gone on for over a year now (possibley more for others). It has not only not been fixed but it has also been ignored by Adobe. By all means pass this 'fix' around but can each message we all send please protest to Adobe as they are not listening and allowing us to accept turning off an important tool and struggle.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
02:30 AM
Yes your right its not a wacom issue its a photoshop issue clear as day. As it happens to those who don't use wacom like myself and many many others. Its not a windows or mac issue either as it effects both. We all know it and Adobe knows it. I'm sick of new versions of photoshop being released which just bloat the program further with new features while massive issues that they wont acknowledge make it impossible to use. WHAT ARE WE PAYING FOR??? Anyone know of any decent alternatives to photoshop? I like many others have reached this stage of looking to move on from this issue which unfortunately means moving on from photoshop as I'm tired of trying to find a solution that doesn't exact apart from Adobe fixing there software.
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‎Sep 01, 2020
06:32 AM
This is really important to take notice of that I started this post in July having suffered for a while with this issue and reading other posts with the exact same problem. I have tried everything that has been recomended. Well I have today took delivery of a BRAND NEW 2020 imac 27 inch high spec. Fully updated all the software and since then I have been working in photoshop (nothing but photoshop) for less than an hour and guess what happend, guess! YES, Its crashed again. WHAT is Adobe actually doing about this!? Even if they just added that they are working on a fix would be great. I know they have read this post as I have spoke to an adobe rep directly on my PM's about it. After I did all the things they said were the problem one after the other they stopped replying. Nothing, not even a 'we will investigate this further'.
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‎Sep 01, 2020
04:02 AM
Its not the rulers for me it makes no difference if they are active or not. Id maybe take 1998 right now, might get my work finished in one sitting! Yeah Adobe pull your finger out!
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‎Sep 01, 2020
03:59 AM
Joss I appreciate the assist pal. Unfortunately those are general ways to improve performance. This isnt a performance issue. This happens on any job at any size when performance isnt even close to being a problem and also continues to allow you to edit other files that are open in photoshop at the same time but freezes the one you are using. I have done everything including a full reset. These wont fix it. The issue is a problem with software. Thanks though.
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‎Aug 18, 2020
03:32 AM
Just to update this has not been resolved. I have tried everything that has been suggested both on here, on a seperate post and I have also been messaged by an adobe rep to advise and I have tried everything they have suggested but still no fix. There are other posts with this issue and since creating this I have been PM'd by people asking if Ive had it sorted as they are in the same boat. Theres a clear issue here with the software that we are all suffering with. It makes the photoshop unbearable to work in. Adobe where you at?
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‎Jul 29, 2020
04:17 AM
Its crazy how many of us are having this problem and no solution is available. Ive started a new post for mac users as this one has accepted a correct answer for a difference system. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/photoshop-freezes-when-zooming-and-dragging-canvas-imac-2013-major-issue/m-p/11306294?page=1#M349672
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‎Jul 22, 2020
01:45 AM
So the moderator got back to me to tell me that this issue has been solved on this post and that my issue is a seperape one as im on a Mac (its the same issue). Ive started a new post up here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/photoshop-freezes-when-zooming-and-dragging-canvas-imac-2013-major-issue/m-p/11275022?page=1 Ive had no response since posting. Seems they are dogdging a large bullet with this as a lot of my friends (Mac and windows) are having the error as are clearly a lot of people out there so its a major issue. If any one with a Mac wants to post their issue on there hopefully we will get an answer.
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‎Jul 09, 2020
04:29 AM
I have an issue where my canvas freezes when I zoom in or drag the canvas, and it remains stuck on the screen. I can move the canvas normally but I cant move anything or interact. No layers, no tools or buttons do anything. Mac user, late 2013 model. Im updated to the latest versions and such. Ive posted already here about it on a similar thread with the same issue but im fed up now. Had the problem for a while. The other day I was trying to cut out an image (very small file) and every minute or so it freezes so I have to reopen the file. So file size doesnt effect it. Zooming, moving and dragging the screen around seems to make it happen and on a frequent basis. Ive already been advised to turn off the graphics card which isn't a cure as it still happens after this and this should never be a cure as its horrible to work in with it deactivated. I have also been advised to turn Legacy Compositing on or off which was turned off so I tried turning it on and closed and reopended PS. I then get a ghost version of whatever I move left in its place. So if I move a box for example there is a duplicate box still in the origional place but I cant delete it or move as if it where a ghost image of the origional. So this is not the answer. I have friends with the same issue and also read other posts and complaints about it so its wide spread. Whats going on?
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‎Jun 09, 2020
05:20 AM
I have messaged the moderator to remove there 'correct' answer and investigate it further. Lets see what happens...
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‎Jun 04, 2020
04:04 AM
There is no correct answer posted here even though it says so. Ive posted already here but im fed up. (Mac user, late 2013 model). Had the problem for a while. Reported it multiple times. Getting a little tired of Photoshop and Adobe to be honest. Just today I am trying to cut out an image (very small file) and every minute or so it crashes after repoening the file. I thought it was from zooming and dragging at first but since today just dragging the screen around seems to make it happen and on a frequent basis. Turning off graphics card isn't a cure as it still happens and should never be a cure as its horrible to work in with it deactivated. Is Adobe working on a an update to fix this currently as I have friends with the same issues so its wide spread?
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‎May 19, 2020
06:58 AM
I also have this problem and have done for a couple of months. I have read multiple feeds of others with the same problem regardless of the layout they are working on. What is Adobe doing to rectify this???
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‎May 13, 2020
04:48 AM
Ive got the same issue (on mac). Had it for a while now. Is the adobe team working on a fix for this as turning off my graphics card is not a solution as it makes it unbearable to work in?
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