‎Nov 13, 2023
10:06 AM
Hi, to uninstall and reinstall an earlier v...Uninstall--- CC -> all program->the menu up to the right on Bridge -> uninstall. reinstall earlier v... The menu to the right of the "install" button-> other versions-> the version you want. Regards Liselotte
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‎Oct 17, 2023
12:37 PM
Hi You have to hold the keys untill Bridge start... then you get that window. When i had that problem it worked when i did that but if i closed Bridge and opend it again it froze again. I have 6 HDD and 12 partitions so it seems to be the problem for Bridge.... It is not our PCs that can't coope with Bridge, it is Bridge that can't coope with our PCs.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
10:34 AM
Hi Do you have many HDD and many partitions? Close the Folder window in Bridge and it works again. It seems like B don't manage too many HDDs or partitions. To get in to change it, on open B hold Shift, Alt, Ctrl and clear the cache in the dialog that turn up. //Liselotte
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‎Sep 29, 2023
11:28 AM
Hi After a bit more troubleshoot i think i found the reason to my frozen Bridge.... It dosen't like when the "Folders" is showing. When i shut that down Bridge works. I could be bc i have 6 HDD and on them 12 partitions. May be too much for Bridge. Not a Excuse but maybe a explenation. I shall take contact with Adobe Support and make them aware of that problem. But i still have images that have become corrupted due to this malfunctiom Bridge.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
06:47 AM
Hi, I have the same problem. V 2024 Starts up and then it frezzes, the only way to close it is with Task Managet. I have been with the Adobe Support almost every day for 2 week now but they can't get it to work! After the second to last support, they changed something and suddenly psd-files with layers that was not flatten got corruped, large stripes of colour in them and some of my CR2 /Canon Camera Raw files is destryed too, can' be read. I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times, even done that with all my Adobe program includig CC. Problem still there. They were supposed to contact me by phone from next line of support.... but i never heard anything from them! And now i pay for a program i can't use and they did someting that destroyed my photots! Is this the way they treats their most loyal customers?! I have had Photoshop since PS4!😡
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‎Jan 20, 2023
04:27 AM
copy one xml to another?? i can understand copy one file to another folder but copy one file to another file?! How do you mean now? i have "Adobe Bridge 2022/AMT/application.xml" and Adobe Bridge 2023/AMT/application.xml" but no Application Support/Adobe/Bridge/13.0/AMT/application.xml
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‎Jan 20, 2023
03:48 AM
I don'tl ike Lightroom either.... As soon as you have moved a file to another map, Lightroom can never find it. It is too automated. I want to have my own controll on my files. I hade the same problem with iTunes... had stuffed my ipod with many tracks manually in iTunes... and after a update of iTunes it was set default on Auto .... and it deleted all the tracks, all 6000-ish of them by itself. No i prefer Photoshop and Bridge, then i can copy, move around, rename.. and still find them.
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‎Jan 20, 2023
12:44 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Sorry i found a file i didn't recognize in a map with my photos.... i threw it in the trash can. //Liselotte //
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‎Jan 11, 2023
04:33 AM
Hi, The support did it for me but i could have done it myself if i had had that idea. Go to Adobe Creative desktop app -> "All program" installed-> click on the 3 dotts on the right of the open-button on the right side of Bridge. and chose "Other versions" then you can chose another version to install... it dosen't remove the one you have... it install one more version. But it will shut down auto-update on that program to avoid overwrite the older version. I went from 13.something to the latest version of 12.... and now it works. //L
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‎Jan 11, 2023
04:01 AM
Hi, i had the same problem..... the support rolled back Bridge to version Now it works. Something is broken in the versions of 13.
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‎Aug 19, 2020
06:40 AM
In Camera Raw and the latest big upgrade they changed the interface to the worse. That scroll list on the right is only annoying, and it is hard to find the right "arrow". It was better with the old map system. I want to be able to change back to that old style of interface...
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‎Oct 29, 2018
08:12 AM
Hi, Well it is only PS CC that freezes not the whole PC and i can close it from Task Manager. But that isn't the problem. The problem is that it freezes, it dosen't matter if i have saved 5s ago or 5min ago. It is very annoying and you lose what you have done since the last save.
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‎Oct 29, 2018
07:31 AM
1 Upvote
Hi I downloaded the newest version of PS CC. But it freezes over and over again. The only way to get out of it is Alt+Ctrl+Del and close it from there. It dosen't matter what I'm doing. clone-tool. healing-brush, select and mask, suddenly one can't click on anyting, everything freezes. And in the Task Manager Photoshop CC 2019 not responding. I think Photoshop CC need a big can of Bug Spray 😞 Anyone that have any work-around for this until they fixing it? My system is: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Sabertooth Z87 (ASUSTeK) Intel Core i5 4670K @ 3.40Ghz 32,0GB dual-chanel DDR3 @666MHz nVidia geForce GTX 960 2047MB Photoshop CC v20.0.0 Wacom Intuos 5 Touch As far as i know i have the latest drivers and update/upgrades to everything.
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‎Nov 22, 2016
10:34 PM
Hello I don't understand why the js and css files i have in my local-map is listed as if it was on my localhost. At the same time DW thinks that the js or css file "was not found on this server" The files are where...... In other words , at the same time it is listed http://localhost/_js/bio.js and it "is not on this server" according to DW. The php files has local mapadress L:\dwlocal\biofilmer\_includes\dbc.php Help! it feels like as if I was "one card short of a full deck" It drives me crazy! //LL
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