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New Here
‎Aug 08, 2024
09:44 AM
I have had the problem of PS freezing at the opening screen for a couple of weeks - deleted the PS beta and PS opened. Then after a few days and updates from other Adobe beta loading, I tried to open PS and again freezing. I had to finish my projects in other image apps. - Then, from this group, someone posted that it might be one of the other Adobe beta apps making PS have problems. So, I deleted all the Adobe beta apps, (except for Bridge beta, I overlook deleting that one), then I restarted my computer and PHOTOSHOP OPENED!!!!!!!!
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‎Jul 28, 2024
10:10 PM
Photoshop version 25.11.0 all of a sudden will not load - at first it froze at loading pref... I deleted the big file size Brush pref and still the same - I moved more prefs, so then it would freeze at "Adding extension... Halide Bottlenecks" -- I then deleted Photoshop and downloaded another copy from Creative Cloud - Still it freezes at : "Adding extension... Halide Bottlenecks" -- I've sent in crash reports and I haven't received any response - so I'm posting here looking for suggestions - maybe someone here might help.
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