‎Sep 14, 2023
06:05 AM
Remove Tool v25--so far, so good!
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‎Aug 23, 2023
05:09 PM
Same reaction here--no intention of upgrading to the new version until I know it's not broken again!
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‎Aug 06, 2023
09:32 AM
STRADA31520078t9zb, Beta 25 is working again as you've discovered, but the fix hasn't trickled down to the release version that I know of. I think we're all figuring it's a matter of time. (Certainly we're *hoping!*) (Sorry, whenever I use the @, even with a period in front of it, it disappears my post, @s for me!)
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‎Jul 29, 2023
11:20 AM
Just updated to far, so good. Would have been nice of someone to let us know here, as I had no intention of updating past the functional beta version until things were fixed.
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‎Jul 28, 2023
10:49 PM
Inquiring minds would like to know!
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‎Jul 18, 2023
10:08 AM
MeredithStotzner, not to be a pain in the patoot, but a huge part of the recent confusion is that these two threads have been merged--the link you just posted for the Program Error discussion takes us right back to this Smudge discussion. Many of us from the Program Error discussion have expressed dismay at the confusion this has caused and I do think we do feel a bit discarded by it. I doubt there's a way to untangle us now, but I sure wish there was.
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‎Jul 14, 2023
04:03 PM
Manuel25116822d2l5, I wish I could disagree with you. Seems like they're just shuttling us from thread to thread and ignoring us. I wonder if they're even discussing a driver update with the Ryzen 3000 series to address things from that end...
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‎Jul 10, 2023
12:33 PM
Assuming you're replying to me with the problem of the crashing remove tool. If not, now that the conversations have been merged, I'm afraid it's necessary to identify the specific problem being addressed in each response. I think most of us here who have reported the crashing tool problem have worked extensively through a long and detailed list of troubleshooting, as outlined in the original conversation. The step mentioned is the least of those things (relaunch included). I personally am back in 24.5 and it's working, but I don't think that solved the problem for everyone and now of course there's a constant update nag. This is all detailed in the original thread.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
12:02 PM
I'm not sure why the thread about the crashing remove tool was conflated with the thread about the smudging remove tool. It really muddled the focus of the conversation, and I'd like to point out that we're also still waiting for a fix for this separate problem.
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‎Jun 26, 2023
11:25 AM
AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor 3.59 GHz
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‎Jun 24, 2023
07:20 AM
1 Upvote
This is the point that I start wondering if it might be good to reach out to industry bloggers. (It would be a different matter if A. had been forthright about this situation instead of putting the effort and responsibility on us, when there's clearly a glitch. I mean, I haven't really put 24.5 to the test, but it came up with the brush, did a simple remove, and didn't crash my program. None of those things have happened before. So they clearly did have a working version on my machine (and others).
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‎Jun 23, 2023
07:52 PM
Just updated to 24.7 with no joy. I did however have success with backing off to 24.5, at least it seems so.
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‎Jun 21, 2023
10:43 AM
Losing hope here, too, but I figure it's time to reach out to support, if only so they know there are plenty of us out here. Or I'd be okay with not paying as much because they're not giving me a working program, but we know that's not going to happen!
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‎Jun 05, 2023
10:20 AM
Thanks. I somehow figured a beta that was this far from being ready for prime time would be outside that process. Naive of me! Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if I could trust it not to crash. >>Hi @reandn that is your OS settings. Be default your computer will always open the latest version of an installed app.<<
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‎Jun 05, 2023
10:09 AM
>>My company laptop has the same problem. Adobe has not yet proposed a solution. I hope for an update in a few days. Very annoying.<< Especially since the beta made itself the default on my system. I mean, I can change the associations back to the current version, but pffft. Rude!
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‎May 31, 2023
10:26 AM
Hi, and thanks for the suggestions. No joy. I've done everything in this thread. Still among those who have only the cursor and crashes for the remove tool. >>>Hi @virgilios140378 @Manuel25116822d2l5 @reandn Try going to Preferences/Image Processing and change the settings to Cloud ad More Stable. Restart PS  
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‎May 29, 2023
06:05 PM
1 Upvote
I have the same problem. Windoze 10, latest build. My "regular" Photoshop is updated. Checked all my system specs, did all the things I found suggested in the linked help page and in other conversations here, even convinced the Generate tool that I was over 18. Installed the beta, uninstalled it, rebooted--all the things one does. When I active the remove tool, the cursor changes to a large mouse arrow (not the brush size) and after that just about anything I do in the program (including a simple file save) will crash it with the "Could not complete your request" message. Suggestions?
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‎Apr 28, 2020
10:13 AM
Thank you all--that saved me a lot of time. I can see that I'm using a round tool in a square hole. Fortunately I can still validate directly with the W3C browser tool. For kicks I changed the doc type (and a few other minor things as indicated by validation) and the file then validated just fine. Since I'm not doing anything fancy (I prefer clean over bells and whistles, obviously), I'll follow the experiment through to see how the epubs validate. I can see that XHTML is still preferred thanks to the provided link, but perhaps with a minimalist approach it won't matter. I guess I'll find out! 🙂 This has been so helpful, and I appreciate everyone's knowledge and time!
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‎Apr 28, 2020
07:57 AM
Thank you! That's a reason I never considered, since I can validate directly through W3C online. (That issue sure doesn't come up in desperate searches.) I had tried changing the preferences without success, unfortunately. Probably because XHTML isn't a choice in the menu. So, this is likely an ignorant question but I'm pretty literal. You mentioned changing my doctype declaration to indicate an HTML5 document. Obviously I know crap-all about HTML5. Is it inclusive of XHTML rules, so my clean XHTML1.1 documents wouldn't just throw a whole new set of errors? Because if so I can happily build the files as HTML5 and change the doctype before conversion to epub. My quick research indicates yes--or that perhaps I can simply switch to HTML5 as my base document--but if someone knows that offhand, it would be reassuring, and I can confidently invest the time in learning more. (I know it's weird, but working HTML in Dreamweaver is really the cleanest way to build the underlying file for the epub--unless you count Homesite, which is even better for tidying, but which I may have lost in the switch to Win10. Going directly from the manuscript file through the various programs meant to build epub is just...nasty. Not that everyone doesn't do it, but they all used to happily use Frontpage, too.)
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‎Apr 27, 2020
10:41 PM
I've been using Dreamweaver since it was a pup, but put off joining the cloud until recently. I am a dinosaur. I generally use 4.0 transitional for the few static sites I'm still maintaining, and am primarily working with XHTML in ebook production. I'm sure what I don't know would fill one of those books. I have googled my fingers off over this situation to no avail. My doctype declaration is a copy-paste right from W3C: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> My files validate when I use the W3C browser validation tool. But when I use the Dreamweaver (v.20.1) W3C validation, I get this error message: Using the preset for XHTML + SVG 1.1 + MathML 3.0 + RDFa 1.1 based on the root namespace. [none] And it's all downhill from there. Obviously I can continue to validate through W3C, but it would be nice to sort this out so I can use program validation. I've tried so many things I can't even list them--and this is happening to files that used to validate quite nicely in my previous non-cloud version on my beloved Win7. Like I said, a dinosaur.
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